Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

there was NO CRIME,


the article said sestak was offered a position in the whitehouse long before he even chose to enter himself in to the race against spector...sestak had not even entered the race so he CERTAINLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ASKED TO QUIT HIS RACE against spector because he was not even running yet, for jimminee's sake.


You guys are too much! And deranged....please, for the love of God, seek help for your hatred which takes your logic with you!

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Several felonies were committed. All it takes is someone pressing charges.

Get the parties involved under oath.

ok, then please provide the legal wording of these supposed felonies or laws that you think have been broken?

sestak himself said that this job offer took place ''well before'' he even entered the primary race....

THERE WAS NO primary race that he had entered, in any official manner, when the job was offered....sooooo, there was no ''primary'' for him to even resign from, if he took the job. I believe sestak on that, why don't you?

In addition to this, i know of no law that that prevents politicians from politicking, do you?

Positions within any administration are political positions, positions awarded to friends or various people as ''rewards'' or paybacks for their support....it is NOT illegal, it never has been illegal, and unfortunately i might add, it never will be illegal.

''Parties'' can do what they want with the candidates they choose to support, they can make back room decisions like taking hillary's electoral votes away and just give them to obama, AS THEY DID for whatever reason or for whatever deal they came too....

AS SAID, just plain politics.

Bush 1 was republican party head under richard nixon...sorta like steele but much more powerful, with an office in the WH near nixon...

when watergate broke, and tapes saying the ''texas oil men funded the robberies'', right before nixon was going up for impeachment, he appointed bush 1 as ambassador to china, wisking him out of site and mind during the watergate hearings...

and honestly, that's why i hate it!!! I hate politics! :(

the Lord only knows why I come to this place to debate, cuz I don't!


Link?- to Sestak stating that he was offered a job long before he announced he was entering the race for the senate? Because that was NOT what Sestak was stating when he was campaiging. He specifically stated that he was offered a position by the White House so he would DROP out of the race.

As far as the LAW--can't you liberals READ--it's all over this thread. There are at least 5 DIFFERENT federal laws that were broken--3 of them have been listed over and over again--yet you continue to ignore them.


18 U.S.C. § 600 : US Code - Section 600: Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment,
position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit,
provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of
Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such
benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any
political activity or for the support of or opposition to any
candidate or any political party in connection with any general or
special election to any political office, or in connection with any
primary election or political convention or caucus held to select
candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

White House Officials have recently and RELUCTANTLY confirmed that Sestak was offered a position.
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OK, let's read this part...

Sestak holds to story of job offer | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/20/2010

Sestak, a retired admiral, said he was approached in July. He announced his challenge in August.
July comes before August, yes?

We didn't even hear of this guy as being a Senate potential back in July 2009, when he was offered the job.

I'm not taking any sides yet; I'm further looking into the matter myself (and yes, I know the laws) and comparing it to what the Codes say.
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I just did a search on the web to try to find one credible republican official calling for an investigation into this supposed crime of the century. Nada..zippola...NOTHING!!! Those with something real to gain are silent.

This affront to the moral keepers (the whitey righties) of the internet universe has drawn no attention from anyone in position of authority.

All of the energy and momentum behind this so called crime is being generated by the losers on the internet that are desperately trying to discredit Obama with any means real or imagined.


Now I'm convinced you guys just are not gonna pull your heads out on this one.

Posted today at 1:19 pm, on the very-hard-to-find ABC News site:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.”

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

Let me guess - none of these seven count as credible Republicans in positions of authority, right?

I just did a search on the web to try to find one credible republican official calling for an investigation into this supposed crime of the century. Nada..zippola...NOTHING!!! Those with something real to gain are silent.

This affront to the moral keepers (the whitey righties) of the internet universe has drawn no attention from anyone in position of authority.

All of the energy and momentum behind this so called crime is being generated by the losers on the internet that are desperately trying to discredit Obama with any means real or imagined.


Now I'm convinced you guys just are not gonna pull your heads out on this one.

Posted today at 1:19 pm, on the very-hard-to-find ABC News site:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.”

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

Every single gop member on this commitee is a certifiable moron. The world would be a much better place if they all had a bad accident.
Let me guess - none of these seven count as credible Republicans in positions of authority, right?

Credible? They are some of the most willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist hacks ever assembled into the senate body.

