Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

OK, let's read this part...

Sestak holds to story of job offer | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/20/2010

July comes before August, yes?

We didn't even hear of this guy as being a Senate potential back in July 2009, when he was offered the job.

I'm not taking any sides yet; I'm further looking into the matter myself (and yes, I know the laws) and comparing it to what the Codes say.

Now here is where an interpretation by a judge will have to be made. If Sestak was offered a job in July with the express intent to get him to NOT declare his candidacy for the Senate in August that is an attempt to bribe a potential Senate candidate to NOT RUN. I believe that may be a problem. It is why the WH is silent on the whole matter right now. They realize this, in spite of the possibility that no legal wrongdoing can be proven, that it's not going to reflect well on this Administration in an election year.

The best thing they can do is get everything out in the open NOW and then attempt to regroup before November....or if there IS a problem then they need to fire the person responsible immediately.

This is a matter of party machinations, and the head of the party is Obama.

Yeah - sounds like they want to fire Obama!!! :eusa_angel:
GOP would rather try and impeach the President then do any bipartisan work for the American people.

Too bad that. We need both parties.

:lol: I always have to laugh whenever a liberal uses the term "bi-partisan"

Why is that?

The country is stronger for the coopersation that occassionally happens. Liberals have a place at the table just as conservatives and moderates do.
GOP would rather try and impeach the President then do any bipartisan work for the American people.

Too bad that. We need both parties.

:lol: I always have to laugh whenever a liberal uses the term "bi-partisan"

Why is that?

The country is stronger for the coopersation that occassionally happens. Liberals have a place at the table just as conservatives and moderates do.

Pelosi: You had your chance, we are in charge now so sit down.
Unfortunately when you are locked out of meetings, have your ideas and amendments thrown in the trash it appears that the Democrats only embrace bi-partisanship when Republicans pay lip service to Democrat Bills and support them without changes.
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A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.
A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.

what federal law was broken? ANYONE can answer this, if they know!

and also, some proof that sestak ''campaigned repeatedly on being asked to drop out of the race by obama''....otherwise, you are passing along a lie....but i suppose you know that, huh?

how could he drop out of a race, he had not entered yet?

and you are saying that sestak campaigned on obama offering him a high up job JUST TO GET HIM TO DROP OUT of the senator race...

WHY, if sestak did do this, would THAT be any kind of POSITIVE for him in his race against spector....? it is basically saying, I, mr sestak, AM NOT QUALIFIED for an administrative position on my own merits.

I can see him ''using'' being asked to take a high up position in the admin to garner support from democrats, but the other part seems illogical to repeatedly campaign on.....?

spector did not become a democrat till around may 1st....wonder when all ''this'' supposedly took place?

Don't forget to tell me, WHAT law would be broken by offering a high up job to someone very well respected in the House of representatives and as a new comer, and very qualified for a number of admin positions?

if he took the job btw, that would mean he would not run against spector.... NO ONE had to ask him to drop out of a race (he hadn't entered)....accepting the job offer, would mean such.....

there is no foul here.
A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.

what federal law was broken? ANYONE can answer this, if they know!

and also, some proof that sestak ''campaigned repeatedly on being asked to drop out of the race by obama''....otherwise, you are passing along a lie....but i suppose you know that, huh?

how could he drop out of a race, he had not entered yet?

and you are saying that sestak campaigned on obama offering him a high up job JUST TO GET HIM TO DROP OUT of the senator race...

WHY, if sestak did do this, would THAT be any kind of POSITIVE for him in his race against spector....? it is basically saying, I, mr sestak, AM NOT QUALIFIED for an administrative position on my own merits.

I can see him ''using'' being asked to take a high up position in the admin to garner support from democrats, but the other part seems illogical to repeatedly campaign on.....?

spector did not become a democrat till around may 1st....wonder when all ''this'' supposedly took place?

Don't forget to tell me, WHAT law would be broken by offering a high up job to someone very well respected in the House of representatives and as a new comer, and very qualified for a number of admin positions?

if he took the job btw, that would mean he would not run against spector.... NO ONE had to ask him to drop out of a race (he hadn't entered)....accepting the job offer, would mean such.....

there is no foul here.

Exactly what news station do you watch---:cuckoo:

Sestak had stated during his campaign REPEATEDLY that he was offered a position to DROP OUT OF THE RACE BY THE WHITE HOUSE. It's EVERYWHERE. Officials at the White House have reluctantly stated this is true.

