Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

I just heard an interesting observation about the Sestak incident on Al Jazeera...what are your opinions on this comment.

"If Sestak was lying or there was no possibilty of criminal suspicion with respect to the position offered and who knew, the White House would have already come out and defended themselves over the snowballing scandal."

Al Jazeera...now there's an unimpeachable source on what is proper/improper in American government. :eusa_eh:

It was an OPINION!!! I asked what your thoughts were on it...not the credibility of Al Jazeera.
So far this administration has refused to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this. They announced recently that they have no future plans of appointing a Special Prosecutor. This seems pretty disturbing to me. Aren't these the same Democrats who constantly demanded the previous administration appoint Special Prosecutors? The previous administration did oblige the Democrats and did appoint a Special Prosecutor. In fact prosecutions occured as a result. I would be very interested in hearing what people think about this. Should a Special Prosecutor be appointed to investigate this possible Sestak bribe? Thanks.

What bribe? First I have heard about it. Are you making shit up again?
Kenny Starr....Where fore art thou?

The GOP needs you
I just heard an interesting observation about the Sestak incident on Al Jazeera...what are your opinions on this comment.

"If Sestak was lying or there was no possibilty of criminal suspicion with respect to the position offered and who knew, the White House would have already come out and defended themselves over the snowballing scandal."

Al Jazeera...now there's an unimpeachable source on what is proper/improper in American government. :eusa_eh:

That's what is known as scraping the bottom of the media barrel!

This is commonplace, and has been for hundreds of years.

Welcome to politics.

And, just for shits and giggles, exactly what "impeachable offense" has occurred?

Gott agree.

This shit goes on all the time in politics. Both sides of the aisle No big news in my book.

The only thing I can't figure out is why Barry Boy and his possee don't come right out and tell the tale???

Nothing impeachable here folks.

It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. That's why we need to know who did what, when it happened, who knew, and who tried to conceal it from the public.
Remember the lesson from Watergate. It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you hung. Boy don't I wish that was the penalty for political corruption.
Kenny Starr....Where fore art thou?

The GOP needs you

still pouting because he spent 70 million dollars of our money to find a blue dress and still wasn't good enough to get to the supreme court.


Don't forget what was spent in the Whitewater investigation....A glimpse of what is to come if the republicans ever get control of the House or Senate again
Gott agree.

This shit goes on all the time in politics. Both sides of the aisle No big news in my book.

The only thing I can't figure out is why Barry Boy and his possee don't come right out and tell the tale???

Nothing impeachable here folks.

It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. That's why we need to know who did what, when it happened, who knew, and who tried to conceal it from the public.
Remember the lesson from Watergate. It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you hung. Boy don't I wish that was the penalty for political corruption.

And...you have to have an actual crime..:lol::lol:

The only crime we have here is the stretch the whitey righties are willing to go to in thier desperation to regain power. What a sad sad buch of little men.

You people are beyond pathetic.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Sorry kids, but offering a federal job in turn for dropping out of a race is felony. Not saying this is what hapenned... but.. it is a crime and an impeachable offense IF it came with the tacit approval of Obama.
It isn't a crime to discuss political strategy or to offer a job to someone. It's not a bribe just because some republican says so. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
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It isn't a crime to discuss political strategy or to offer a job to someone. It's not a bribe just because some republican says so. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

How about removing your head from your ass and read the various laws addressing this...then comment intelligently.
If there wasn't the potential that a crime was committed, why did the Obama White House bother with investigating the Obama White House?
Kenny Starr....Where fore art thou?

The GOP needs you

still pouting because he spent 70 million dollars of our money to find a blue dress and still wasn't good enough to get to the supreme court.


Don't forget what was spent in the Whitewater investigation....A glimpse of what is to come if the republicans ever get control of the House or Senate again

yeah....the GOP version of "necessary" spending.....:cuckoo:
Sestak case deepens--did White House commit a felony by offering a job to Sestak?

In order to do what Sestak claims took place, only Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama would have the power to make such a deal--Rahm, only with the approval of the President.

Thus, what Obama knew and when he knew it may well determine whether or not impeachable offenses took place, and a felony is certainly an impeachable offense.