OK...What say the 12 dem members?...Including Leahy. Who is it that makes recomendations again?
Sorry bout that,

1. If this is in fact true, then this is bad, very bad for Obama.
2. This could get him thrown out!
3. And I think it may just happen.
4. Will he get jail time for it?
5. Will some one else fall on his/her sword?
6. All this and a *bag-o-chips* right here on USMB!:eek:


I just did a search on the web to try to find one credible republican official calling for an investigation into this supposed crime of the century. Nada..zippola...NOTHING!!! Those with something real to gain are silent.

This affront to the moral keepers (the whitey righties) of the internet universe has drawn no attention from anyone in position of authority.

All of the energy and momentum behind this so called crime is being generated by the losers on the internet that are desperately trying to discredit Obama with any means real or imagined.


Now I'm convinced you guys just are not gonna pull your heads out on this one.

Posted today at 1:19 pm, on the very-hard-to-find ABC News site:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.”

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

Every single gop member on this commitee is a certifiable moron. The world would be a much better place if they all had a bad accident.
Let me guess - none of these seven count as credible Republicans in positions of authority, right?

Credible? They are some of the most willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist hacks ever assembled into the senate body.

OK...What say the 12 dem members?...Including Leahy. Who is it that makes recomendations again?

You asked for a single, credible Republican in a position of authority. I give you the seven GOP members of the judiciary committee.

Instead of a "Thanks, LD. I didn't catch that," you ask what does Leaky think, as if it matters. I don't know. Google it.

Right now it only matters what Holder thinks, and my guess is he won't even read the letter. Instead he'll file it away with SB1070, unopened.
Sorry bout that,

1. If this is in fact true, then this is bad, very bad for Obama.
2. This could get him thrown out!
3. And I think it may just happen.
4. Will he get jail time for it?
5. Will some one else fall on his/her sword?
6. All this and a *bag-o-chips* right here on USMB!:eek:


You are an idiot. Bush raised the bar so far out of sight with the outting of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings that there may never be an investigation of a sitting U S president in our lifetime.

I can think of a dozen of Bush's irregularities that should have been investigated right off the top.

Tapping Americans phone calls and e-mails BEFORE 9/11?

Lying us into a war?? Mushroomy room clouds presented at the un?

The "secret energy" meetings

Conspiring with a foreign leader (tony blair)to fix the info leading to war.

Feeding lies to the New York Times to take us to war.

Allowing Ossama to escape

Disbanding the Iraqi army setting up one of the biggest genocides and refugee conditions in the history of the human race.

on and on....

It will take a some kinda fuck up to even approach what has been ignored up to now...

Bush perpetrated acts beyond the pale all a thousand times the egregiousness of anything Obama could imagine doing.

Like I said..you are an idiot.
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the outting of Valerie Plame

You're trying to sell this busted ole mule of a lie again?

And of course the rest of your litany is right out of the tinfoil hat kook conspiracy brigade.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If this is in fact true, then this is bad, very bad for Obama.
2. This could get him thrown out!
3. And I think it may just happen.
4. Will he get jail time for it?
5. Will some one else fall on his/her sword?
6. All this and a *bag-o-chips* right here on USMB!:eek:


You are an idiot. Bush raised the bar so far out of sight with the outting of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings that there may never be an investigation of a sitting U S president in our lifetime.

I can think of a dozen of Bush's irregularities that should have been investigated right off the top.

Tapping Americans phone calls and e-mails BEFORE 9/11?

Lying us into a war?? Mushroomy room clouds presented at the un?

The "secret energy" meetings

Conspiring with a foreign leader (tony blair)to fix the info leading to war.

Feeding lies to the New York Times to take us to war.

on and on....

It will take a some kinda fuck up to even approach what has been ignored up to now...

1. I don't know mon, so you're okay with these major poltical voting laws being broken huh?
2. I know, Bush during his turn at it, screwed up a lot, to the *Arm Chair Presidents*.
3. But what the hell, he did what he thought was right, Obama hasn't really done much, unless you think screwing up healthcare in America is doing something???:lol:
4. I don't know mon, I'm really trying to reach over to you mon, but its just not there mon.
5. I think Obama just blackened his face, if this is in fact the truth, there may even be proof, and if there is, it will come out.
6. This Presidency may crumble over this, I honestly hate to see it, but the laws the law mon!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If this is in fact true, then this is bad, very bad for Obama.
2. This could get him thrown out!
3. And I think it may just happen.
4. Will he get jail time for it?
5. Will some one else fall on his/her sword?
6. All this and a *bag-o-chips* right here on USMB!:eek:


You are an idiot. Bush raised the bar so far out of sight with the outting of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings that there may never be an investigation of a sitting U S president in our lifetime.

