Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

I didn't derail it at all...*YOU* Attempted to. *I* Put you in your place. Learn it, KNOW IT, LIVE IT.

Deal with it Doggie boy.

You put nobody in their place. Let me know when you get some real evidence. Hell, I know if it was up to you, you'd have already impeached Obama. So don't try to act impartial about this, at all.
I didn't derail it at all...*YOU* Attempted to. *I* Put you in your place. Learn it, KNOW IT, LIVE IT.

Deal with it Doggie boy.

You put nobody in their place. Let me know when you get some real evidence. Hell, I know if it was up to you, you'd have already impeached Obama. So don't try to act impartial about this, at all.

Keep diggin. I did and you don't ADMIT IT.

Oh? And WHY aren't YOU in the military defending your country instead of being on a message board?

Answer? *You want others to do it FOR YOU* Becuase you'e a PUSSY.

And YES...I'd have IMPEACHED Obaama LONG Ago. And yes he will be Impeached and thrown in prison.
So the White House legal counsel is going to investigate the White House on this? That is a very strange new procedure. It doesn't look, sound or feel right. Somebody's got dirty hands and doesn't want outside parties involved.

This must go all the way too the Oval Office. It is the only thing that explains such a defensive action.
I didn't derail it at all...*YOU* Attempted to. *I* Put you in your place. Learn it, KNOW IT, LIVE IT.

Deal with it Doggie boy.

You put nobody in their place. Let me know when you get some real evidence. Hell, I know if it was up to you, you'd have already impeached Obama. So don't try to act impartial about this, at all.

Keep diggin. I did and you don't ADMIT IT.

Oh? And WHY aren't YOU in the military defending your country instead of being on a message board?

Answer? *You want others to do it FOR YOU* Becuase you'e a PUSSY.

And YES...I'd have IMPEACHED Obaama LONG Ago. And yes he will be Impeached and thrown in prison.

Doggie just revealed the vacuity of his intellect in this thread. A bit redundant, imo, as he does this on a constant basis.
So the White House legal counsel is going to investigate the White House on this? That is a very strange new procedure. It doesn't look, sound or feel right. Somebody's got dirty hands and doesn't want outside parties involved.

This must go all the way too the Oval Office. It is the only thing that explains such a defensive action.
I wouldn't depend upon Eric Holder to do Diddly SQUAT.

The Man is Hell-Bent On conferring Constitutional rights unto Terrorists...

Ignores what his BOSS does...We are talking about the American AG that ADMITTED that he hadn't READ the Arizona LAW regarding Illegals...but yet had VOWED to take it to TASK...and launch a LAWSUIT NOT having read the damned thing.

The Stupid Fucker should be summarily Fired.
So the White House legal counsel is going to investigate the White House on this? That is a very strange new procedure. It doesn't look, sound or feel right. Somebody's got dirty hands and doesn't want outside parties involved.

This must go all the way too the Oval Office. It is the only thing that explains such a defensive action.
I wouldn't depend upon Eric Holder to do Diddly SQUAT.

The Man is Hell-Bent On conferring Constitutional rights unto Terrorists...

Ignores what his BOSS does...We are talking about the American AG that ADMITTED that he hadn't READ the Arizona LAW regarding Illegals...but yet had VOWED to take it to TASK...and launch a LAWSUIT NOT having read the damned thing.

The Stupid Fucker should be summarily Fired.

On the contrary, I think Holder will take a big squat when Barrack bites the big M-Peach.
You put nobody in their place. Let me know when you get some real evidence. Hell, I know if it was up to you, you'd have already impeached Obama. So don't try to act impartial about this, at all.

Keep diggin. I did and you don't ADMIT IT.

Oh? And WHY aren't YOU in the military defending your country instead of being on a message board?

Answer? *You want others to do it FOR YOU* Becuase you'e a PUSSY.

And YES...I'd have IMPEACHED Obaama LONG Ago. And yes he will be Impeached and thrown in prison.

Doggie just revealed the vacuity of his intellect in this thread. A bit redundant, imo, as he does this on a constant basis.

