Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

My experience has been you come out with the attitude from the first sentence in your posts Rinata. While it may come off as charming in person, online it justs sounds like your a partisan troll.
This thread definately calls for a quick update on the Political Forums scoreboard..........................................

Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​
Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?

Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was sentenced Thursday to community service and probation and fined $50,000 for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them.
CNN.com - Sandy Berger fined $50,000 for taking documents - Sep 8, 2005

Now don't you feel just a little like a partisan hack, mr. shaman? You should :razz:
Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

You stupid fuck...Sandy Bergler stuffed his underpants and socks full of top secret documents......he plead guilty and was punished for stealing documents from the National Archives relating to Clinton's ineptitude regarding Al Qaeda and the 9/11 plot.
Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?

Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was sentenced Thursday to community service and probation and fined $50,000 for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them.
CNN.com - Sandy Berger*fined $50,000*for taking documents - Sep 8, 2005

Now don't you feel just a little like a partisan hack, mr. shaman? You should :razz:
The ignorance of the Clintards is laughable at best...better get skook to update the score board....
Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?
Let's just say FAUX Noise inadvertently-misrepresented the actual-facts of what had happened.

Dems may be correct, didn't Clinton asked Sandy Berger to steal documents out of the National Archives to protect Hillary and nothing ever came of that either?
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

You stupid fuck...Sandy Bergler stuffed his underpants and socks full of top secret documents......he plead guilty and was punished for stealing documents from the National Archives relating to Clinton's ineptitude regarding Al Qaeda and the 9/11 plot.
I've read what Porky Limbaugh insisted....
Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?

Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was sentenced Thursday to community service and probation and fined $50,000 for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them.
CNN.com - Sandy Berger*fined $50,000*for taking documents - Sep 8, 2005

Now don't you feel just a little like a partisan hack, mr. shaman? You should :razz:
The ignorance of the Clintards is laughable at best...
Yeah....all o' that Prosperity was truly a burden.

Never happened....but, Reality was never a consideration, when it came to Porky Limbaugh's drug-fueled conspiracies.​

Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?
Let's just say FAUX Noise inadvertently-misrepresented the actual-facts of what had happened.


Lets just say that you don't know what your talking about and won't admit the truth. I have given you a source that says your lying in your posts. Please note that it wasn't a Fox News source and that the source was CNN. Carry on with your stupid colored posts. :cuckoo:
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The White Wash is in full effect. Unless the Republicans regain some power in Congress,this will all be swiftly swept under the rug. The Democrats are not going to investigate themselves. They should all be called to answer questions under oath. Until this happens,the White Wash will go on. It's actually very sad. This administration is rampant with corruption and incompetence. Make 2010 count people.
No wonder people call you names, rinata. Next time when they do, don't whine and cry about it

What are you talking about, fool??? I have never cussed at people until just recently. I never did. But I'm sick of trying to be the reasonable one. You people don't respond to that. So fuck you and all your friends.

See what I mean folks...........the k00ks are doing the mental meltdown thing!!! These folks have become miserable sob's in recent months!!! And who came honestly blame them? North, South, East and West...........everywhere you look, its bad times for Demcorats and particularly the MoveOn.org dummies. Go check out DRUDGE right now.............its a fcukking joke!! Its an advertisment for "We're nothing but Fcukk ups!!!" in terms of liberals running things!!! ( seen by 30 million people today by the way!!! :lol::lol::lol:) And how fcukking funny, huh??? 15 months ago these people were on top of the world and the future looked so bright..................

Not anymore s0ns!!!!!

I even asked Sammy what he thought were the prospects for a huge move by the country towards conservatism come November...................


PS..............and this just in from DRUDGE.............Rasmussen.com: "60% favor repeal of Health Care"
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

It just keeps getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think people are that stupid??? Mother Teresa would have eventually cursed you guys out.
What are you talking about, fool??? I have never cussed at people until just recently. I never did. But I'm sick of trying to be the reasonable one. You people don't respond to that. So fuck you and all your friends.

See what I mean folks...........the k00ks are doing the mental meltdown thing!!! These folks have become miserable sob's in recent months!!! And who came honestly blame them? North, South, East and West...........everywhere you look, its bad times for Demcorats and particularly the MoveOn.org dummies. Go check out DRUDGE right now.............its a fcukking joke!! Its an advertisment for "We're nothing but Fcukk ups!!!" in terms of liberals running things!!! ( seen by 30 million people today by the way!!! :lol::lol::lol:) And how fcukking funny, huh??? 15 months ago these people were on top of the world and the future looked so bright..................

