Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

maybe those weren't the issues to harp on because they aren't issues that would ever be appealing across the aisle.

How many aisles are there? Republicans brought forth ideas and were locked out of the meetings! How could Republican ideas be unappealing to them? They put them out there.

because they were re-hashed ideas that had no merit.

should dems have done things that are harmful just to appease extremists?

the repubs even voted against their own plans. so why kid yoruself that there would have been any repub support?

and even if there was, you're basically saying that to get support, the dems had to become republicans.

don't you think that's unreasonable?

Apparently it wasn't unreasonable to Ted Kennedy...who crossed the aisle NUMEROUS TIMES when Republicans controlled Congress to achieve bypartisanship

The Republicans didn't vote against their own amendments....go back and watch that video again...and it was an attempted committee vote that was meaningless.
If you don't want to man up, then show a modicum of class and stop insulting your superiors.

You, sir are, and never were, "superior" to anyone. At best you held a higher rank, but that counts for nothing now, and it especially counts for nothing on a message board. The very fact that you feel the need to invoke your former rank as a means to acquire respect speaks volumes.

I, like many, thank you for your service. But service alone does not make you better than anyone else just as rank does not make you superior.

OMG folks! Stop taking the word out of context: Clearly "your superiours" refers to those that outranked another, NOT to those that decended from "The Sun God," for christssakes.
No real answer has been provided other than The Obama White House investigated The Obama White House and concluded that The Obama White House did nothing wrong.

A circular answer is not an answer. A real one would include specifics.

But then, I wouldn't expect someone who thinks Opacity is Transparency to grok this.

Why would an answer need to be provided for this question?

What business is it of yours if Mr Obama wants to hire someone for a position? Who cares if the person is up for another position?
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No real answer has been provided other than The Obama White House investigated The Obama White House and concluded that The Obama White House did nothing wrong.

A circular answer is not an answer. A real one would include specifics.

But then, I wouldn't expect someone who thinks Opacity is Transparency to grok this.

Why would an answer need to be provided for this question?

What business is it of yours if Mr Obama wants to hire someone for a position? Who cares if the person is up for another position?

Go back to bed.
No real answer has been provided other than The Obama White House investigated The Obama White House and concluded that The Obama White House did nothing wrong.

A circular answer is not an answer. A real one would include specifics.

But then, I wouldn't expect someone who thinks Opacity is Transparency to grok this.

Why would an answer need to be provided for this question?

What business is it of yours if Mr Obama wants to hire someone for a position? Who cares if the person is up for another position?

Go back to bed.

I believe that offering the position to him is only illegal if it was during the primaries in order to get him to drop out (like after officially announcing that you are running). Most likely they got wind of it and offered it to him before that time. But, who knows....
Go back to bed.

There is only a situation at all here if anyone can prove that there was some sort of quid-pro-quo offered. And that is not going to happen.

Otherwise it is a dead issue.

Otherwise, if any candidate drops out of any race because they scored a good job, then their employer would then be guilty of a Federal Offense.

So, again, this is a ridiculous and utterly unprosecutable accusation.
Or how about when a presidential candidate offers a competitor the office of Vice President if they drop out of the race? (which has pretty much happened in every race I can remember)

That would be a crime under this interpretation also.
Go back to bed.

There is only a situation at all here if anyone can prove that there was some sort of quid-pro-quo offered. And that is not going to happen.

Otherwise it is a dead issue.

Otherwise, if any candidate drops out of any race because they scored a good job, then their employer would then be guilty of a Federal Offense.

So, again, this is a ridiculous and utterly unprosecutable accusation.

Sestak admitted it on tape!!!! Go back to bed.
Or how about when a presidential candidate offers a competitor the office of Vice President if they drop out of the race? (which has pretty much happened in every race I can remember)

That would be a crime under this interpretation also.

How would a political candidate offering the veep slot get into title 18 problems? All he is offering is candidacy, not an official position.
Or how about when a presidential candidate offers a competitor the office of Vice President if they drop out of the race? (which has pretty much happened in every race I can remember)

That would be a crime under this interpretation also.

That's why you aren't a lawyer...you don't understand this law.
Go back to bed.

There is only a situation at all here if anyone can prove that there was some sort of quid-pro-quo offered. And that is not going to happen.

Otherwise it is a dead issue.

Otherwise, if any candidate drops out of any race because they scored a good job, then their employer would then be guilty of a Federal Offense.

