Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.

Heinous crime????

It doesn't need to be a heinous crime to be against the law. It shouldn't have to reach the level of heinous crime.. This is a corrupt act that is illegal for a specific reason. To limit abuse by public officials.

Problem with you is you feel that breaking the law isn't bad as long as nobody gets directly hurt. But the voters of the state of PA were gonna be hurt. They weren't gonna be the final say in who runs for office.

Fact is the voters aren't given a choice in this matter. Candidates are hand-picked by the machine. Next time you bitch about a dishonest Senator or Congressman remember how you pooh-poohed this singular corrupt act....because nobody gets in unless they play ball. I see no difference between this and what happened when Obama gave up his Senate seat. The Gov. tried to peddle it and got caught. I see no difference.

This was illegal....sorry if you don't think it's fair. Tell that to the next cop that pulls you over for speeding.
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Heinous crime????

It doesn't need to be a heinous crime to be against the law. It shouldn't have to reach the level of heinous crime.. This is a corrupt act that is illegal for a specific reason. To limit abuse by public officials.

Problem with you is you feel that breaking the law isn't bad as long as nobody gets directly hurt. But the voters of the state of PA were gonna be hurt. They weren't gonna be the final say in who runs for office.

Fact is the voters aren't given a choice in this matter. Candidates are hand-picked by the machine. Next time you bitch about a dishonest Senator or Congressman remember how you pooh-poohed this singular corrupt act....because nobody gets in unless they play ball. I see no difference between this and what happened when Obama gave up his Senate seat. The Gov. tried to peddle it and got caught. I see no difference.

This was illegal....sorry if you don't think it's fair. Tell that to the next cop that pulls you over for speeding.

Wow, so Obama personally visited Sestak, and specifically said to him: "Hey Joe, if you drop out I'll give you SecNav."?

That's interesting. Especially since whatever it was that Sestak hinted at, presumably to gain political points in a tight primary, didn't really mention this at all.

And that's exactly what you'd all have to prove to make the President guilty of a "crime".

If the language differed from that at all, or someone else on his staff made the offer, then there's deniability and the point is moot.

And since Sestak would have no proof at all that anything was actually said in the first place, unless he happened to be taping his own conversation, this is a bunch of horsehockey.

Which means that, unless it was a "heinous crime", then this is a giant waste of time, as NO-ONE CARES, except you partisan nutbags.
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Heinous crime????

It doesn't need to be a heinous crime to be against the law. It shouldn't have to reach the level of heinous crime.. This is a corrupt act that is illegal for a specific reason. To limit abuse by public officials.

Problem with you is you feel that breaking the law isn't bad as long as nobody gets directly hurt. But the voters of the state of PA were gonna be hurt. They weren't gonna be the final say in who runs for office.

Fact is the voters aren't given a choice in this matter. Candidates are hand-picked by the machine. Next time you bitch about a dishonest Senator or Congressman remember how you pooh-poohed this singular corrupt act....because nobody gets in unless they play ball. I see no difference between this and what happened when Obama gave up his Senate seat. The Gov. tried to peddle it and got caught. I see no difference.

This was illegal....sorry if you don't think it's fair. Tell that to the next cop that pulls you over for speeding.

Wow, so Obama personally visited Sestak, and specifically said to him: "Hey Joe, if you drop out I'll give you SecNav."?

That's interesting. Especially since whatever it was that Sestak hinted at, presumably to gain political points in a tight primary, didn't really mention this at all.

And that's exactly what you'd all have to prove to make the President guilty of a "crime".

If the language differed from that at all, or someone else on his staff made the offer, then there's deniability and the point is moot.

And since Sestak would have no proof at all that anything was actually said in the first place, unless he happened to be taping his own conversation, this is a bunch of horsehockey.

Which means that, unless it was a "heinous crime", then this is a giant waste of time, as NO-ONE CARES, except you partisan nutbags.

Hey numbnuts...did you see Obama's name anywhere in my last post?