Not anymore s0ns!!!!!

I even asked Sammy what he thought were the prospects for a huge move by the country towards conservatism come November...................


PS..............and this just in from DRUDGE.............Rasmussen.com: "60% favor repeal of Health Care"
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

It just keeps getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think people are that stupid??? Mother Teresa would have eventually cursed you guys out.

Oh brother, now she condones the F BOMB. I sure am getting confused, I never cussed at you rinata, and now you throw the f bomb my way? shame, shame
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Looks like someone's PISSED OFF that his Lord, Messiah and Savior has embroiled himself in a controversy that is getting worse and worse by the day. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

and in your infinte ignorance...you seem to forget all of the pogroms you fucking ass clowns perpetrated on the Republicans the last few years....so fuck YOU and your meaningless dares....I hope they DO put these people in front of an investigatory panel and get them all to perjur themselves including Obama!!!!....just to piss you off!!!!:lol: I want to see the complete meltdown of the tingly legged Obama crowd..:lol:

First of all, I have stated many times on these boards, that while I felt Bush was an incompetent buffoon, I was disgusted by the endless badgering of his administration over tiny little minutiae.

That's why I don't watch any of the left-wing talking heads anymore.

That being said..

If you want to play the "who started the partisan bullshit badgering" game, we'll have to go back one more administration.

The Republicans relentless attack on the Clinton administration started the whole ball rolling. Their behavior was despicable in that regard. From Whitewater, to rape charges about what's-her-face, to Vince Foster, ending with Monica Lewinsky. Hell, you all even went after Hillary with the same head of steam after Clinton was out of office.

Compared to the almost constant congressional "special investigations" into every charge the Republican smear-machine could think of, the criticism of the Bush administration was NOTHING.

So, PLEASE, don't even bother trying the "but they did it first" approach, because YOU did it first, and you're still doing it.
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I am a pilot dipshit. Flown thruought is not the same as not having stable bases of ops.

I was born in Seattle..lived in the San Juans...Seattle again then Pompano Beach Fla..and Boulder Colorado..lived in or near Seattle for the last twenty years.

"I recognize it and am accustomed to spin"

Of that we can certainly rely. And be assured I will be there to point it out.

So you are not a fan of "The List"! How dissapointing. Oh well... with nearly 50,000 views..it appears I have a handful of interested fans... That's good enough.

How many do you think give a rats ass about what you bring to the forum?

Sit on that and "spin" sport.
How many do you think give a rats ass about what you bring to the forum?

If this is to be considered a thumbnail of accuracy: (worked it out because it was entertaining)

I have less than half the posts as you, and have almost equaled your rep.

Also I have over half the number of thanks you do you have (you average 0.069 per post versus my 0.112.)

All this with almost a year less time than you here (when including my month and a half hiatus)

For what it's worth, I seem to be a far better contributor to USMB than you and your reflection Narcissus.

Oh well... with nearly 50,000 views..it appears I have a handful of interested fans...

And if you look in the right place, you will see that by almost a 10 to 1 margin, the posts are you and a few of your merry band of self loving misfits. Remember, self abuse is the most sincere kind but you'll go blind if you do it too much. I noticed that after I viewed it... once.

Huggy's allowed to pilot an aircraft?

So he claims. Scary to think that a technical career like that wouldn't weed out dumbasses.
Seeing Robert Gibbs all but plead the 5th in today's press briefing was rather stunning in both its obvious indications, as well as implications...


A reporter asked Gibbs why he wouldn’t discuss the offer over many months, even as the administration contended that nothing inappropriate had taken place. “I’d have to ask counsel for a better answer,” Gibbs said.

Gibbs: 'I'd refer you to the memo' | POLITICO 44
Sandy Berger never stole documents from the National Archives?
Let's just say FAUX Noise inadvertently-misrepresented the actual-facts of what had happened.


Lets just say that you don't know what your talking about and won't admit the truth. I have given you a source that says your lying in your posts. Please note that it wasn't a Fox News source and that the source was CNN. Carry on with your stupid colored posts. :cuckoo:

The stupidity displayed by the dopers on this board is quite entertaining. I think Shaman has been hitting the peace pipe a bit too much lately.:lol:
Been thinking about the situation with Sestak more and this whole mess sounds like an Emmanuel move. I suspect he will be thrown under the bus before too long.

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