Susteks comments on video over this last weekend when asked about it.
Weiner Tells WH to Come Clean on Sestak Bribe | The FOX Nation

And for the 18th million time that this has been posted>

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment,
position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit,
provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of
Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such
benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any
political activity or for the support of or opposition to any
candidate or any political party in connection with any general or
special election to any political office, or in connection with any
primary election or political convention or caucus held to select
candidates for any political office,
shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

18 U.S.C. § 600 : US Code - Section 600: Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

Several senators have asked Eric Holder to authorize an independent investigation over this--and the White House is MUM. When Bush had a full house--at least he had an independent investigation done over the Valerie Plume incident.

These accusations from democrat now two democrat primary candidates are 1000 times worse than Valerie Plume--and yet this administration--while promising to be the most transperant administration in history--is not SAYING ANYTHING--or even trying to explain them.

Interferrance by any administration into the primary season of local--state politics is against at least 5 FEDERAL LAWS. The above is just ONE of them.
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When the Democrats and Obamabots stick their fingers in their ears and scream "la la la la la" it just cracks me up.

Care...what part of the cited statutes....and THE DEMOCRAT SENATOR DICK DURBIN'S comments are you having trouble understanding?
A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.

what federal law was broken? ANYONE can answer this, if they know!

and also, some proof that sestak ''campaigned repeatedly on being asked to drop out of the race by obama''....otherwise, you are passing along a lie....but i suppose you know that, huh?

how could he drop out of a race, he had not entered yet?

and you are saying that sestak campaigned on obama offering him a high up job JUST TO GET HIM TO DROP OUT of the senator race...

WHY, if sestak did do this, would THAT be any kind of POSITIVE for him in his race against spector....? it is basically saying, I, mr sestak, AM NOT QUALIFIED for an administrative position on my own merits.

I can see him ''using'' being asked to take a high up position in the admin to garner support from democrats, but the other part seems illogical to repeatedly campaign on.....?

spector did not become a democrat till around may 1st....wonder when all ''this'' supposedly took place?

Don't forget to tell me, WHAT law would be broken by offering a high up job to someone very well respected in the House of representatives and as a new comer, and very qualified for a number of admin positions?

if he took the job btw, that would mean he would not run against spector.... NO ONE had to ask him to drop out of a race (he hadn't entered)....accepting the job offer, would mean such.....

there is no foul here.

Your assumptions are incorrect on so many levels...where to begin....

First of all you take Sestak as an idiot and a man with no integrity....Obama offers Sestak a cabinet position to NOT run against Specter...Sestak says No thanks. Why? Sestak has lawyers too...he's not stupid, he has character, integrity and a reputation to protect. OF COURSE he won't engage in ANYTHING that appears inappropriate let alone a FUCKING FELONY!!!!!

There are codified statutes THAT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESS THE SITUATION OBAMA FINDS HIMSELF IN...no matter how much you scream, cry foul and claim nothing happened...there are LAWS that must be followed....when they are NOT or acusations are made then it's up to law enforcement authorities to get to the bottom of the situation and make the call...NOT THE GODDAM WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY!!!

Liberals are just mad because this could potentially explode into a full blown impeachment of a Democrat President....AGAIN.

My only comment about that is ..... you lie with dogs...expect to get fleas.
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EPIC FAIL on the part of the Obama apologists in this thread.

Priceless!!!! :)

From the LA Times most recently...


Actually, it's much ado about something. Yes, political factors often influence appointments in unsavory ways — witness the practice of awarding ambassadorships to campaign contributors. But as Rep. Darrell Issa of Vista, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, points out, a federal statute makes it a crime, punishable by a fine or a year's imprisonment, to offer a job to someone "as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party."

We seldom agree with Issa, but in this case we believe his questions deserve a response. Sestak too owes Congress and the public a thorough explanation. After raising the issue when he was challenging Specter, he has turned coy. Now that he's the Democratic nominee, his position is that further details are "for others to talk about."

"Others" means the administration, which has been evasive about whether a job was discussed with Sestak, and if so, what it was and who made the overture. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has said that conversations between the administration and Sestak "weren't inappropriate in any way." If that's the case, why not describe those conversations in detail?[/I]

Joe Sestak and the phantom — or was it? — job offer - latimes.com
EPIC FAIL on the part of the Obama apologists in this thread.

Priceless!!!! :)

From the LA Times most recently...


Actually, it's much ado about something. Yes, political factors often influence appointments in unsavory ways — witness the practice of awarding ambassadorships to campaign contributors. But as Rep. Darrell Issa of Vista, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, points out, a federal statute makes it a crime, punishable by a fine or a year's imprisonment, to offer a job to someone "as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party."