So, again, this is a ridiculous and utterly unprosecutable accusation.

Sestak admitted it on tape!!!! Go back to bed.

The liberal response to the Obama JobGate scandal is as follows...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSjK2Oqrgic]YouTube - Nothing to see here[/ame]
I believe that offering the position to him is only illegal if it was during the primaries in order to get him to drop out (like after officially announcing that you are running). Most likely they got wind of it and offered it to him before that time. But, who knows....

That's what happened. That's why Obama is silent...he's getting opinions from WH lawyers and exploring legal options if it coud be determined he has violated the law in some way.
They're busy coming up with a new definition for what the meaning of Job Offer is, no doubt.
Most commanders are not fortunate enough to get even ONE command at sea... I was not, along with most other commanders that I know. I was fortunate enough to have command ashore. Do the math... how many O-5 1110s are there, and how many surface ships are in commission that are rated for a commander CO. but...Like I said... you wanna keep insulting me service, man up and make a potent wager and I'll figure out some way to prove to you my status as a retired Navy O-5 surface warfare officer and you can write me a big check. WHy would you have a problem with that? If you don't want to man up, then show a modicum of class and stop insulting your superiors.
Uh, excuse me but, you're a civilian now. You are not ANYBODY'S superior.

Man, you officers sure are full of yourselves. Even in retirement you falsely believe your shit doesn't stink.

He's full of shit WJ....he chooses to say I'm insulting his service but he does that to garner sympthy from other vets who see things his way...all I have to say is the cream always rises to the top. Excuses don't cut it in my book.

actually.... retired military officers are NOT civilians. I am still subject to the UCMJ, and still hold my rank and all the priveleges of it. sorry.
Too bad Pelosi, Reid, et.al. do not feel the same.....

I remember, now, why I took such joy in banging my Cmdr's barmaid wife while in Norfolk.

and what was your rate/rank?

Just a lowly Deck Seaman, working mess duty. But she thought I was a FTM1 !!! :lol:

that's really pretty amazing coincidence. I can remember stopping by Norfolk once and all my navy buddies were telling me about the mother of some lowly deck seaman who used to routinely pass himself off as a Fire Control Tech.... his mom was putting out for everybody and would even do it with barnyard animals if you bought enough beer first.

small world, eh?
and what was your rate/rank?

Just a lowly Deck Seaman, working mess duty. But she thought I was a FTM1 !!! :lol:

that's really pretty amazing coincidence. I can remember stopping by Norfolk once and all my navy buddies were telling me about the mother of some lowly deck seaman who used to routinely pass himself off as a Fire Control Tech.... his mom was putting out for everybody and would even do it with barnyard animals if you bought enough beer first.

small world, eh?

Yeah...I remember her saying her brother the Commander got caught sucking off a donkey in TJ when he was attending DH School in Coronado. Funny you should bring that story up.
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Just a lowly Deck Seaman, working mess duty. But she thought I was a FTM1 !!! :lol:

that's really pretty amazing coincidence. I can remember stopping by Norfolk once and all my navy buddies were telling me about the mother of some lowly deck seaman who used to routinely pass himself off as a Fire Control Tech.... his mom was putting out for everybody and would even do it with barnyard animals if you bought enough beer first.

small world, eh?

Yeah...I remember her saying her brother the Commander got caught sucking off a donkey in TJ when he was attending SWO School in Coronado. Funny you should bring that story up.

poor guy. I am glad I was a SWO long before they made young JOs go to school for it. I was an east coast sailor until after I graduated from destroyer school.:razz:

and what rate did you say you were PP? my guess is skivvy waver.
and what was your rate/rank?

Just a lowly Deck Seaman, working mess duty. But she thought I was a FTM1 !!! :lol:

that's really pretty amazing coincidence. I can remember stopping by Norfolk once and all my navy buddies were telling me about the mother of some lowly deck seaman who used to routinely pass himself off as a Fire Control Tech.... his mom was putting out for everybody and would even do it with barnyard animals if you bought enough beer first.

small world, eh?

And here I went and put "I'd still salute your leaf" in the opening of my post, thinking that a respectful officer would be respectful in return.
You'd already said you didn't have a ship command, so I knew she couldn't have been your wife. Therefore there was no attack directed towards you or your's.

Lesson learned, fuckface.
Now I know why you weren't fit for command.
High Crimes and Misdemeanors. That is what that is

I guess that means nothing when it is a leftist that is literally trying to change our country, in a way that would also change our Constitution

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