Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race


I just did a search on the web to try to find one credible republican official calling for an investigation into this supposed crime of the century. Nada..zippola...NOTHING!!! Those with something real to gain are silent.

This affront to the moral keepers (the whitey righties) of the internet universe has drawn no attention from anyone in position of authority.

All of the energy and momentum behind this so called crime is being generated by the losers on the internet that are desperately trying to discredit Obama with any means real or imagined.
A Congressional investigation could settle the matter. Not surprisingly, Democrats don’t seem terribly interested in conducting one, although Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has demanded a probe to discover whether the “most transparent administration in history” tried to illegally manipulate an election. Democrats know that they have no good outcomes from such a probe, but don’t expect such hesitation from Republicans if they take back control of either chamber in the midterms

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth
From The Hill this afternoon...


Issa: Sestak scandal could be Obama's 'Watergate'

...In an e-mail with the subject line "The Sestak Affair - Obama's Watergate?", the ranking member on the Oversight and Government Reform committee focused on "long-standing questions" about the offer Sestak says was made to him to urge him to drop out of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary.

Issa: Sestak scandal could be Obama's 'Watergate' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
A Congressional investigation could settle the matter. Not surprisingly, Democrats don’t seem terribly interested in conducting one, although Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has demanded a probe to discover whether the “most transparent administration in history” tried to illegally manipulate an election. Democrats know that they have no good outcomes from such a probe, but don’t expect such hesitation from Republicans if they take back control of either chamber in the midterms

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth

Let me help you out here, Sinatra.

If no one responds to your post, it means that no one cares.
Not that you should quote yourself and post it again.
You know what would be really good for Democrats here?

For Republicans to actually start some type of investigation into this going.

Oh, I know, it's seems that that would be the last thing Democrats want...

But if the public sees them wasting all their time trying to peg a crime to the President, that most people care nothing about (and many people don't even know is a crime in the first place), again, they'll crash and burn, hard.

That would be Holder's decision. Seems like an easy one to make. Get Testak's sworn testimony.
Republican Senators today sent a letter to the Obama Administration appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Sestak bribery scandal.

Megyn Kelly interviewed Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who said this:
“These are serious charges. You can’t just brush them aside… It looks like they’re trying to cover it up. Sestak ought to have to testify under oath. This is a serious charge.”

Gateway Pundit
A Congressional investigation could settle the matter. Not surprisingly, Democrats don’t seem terribly interested in conducting one, although Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has demanded a probe to discover whether the “most transparent administration in history” tried to illegally manipulate an election. Democrats know that they have no good outcomes from such a probe, but don’t expect such hesitation from Republicans if they take back control of either chamber in the midterms

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth

Let me help you out here, Sinatra.

If no one responds to your post, it means that no one cares.
Not that you should quote yourself and post it again.

Oh--I care believe me--and just because Obama has a very "loving" and wonderful ovewhelming majority in the congress and senate today--doesn't mean this incident will treated with the same reception in November 2010 with republicans taking over the house--:lol::lol:
Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.

The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law - but has not offered any specifics on conversation. Republicans are trying to use the issue against Sestak in the November Senate race.

"It's interesting. I was asked a question about something that happened months earlier, and I felt that I should answer it honestly, and that's all I had to say about it." Sestak said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press. "Anybody else has to decide on what they will say upon their role. That's their responsibility."

Yet Sestak confirmed to NBC's David Gregory that the incident did take place. "I was offered a job, and I answered that," Sestak said. "Anything that goes beyond that is for others to talk about."

Sestak being a retired admiral--it is believed was offered the secretary of Navy position a high level position that would have had to have been approved by the POTUS. Of course Arlen Spector the long time Republican who switched party to become a Democrat directly after Obama took office and voted for the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill. Thoughts from political talking heads suggest that the administration would have had to promise Spector something big for changing his decades long party status--possibly-that there would be no opposition coming from another democrat in the primary season--guaranteeing Spector's nomination.

Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.

Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Dick Morris said he should be impreached. :lol::lol::lol:
Shit's gonna fit the han come November.

