Obama In Speech Tells Students To Monitor Family Members For Racial Insensitivity!

Problem is that more and more things are being considered offensive. If you don't date a different race, you are racist. If you don't eat certain foods, like Mexican food, you are racist. I can imagine some young liberal mush mind picking a fight with grandpa because he doesn't like illegal immigration or tacos.

Will these young people start looking to be offended at the slightest thing? It's one thing when someone tells an ugly joke, which isn't even funny, but now people are called racist over the slightest thing.

Schools will start asking students about their relatives. They already ask too many personal questions, so I expect that the students will be asked to write a report on relatives and anything they say.

Michelle Obama has said racist things in the past about whites. I know, it's fine for minorities to hate all whites and that kind of racism is acceptable.

Now whites are supposed to feel guilty just for being white. If you are white and hang around with other whites, you'll be labeled as insensitive. If you cross the street to avoid contact with a minority, you are racist even if the person looks like a gang member.

College kids will pick fights at the dinner table when grandpa disagrees with amnesty for illegal aliens. Wasn't it Sheila Jackson Lee who claimed that those against Obamacare were also racist? With the left adding words to the list of racist language, virtually anyone can be considered racist.

Kids who were raised right already object to racist remarks or any other derogatory comments for that matter. I raised my kids right. Many people raised their children not to hate and certainly don't need Michelle Obama telling their children to be confrontational over every little perceived insult. I hate the thought of someone else brainwashing them into finding fault with virtually any comment and getting into peoples' faces to argue about it.
Did she leave them with the website address so they could report the family members.
This is rather different. This is, Hey Grandpa, don't call them *******, it's rude.

Telling my parents or grandparents anything of that sort (or attempting to "correct" them in any way) would have lead to me getting one hell of a beating and probably not being allowed out of the house for about 2 months. Believe it or not some children are actually taught to respect, fear, and defer to their elders and betters.
The end goal of the Obama's and the liberal loons who support them.

Is to turn the U.S into a N. Korea style police state masquerading as a workers paradise.

Where everyone owns nothing......and the abject misery is equally shared by all citizens. ... :cool:
""Maybe that starts simply in your own family, when grandpa tells that off-colored joke at Thanksgiving, or you’ve got an aunt [that] talks about ‘those people,’” she said. “Well, you can politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends.

“Or maybe it’s when you go off to college and you decide to join a sorority or fraternity, and you ask the question, how can we get more diversity in our next pledge class?” she added. “Or maybe it’s years from now, when you’re on the job and you’re the one who asks, do we really have all the voices and viewpoints we need at this table?

“But no matter what you do, the point is to never be afraid to talk about these issues, particularly the issue of race,” she said."

Oh the HUMANITY!!!

Apparently telling racist jokes is the highlight of some of the Wingnut Brigade's Thanksgiving. And Michelle is ruining it for them.
""Maybe that starts simply in your own family, when grandpa tells that off-colored joke at Thanksgiving, or you’ve got an aunt [that] talks about ‘those people,’” she said. “Well, you can politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends.

“Or maybe it’s when you go off to college and you decide to join a sorority or fraternity, and you ask the question, how can we get more diversity in our next pledge class?” she added. “Or maybe it’s years from now, when you’re on the job and you’re the one who asks, do we really have all the voices and viewpoints we need at this table?

“But no matter what you do, the point is to never be afraid to talk about these issues, particularly the issue of race,” she said."

Oh the HUMANITY!!!

Apparently telling racist jokes is the highlight of some of the Wingnut Brigade's Thanksgiving. And Michelle is ruining it for them.
And what business is it of yours if they do?

That anyone could suggest this without irony is very disturbing. All totalitarian societies try to get children to spy on their parents and out them as enemies of the state or party.
How long until there is a reward and some racial-sensitivity officers show up at someone's house to explain how things need to be?
""Maybe that starts simply in your own family, when grandpa tells that off-colored joke at Thanksgiving, or you’ve got an aunt [that] talks about ‘those people,’” she said. “Well, you can politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends.

“Or maybe it’s when you go off to college and you decide to join a sorority or fraternity, and you ask the question, how can we get more diversity in our next pledge class?” she added. “Or maybe it’s years from now, when you’re on the job and you’re the one who asks, do we really have all the voices and viewpoints we need at this table?

“But no matter what you do, the point is to never be afraid to talk about these issues, particularly the issue of race,” she said."

Oh the HUMANITY!!!

Apparently telling racist jokes is the highlight of some of the Wingnut Brigade's Thanksgiving. And Michelle is ruining it for them.
And what business is it of yours if they do?

That anyone could suggest this without irony is very disturbing. All totalitarian societies try to get children to spy on their parents and out them as enemies of the state or party.
How long until there is a reward and some racial-sensitivity officers show up at someone's house to explain how things need to be?

Oh, please.

Telling Grandma to stop saying "******" isn't the same as sending her to the Gulag.

It seems to me that rather than confronting why your behavior is unacceptable, you just want to find some safe corner where you can still do it.
Apparently telling racist jokes is the highlight of some of the Wingnut Brigade's Thanksgiving. And Michelle is ruining it for them.
And what business is it of yours if they do?