We seldom agree with Issa, but in this case we believe his questions deserve a response. Sestak too owes Congress and the public a thorough explanation. After raising the issue when he was challenging Specter, he has turned coy. Now that he's the Democratic nominee, his position is that further details are "for others to talk about."

"Others" means the administration, which has been evasive about whether a job was discussed with Sestak, and if so, what it was and who made the overture. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has said that conversations between the administration and Sestak "weren't inappropriate in any way." If that's the case, why not describe those conversations in detail?[/I]

Joe Sestak and the phantom — or was it? — job offer - latimes.com

Hey now....no one ever reads the LA Times except people in LA...:lol:

Let me add this....if you look at it from the perspective of a left winger....this scandal has the potential to set their dreams of euro-socialism, a nanny state back 100 years and having their annointed one being seen as no better than any other impeached President. This would be absolutely devastating to the white guilt laden Democrats who went out of their way to cultivate a cult of personality around an obviously unqualified Obama to get him elected President so they coud say "SEE WE AREN'T RACISTS!!!!!

We shouldn't put the apples before the cart here....but the longer the WH waits, the worse this will get, the more damage will be done.
Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZjiE-hY9hU]YouTube - Phil Gramm: You Whiners[/ame]


We're (quite) obviously dealing with the simple-issue of Executive Privilege, here.....right, "conservatives"?????


November 16, 2005

"The task force's activities attracted complaints from environmentalists, who said they were shut out of the task force discussions while corporate interests were present. The meetings were held in secret and the White House refused to release a list of participants. The task force was made up primarily of Cabinet-level officials. Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club unsuccessfully sued to obtain the records."
A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.

No smoking gun---:lol::lol: There is another thread on this board that Romanoff of Colorado was offered a position in D.C. to drop out of the race against incumbent senator Bennet--whom Obama campaigned for.

Once "maybe" twice---no WAY.

Sestak campaigned repeatedly that the WH had offered him a position--so "HE WOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE."

Which is against Federal Law.

what federal law was broken? ANYONE can answer this, if they know!

and also, some proof that sestak ''campaigned repeatedly on being asked to drop out of the race by obama''....otherwise, you are passing along a lie....but i suppose you know that, huh?

how could he drop out of a race, he had not entered yet?

and you are saying that sestak campaigned on obama offering him a high up job JUST TO GET HIM TO DROP OUT of the senator race...

WHY, if sestak did do this, would THAT be any kind of POSITIVE for him in his race against spector....? it is basically saying, I, mr sestak, AM NOT QUALIFIED for an administrative position on my own merits.

I can see him ''using'' being asked to take a high up position in the admin to garner support from democrats, but the other part seems illogical to repeatedly campaign on.....?

spector did not become a democrat till around may 1st....wonder when all ''this'' supposedly took place?

Don't forget to tell me, WHAT law would be broken by offering a high up job to someone very well respected in the House of representatives and as a new comer, and very qualified for a number of admin positions?

if he took the job btw, that would mean he would not run against spector.... NO ONE had to ask him to drop out of a race (he hadn't entered)....accepting the job offer, would mean such.....

there is no foul here.

The law involved in this has been spelled out to you in detail.

No public official can offer a government job to anyone for anything of value....nomatter if they're in the race or exploring the possibilities of success in an election. It doesn't matter what stage he was in....so stop....take a deep breath and focus.

The key here is it's against the law to offer any Federal Government job for anything of value. Not for donations, not for political support, not for clearing the field, nothing. This is strictly forbidden.

The only way the White House can avoid this is if nothing was offered. Unfortunately for you and anyone who thinks this kind of bribery and election rigging is just fine....a job was offered according to Sestek, so ether he's lying or the White House is lying. Which means that the truth has to be investigated.

This isn't the only case of this kind of felony being committed by the White House. Others are being pulled out.......seems this has happened on more then one occasion.

WASHINGTON — Not long after news leaked last month that Andrew Romanoff was determined to make a Democratic primary run against Sen. Michael Bennet, Romanoff received an unexpected communication from one of the most powerful men in Washington.

Jim Messina, President Barack Obama's deputy chief of staff and a storied fixer in the White House political shop, suggested a place for Romanoff might be found in the administration and offered specific suggestions, according to several sources who described the communication to The Denver Post.

Romanoff turned down the overture, which included mention of a job at USAID, the foreign aid agency, sources said.

Then, the day after Romanoff formally announced his Senate bid, Obama endorsed Bennet.

It is the kind of hardball tactics that have come to mark the White House's willingness to shape key races across the country, in this case trying to remove a threat to a vulnerable senator by presenting his opponent a choice of silver or lead.

