Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

5. If the Obama White House found it to be a serious enough to warrant the Obama House investigating the Obama White House, why not share the information uncovered via the investigation?
Most. Transparent. White House. Evarrrrr.

Another Bait and switch from Hoax and Charge.
5. If the Obama White House found it to be a serious enough to warrant the Obama House investigating the Obama White House, why not share the information uncovered via the investigation?
Most. Transparent. White House. Evarrrrr.

Another Bait and switch from Hoax and Charge.
I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.

Awwwww...whatsa matter...your white guilt catching up to you? Your amusing discussion is a view to the act of committing a felony!!!! Thank you.

Now...it all depends on what was said and how was it worded....if the discussion took place in the Oval Office then it was TAPED....let's hope it was taped...then you all have absolutely nothing to worry about as long as it was on the up and up....now if it appears that there were inappropriate acts committed....Obama's FUCKED!!!!!! Until he does something and asks the involved parties to come clean he will suffer irreparable damage to his credibility and his Presidency....and he does NOT have much time.

AGAIN... "Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate? A smart guy like you with all that high level military experience is really qualified for lots of other great jobs within the executive branch. It wouldn't make much sense to nominate you for any position if you are intent on running for the senate... but if you weren't, then there is definitely a spot for you in this administration."

and you all are trying to make that a CRIME? :lol:

keep workin' it. and keep the whole birth certificate thing alive too, while you're at it. Keep being the party known for trying to trip up the president and NOT the party who has any intention of trying to help govern. that'll really play well with the moderates and independents come the fall of '12!
5. If the Obama White House found it to be a serious enough to warrant the Obama House investigating the Obama White House, why not share the information uncovered via the investigation?

They did!!!! Robert Gibbs said "Nothing happened...it's all OK....don't worry about a thing."

Tell you what...when he's out of a job in a short while he will look back on this whole incident and say..."This is where the wheels fell off the Hope&ChangeBus."
SLATE cuts to the core question in this morning's column.

If this story is not dealt with effectively soon, it will overshadow the successful capping of the Gulf Oil leak...


Obama's Job Program
What did the White House promise Joe Sestak if he dropped out of the Senate race, and why won't they talk about it?

...The problem with both responses, of course, is that we can't just take the word of White House officials. Sestak says the offer was made, and the White House admits there were conversations. At least three laws might have been broken, according to Darrell Issa, the Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. With that many, it shouldn't be up to one of the interested parties to decide whether any laws were broken.

...So why even make the analogy at all? Because "trust us" isn't a satisfactory answer—no matter what the question. Building a stone wall is about the wall, not what the wall is hiding. And there's also the matter that Obama promised new levels of transparency when he ran for office. He promised new levels of bipartisanship, too, and those haven't materialized. But you can blame the Republicans for some of that. In this case, there's no one to blame but him. This isn't the first time administration officials have chosen expediency over transparency. It probably also won't be the last.

What did the White House promise Joe Sestak if he dropped out of the Senate race, and why won't they talk about it? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.

Awwwww...whatsa matter...your white guilt catching up to you? Your amusing discussion is a view to the act of committing a felony!!!! Thank you.

Now...it all depends on what was said and how was it worded....if the discussion took place in the Oval Office then it was TAPED....let's hope it was taped...then you all have absolutely nothing to worry about as long as it was on the up and up....now if it appears that there were inappropriate acts committed....Obama's FUCKED!!!!!! Until he does something and asks the involved parties to come clean he will suffer irreparable damage to his credibility and his Presidency....and he does NOT have much time.

AGAIN... "Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate? A smart guy like you with all that high level military experience is really qualified for lots of other great jobs within the executive branch. It wouldn't make much sense to nominate you for any position if you are intent on running for the senate... but if you weren't, then there is definitely a spot for you in this administration."

and you all are trying to make that a CRIME? :lol:

keep workin' it. and keep the whole birth certificate thing alive too, while you're at it. Keep being the party known for trying to trip up the president and NOT the party who has any intention of trying to help govern. that'll really play well with the moderates and independents come the fall of '12!

You dumb ass....you can't change your quote to suit your argument....First it's
"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen?
Now it's :
Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate?

You're too fucking stupid to keep up. In your first hypothetical bullshit story you mention Arlen Specter and a cabinet position. FELONY.
Then you try to CHANGE YOUR STORY LINE...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Keep working the spin dumb ass...it's so funny watching you leftards squirm and try to weasel Obama out of this situation....he made his bed...now he sleeps in it.
SLATE cuts to the core question in this morning's column.