No-one cares....except folks that don't support corruption in government and folks that bitch and complain about not getting any representation because their Congressional leaders aren't listening to them....because they're already bought and paid for by special interests.

I think that's alot of us....don't you?
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(BTW please LINK UP your 2 articles that you quoted from, per usmb copyright policy!)

Love it when you're forceful...

You always have the best posts Samson. Hootiehoot mon!
Shit's gonna fit the han come November.

What exactly does that mean? Seriously, what?

Ol Rand helped you out for November didnt he? lol

PLease just asnwer this, what exactly does "shit's gonna fit the ban come November"? Is it going to be a bloodbath against the dems? Will the republicans take the house?

LOL. Go Rand, go Sarah, Go Bachmann.


(We win again.)

Here maybe this will help your confusion---:lol::lol:

Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports

Oh my god...did you seriously just post something from Rasmussen....first hot air, then I mentioned in jest, Fox or drudge and you come back with Rasmussen?

This is just too funny. Thanks for the chuckle sir. :clap2:
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Obama is a Chicago politician - that alone speaks volumes.

I don't know much about Chicago politics, but they must be good, I mean he freaking won the presidency didn't he?

Go Chicago? !!
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Obama is a Chicago politician - that alone speaks volumes.

I don't know much about Chicago politics, but they must be good, I mean he freaking won the presidency didn't he?

Go Chicago? !!

He Won the Prettiest Pig Contest.
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Obama is a Chicago politician - that alone speaks volumes.

I don't know much about Chicago politics, but they must be good, I mean he freaking won the presidency didn't he?

Go Chicago? !!

Go Bears.
I remember a line from an Andrew Vachss novel about a true NYC ballot. You list all the candidates and one "fuckallayouse!"
Im laughing............

You always can spot the threads causing skid marks in the shorts of the k00ks............like this one, posted up about 24 hours ago and is now miles long with every k00k falling all over themselves doing the distraction thing...........

Of course, the administration is going to pull a Clinton-type semantics trickery within about 48 hours ( over the weekend of course while people are bar-b-queing) which will likely be pretty effective, however, the fallout will be politically significant = loss of still more independents AND some Democrats..................or the impact of a good hard kick in the balls. It just further compounds this perception of phoney surrounding this president...........a level of phoney which has been growing steadily since Day 1..............which a quick glance at any poll confirms!!!!!:tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato:
That would be Holder's decision. Seems like an easy one to make. Get Testak's sworn testimony.

Umm, no, it would be Congress' decision to open up an investigation of this nature.

Remember Ken Starr?

I think it would be great if the Republicans committed political Hari Kari by trying to tie the president with this "crime".

No-one would care about the "crime", most people would wonder why it is a "crime" at all, and everyone could point out how the right-wingers are wasting the country's time and resources with a stupid-assed witch-hunt while there's so many pressing issues that government should be concerned with at the moment.

2 Wars,
an economy just recovering from a meltdown,
economic collapse in several European nations,
Korea trying to start yet another war,
a giant oil spill in the gulf,
a terrible hurricane season approaching,
unemployment getting better, but still at 9.9%...

And the Republicans want the president to focus on whether or not his offer to hire someone is technically a "crime" or not?

Yeah, that will play REAL well. Why don't you all go forward with this full steam? I'm sure everyone will appreciate it!

The AG has authority to investigate in-house, or to appoint a prosecutor, or to refer the matter to the US Attorney's office.
Well if Holder is going to investigate as quickly as he did the Arizona immigration law, 0bama better start packing.
like I said... it makes perfectly good sense to offer Sestak an administration position. It makes perfectly good sense to offer him a position if he does NOT prefer to run for the Senate.... they make the offer...he tells them he'd prefer the Senate... end of story.

But again... please keep this going...please keep the birth certificate fight going as well. I have always known that the GOP is a party that doesn't really want to DO anything... this sort of silliness just highlights that for the independents and moderates out there.

