Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

We can all hear Sestak in his own words say that he was offered a job.

What possible motivation could he have for making such a false claim?

who says the claim was false? He would have been a PERFECT SecNav!

I can easily understand why the Obama administration would have offfered him the position... he is preeminently qualified for it.

Not as qualified as a past president of the American Arabian Horse Assoc., I wager. ;) (ok, I had to slip that in there, sorry)
Not true...he has free will to say no, doesn't he?

"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

It's not illegal to offer a job you know...as long as the job is a legal job.

Damn...have you even read ANY of the multiple stories posted on this subject? You seem to be drifting in a sea of your own ignorance.

Honestly, I can't tell of your just acting stupid to downplay it or you actually don't know what the hell you're talking about. Either way, it's pretty sad.
"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

It's not illegal to offer a job you know...as long as the job is a legal job.

Damn...have you even read ANY of the multiple stories posted on this subject? You seem to be drifting in a sea of your own ignorance.

Honestly, I can't tell of your just acting stupid to downplay it or you actually don't know what the hell you're talking about. Either way, it's pretty sad.

Indeed - the deniars in here best start complaining to the growing number of media outlets now demanding to be given answers to this Sestak bribery issue...
Not true...he has free will to say no, doesn't he?

"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

It's not illegal to offer a job you know...as long as the job is a legal job.

18 U.S.C. § 600 : US Code - Section 600: Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

You might want to ACTUALLY read the above--to educate yourself on the LAW.

After reading you have 2 choices.

1. Sestak is lying
2. The White house has broken the law

Take your pick.
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When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?
When it was offered to influence the outcome of an election.

Don't worry though... this is gonna get whitewashed so much before any legal action can be taken on it.

My cynical side says nothing will come of this, although it should.

I would tend to believe this scenario is true...notice the near complete silence from the MSM opinion reporters on this subject...someone will have to fall on their sword over this to save Obama's legacy. I waiting for the claims of "roving bands of anti-Obama racist bloggers making a big deal out of nothing" card to be played.
When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?
When it was offered to influence the outcome of an election.

Don't worry though... this is gonna get whitewashed so much before any legal action can be taken on it.

My cynical side says nothing will come of this, although it should.

I would tend to believe this scenario is true...notice the near complete silence from the MSM opinion reporters on this subject...someone will have to fall on their sword over this to save Obama's legacy. I waiting for the claims of "roving bands of anti-Obama racist bloggers making a big deal out of nothing" card to be played.

You mean MSNBC has not reported on this as yet???? I knew they were real bad--but not this bad. This is very serious. Do you know what they have said, if anything about this?
When it was offered to influence the outcome of an election.

Don't worry though... this is gonna get whitewashed so much before any legal action can be taken on it.

My cynical side says nothing will come of this, although it should.

I would tend to believe this scenario is true...notice the near complete silence from the MSM opinion reporters on this subject...someone will have to fall on their sword over this to save Obama's legacy. I'm waiting for the claims of "roving bands of anti-Obama racist bloggers making a big deal out of nothing" card to be played.

You mean MSNBC has not reported on this as yet???? I knew they were real bad--but not this bad. This is very serious. Do you know what they have said, if anything about this?

They have but all they are saying is people are blowing the whole thing out of proportion....maybe that's true...Sestak and Obama need to explain what happened...the longer Obama waits the more damage will be done and the more it looks like a cover-up or massive spin effort is taking place.

I say this to the Obamabots....if he's got nothing to hide then why not come out and say who was involved? At best all the Democrats will lose is a Senate seat if Sestak is exposed as a liar...at worst...impeachment....better to come out before it get's leaked by someone in Obama's inner circle or Sestak's staff.

All Obama has to do is come out and tell the Nation WTF is going on in Washington!!
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I would tend to believe this scenario is true...notice the near complete silence from the MSM opinion reporters on this subject...someone will have to fall on their sword over this to save Obama's legacy. I'm waiting for the claims of "roving bands of anti-Obama racist bloggers making a big deal out of nothing" card to be played.

You mean MSNBC has not reported on this as yet???? I knew they were real bad--but not this bad. This is very serious. Do you know what they have said, if anything about this?

