Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

It's a non-story. It's business as usual. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. Bush did it. The Republicans are making a big deal about it because they have nothing else.

Issa's Call for a Special Prosecutor: Does It Have Merit? - Politics - The Atlantic

In 1981, President Reagan offered S.I. Hayakawa, then California's senior senator, a job if he declined to run for reelection. We know this because Reagan's chief political adviser admitted as much on the record.

In 1997, then-Massachusetts Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger negotiated a Justice Department post while he decided whether to run for governor. The Clinton White House did not want him to make that bid -- they wanted to clear the field for Rep. Joe Kennedy.

(Remember when William Weld was nominated to ambassador to Mexico? Same reason, same motivation. Jesse Helms scuttled this, but for reasons having nothing to do with presidential political interference.)

More recently, after Rep. Ben Gilman found his congressional district eliminated by redistricting in 2002, the White House tried to persuade him from challenging another Republican congressman in another district by considering him for an administration position. Karl Rove repeatedly intervened in Republican primaries. And Tim Pawlenty is not a senator because Rove urged him to run for governor instead.

But But But, Dick Morris said this is bigger than watergate! lol

Fox fans are such dumbasses. I swear. They got nothing!

So the White House legal counsel is going to investigate the White House on this? That is a very strange new procedure. It doesn't look, sound or feel right. Somebody's got dirty hands and doesn't want outside parties involved.

This must go all the way too the Oval Office. It is the only thing that explains such a defensive action.

Hey--Bush called for an independent investigation over Valeria Plume--when he had a full house of Republicans. Now that democrats are in CHARGE--they're going to do an "in-house" investigation. Sounds to me--like the fox is now in charge of guarding the chicken coop--LOL

You're JOKING right?

That's what we need here...a full investigation....what scares the Democrats though is the perjury trap ala Scooter Libby....that's why they will investigate themselves and find nothing wrong.
I am. And there are plenty of others like me. Nice try though.

How extraordinarily uninformed and naive you are, please don't ever vote again.

And what a smug, pompous little right wing know nothing you are, dear.

Really Rinata, what do you know about your President....... really....... what facts do you think you know about the clown you elected President? Anything?
Very weak argument. Just accept that HUGGY took you all to the cleaners. :lol:

Naive dimwits such as yourself are the only ones impressed with what the babbling huggy does, he is also one of the worst spellers on the board.

Oh, now I see what put you in a bitchy mood. Good old HUGGY hit a nerve, didn't he?? And the way you're acting proves his point.

Yea, you got it, you are soooo perceptive.:lol:
This is an area where the wack whitey rightys are still trying to sell the BIG LIE. It is well known that the Limbaughs, Hannities, and Savages of talk radio have been given 90% of the airtime by Clearchannel and other mass media right wing conglomorants.

Who do you think you are fooling you ignorant asshats?

Do you really think your point of view is what 90% of america thinks? Ya Thats why even against those odds america handily elected Barack Obama.

And it just amazes you assholes that rational folks hate you. It is your constant lying.
Now I say this with a certain degree of salt because of my attitude on polls, but...

If you look at the polls on the hotbutton issues of the day, the unequivocably line up the American populace at large, 60-80% depending on the subject, with Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.

This is not the fringe. That lie isn't being bought anymore. Liberalism has never been more than a 30% political market share, and it's shrinking. Fast.

So keep believing that you are the silent majority. You've had 40 years believing that having control of the microphones and the cameras made what you believed mainstream. The truth is all it did was make you the biggest loudmouths in the room. You could outshout anyone else. But volume does not create truth, or agreement. You are now starting to learn that with alternatives, people finally can do what they craved to do for decades...

Tune you out. Turn you off. Shut you down.

Very weak argument. Just accept that HUGGY took you all to the cleaners. :lol:
:rolleyes: Spoken like whipped puppy. This isn't like playing a Nintendo game on "Easy" anymore. You gotta bring more than that for us to listen anymore. You guys have been coddled too long.
Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
80% of Americans think the oil spill is just 'natural' and no big deal? As does Limbaugh?

Deflection...Off-Topic Carbonated.