The nation is hungry for a national government that actually works. THe party of NO is not going to bring the electorate back into their fold with their current approaches.:razz:

oh...and was I right about your rating? skivvy waver or cook.

Go back and read my response dumb ass...or are you having trouble with your Atari 64 shit pile computer....

and you will get no argument from me over Sestak's qualifications...however...when it's offered to him as a reward for dropping out of the race against Specter it's a felony...you got that skippy.

a reward? how about as an alternative? do you want to be a senator, or would you rather perhaps work in the administration? he picked.

and do you really think I go back to reread all the posts from bozos like you that have been posted since the last time I logged on?

truth be known... I could give a shit what enlisted rating you were. the E says it all.:razz:

You're one to talk....you couldn't even get a command at sea, no doubt due to psychological reasons...(think of the dope in "FAILSAFE") plus how many times did you get passed over?:razz:
So..If some administration offers someone a job in the administration and that someone runs for a spot in congress or the senate ...the presiding administration has commited a felony?

Do your people understand how crazy that is?

Welcome to the loony bin!

No...you seem to have a reading comprehension problem...more than likely due to you head being up your ass....

If someone in the Administration offered a cabinet post or an equivalent position like a spot on the Supreme Court FOR THAT PERSON TO DROP THEIR ELECTION BID AGAINST A FELLOW DEMOCRAT SENATOR then that's a FELONY!!!!

You Democrats claim to be smart yet you all can't seem to grasp a basic concept that is set down in codified U.S. law. You make the Rep's defending the Plame fiasco look like fucking F. Lee Bailey protege's.

Funny how NONE of the MSM had the fucking balls to ask Obama "the question" during his Press Conference EXCEPT Fox News. Then he dodged it. He had an opportunity to clear the air RIGHT THEN AND THERE BUT HE FAILED!!!!!!!!!! WHY DIDN'T HE ANSWER???? Hint: There's something to hide!!!!!
So..If some administration offers someone a job in the administration and that someone runs for a spot in congress or the senate ...the presiding administration has commited a felony?

Do your people understand how crazy that is?

Welcome to the loony bin!

No...you seem to have a reading comprehension problem...more than likely due to you head being up your ass....

If someone in the Administration offered a cabinet post or an equivalent position like a spot on the Supreme Court FOR THAT PERSON TO DROP THEIR ELECTION BID AGAINST A FELLOW DEMOCRAT SENATOR then that's a FELONY!!!!

You Democrats claim to be smart yet you all can't seem to grasp a basic concept that is set down in codified U.S. law. You make the Rep's defending the Plame fiasco look like fucking F. Lee Bailey protege's.

Funny how NONE of the MSM had the fucking balls to ask Obama "the question" during his Press Conference EXCEPT Fox News. Then he dodged it. He had an opportunity to clear the air RIGHT THEN AND THERE BUT HE FAILED!!!!!!!!!! WHY DIDN'T HE ANSWER???? Hint: There's something to hide!!!!!

Wait, 0bama might answer questions at a press conference. I'll alert the media, no wait...
I'm just gonna leave this here. Should the administration and Sestak clear it up? Of course, but all of you nutbars who think you've found the smoking gun are going to be sorely disappointed. Y'all are grasping at some serious straws if you think you are going to be able to impeach of which I am sure there will be an attempt within 6 months if the GOP takes the House while Obama is POTUS. This is a really dumb precedent you are trying to set and it WILL come back to bite you in your collective arses and with that, have a nice night.

What country are YOU from? 'cause apparently you missed the 90's where we impeached a President, wasted hundreds of millions of dollars in a pointless "investigation" and completely forgot what it meant to be Americans just because the President got a little lip & tongue nooky from a chubby intern in the Oval Office....... but in the 21st century we got a President possibly trying to buy a Spectre for the price of Sestak, now THAT'S post-modern, post-partisan, post-racial, hopey-changey big gub'ment theater that we can ALL enjoy.

Tricky-Dick is rolling in his grave with envy that he never thought of this. :cool:

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