If this story is not dealt with effectively soon, it will overshadow the successful capping of the Gulf Oil leak...


Obama's Job Program
What did the White House promise Joe Sestak if he dropped out of the Senate race, and why won't they talk about it?

...The problem with both responses, of course, is that we can't just take the word of White House officials. Sestak says the offer was made, and the White House admits there were conversations. At least three laws might have been broken, according to Darrell Issa, the Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. With that many, it shouldn't be up to one of the interested parties to decide whether any laws were broken.

...So why even make the analogy at all? Because "trust us" isn't a satisfactory answer—no matter what the question. Building a stone wall is about the wall, not what the wall is hiding. And there's also the matter that Obama promised new levels of transparency when he ran for office. He promised new levels of bipartisanship, too, and those haven't materialized. But you can blame the Republicans for some of that. In this case, there's no one to blame but him. This isn't the first time administration officials have chosen expediency over transparency. It probably also won't be the last.

What did the White House promise Joe Sestak if he dropped out of the Senate race, and why won't they talk about it? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

I see no "core".

OK..I saw the law but not being an attourney could not find how the law came to be...when it came to be...how it has been applied.

There is a lot of hysteria on this thread and there has been nothing brought to it to compare whatever it is that you wack fucks think has been done.

Show at least one example of how someone broke this law and was prosecuted for it.

I would like to know when this law was enacted also.

Why do I smell a rat here? I'll bet dollars to donuts that this "law" was snuck into some huge piece of legislation just for the express purpose of springing it on some president in the future. First of all a law has to protect someone from something. Where is the victim?

You assholes have no "cause of a victim of a felony here" what we have is mindless venom.

What's next? You gonna find a law that the president is commiting a felony for breathing?
Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.

The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law - but has not offered any specifics on conversation. Republicans are trying to use the issue against Sestak in the November Senate race.

"It's interesting. I was asked a question about something that happened months earlier, and I felt that I should answer it honestly, and that's all I had to say about it." Sestak said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press. "Anybody else has to decide on what they will say upon their role. That's their responsibility."

Yet Sestak confirmed to NBC's David Gregory that the incident did take place. "I was offered a job, and I answered that," Sestak said. "Anything that goes beyond that is for others to talk about."

Sestak being a retired admiral--it is believed was offered the secretary of Navy position a high level position that would have had to have been approved by the POTUS. Of course Arlen Spector the long time Republican who switched party to become a Democrat directly after Obama took office and voted for the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill. Thoughts from political talking heads suggest that the administration would have had to promise Spector something big for changing his decades long party status--possibly-that there would be no opposition coming from another democrat in the primary season--guaranteeing Spector's nomination.

Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.

Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

so let us begin again, at the beginning....your op and thread starter...

your TITLE states sestak confirms he was asked to DROP OUT OF THE RACE....right? that is YOUR TITLE.

then you post from meet the press, stuff that says he confirms they offered him a JOB, THAT'S IT!

Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official -...- but has not offered any specifics on conversation.

sestak DOES NOT say or confirm the WH position offered was accompanied by them asking him to drop out of the democratic senatorial race against Spector...in this supposed confirmation interview.

He said, he was confirming that he was offered a job by the white house and ANY THING BEYOND THAT is for others to talk about...

Yet Sestak confirmed to NBC's David Gregory that the incident did take place. "I was offered a job, and I answered that," Sestak said.

sestak did not state with gregory, that the white house offered him a position within it, if he would drop out of the primary race against spector!

now let's take your second article....

it states that sestak was probably offered the secretary of the navy position....

IT DOES NOT SAY he was offered this position, quid pro quo....for him to drop out of the race against Arlin spector....

the author of the opinion piece speculates or presumes arlin spector was offered something by the admin to have no person running against spector in the primary....

And HERE is where the op writer, and you are WRONG.

1. Arlin Spector DID NOT change to the democratic party shortly after obama was elected.

Spector left the republican party and became AN INDEPENDENT, NOT a Democratic party member.

AS an Independent, HE HAD NO PRIMARY to run in against a Democrat... Democrats run against Democrats in their own primaries, they do NOT RUN AGAINST ANY INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES.

......Which Spector was an Independent Candidate, all the way up to the month of May of 2009, which is when Spector decided to change his party affiliation to the Democratic Party....