I can think of a dozen of Bush's irregularities that should have been investigated right off the top.

Tapping Americans phone calls and e-mails BEFORE 9/11?

Lying us into a war?? Mushroomy room clouds presented at the un?

The "secret energy" meetings

Conspiring with a foreign leader (tony blair)to fix the info leading to war.

Feeding lies to the New York Times to take us to war.

on and on....

It will take a some kinda fuck up to even approach what has been ignored up to now...

1. I don't know mon, so you're okay with these major poltical voting laws being broken huh?
2. I know, Bush during his turn at it, screwed up a lot, to the *Arm Chair Presidents*.
3. But what the hell, he did what he thought was right, Obama hasn't really done much, unless you think screwing up healthcare in America is doing something???:lol:
4. I don't know mon, I'm really trying to reach over to you mon, but its just not there mon.
5. I think Obama just blackened his face, if this is in fact the truth, there may even be proof, and if there is, it will come out.
6. This Presidency may crumble over this, I honestly hate to see it, but the laws the law mon!


Go fuck yourself "Jimmy Mon"

Desperate attempts to hurt a president is a traitors game. Piss on you and your hack fuckwit pals..Jimmy mon
Go fuck yourself "Jimmy Mon"

Desperate attempts to hurt a president is a traitors game. Piss on you and your hack fuckwit pals..Jimmy mon

Well you take rebuffing well it seems. oohh traitor... That word fair game again, comrade?

Looks like questioning patriotism's back on the menu boys!
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

You are an idiot. Bush raised the bar so far out of sight with the outting of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings that there may never be an investigation of a sitting U S president in our lifetime.

I can think of a dozen of Bush's irregularities that should have been investigated right off the top.

Tapping Americans phone calls and e-mails BEFORE 9/11?

Lying us into a war?? Mushroomy room clouds presented at the un?

The "secret energy" meetings

Conspiring with a foreign leader (tony blair)to fix the info leading to war.

Feeding lies to the New York Times to take us to war.

on and on....

It will take a some kinda fuck up to even approach what has been ignored up to now...

1. I don't know mon, so you're okay with these major poltical voting laws being broken huh?
2. I know, Bush during his turn at it, screwed up a lot, to the *Arm Chair Presidents*.
3. But what the hell, he did what he thought was right, Obama hasn't really done much, unless you think screwing up healthcare in America is doing something???:lol:
4. I don't know mon, I'm really trying to reach over to you mon, but its just not there mon.
5. I think Obama just blackened his face, if this is in fact the truth, there may even be proof, and if there is, it will come out.
6. This Presidency may crumble over this, I honestly hate to see it, but the laws the law mon!


Go fuck yourself "Jimmy Mon"

Desperate attempts to hurt a president is a traitors game. Piss on you and your hack fuckwit pals..Jimmy mon

1. You sound really alarmed my NW friend.
2. I just piped in with my two cents worth, and you go boom,.....:lol:
3. I even said, "I hate to see it".
4. And yet you still call me a traitor,....
5. Something don't sound right, I thinketh thou protesteth too much!:eek:
6. You really think Obama is above the laws of the land in this, common,.really?
7. I think some one needs a *hug* mon!:lol:


I just did a search on the web to try to find one credible republican official calling for an investigation into this supposed crime of the century. Nada..zippola...NOTHING!!! Those with something real to gain are silent.

This affront to the moral keepers (the whitey righties) of the internet universe has drawn no attention from anyone in position of authority.

All of the energy and momentum behind this so called crime is being generated by the losers on the internet that are desperately trying to discredit Obama with any means real or imagined.


Now I'm convinced you guys just are not gonna pull your heads out on this one.

Posted today at 1:19 pm, on the very-hard-to-find ABC News site:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.”

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

Every single gop member on this commitee is a certifiable moron. The world would be a much better place if they all had a bad accident.
Let me guess - none of these seven count as credible Republicans in positions of authority, right?

Credible? They are some of the most willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist hacks ever assembled into the senate body.

OK...What say the 12 dem members?...Including Leahy. Who is it that makes recomendations again?

