Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?
When it was offered to influence the outcome of an election.

Don't worry though... this is gonna get whitewashed so much before any legal action can be taken on it.

My cynical side says nothing will come of this, although it should.
Yes...Sestak said he was offered the job so he would get out of the race. This is a deliberate attempt to influence the outcome of an election.

Not true...he has free will to say no, doesn't he?

"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

they will do and say anything to deflect this
Not true...he has free will to say no, doesn't he?

"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

they will do and say anything to deflect this

Sestak and the oil spill.

The Obama White House in crisis mode.

Of course all Obama has to offer is to shout "Plug the damn hole!"

Perhaps he was not speaking of the BP oil spill????

As stated earlier - the Sestak story has the White House in full on RED ALERT mode...


Axelrod acknowledged that if White House officials dangled a job in front of Rep. Joe Sestak’s face to keep him away from challenging incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter, that would “constitute a serious breach of the law.”

Axelrod also acknowledged that there were “conversations” involving White House officials and Sestak, but said that those had been “looked at” by White House lawyers and “their conclusion was that it was perfect — the conversations were perfectly appropriate

Witness testimony does qualify as evidence, however, and Sestak has insisted on multiple occasions that the bribe attempt happened. Either Sestak is lying, or Sestak is telling the truth. If it’s the latter, then someone in the Obama administration committed a felony, and perhaps more than one, by Axelrod’s own admission. If it didn’t happen, then Joe Sestak is lying. In order to defend itself, the White House has been put in the position of having to call its party’s nominee for the US Senate a liar.

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth
Yes...Sestak said he was offered the job so he would get out of the race. This is a deliberate attempt to influence the outcome of an election.

Not true...he has free will to say no, doesn't he?

"Not true?"

B WTF are you saying? He SAID he was offered a job, and the only way he could accept it was to cease being a candidate.

It illegality has nothing to do with "free will to say no."

It's not illegal to offer a job you know...as long as the job is a legal job.
why would it have to be a "carrot"? Why wouldn't the white house want to make sure that they were not going to nominate a guy who would beat the incumbent in the primary and then not run for the seat. "Hey Joe... if you wanna be SECNAV, you'd be great, but there's no sense thinking about nominating you if you would rather be a senator. You pick." He did.

Oh, and fyi, I'm an 1110.

Wrong conclusion.....What you and others are conveniently glossing over is he was offered a job to drop out of the race....that's against the law. Sestak turned it down. He's not stupid.

What sea commands did you have?

do you have any proof that he was offered a job to drop out of the race? of course you don't. And I have little interest in sharing my personal career history with you.

Smart move....some people on these boards are not honorable when it comes to knowing personal information on other posters.

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