What exactly does that mean? Seriously, what?

Ol Rand helped you out for November didnt he? lol

PLease just asnwer this, what exactly does "shit's gonna fit the ban come November"? Is it going to be a bloodbath against the dems? Will the republicans take the house?

LOL. Go Rand, go Sarah, Go Bachmann.


(We win again.)
I think the administration's defenders are getting ahead of themselves. Gibbs hasn't even acknowledged a job was offered to begin with, let alone a condition. Am I wrong?

So his only recourse is to accuse the Democrat candidate for the Senate seat in PA of being a bold-faced liar???:confused:

Tell me how that works out...huh??:cool:

Gibbs won't say anything other than trust us. He won't acknowledge a job was offered, he won't call Sestak out. Not a bad way to play a losing hand really.

I'm waiting for the WH to start complaining of a right-wing witch-hunt and to liken this matter to the birther's allegations, before saying we have much more important matters to tend to.

The strategy seems pretty clear: don't say a damn thing.

But it's a bad strategy. It will only make things worse. Nixon tried that strategy....look what happened to him.

Let me help you out here, Sinatra.

If no one responds to your post, it means that no one cares.
Not that you should quote yourself and post it again.

Oh--I care believe me--and just because Obama has a very "loving" and wonderful ovewhelming majority in the congress and senate today--doesn't mean this incident will treated with the same reception in November 2010 with republicans taking over the house--:lol::lol:

Prediction. This is your prediction. I will come back in here and say yes, you were correct or I will come back in here and say you were a dumb ass. I cant wait until Novemember. Of couse we will lose a few seats, but you guys think your actually doing to take the hoose? Wow.

Go Rand!
Republican Senators today sent a letter to the Obama Administration appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Sestak bribery scandal.

Megyn Kelly interviewed Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who said this:
“These are serious charges. You can’t just brush them aside… It looks like they’re trying to cover it up. Sestak ought to have to testify under oath. This is a serious charge.”

Gateway Pundit

Megyn Kelly....LOLOLOLOLOL..

Didnt she just get spanked on the floor by a REPUBLICAN for being a fool, yesterday? LOL, Megyn :lol: This is too funny.
You know what would be really good for Democrats here?

For Republicans to actually start some type of investigation into this going.

Oh, I know, it's seems that that would be the last thing Democrats want...

But if the public sees them wasting all their time trying to peg a crime to the President, that most people care nothing about (and many people don't even know is a crime in the first place), again, they'll crash and burn, hard.

So breaking the law only matters if people care about it.

That's precious.
A Congressional investigation could settle the matter. Not surprisingly, Democrats don’t seem terribly interested in conducting one, although Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has demanded a probe to discover whether the “most transparent administration in history” tried to illegally manipulate an election. Democrats know that they have no good outcomes from such a probe, but don’t expect such hesitation from Republicans if they take back control of either chamber in the midterms

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth

Dude your killing me...HOTAIR? Whats next, a fox story or Drudge? LOLOLOLOLOL

Shit's gonna fit the han come November.

What exactly does that mean? Seriously, what?

Ol Rand helped you out for November didnt he? lol

PLease just asnwer this, what exactly does "shit's gonna fit the ban come November"? Is it going to be a bloodbath against the dems? Will the republicans take the house?

LOL. Go Rand, go Sarah, Go Bachmann.


(We win again.)

Here maybe this will help your confusion---:lol::lol:

Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Obama is a Chicago politician - that alone speaks volumes.
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Obama is a Chicago politician - that alone speaks volumes.

You're naive if you think that "Chicago politics" are any different than "Everywhere politics".
there was NO CRIME,


the article said sestak was offered a position in the whitehouse long before he even chose to enter himself in to the race against spector...sestak had not even entered the race so he CERTAINLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ASKED TO QUIT HIS RACE against spector because he was not even running yet, for jimminee's sake.


You guys are too much! And deranged....please, for the love of God, seek help for your hatred which takes your logic with you!