Indeed he did and does. Doggie is a POOR CHOICE for a Moderator...

Gunny? Where for art thou dude? ;)
So the White House legal counsel is going to investigate the White House on this? That is a very strange new procedure. It doesn't look, sound or feel right. Somebody's got dirty hands and doesn't want outside parties involved.

This must go all the way too the Oval Office. It is the only thing that explains such a defensive action.

Hey--Bush called for an independent investigation over Valeria Plume--when he had a full house of Republicans. Now that democrats are in CHARGE--they're going to do an "in-house" investigation. Sounds to me--like the fox is now in charge of guarding the chicken coop--LOL

You're JOKING right?

We are a nation of LAW not of MEN or Popularity.

Yep.....but huggy doesn't think that should be an issue. :eusa_whistle:

And as a matter of course? *he doesn't*...But then He's on a friggin' message board trying to garner hollow accolades.

And what can anyone expect from that in the REAL world?

What can one garner but self-flaggellation?

I Hope and PRAY that Schmuggy is comfortable underneath his skin...and has gotten what he has asked for. It isn't REAL on anyone's terms. More's the Pity for Schmuggy.

He impresses *NO ONE* But himself.


Get a grip Francis. You are going off the deep end. This is a MB...you have been played .... You have been owned. :lol::lol::lol: ....No law was broken.

It's a non-story. It's business as usual. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. Bush did it. The Republicans are making a big deal about it because they have nothing else.

Issa's Call for a Special Prosecutor: Does It Have Merit? - Politics - The Atlantic

In 1981, President Reagan offered S.I. Hayakawa, then California's senior senator, a job if he declined to run for reelection. We know this because Reagan's chief political adviser admitted as much on the record.

In 1997, then-Massachusetts Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger negotiated a Justice Department post while he decided whether to run for governor. The Clinton White House did not want him to make that bid -- they wanted to clear the field for Rep. Joe Kennedy.

(Remember when William Weld was nominated to ambassador to Mexico? Same reason, same motivation. Jesse Helms scuttled this, but for reasons having nothing to do with presidential political interference.)

More recently, after Rep. Ben Gilman found his congressional district eliminated by redistricting in 2002, the White House tried to persuade him from challenging another Republican congressman in another district by considering him for an administration position. Karl Rove repeatedly intervened in Republican primaries. And Tim Pawlenty is not a senator because Rove urged him to run for governor instead.
Yep.....but huggy doesn't think that should be an issue. :eusa_whistle:

And as a matter of course? *he doesn't*...But then He's on a friggin' message board trying to garner hollow accolades.

And what can anyone expect from that in the REAL world?

What can one garner but self-flaggellation?

I Hope and PRAY that Schmuggy is comfortable underneath his skin...and has gotten what he has asked for. It isn't REAL on anyone's terms. More's the Pity for Schmuggy.

He impresses *NO ONE* But himself.


Get a grip Francis. You are going off the deep end. This is a MB...you have been played .... You have been owned. :lol::lol::lol: ....No law was broken.


Keep thinkin that...and I'll be here to remind YA when it comes to pass dipshit.
And as a matter of course? *he doesn't*...But then He's on a friggin' message board trying to garner hollow accolades.

And what can anyone expect from that in the REAL world?

What can one garner but self-flaggellation?

I Hope and PRAY that Schmuggy is comfortable underneath his skin...and has gotten what he has asked for. It isn't REAL on anyone's terms. More's the Pity for Schmuggy.

He impresses *NO ONE* But himself.


Get a grip Francis. You are going off the deep end. This is a MB...you have been played .... You have been owned. :lol::lol::lol: ....No law was broken.


Keep thinkin that...and I'll be here to remind YA when it comes to pass dipshit.


I'm sure the dipshits of the world are shaking in their boots. :lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2:
It's a non-story. It's business as usual. Reagan did it. Clinton did it. Bush did it. The Republicans are making a big deal about it because they have nothing else.