They have but all they are saying is people are blowing the whole thing out of proportion....maybe that's true...Sestak and Obama need to explain what happened...the longer Obama waits the more damage will be done and the more it looks like a cover-up or massive spin effort is taking place.

I say this to the Obamabots....if he's got nothing to hide then why not come out and say who was involved? At best all the Democrats will lose is a Senate seat if Sestak is exposed as a liar...at worst...impeachment....better to come out before it get's leaked by someone in Obama's inner circle or Sestak's staff.

All Obama has to do is come out and tell the Nation WTF is going on in Washington!!

Apparently people aren't aware that there a several laws that cover this situation. Bribery, conspiracy to bribe, using a taxpayer funded position as inducement to gain political support.....better known as The Hatch Act, and Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

the Hatch Act, and Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code. The Hatch Act “forbids officials paid with federal funds from using promises of jobs, promotion, financial assistance, contracts, or any other benefit to coerce campaign contributions or political support.” Title 18 states that “Whoever solicits … any … thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
I would tend to believe this scenario is true...notice the near complete silence from the MSM opinion reporters on this subject...someone will have to fall on their sword over this to save Obama's legacy. I waiting for the claims of "roving bands of anti-Obama racist bloggers making a big deal out of nothing" card to be played.

what complete silence? of course they're discussing this.

they just don't have the torches and pitchforks out like the ihopehefails crowd

what i find amusing is that the people who are losing their minds over this... when we don't even know what the exact words were yet (as i've tried to say half a dozen times)... were all okay with outing a CIA agent and trying to use the US Attorneys office as the enforcement arm of the RNC.

and THOSE really were crimes.
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Clearly there was a bribe attempt. They just announced that they will not be appointing a special prosecutor over this though. The Democrats are not going to investigate themselves. The Republicans will have to regain some power in Congress and then try to get to the bottom of this. Shame on this administration for not appointing a special prosecutor. They demanded this of the previous administration no? The previous administration actually obliged the Democrats and did appoint special prosecutors to investigate themselves. Corruption is out of control in the Democratic Party at this point. Make 2010 count people.
Funny how everytime Fox News tells Obama to jump.....he jumps.

You think Fox News rules Obama?

Apparently so....Fox is making a big deal out of the President not holding a press conference in nearly one year...now there's talk he will hold one shortly.

or maybe fox started whining because they heard there was going to be a prss conference?

to be fair, though, abc wrote about this too.
The fact they wont appoint a special prosecutor tells the story. Didn't these same Democrats constantly demand this of the previous administration? The previous administration actually did appoint special prosecutors to investigate. In fact prosecutions did happen. The Democrats are incredibly corrupt and drunk with power at this point. It's time for real change in this country. Make 2010 count America.
So far this administration has refused to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this. They announced recently that they have no future plans of appointing a Special Prosecutor. This seems pretty disturbing to me. Aren't these the same Democrats who constantly demanded the previous administration appoint Special Prosecutors? The previous administration did oblige the Democrats and did appoint a Special Prosecutor. In fact prosecutions occured as a result. I would be very interested in hearing what people think about this. Should a Special Prosecutor be appointed to investigate this possible Sestak bribe? Thanks.
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I just heard an interesting observation about the Sestak incident on Al Jazeera...what are your opinions on this comment.

"If Sestak was lying or there was no possibilty of criminal suspicion with respect to the position offered and who knew, the White House would have already come out and defended themselves over the snowballing scandal."
The fact they wont appoint a special prosecutor tells the story. Didn't these same Democrats constantly demand this of the previous administration? The previous administration actually did appoint special prosecutors to investigate. In fact prosecutions did happen. The Democrats are incredibly corrupt and drunk with power at this point. It's time for real change in this country. Make 2010 count America.

Where's Waxman...he's one ugly dude but he get's to the bottom of the issues he investigates.
This is commonplace, and has been for hundreds of years.

Welcome to politics.

And, just for shits and giggles, exactly what "impeachable offense" has occurred?

Gott agree.

This shit goes on all the time in politics. Both sides of the aisle No big news in my book.

The only thing I can't figure out is why Barry Boy and his possee don't come right out and tell the tale???

Nothing impeachable here folks.

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