2. In the month of may, the person that obama did pick for the secretary of the Navy position, was confirmed by the senate...they got the appointment in March of '09 I believe I read, and they vetted this guy for a couple of months before that May confirmation.

So this means, that if the Obama administration did offer him the secretary of the Navy's position, this was BEFORE Spector became a Democratic member...and this was BEFORE spector was in a Democratic primary race for the senator position...because Spector was an Independent at the time.

There COULD NOT HAVE BEEN a tit for tat going on here or even offered.

There was no primary race for spector to even have a challenger in, because he was not a democrat at the time this offer to sestak was even made.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for Sestak to have been offered a white house position if he dropped out of the Senate Primary race against Spector, because there WAS NO PRIMARY RACE against Spector, at the time.
(BTW please LINK UP your 2 articles that you quoted from, per usmb copyright policy!)

Love it when you're forceful...

Awwwww...whatsa matter...your white guilt catching up to you? Your amusing discussion is a view to the act of committing a felony!!!! Thank you.

Now...it all depends on what was said and how was it worded....if the discussion took place in the Oval Office then it was TAPED....let's hope it was taped...then you all have absolutely nothing to worry about as long as it was on the up and up....now if it appears that there were inappropriate acts committed....Obama's FUCKED!!!!!! Until he does something and asks the involved parties to come clean he will suffer irreparable damage to his credibility and his Presidency....and he does NOT have much time.

AGAIN... "Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate? A smart guy like you with all that high level military experience is really qualified for lots of other great jobs within the executive branch. It wouldn't make much sense to nominate you for any position if you are intent on running for the senate... but if you weren't, then there is definitely a spot for you in this administration."

and you all are trying to make that a CRIME? :lol:

keep workin' it. and keep the whole birth certificate thing alive too, while you're at it. Keep being the party known for trying to trip up the president and NOT the party who has any intention of trying to help govern. that'll really play well with the moderates and independents come the fall of '12!

You dumb ass....you can't change your quote to suit your argument....First it's
"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen?
Now it's :
Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate?

You're too fucking stupid to keep up. In your first hypothetical bullshit story you mention Arlen Specter and a cabinet position. FELONY.
Then you try to CHANGE YOUR STORY LINE...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Keep working the spin dumb ass...it's so funny watching you leftards squirm and try to weasel Obama out of this situation....he made his bed...now he sleeps in it.

like I said... it makes perfectly good sense to offer Sestak an administration position. It makes perfectly good sense to offer him a position if he does NOT prefer to run for the Senate.... they make the offer...he tells them he'd prefer the Senate... end of story.

But again... please keep this going...please keep the birth certificate fight going as well. I have always known that the GOP is a party that doesn't really want to DO anything... this sort of silliness just highlights that for the independents and moderates out there.

The nation is hungry for a national government that actually works. THe party of NO is not going to bring the electorate back into their fold with their current approaches.:razz:

oh...and was I right about your rating? skivvy waver or cook.
AGAIN... "Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate? A smart guy like you with all that high level military experience is really qualified for lots of other great jobs within the executive branch. It wouldn't make much sense to nominate you for any position if you are intent on running for the senate... but if you weren't, then there is definitely a spot for you in this administration."

and you all are trying to make that a CRIME? :lol:

keep workin' it. and keep the whole birth certificate thing alive too, while you're at it. Keep being the party known for trying to trip up the president and NOT the party who has any intention of trying to help govern. that'll really play well with the moderates and independents come the fall of '12!

You dumb ass....you can't change your quote to suit your argument....First it's
Now it's :
Joe... are you sure you want to try to run for the Senate?

You're too fucking stupid to keep up. In your first hypothetical bullshit story you mention Arlen Specter and a cabinet position. FELONY.
Then you try to CHANGE YOUR STORY LINE...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Keep working the spin dumb ass...it's so funny watching you leftards squirm and try to weasel Obama out of this situation....he made his bed...now he sleeps in it.

like I said... it makes perfectly good sense to offer Sestak an administration position. It makes perfectly good sense to offer him a position if he does NOT prefer to run for the Senate.... they make the offer...he tells them he'd prefer the Senate... end of story.

But again... please keep this going...please keep the birth certificate fight going as well. I have always known that the GOP is a party that doesn't really want to DO anything... this sort of silliness just highlights that for the independents and moderates out there.

