Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

I'm just gonna leave this here. Should the administration and Sestak clear it up? Of course, but all of you nutbars who think you've found the smoking gun are going to be sorely disappointed. Y'all are grasping at some serious straws if you think you are going to be able to impeach of which I am sure there will be an attempt within 6 months if the GOP takes the House while Obama is POTUS. This is a really dumb precedent you are trying to set and it WILL come back to bite you in your collective arses and with that, have a nice night.

What country are YOU from? 'cause apparently you missed the 90's where we impeached a President, wasted hundreds of millions of dollars in a pointless "investigation" and completely forgot what it meant to be Americans just because the President got a little lip & tongue nooky from a chubby intern in the Oval Office....... but in the 21st century we got a President possibly trying to buy a Spectre for the price of Sestak, now THAT'S post-modern, post-partisan, post-racial, hopey-changey big gub'ment theater that we can ALL enjoy.

Tricky-Dick is rolling in his grave with envy that he never thought of this. :cool:

Obama should come clean and let the chips fall where they may...he had his chance to do it when asked at his Press conference....but dodged......that has to make one wonder why...since he already investigated himself and found nothing wrong.

I think the Democrats are once again...upset that the attacks on Obama seem to never end...all I can say is you reap what you sow.
You all did it to Bush for 8 years and now when the shoe is on the other foot you all can't stand it. Plus...Obama has just been handing the right wingers ammo by the box car load the past few weeks....:lol:

Kinda stupid to have your nutters like Kucinich try to impeach Bush for being a Republican too right?

Tell you what...I thought you were smarter than to actually beieve this article and the way the author spins it.

The law is clear. You cannot offer a job to a political candidate to get him to drop out of a race. It's called bribery.

Now if someone in the White House offered Sestak a job if he would agree to drop his bid for Specter's Senate seat then that's a felony...bottom line.

If it didn't happen like that then Sestak has some explaining to do...he clearly stated on numerous occasions that he was offered a job by the Obama White House if he agreed to get out of the Senate race againsr Specter. That is against the law. It's bribery. You're offering something in return for an action that allows you to keep the status quo or perceived benefit. Answer this?

If Obama has investigated himself already and found nothing wrong...then why wait this long to "craft a response" to the allegations? If he knew 100% that he was on the right side of the law he would have responded already....all this lack of response can mean is that there is some possibility that there could be a perceived conflict.
This is too fucking funny....the left wingers are always preaching..."Never trust the government"...blah blah blah..."question authority"...blah blah blah.....

Now when there's a question about the possibility a law may have been broken by THEIR president...all of a sudden those who question are nutters.....I guess we should only question Republican President's right? No Democrat President has ever done a single thing wrong or ever been impeached...?
Obama should come clean and let the chips fall where they may

What the hell makes you think President Obama is capable of "coming clean"? he's so divorced from integrity that he doesn't even know what it sounds like anymore, everything that comes out his and his sycophants mouths is either outright lies, half-truths or distortions.

Comrad Obama no longer speaks english , he speaks only BS and the funny part is that he thinks the majority of the general public still buys it (even funnier is that some people still do).
Well, that's what the continual NON STOP "Crying Wolf" does....I tried to warn you guys, but it went upon deaf ears.

There has been so much crying wolf from the right on so many things that turned out to be absolutely... NOT TRUE,... that no one believes you all on anything you say about the man you all HATE anymore....

Even IF obama ever did end up breaking the Law, you all would not be believed because of all the shenanigans and non stop dog and pony hatred show you've been putting on.

Outside of that, there has not been a president in our history that has not chosen his own cabinet or administration.

Going after obama for picking Sestak, an extremely qualified person for a number of jobs, before sestak even entered the Senate race is not a crime.

but the mountain instead of the mole hill keeps getting bigger and bigger by you all, ONCE AGAIN.

btw, even if this were true, which there is absolutely no proof what so ever that it is true, it is NOT an impeachable offense.
I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.
.....More-commonly-referred-to as GOP Desperation-OVERDRIVE!!!!

Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.


We're (quite) obviously dealing with the simple-issue of Executive Privilege, here.....right, "conservatives"?????


November 16, 2005

"The task force's activities attracted complaints from environmentalists, who said they were shut out of the task force discussions while corporate interests were present. The meetings were held in secret and the White House refused to release a list of participants. The task force was made up primarily of Cabinet-level officials. Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club unsuccessfully sued to obtain the records."

The task force wasn't offered cabinet positions in lieu of them dropping out of Senate races...
.....And, BP was there as (mere) observers, too, huh??

Well, that's what the continual NON STOP "Crying Wolf" does....I tried to warn you guys, but it went upon deaf ears.

There has been so much crying wolf from the right on so many things that turned out to be absolutely... NOT TRUE,... that no one believes you all on anything you say about the man you all HATE anymore....

Even IF obama ever did end up breaking the Law, you all would not be believed because of all the shenanigans and non stop dog and pony hatred show you've been putting on.