Along with other prominent examples — including an effort to stop New York Gov. David Paterson from seeking re-election — the administration's tactics in the Colorado Senate primary show that Obama is willing to act as pointedly as his Oval Office predecessor, whose political chief, Karl Rove, was famous for the assertive application of White House power to extend the reach of his party.

Job "never offered"

The White House said that no job was ever offered to Romanoff and that it would be wrong to suggest administration officials tried to buy him out of the contest.

"Mr. Romanoff was never offered a position within the administration," said White House spokesman Adam Abrams.

Yet several top Colorado Democrats described Messina's outreach to Romanoff to The Post, including the discussion of specific jobs in the administration. They asked for anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

Romanoff declined to discuss any such communication and said the only job he's focused on is "representing the people of Colorado in the United States Senate."

Posted: 09/27/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT
D.C. job alleged as attempt to deter Romanoff - The Denver Post
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I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.
Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.


We're (quite) obviously dealing with the simple-issue of Executive Privilege, here.....right, "conservatives"?????


November 16, 2005

"The task force's activities attracted complaints from environmentalists, who said they were shut out of the task force discussions while corporate interests were present. The meetings were held in secret and the White House refused to release a list of participants. The task force was made up primarily of Cabinet-level officials. Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club unsuccessfully sued to obtain the records."

The task force wasn't offered cabinet positions in lieu of them dropping out of Senate races...
You are fast approaching the status as the board's newest dumb ass of the year!!!!
I find this particular line of discussion amusing.

"Say Joe.... are you sure you want to go up against Arlen? You know... you could be of great value to your country in an executive position within the administration. SecNav would be a great fit, but there are no doubt a bunch of others as well. Give it some thought."

You all can try to spin that into being some heinous crime, but my gut says its just another desperate move by the GOP to discredit a guy they know they will have a tough time beating in 2012.

Awwwww...whatsa matter...your white guilt catching up to you? Your amusing discussion is a view to the act of committing a felony!!!! Thank you.

Now...it all depends on what was said and how was it worded....if the discussion took place in the Oval Office then it was TAPED....let's hope it was taped...then you all have absolutely nothing to worry about as long as it was on the up and up....now if it appears that there were inappropriate acts committed....Obama's FUCKED!!!!!! Until he does something and asks the involved parties to come clean he will suffer irreparable damage to his credibility and his Presidency....and he does NOT have much time.
Lets see what Sestak says under oath where his ass is on the line to go to jail!!!

This sh!t is already bipartisan s0ns and the Washington Post is already talking about it. Keep an eye on the media..............like with Monicagate, once the story gets too hot, the ideological garbage gets thrown into the trash and its all hands on deck!!!

Watch the media s0ns!!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Then.......what to watch is moderate Dems then jumping ship and approval numbers go below 40%. The process wont matter..................:lol::lol:.............except to the internet k00ks!!!
:lol: I always have to laugh whenever a liberal uses the term "bi-partisan"

Why is that?

The country is stronger for the coopersation that occassionally happens. Liberals have a place at the table just as conservatives and moderates do.

Pelosi: You had your chance, we are in charge now so sit down.
Unfortunately when you are locked out of meetings, have your ideas and amendments thrown in the trash it appears that the Democrats only embrace bi-partisanship when Republicans pay lip service to Democrat Bills and support them without changes.

Such bitterness. Yes, the current situation is less than ideal. You can't say the Republicans are trying to work with Democrats.

I'm speaking to what is ideal--bi-partisanship--both parties acting like statesman instead of school children. I urge the Democratic Party to work harder to find consensus with Republicans. I challenge Republicans to do the same. Grow up.
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Obama and his group need to react to this and start activily start finding answers, if they don't the denial will blow up in their faces.

The last thing the American want to see is another scandal.

This could be the nail in Obama's "hope, change and transparency" coffin.
Why is that?

The country is stronger for the coopersation that occassionally happens. Liberals have a place at the table just as conservatives and moderates do.

Pelosi: You had your chance, we are in charge now so sit down.
Unfortunately when you are locked out of meetings, have your ideas and amendments thrown in the trash it appears that the Democrats only embrace bi-partisanship when Republicans pay lip service to Democrat Bills and support them without changes.

Such bitterness. Yes, the current situation is less than ideal. You can't say the Republicans are trying to work with Democrats.

I'm speaking to what is ideal--bi-partisanship--both parties acting like statesman instead of school children. I urge the Democratic Party to work harder to find consensus with Republicans. I challenge Republicans to do the same. Grow up.

How naive can you be sweets???

Bipartisanship is a hoax...........always has been. Its political BS terminology and NO politician is interested in it unless it benefits them personally!!!

There are only degree's of bitterness.............its as certain as death and taxes!!:lol:

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