You dumb ass...you just got bitchslapped....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

You said there are no republicans calling for a look at this situation and you were proven WRONG as usual...you are the weakest link...goodbye.
A lot of heresay going on at thispoint. If true that the offer came in July and he announced in August, it seems reasonable to think he was actively deciding whether to run thirty days prior to August. That would be July. One of the key ways you figure if it makes sense to run is send out feelers into the public and political types and see what they say. It seems unlikely that the Democratic party would have been unaware of this activity.

On the other hand, 0bama had many unfilled positions at that time. You have an Admiral who has interests in serving in a political position. Making some inquiries doesn't seem to be a bad idea on the surface. Going from there to a plot to protect Specter would be hard to prove.

I think the adminstration needs to do some damage control and put out a reasonable and somewhat verifiable story soon. No smoking gun, I say move on.
OK, let's read this part...

Sestak holds to story of job offer | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/20/2010

Sestak, a retired admiral, said he was approached in July. He announced his challenge in August.
July comes before August, yes?

We didn't even hear of this guy as being a Senate potential back in July 2009, when he was offered the job.

I'm not taking any sides yet; I'm further looking into the matter myself (and yes, I know the laws) and comparing it to what the Codes say.

Now here is where an interpretation by a judge will have to be made. If Sestak was offered a job in July with the express intent to get him to NOT declare his candidacy for the Senate in August that is an attempt to bribe a potential Senate candidate to NOT RUN. I believe that may be a problem. It is why the WH is silent on the whole matter right now. They realize this, in spite of the possibility that no legal wrongdoing can be proven, that it's not going to reflect well on this Administration in an election year.

The best thing they can do is get everything out in the open NOW and then attempt to regroup before November....or if there IS a problem then they need to fire the person responsible immediately.
From CSM today...


...“There is a growing chorus of both Democrats and Republicans who are keeping this story alive because they want to know who offered Joe Sestak what and when,” Issa said. “You would think that even President Obama will come to realize that this is not the issue he wants people to be talking about as a week that really should have been a victory-lap for Joe Sestak has turned into a controversy gone viral that has over-run their messaging.”

In an April 21 letter, Issa called on the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Sestak allegations.

In a response on May 21, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote that the Justice Department “has a long history of handling investigations of high level officials professionally and independently, without the need to appoint a special counsel.” Justice Department spokesmen say that “the Department doesn’t confirm or deny the existence of investigations,” so can’t comment on whether in fact a probe is under way

Dig into alleged Joe Sestak job offer, GOP tells Justice Department - CSMonitor.com
GOP would rather try and impeach the President then do any bipartisan work for the American people.

Too bad that. We need both parties.
You have 59 votes in the senate, the white house and House. No... you don't. That's been obvious.

Of course then you take all the blame. That's good.

Besides, why should they want to participate with a group of people who wish to end the United States of America and create the People's Republic of America? Just one vote away from it boys and girls... One financial reform act away from controlling 60% of the economy, all your personal finances, your lifespan and quality of life from cradle to predetermined grave.

All hail the people's collective.
GOP would rather try and impeach the President then do any bipartisan work for the American people.

Too bad that. We need both parties.

Yes...let's overlook possible criminal behavior, influencing elections and commission of felonies in favor of spending more Chinese money on entitlement programs right? Let's raise the debt ceiling to 15 trilion dollars and give everyone a check for a thousand dollars!!!
OK, let's read this part...

Sestak holds to story of job offer | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/20/2010

Sestak, a retired admiral, said he was approached in July. He announced his challenge in August.
July comes before August, yes?

We didn't even hear of this guy as being a Senate potential back in July 2009, when he was offered the job.

I'm not taking any sides yet; I'm further looking into the matter myself (and yes, I know the laws) and comparing it to what the Codes say.

Now here is where an interpretation by a judge will have to be made. If Sestak was offered a job in July with the express intent to get him to NOT declare his candidacy for the Senate in August that is an attempt to bribe a potential Senate candidate to NOT RUN. I believe that may be a problem. It is why the WH is silent on the whole matter right now. They realize this, in spite of the possibility that no legal wrongdoing can be proven, that it's not going to reflect well on this Administration in an election year.

The best thing they can do is get everything out in the open NOW and then attempt to regroup before November....or if there IS a problem then they need to fire the person responsible immediately.

This is a matter of party machinations, and the head of the party is Obama.

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