There, I made it kindergarten big for you. Now you can tell me that the oil spill isn't one of the hot-button issues of the day.
Show me the polls showing 80% of the populace believes the oilspill is "natural" as you claim. And second, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I doubt your allegation even has a basis in reality and is only stuck in your fevered libmagination
Personally asshole...I do not care about the law. If someone fucks with me I never call a lawyer. I deal with it the most expedient way possible. No likey ..go fuck yourself.

So... with your firm belief in vigilante justice, will you be complaining if some crazed individual decides to 'deal' with the situation of government corruption with a high powered rifle or explosive device or commercial aircraft into a building... will you be cheering for them, or crying for their head on a platter?

Spoken like a true terrorist.

Better still. What if someone is done having YOU fuck with them and wish to end the trouble you are bringing into their lives once and for all. Just as you're espousing in true Interweb Tough Guy form. Still a fan of vigilante justice, or are you gonna be screaming for the cops and begging for the problem to be solved like 'civilized people'?

This is why you have no credibility.
This is an area where the wack whitey rightys are still trying to sell the BIG LIE. It is well known that the Limbaughs, Hannities, and Savages of talk radio have been given 90% of the airtime by Clearchannel and other mass media right wing conglomorants.

Who do you think you are fooling you ignorant asshats?

Do you really think your point of view is what 90% of america thinks? Ya Thats why even against those odds america handily elected Barack Obama.

And it just amazes you assholes that rational folks hate you. It is your constant lying.
Now I say this with a certain degree of salt because of my attitude on polls, but...

If you look at the polls on the hotbutton issues of the day, the unequivocably line up the American populace at large, 60-80% depending on the subject, with Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.

This is not the fringe. That lie isn't being bought anymore. Liberalism has never been more than a 30% political market share, and it's shrinking. Fast.

So keep believing that you are the silent majority. You've had 40 years believing that having control of the microphones and the cameras made what you believed mainstream. The truth is all it did was make you the biggest loudmouths in the room. You could outshout anyone else. But volume does not create truth, or agreement. You are now starting to learn that with alternatives, people finally can do what they craved to do for decades...

Tune you out. Turn you off. Shut you down.

Good choice of words. "Craven" It is inevitable that the super sizing of American media conglomerates be broken up. It has not served he public. Reagan started it and Clinton with a Republican majority gave most of the radio stations to your media terrorists.

It is high time the airwaves reflect the conscience of America.

Oh...you made "The List". Congrats!!:lol::lol::clap2::clap2:
How extraordinarily uninformed and naive you are, please don't ever vote again.

And what a smug, pompous little right wing know nothing you are, dear.

Really Rinata, what do you know about your President....... really....... what facts do you think you know about the clown you elected President? Anything?

Like you really want to know. You just want to argue and be a little ass hole. It's so boring.
Now I say this with a certain degree of salt because of my attitude on polls, but...

If you look at the polls on the hotbutton issues of the day, the unequivocably line up the American populace at large, 60-80% depending on the subject, with Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.

This is not the fringe. That lie isn't being bought anymore. Liberalism has never been more than a 30% political market share, and it's shrinking. Fast.

So keep believing that you are the silent majority. You've had 40 years believing that having control of the microphones and the cameras made what you believed mainstream. The truth is all it did was make you the biggest loudmouths in the room. You could outshout anyone else. But volume does not create truth, or agreement. You are now starting to learn that with alternatives, people finally can do what they craved to do for decades...

Tune you out. Turn you off. Shut you down.

Very weak argument. Just accept that HUGGY took you all to the cleaners. :lol:
:rolleyes: Spoken like whipped puppy. This isn't like playing a Nintendo game on "Easy" anymore. You gotta bring more than that for us to listen anymore. You guys have been coddled too long.

Oh, spare me. You wouldn't listen if God Himself came down and talked to you. Because your "mind" was made up a long time ago. I wish you right wing nuts would stop trying to appear reasonable. You're not even close.
It is high time the airwaves reflect the conscience of America.