Sestak case deepens--did White House commit a felony by offering a job to Sestak?
Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm

The Obama administration has not been up front about this since they tried to muscle Sestak out of the Democratic primary. Now they’re allowing a stellar candidate to hang out there without coming clean about their part in this political offering now threatening to tie Pennsylvania Democrats in knots while trying to take down Pat Toomey.

The truth will set you free, or at least stop the drip, drip, drip of a story that, as Rep. Weiner said, Democrats should not allow to live into next week.

However, I’m not at all sure the White House has the political dexterity at this point to pull this story out of Darrel Issa’s hands. But it’s a chance to illustrate that the Obama machine still can fight for its own.

Senate candidate Joe Sestak deserves nothing less, after all, all he did was run a great race and beat Arlen Specter. He didn’t ask to be put in the middle of this drama. Someone in the White House did that all on their own.

Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm|Taylor Marsh – TaylorMarsh.com – News, Opinion and Weblog on Progressive Politics
Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm

The Obama administration has not been up front about this since they tried to muscle Sestak out of the Democratic primary. Now they’re allowing a stellar candidate to hang out there without coming clean about their part in this political offering now threatening to tie Pennsylvania Democrats in knots while trying to take down Pat Toomey.

The truth will set you free, or at least stop the drip, drip, drip of a story that, as Rep. Weiner said, Democrats should not allow to live into next week.

However, I’m not at all sure the White House has the political dexterity at this point to pull this story out of Darrel Issa’s hands. But it’s a chance to illustrate that the Obama machine still can fight for its own.

Senate candidate Joe Sestak deserves nothing less, after all, all he did was run a great race and beat Arlen Specter. He didn’t ask to be put in the middle of this drama. Someone in the White House did that all on their own.

Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm|Taylor Marsh – TaylorMarsh.com – News, Opinion and Weblog on Progressive Politics
So far this administration has refused to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this. They announced recently that they have no future plans of appointing a Special Prosecutor. This seems pretty disturbing to me. Aren't these the same Democrats who constantly demanded the previous administration appoint Special Prosecutors? The previous administration did oblige the Democrats and did appoint a Special Prosecutor. In fact prosecutions occured as a result. I would be very interested in hearing what people think about this. Should a Special Prosecutor be appointed to investigate this possible Sestak bribe? Thanks.

Was one appointed for the case of that NY Congressman? Massa or something....:eusa_eh:
Just more fluff trying to make something out of nothing.

Even those who used to prosecute public corruption cases say this “Talk about criminalizing the political process!” said Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor with the Justice Department’s Public Integrity unit. “It would be horrible precedent if what really truly is political horsetrading were viewed in the criminal context of: is this a corrupt bribe?”
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Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm

The Obama administration has not been up front about this since they tried to muscle Sestak out of the Democratic primary. Now they’re allowing a stellar candidate to hang out there without coming clean about their part in this political offering now threatening to tie Pennsylvania Democrats in knots while trying to take down Pat Toomey.

The truth will set you free, or at least stop the drip, drip, drip of a story that, as Rep. Weiner said, Democrats should not allow to live into next week.

However, I’m not at all sure the White House has the political dexterity at this point to pull this story out of Darrel Issa’s hands. But it’s a chance to illustrate that the Obama machine still can fight for its own.

Senate candidate Joe Sestak deserves nothing less, after all, all he did was run a great race and beat Arlen Specter. He didn’t ask to be put in the middle of this drama. Someone in the White House did that all on their own.

Sestak was Honest, Now It’s Over to Rahm|Taylor Marsh – TaylorMarsh.com – News, Opinion and Weblog on Progressive Politics

I guess you missed the part where Sestak used this in his campaign materials.

He campaigned on it. He made the "drama".
Sorry kids, but offering a federal job in turn for dropping out of a race is felony. Not saying this is what hapenned... but.. it is a crime and an impeachable offense IF it came with the tacit approval of Obama.
I know that, you know that. Even if it was P-BO himself, the best you'll ever bag is Stupak and Rahm. Then again, this administration is doing so many corrupt things it's just another shout in this gymnasium

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