Outside of that, there has not been a president in our history that has not chosen his own cabinet or administration.

Going after obama for picking Sestak, an extremely qualified person for a number of jobs, before sestak even entered the Senate race is not a crime.

but the mountain instead of the mole hill keeps getting bigger and bigger by you all, ONCE AGAIN.

btw, even if this were true, which there is absolutely no proof what so ever that it is true, it is NOT an impeachable offense.

Im laughing.......................dummy has the political IQ of a handball!!! Thinks this is about impeachement!!:lol::lol:

Reality is 95% preception s0ns!!!

Less Obama supporters is always a win-win for our country!!!!
I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.

Until he does something and asks the involved parties to come clean he will suffer irreparable damage to his credibility and his Presidency....and he does NOT have much time.
Awwwwww....geeeee.....whatta ya' gonna do; try to impeach him????

Yeah.....that's always worked-out, for you folks!!!!

Lets see what Sestak says under oath where his ass is on the line to go to jail!!!

This sh!t is already bipartisan s0ns and the Washington Post is already talking about it. Keep an eye on the media..............like with Monicagate, once the story gets too hot, the ideological garbage gets thrown into the trash and its all hands on deck!!!
.....Kinda like the whole Sestak-distraction, huh??

Well, "conservatives"....it DIDN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!

"The U.S. House of Representatives voted 234-194 Thursday night in favor of repealing the military's anti-gay "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, advancing the repeal that was earlier approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee."
Well, that's what the continual NON STOP "Crying Wolf" does....I tried to warn you guys, but it went upon deaf ears.

There has been so much crying wolf from the right on so many things that turned out to be absolutely... NOT TRUE,... that no one believes you all on anything you say about the man you all HATE anymore....

Even IF obama ever did end up breaking the Law, you all would not be believed because of all the shenanigans and non stop dog and pony hatred show you've been putting on.

Outside of that, there has not been a president in our history that has not chosen his own cabinet or administration.

Going after obama for picking Sestak, an extremely qualified person for a number of jobs, before sestak even entered the Senate race is not a crime.

but the mountain instead of the mole hill keeps getting bigger and bigger by you all, ONCE AGAIN.

btw, even if this were true, which there is absolutely no proof what so ever that it is true, it is NOT an impeachable offense.

Care...seriuosly...where are you getting your information from...you appear to have little to no understanding of this situation and make posts that make you appear ignorant of the law.
I know you seriously love the fact that Obama is President and you are "defending" him in your own way...that's cool but at least get your facts straight...
#1...Bribery is an impeachable offense.
#2...Offering bribes(which a major cabinet position coud be understood as being) to Sestak to get him to drop out of the primary race is illegal. You've seen the law.
#3...If Obama APPROVED the job offer from one of his staffers(which he woud have to do because of the nature of the position) he's implicated in the scandal.
#4...THIS IS an impeachable offense but there won't be an impeachment. The country would be plunged into a race war by the blacks claiming "White racism is behind the impeachment."
#5...This is why we need ALL parties concerned to come forward, be sworn in, and then questioned by a bi-partisan investigation panel or a special prosecutor. This needs to be put soundly to rest and THIS is the only way it will happen to the satisfaction of the entire country. We don't need any more division...we need unity and the President needs the full confidence of ALL of the American paople.

We're (quite) obviously dealing with the simple-issue of Executive Privilege, here.....right, "conservatives"?????


The task force wasn't offered cabinet positions in lieu of them dropping out of Senate races...
.....And, BP was there as (mere) observers, too, huh??


are you rdeans younger brother or sister? You sound just like rdean....and appear to be just as stupid!!!! It's probably genetic so please do NOT consider having offspring.
Well, that's what the continual NON STOP "Crying Wolf" does....I tried to warn you guys, but it went upon deaf ears.

There has been so much crying wolf from the right on so many things that turned out to be absolutely... NOT TRUE,... that no one believes you all on anything you say about the man you all HATE anymore....

Even IF obama ever did end up breaking the Law, you all would not be believed because of all the shenanigans and non stop dog and pony hatred show you've been putting on.

Outside of that, there has not been a president in our history that has not chosen his own cabinet or administration.

Going after obama for picking Sestak, an extremely qualified person for a number of jobs, before sestak even entered the Senate race is not a crime.

but the mountain instead of the mole hill keeps getting bigger and bigger by you all, ONCE AGAIN.

btw, even if this were true, which there is absolutely no proof what so ever that it is true, it is NOT an impeachable offense.

Care...seriuosly...where are you getting your information from...you appear to have little to no understanding of this situation and make posts that make you appear ignorant of the law.
I know you seriously love the fact that Obama is President and you are "defending" him in your own way...that's cool but at least get your facts straight...
#1...Bribery is an impeachable offense.
#2...Offering bribes(which a major cabinet position coud be understood as being) to Sestak to get him to drop out of the primary race is illegal. You've seen the law.
#3...If Obama APPROVED the job offer from one of his staffers(which he woud have to do because of the nature of the position) he's implicated in the scandal.
#4...THIS IS an impeachable offense but there won't be an impeachment. The country would be plunged into a race war by the blacks claiming "White racism is behind the impeachment."
#5...This is why we need ALL parties concerned to come forward, be sworn in, and then questioned by a bi-partisan investigation panel or a special prosecutor. This needs to be put soundly to rest and THIS is the only way it will happen to the satisfaction of the entire country. We don't need any more division...we need unity and the President needs the full confidence of ALL of the American paople.

