Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

Are You Fucking Kidding??????

Obama is STILL the president??????

With all this call to arms I was expecting to see Michelle standing on the white house lawn draped in a blanket as the last embers of the building were being put out by the DC fire department.

Obama has not been perp walked to a DC jail in leg irons?????

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.

what federal law was broken? ANYONE can answer this, if they know!

and also, some proof that sestak ''campaigned repeatedly on being asked to drop out of the race by obama''....otherwise, you are passing along a lie....but i suppose you know that, huh?

how could he drop out of a race, he had not entered yet?

and you are saying that sestak campaigned on obama offering him a high up job JUST TO GET HIM TO DROP OUT of the senator race...

WHY, if sestak did do this, would THAT be any kind of POSITIVE for him in his race against spector....? it is basically saying, I, mr sestak, AM NOT QUALIFIED for an administrative position on my own merits.

I can see him ''using'' being asked to take a high up position in the admin to garner support from democrats, but the other part seems illogical to repeatedly campaign on.....?

spector did not become a democrat till around may 1st....wonder when all ''this'' supposedly took place?

Don't forget to tell me, WHAT law would be broken by offering a high up job to someone very well respected in the House of representatives and as a new comer, and very qualified for a number of admin positions?

if he took the job btw, that would mean he would not run against spector.... NO ONE had to ask him to drop out of a race (he hadn't entered)....accepting the job offer, would mean such.....

there is no foul here.

Your assumptions are incorrect on so many levels...where to begin....

First of all you take Sestak as an idiot and a man with no integrity....Obama offers Sestak a cabinet position to NOT run against Specter...Sestak says No thanks. Why? Sestak has lawyers too...he's not stupid, he has character, integrity and a reputation to protect. OF COURSE he won't engage in ANYTHING that appears inappropriate let alone a FUCKING FELONY!!!!!

There are codified statutes THAT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESS THE SITUATION OBAMA FINDS HIMSELF IN...no matter how much you scream, cry foul and claim nothing happened...there are LAWS that must be followed....when they are NOT or acusations are made then it's up to law enforcement authorities to get to the bottom of the situation and make the call...NOT THE GODDAM WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY!!!

Liberals are just mad because this could potentially explode into a full blown impeachment of a Democrat President....AGAIN.

My only comment about that is ..... you lie with dogs...expect to get fleas.

IF THE LAW you speak of that is broken was posted somewhere on this long thread and you know where it is at, I would appreciate the post number or an indication of where I should look for it, or PLEASE POST the LAW again.....

we are having this discussion about breaking a law, a law that I have never seen or read.

Do you have this law(s) that obama's team supposedly broke, and can you post it again, so I can read it.

Why would anyone from the obama administration say to sestak that he had to drop out of a race, (he had not entered yet) when just accepting the job would default to him quitting his house of representative job or automatically drop his consideration of entering the senate one?

the words were not said in asking him to drop out.....I can guarantee you that....it may have been understood....I can see that....

Don't you think a deal was made with Hillary, to accept that some of her electoral votes being taken away from her and given to Obama and to support obama and they would give her the secretary of state position?

Is this illegal?
Don't you think a deal was made with Hillary, to accept that some of her electoral votes being taken away from her and given to Obama and to support obama and they would give her the secretary of state position?

Is this illegal?

It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.
Don't you think a deal was made with Hillary, to accept that some of her electoral votes being taken away from her and given to Obama and to support obama and they would give her the secretary of state position?

Is this illegal?

It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.

yes, she did lose the primary, supposedly....but she had the right to call for an individual floor vote, because the race was so close, and she did not call for one and handed over the primary to him.

she also had to take some of her own electoral votes that she earned and got, to the Obama camp....

these deals were made in the back room....and maybe, she did such, knowing that she would be a part of the administration, along with her own desire to not see the Democratic Party being ripped apart from the inside out? I have always viewed these kind of things, as POLITICS.
Don't you think a deal was made with Hillary, to accept that some of her electoral votes being taken away from her and given to Obama and to support obama and they would give her the secretary of state position?

Is this illegal?

It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.

yes, she did lose the primary, supposedly....but she had the right to call for an individual floor vote, because the race was so close, and she did not call for one and handed over the primary to him.

she also had to take some of her own electoral votes that she earned and got, to the Obama camp....

these deals were made in the back room....and maybe, she did such, knowing that she would be a part of the administration, along with her own desire to not see the Democratic Party being ripped apart from the inside out? I have always viewed these kind of things, as POLITICS.

How can I put it in Care4allese?

"Politics is to Integrity what 8 inch heels are to 300 lb women."
It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.

yes, she did lose the primary, supposedly....but she had the right to call for an individual floor vote, because the race was so close, and she did not call for one and handed over the primary to him.

she also had to take some of her own electoral votes that she earned and got, to the Obama camp....

these deals were made in the back room....and maybe, she did such, knowing that she would be a part of the administration, along with her own desire to not see the Democratic Party being ripped apart from the inside out? I have always viewed these kind of things, as POLITICS.

How can I put it in Care4allese?

"Politics is to Integrity what 8 inch heels are to 300 lb women."


your "shoe talk" is getting pretty good! :lol:
NOW STOP, so I can read these laws that I finally found that were supposedly broken.
Don't you think a deal was made with Hillary, to accept that some of her electoral votes being taken away from her and given to Obama and to support obama and they would give her the secretary of state position?

Is this illegal?

It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.

yes, she did lose the primary, supposedly....but she had the right to call for an individual floor vote, because the race was so close, and she did not call for one and handed over the primary to him.

she also had to take some of her own electoral votes that she earned and got, to the Obama camp....

these deals were made in the back room....and maybe, she did such, knowing that she would be a part of the administration, along with her own desire to not see the Democratic Party being ripped apart from the inside out? I have always viewed these kind of things, as POLITICS.

We'd call that party politics and not a crime.
It was not illegal to offer Hillary, who lost the primary, a job in the new administration.

yes, she did lose the primary, supposedly....but she had the right to call for an individual floor vote, because the race was so close, and she did not call for one and handed over the primary to him.

she also had to take some of her own electoral votes that she earned and got, to the Obama camp....

these deals were made in the back room....and maybe, she did such, knowing that she would be a part of the administration, along with her own desire to not see the Democratic Party being ripped apart from the inside out? I have always viewed these kind of things, as POLITICS.

We'd call that party politics and not a crime.

No, it's only a crime whenever someone tries to say grace before they eat. :cuckoo:

Whatchya gonna do about it? :lol:


So much for the 'tough guy' persona, eh? :lol:

I was expecting some whips or chains at the very least from you. :eek:

Ok, we'll start in the "Hello Kitty Room:"

NOW STOP, so I can read these laws that I finally found that were supposedly broken.

Care...we don't know if these laws were broken...what we do know is Sestak was offered a job in the Administration to DROP OUT of the Senate race...a quid pro quo...by HIS OWN WORDS in front of millions of witnesses. This is where the allegations are that the statute you are reading were alleged to have been broken. We need all partys involved to come forth and in a truthful manner, explain exacty what happened so a determination can be made by someone other than Robert Gibbs.

That's the bottom line.

...as an aside new Obama poll numbers....not good.
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