The nation is hungry for a national government that actually works. THe party of NO is not going to bring the electorate back into their fold with their current approaches.:razz:

oh...and was I right about your rating? skivvy waver or cook.

Go back and read my response dumb ass...or are you having trouble with your Atari 64 shit pile computer....

and you will get no argument from me over Sestak's qualifications...however...when it's offered to him as a reward for dropping out of the race against Specter it's a felony...you got that skippy.
You dumb ass....you can't change your quote to suit your argument....First it's
Now it's :

You're too fucking stupid to keep up. In your first hypothetical bullshit story you mention Arlen Specter and a cabinet position. FELONY.
Then you try to CHANGE YOUR STORY LINE...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Keep working the spin dumb ass...it's so funny watching you leftards squirm and try to weasel Obama out of this situation....he made his bed...now he sleeps in it.

like I said... it makes perfectly good sense to offer Sestak an administration position. It makes perfectly good sense to offer him a position if he does NOT prefer to run for the Senate.... they make the offer...he tells them he'd prefer the Senate... end of story.

But again... please keep this going...please keep the birth certificate fight going as well. I have always known that the GOP is a party that doesn't really want to DO anything... this sort of silliness just highlights that for the independents and moderates out there.

The nation is hungry for a national government that actually works. THe party of NO is not going to bring the electorate back into their fold with their current approaches.:razz:

oh...and was I right about your rating? skivvy waver or cook.

Go back and read my response dumb ass...or are you having trouble with your Atari 64 shit pile computer....

and you will get no argument from me over Sestak's qualifications...however...when it's offered to him as a reward for dropping out of the race against Specter it's a felony...you got that skippy.

a reward? how about as an alternative? do you want to be a senator, or would you rather perhaps work in the administration? he picked.

and do you really think I go back to reread all the posts from bozos like you that have been posted since the last time I logged on?

truth be known... I could give a shit what enlisted rating you were. the E says it all.:razz:
That would be Holder's decision. Seems like an easy one to make. Get Testak's sworn testimony.

Umm, no, it would be Congress' decision to open up an investigation of this nature.

Remember Ken Starr?

I think it would be great if the Republicans committed political Hari Kari by trying to tie the president with this "crime".

No-one would care about the "crime", most people would wonder why it is a "crime" at all, and everyone could point out how the right-wingers are wasting the country's time and resources with a stupid-assed witch-hunt while there's so many pressing issues that government should be concerned with at the moment.

2 Wars,
an economy just recovering from a meltdown,
economic collapse in several European nations,
Korea trying to start yet another war,
a giant oil spill in the gulf,
a terrible hurricane season approaching,
unemployment getting better, but still at 9.9%...

And the Republicans want the president to focus on whether or not his offer to hire someone is technically a "crime" or not?

Yeah, that will play REAL well. Why don't you all go forward with this full steam? I'm sure everyone will appreciate it!
Last edited:
This is a big fucking deal! Republicans will have their hands full when they retake the House this November
That would be Holder's decision. Seems like an easy one to make. Get Testak's sworn testimony.

Umm, no, it would be Congress' decision to open up an investigation of this nature.

Remember Ken Starr?

I think it would be great if the Republicans committed political Hari Kari by trying to tie the president with this "crime".

No-one would care about the "crime", most people would wonder why it is a "crime" at all, and everyone could point out how the right-wingers are wasting the country's time and resources with a stupid-assed witch-hunt while there's so many pressing issues that government should be concerned with at the moment.

2 Wars,
an economy just recovering from a meltdown,
economic collapse in several European nations,
Korea trying to start yet another war,
a giant oil spill in the gulf,
a terrible hurricane season approaching,
unemployment getting better, but still at 9.9%...

And the Republicans want the president to focus on whether or not his offer to hire someone is technically a "crime" or not?

Yeah, that will play REAL well. Why don't you all go forward with this full steam? I'm sure everyone will appreciate it!

And yet you and those like you wanted the Valerie Plame thing investigated?

Hypocritical scum.
And yet you and those like you wanted the Valerie Plame thing investigated?

Hypocritical scum.

Personally, I don't care if you investigate or not.

If you do, the result in public opinion will be the opposite of what you expect, and will in fact help the Democrats immensely when they point out how much time and effort Republicans are wasting when there's so many more important matters to attend to at the moment.

And Valerie Plame was a case that concerned TREASON, not a case of someone getting offered a job in place of running in a primary.

The two situations are not even remotely comparable.

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