Patek bro...........I hear ya but this unfortunately is going to blow over and die, but fear not, the political fallout will be fairly significant despite what the k0o0ks think!! To those independents and moderate Dems who saw this "transparency" thing as real, it'll be the nail in the coffin for them on Obama. So it doesnt matter how this plays legally as much as how it plays politically. Its a lose-lose for Obama because it wasnt on the radar 10 days ago but now its one more thing that reminds people of this "Chicago style" crap we've been seeing for 15 months now. Throw in the oil leak thing...................which is just starting actually ( watch pics in the coming weeks of the gulf area)..........and you have the single most disasterous month for this guy so far.

Hey Patek...........if you get frustrated, just take a gandor over to Rasmussen.com and it'll bring a big ass smile to your face!!!:lol:
Blah blah blah. Here is the deal. Nothing will come of this. Period. Fox and Dick Morris will make more noise, but will look like fools again. (Obama's watergate? Impreachable offense? LOL)


Please come back here in a week and agree with me. Thank you all and God bless.
Blah blah blah. Here is the deal. Nothing will come of this. Period. Fox and Dick Morris will make more noise, but will look like fools again. (Obama's watergate? Impreachable offense? LOL)


Please come back here in a week and agree with me. Thank you all and God bless.

Thats right............until Sestak responds:lol::lol: Unless we think Sestak is stupid enough to look like a total liar heading into a November election by saying nothing!!!:oops:

As we can see from the above post..........the k00ks are geting fcukking pissed with scores of distraction posts these days. Why? Because they know Obama takes a nice kick in the balls politically on this even if the administration pulls a Clinton-style "misunderstood semantics" claim. Looks real cheesy to those paying attention on this, especially independents and blue dog Dems. Its a conservative win-win.......................plus, throw in the emerging fall out from Obama being on the golf course every day while the oil leak got more and more catastrophic.:oops::oops:

Even prominent Democrats are now saying he fcukked up...........Mary Landrieu: President Obama will pay politically for spill - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Blah blah blah. Here is the deal. Nothing will come of this. Period. Fox and Dick Morris will make more noise, but will look like fools again. (Obama's watergate? Impreachable offense? LOL)


Please come back here in a week and agree with me. Thank you all and God bless.

Maybe so...personally I could care less...this President has done more damage to the country in less than 2 years than GWB did in 8. He wants a legacy? "Oil Spill? We got our boot on the neck of BP!!!!!" Yahhhh....what's up with those La. wetlands? "I passed a 3 trillion dollar government healthcare giveaway to illegal aliens and lazy asses who don't want to work....but boy did I stick it to the rich guys." How about that 2.5 trillion dollars you added to the National debt in a record 16 months!!!!! "Budget? What budget" "Paygo?? What's that?"

Too much ammo for the fall.....all the Democrats got is "Well Bush did this...and Bush did that...WWAAAAAAAAAAAHHH...It's all his fault!!!! Even the oil spill!!!!!!!
The Obama White House has added a new excuse to its repertoire. In addition to "It's Bush's Fault", they now have "Bubbah Did It".

The buzz this am is that the Rahm asked Bill Clinton to talk to Sestak:

Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.

But the White House maintains that the Clinton-Sestak discussions were informal, according to the sources. The White House, under pressure to divulge the specifics of its interactions with Sestak, will release a formal statement later today outlining their version of events, including Clinton's involvement.

According to the sources, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel asked Clinton and his longtime adviser, lawyer Doug Band, to talk to Sestak about the race. It's unclear right now whether the White House will say that Clinton was asked to suggest specific administration positions for Sestak, whether Clinton floated positions on his own, whether Clinton discussed other options not related to the adminstration, or whether employment even came up at all in the talks.

But the news that Clinton is at the center of this whole story is noteworthy on its own because of the former president's stature, and underscores how heavily invested the White House was in dissuading Sestak from running. The White House sent Clinton to talk to Sestak because Arlen Specter, constituting the 60th Dem vote in the Senate, was viewed as key to enacting Obama's agenda....

The Plum Line - EXCLUSIVE: White House asked Clinton to talk to Sestak about Senate run
This Bill Clinton angle is quite an interesting development. Bill is an accomplished liar. Given the long delay in releasing the results of the investigation, it's quite likely that a Clintonian Script has been developed with the Master Thespian cast in the lead role.

It all depends on what the meaning of Investigation is.
"I did not offer that man a job.", says the President.

*two months later*

Define offer.

I wonder if Sestak saved the stained job description.

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