"People horse trade politically all the time," Stan Brand, a prominent Washington criminal defense lawyer told TPMmuckraker. "So I don't put much stock in this, and I don't think its gonna go anywhere."

Even those who used to prosecute public corruption cases agree. "Talk about criminalizing the political process!" said Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor with the Justice Department's Public Integrity unit. "It would be horrible precedent if what really truly is political horsetrading were viewed in the criminal context of: is this a corrupt bribe?"

And Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor who as the head of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington isn't known for going on easy public corruption, concurred. "There is no bribery case here," she said. "No statute has ever been used to prosecute anybody for bribery in circumstances like this."

Sloan added that Issa's move was more about politics. "It's not at all about whether there was actual criminal wrongdoing," she said. "It's about how to go after Sestak." (yah yah yah, the source is crapola yahdeedah....don't bother sayin....k?) Even CREW Says Sestak's Claim Of Job Offer Is No Scandal | TPMMuckraker

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Several felonies were committed. All it takes is someone pressing charges.

Get the parties involved under oath.

ok, then please provide the legal wording of these supposed felonies or laws that you think have been broken?

sestak himself said that this job offer took place ''well before'' he even entered the primary race....

THERE WAS NO primary race that he had entered, in any official manner, when the job was offered....sooooo, there was no ''primary'' for him to even resign from, if he took the job. I believe sestak on that, why don't you?

In addition to this, i know of no law that that prevents politicians from politicking, do you?

Positions within any administration are political positions, positions awarded to friends or various people as ''rewards'' or paybacks for their support....it is NOT illegal, it never has been illegal, and unfortunately i might add, it never will be illegal.

''Parties'' can do what they want with the candidates they choose to support, they can make back room decisions like taking some of hillary's electoral votes away and just give them to obama, AS THEY DID for whatever reason or for whatever deal they came too....

AS SAID, just plain politics.

Bush 1 was republican party head under richard nixon...sorta like steele but much more powerful, with an office in the WH near nixon...

when watergate broke, and tapes saying the ''texas oil men funded the robberies'', right before nixon was going up for impeachment, he appointed bush 1 as ambassador to china, wisking him out of site and mind during the watergate hearings...

and honestly, that's why i hate it!!! I hate politics! :(

the Lord only knows why I come to this place to debate, cuz I don't!

there was NO CRIME,


the article said sestak was offered a position in the whitehouse long before he even chose to enter himself in to the race against spector...sestak had not even entered the race so he CERTAINLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ASKED TO QUIT HIS RACE against spector because he was not even running yet, for jimminee's sake.


You guys are too much! And deranged....please, for the love of God, seek help for your hatred which takes your logic with you!

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Several felonies were committed. All it takes is someone pressing charges.

Get the parties involved under oath.

ok, then please provide the legal wording of these supposed felonies or laws that you think have been broken?

sestak himself said that this job offer took place ''well before'' he even entered the primary race....

THERE WAS NO primary race that he had entered, in any official manner, when the job was offered....sooooo, there was no ''primary'' for him to even resign from, if he took the job. I believe sestak on that, why don't you?

In addition to this, i know of no law that that prevents politicians from politicking, do you?

Positions within any administration are political positions, positions awarded to friends or various people as ''rewards'' or paybacks for their support....it is NOT illegal, it never has been illegal, and unfortunately i might add, it never will be illegal.

''Parties'' can do what they want with the candidates they choose to support, they can make back room decisions like taking hillary's electoral votes away and just give them to obama, AS THEY DID for whatever reason or for whatever deal they came too....

AS SAID, just plain politics.

Bush 1 was republican party head under richard nixon...sorta like steele but much more powerful, with an office in the WH near nixon...

when watergate broke, and tapes saying the ''texas oil men funded the robberies'', right before nixon was going up for impeachment, he appointed bush 1 as ambassador to china, wisking him out of site and mind during the watergate hearings...

and honestly, that's why i hate it!!! I hate politics! :(

the Lord only knows why I come to this place to debate, cuz I don't!


You are just a stupid goddess and don't understand the urgency of throwing mud at The President!!!!!!


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