Issa's Call for a Special Prosecutor: Does It Have Merit? - Politics - The Atlantic

In 1981, President Reagan offered S.I. Hayakawa, then California's senior senator, a job if he declined to run for reelection. We know this because Reagan's chief political adviser admitted as much on the record.

In 1997, then-Massachusetts Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger negotiated a Justice Department post while he decided whether to run for governor. The Clinton White House did not want him to make that bid -- they wanted to clear the field for Rep. Joe Kennedy.

(Remember when William Weld was nominated to ambassador to Mexico? Same reason, same motivation. Jesse Helms scuttled this, but for reasons having nothing to do with presidential political interference.)

More recently, after Rep. Ben Gilman found his congressional district eliminated by redistricting in 2002, the White House tried to persuade him from challenging another Republican congressman in another district by considering him for an administration position. Karl Rove repeatedly intervened in Republican primaries. And Tim Pawlenty is not a senator because Rove urged him to run for governor instead.

But But But, Dick Morris said this is bigger than watergate! lol

Fox fans are such dumbasses. I swear. They got nothing!

Get a grip Francis. You are going off the deep end. This is a MB...you have been played .... You have been owned. :lol::lol::lol: ....No law was broken.


Keep thinkin that...and I'll be here to remind YA when it comes to pass dipshit.


I'm sure the dipshits of the world are shaking in their boots. :lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2:

Pssssst. I just found out why This T person is the way he is. You see, he is a drunk. I knew it dammit, but its confirmed. He is a drunk. lol

T, the first step is admitting your problem dude. Good luck. :doubt:
Have you ever wondered if those who helped to elect barry are still as thrilled with him now? I think you need to get a refill on your meds, Huggy.

I am. And there are plenty of others like me. Nice try though.

How extraordinarily uninformed and naive you are, please don't ever vote again.

And what a smug, pompous little right wing know nothing you are, dear.
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Now I say this with a certain degree of salt because of my attitude on polls, but...

If you look at the polls on the hotbutton issues of the day, the unequivocably line up the American populace at large, 60-80% depending on the subject, with Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.

This is not the fringe. That lie isn't being bought anymore. Liberalism has never been more than a 30% political market share, and it's shrinking. Fast.

So keep believing that you are the silent majority. You've had 40 years believing that having control of the microphones and the cameras made what you believed mainstream. The truth is all it did was make you the biggest loudmouths in the room. You could outshout anyone else. But volume does not create truth, or agreement. You are now starting to learn that with alternatives, people finally can do what they craved to do for decades...

Tune you out. Turn you off. Shut you down.

Very weak argument. Just accept that HUGGY took you all to the cleaners. :lol:

Naive dimwits such as yourself are the only ones impressed with what the babbling huggy does, he is also one of the worst spellers on the board.

Oh, now I see what put you in a bitchy mood. Good old HUGGY hit a nerve, didn't he?? And the way you're acting proves his point.

We are a nation of LAW not of MEN or Popularity.

Yep.....but huggy doesn't think that should be an issue. :eusa_whistle:

And as a matter of course? *he doesn't*...But then He's on a friggin' message board trying to garner hollow accolades.

And what can anyone expect from that in the REAL world?

What can one garner but self-flaggellation?

I Hope and PRAY that Schmuggy is comfortable underneath his skin...and has gotten what he has asked for. It isn't REAL on anyone's terms. More's the Pity for Schmuggy.

He impresses *NO ONE* But himself.

Not true. He impresses me and others too, I'm sure. But you are making fun of him because you have no idea what he's talking about. What he said is right on the money. But you don't understand at all.

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that get it and those that don't. You and all of the other lying right wing nuts will always be in the group that just doesn't get it.
*I* Am NOT the topic of this. Try again.

I don't really care what you think Thomas. Goodness knows you helped to derail this thread long ago.

I didn't derail it at all...*YOU* Attempted to. *I* Put you in your place. Learn it, KNOW IT, LIVE IT.
Deal with it Doggie boy.

You sound like some high school kid trying to show the other guys he's cool by using what he considers to be a cool way of talking. It makes you appear even more immature than you usually do. Grow up.

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