Till Michelle Malkin or someone of her similar philosophy anchors/controls CBS news, you aren't even close to balance or reflecting the conscience of America. THEN you will just start having balance on the networks at large.

Sad part is, they probably would start increasing market share, rapidly too cause they wouldn't just be parroting the NYT.
Oh...you made "The List". Congrats!!


I made the "I spanked Huggy and made him cwy by disagreeing with him so he has to make up a special hate list of people he doesn't like no more". Oh boo fucking hoo hoo hoo. My life is ruined. How can I ever go on. :rolleyes:

You really do have an delusionally inflated sense of your own importance AND entertainment value.
How extraordinarily uninformed and naive you are, please don't ever vote again.

And what a smug, pompous little right wing know nothing you are, dear.

Really Rinata, what do you know about your President....... really....... what facts do you think you know about the clown you elected President? Anything?

Really Sitarro, what do you know about your president.....really.....what facts do you think you know about the clown you elected President? Anything?

(See what I just did there?) ...
It is high time the airwaves reflect the conscience of America.

Till Michelle Malkin or someone of her similar philosophy anchors/controls CBS news, you aren't even close to balance or reflecting the conscience of America. THEN you will just start having balance on the networks at large.

Sad part is, they probably would start increasing market share, rapidly too cause they wouldn't just be parroting the NYT.

Michelle Malkin? Seriously? Wow.
It is high time the airwaves reflect the conscience of America.

Till Michelle Malkin or someone of her similar philosophy anchors/controls CBS news, you aren't even close to balance or reflecting the conscience of America. THEN you will just start having balance on the networks at large.

Sad part is, they probably would start increasing market share, rapidly too cause they wouldn't just be parroting the NYT.

Michelle Malkin? Seriously? Wow.

I'll second that WOW!
And what a smug, pompous little right wing know nothing you are, dear.

Really Rinata, what do you know about your President....... really....... what facts do you think you know about the clown you elected President? Anything?

Like you really want to know. You just want to argue and be a little ass hole. It's so boring.

No wonder people call you names, rinata. Next time when they do, don't whine and cry about it
It is high time the airwaves reflect the conscience of America.

Till Michelle Malkin or someone of her similar philosophy anchors/controls CBS news, you aren't even close to balance or reflecting the conscience of America. THEN you will just start having balance on the networks at large.

Sad part is, they probably would start increasing market share, rapidly too cause they wouldn't just be parroting the NYT.

Michelle Malkin? Seriously? Wow.
With kooks like David Gregory, Katie Couric, Harry Gibson, Chris Matthews and many others being considered "moderate" we need a 'moderate' from the other side of the coin to try and balance it out.

Maybe Michael Savage can get his show back on NBC during prime time. That'd be like dropping the bull on PCP in the china shop.

But yeah, you coddled media midgets have had it easy for so long on TV and film you seem to think that's the way things are supposed to be. So the next time you think of net neutrality and the fairness doctrine, remember, I'm all for taking your broadcast television fiefdom away from you and gladly force you to compete equally in the marketplace of ideas.

Best pray that Rupert Murdock doesn't decide to spin off FNC into broadcast evening news.
Till Michelle Malkin or someone of her similar philosophy anchors/controls CBS news, you aren't even close to balance or reflecting the conscience of America. THEN you will just start having balance on the networks at large.

Sad part is, they probably would start increasing market share, rapidly too cause they wouldn't just be parroting the NYT.

Michelle Malkin? Seriously? Wow.
With kooks like David Gregory, Katie Couric, Harry Gibson, Chris Matthews and many others being considered "moderate" we need a 'moderate' from the other side of the coin to try and balance it out.

Maybe Michael Savage can get his show back on NBC during prime time. That'd be like dropping the bull on PCP in the china shop.

But yeah, you coddled media midgets have had it easy for so long on TV and film you seem to think that's the way things are supposed to be. So the next time you think of net neutrality and the fairness doctrine, remember, I'm all for taking your broadcast television fiefdom away from you and gladly force you to compete equally in the marketplace of ideas.

Best pray that Rupert Murdock doesn't decide to spin off FNC into broadcast evening news.

Wouldn't that be a hoot?

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