That anyone could suggest this without irony is very disturbing. All totalitarian societies try to get children to spy on their parents and out them as enemies of the state or party.
How long until there is a reward and some racial-sensitivity officers show up at someone's house to explain how things need to be?

Oh, please.

Telling Grandma to stop saying "******" isn't the same as sending her to the Gulag.

It seems to me that rather than confronting why your behavior is unacceptable, you just want to find some safe corner where you can still do it.

Again, what business is it of yours?
And what business is it of yours if they do?

That anyone could suggest this without irony is very disturbing. All totalitarian societies try to get children to spy on their parents and out them as enemies of the state or party.
How long until there is a reward and some racial-sensitivity officers show up at someone's house to explain how things need to be?

Oh, please.

Telling Grandma to stop saying "******" isn't the same as sending her to the Gulag.

It seems to me that rather than confronting why your behavior is unacceptable, you just want to find some safe corner where you can still do it.

Again, what business is it of yours?

You mean why wouldn't I want my racist relatives insulting my non-white friends?

Gee, hmmm. that's a tough one.
Oh, please.

Telling Grandma to stop saying "******" isn't the same as sending her to the Gulag.

It seems to me that rather than confronting why your behavior is unacceptable, you just want to find some safe corner where you can still do it.

Again, what business is it of yours?

You mean why wouldn't I want my racist relatives insulting my non-white friends?

Gee, hmmm. that's a tough one.

I had no idea you had racist relatives. But it makes sense, given the fact you are a bigot.
Quit insulting Mormons, you bigot, or I'll report you to Mooschelle.
Again, what business is it of yours?

You mean why wouldn't I want my racist relatives insulting my non-white friends?

Gee, hmmm. that's a tough one.

I had no idea you had racist relatives. But it makes sense, given the fact you are a bigot.
Quit insulting Mormons, you bigot, or I'll report you to Mooschelle.

Guy, sorry, unless you are signing up for your own set of Magic Underpants, you think the Mormons are as much of a fraud as I do.
You mean why wouldn't I want my racist relatives insulting my non-white friends?

Gee, hmmm. that's a tough one.

I had no idea you had racist relatives. But it makes sense, given the fact you are a bigot.
Quit insulting Mormons, you bigot, or I'll report you to Mooschelle.

Guy, sorry, unless you are signing up for your own set of Magic Underpants, you think the Mormons are as much of a fraud as I do.

Actually I dont.
But you present a clear case of liberal hypocrisy. You make fun of conservatives, whom you imagine sitting around making ****** jokes, while you make bigoted, unfounded, and ignorant statements about Mormons.
Way to go, guy.
So the first bitch is out to recruit the next generation of PC Brownshirts, really?

There are great jokes about every race on earth and most of them center around stereotypes, it's only the intolerant left that can't enjoy them all. When we lose our ability to laugh at ourselves we may as well pray for nuclear winter.
Since Texas is a global joke, we'll trust you on this.

Q: Why wasn't the baby Jesus born in Texas?
A: Because they couldn't find three wise men or a virgin.
source: Texas Jokes - State Jokes

Thanks for the chuckle. I heard that before, but it was funnier and more valid, when it was not Texas, but Africa.
Hitler Youth was told to monitor their family members for "wrong" beliefs and statements. They are told to especially watch their parents and report to the Socialist Party.

Isn't there an Obama website that little Johnny can report his parents?
In the book 1984, Winston is arrested and put in a cell with another man who he knew as his neighbor Parsons. Parsons was arrested when his daughter listened at the keyhole of his bedroom and heard him say "Down with Big Brother" in his sleep. She went to the police the very next day. Parsons was proud of his daughter turning him in. It was evidence that he raised her the right way.
We certainly monitored family members in this area when they were around our children.

One of the uncles could not keep his mouth shut and was kept away from them until their majorities.

He lost out, and they gained by his exclusion.
In the book 1984, Winston is arrested and put in a cell with another man who he knew as his neighbor Parsons. Parsons was arrested when his daughter listened at the keyhole of his bedroom and heard him say "Down with Big Brother" in his sleep. She went to the police the very next day. Parsons was proud of his daughter turning him in. It was evidence that he raised her the right way.

Uh.... dewd.

It's more than a fantasy in a book.

If you study communism and how it is practiced in REALITY...... THAT is an every day occurrence in communist Countries.

Education in Cuba as part of social control

Cuban Communist Regime Replaces Parents and Then Complains Its Children are Badly Brought Up*|*Yoani Sanchez

Russia, Communism, and the Future of the World

dimocrap scum would like to make it an every day occurrence in this Country.

They've already started it in the Private and Business Community..... Sterling, Don Jones, the Brothers from HGTV, Duck Dynasty, etc

Their next stop is the government enforcement of 'social justice' 'right thinking' and 'correctness'

Think I'm kidding?

Once it happens, once it is in place, it will be too late to do anything about short of armed insurrection.

I wanna stick around to see that.

I wanna get some of that. Talk about fun? Oh yeah
We certainly monitored family members in this area when they were around our children.

One of the uncles could not keep his mouth shut and was kept away from them until their majorities.

He lost out, and they gained by his exclusion.

Whereas, I was raised the exact opposite way. We were taught that there were things that were Right and Wrong. The Government, Political Correctness, and things like that fell on the side of Wrong.
We certainly monitored family members in this area when they were around our children.

One of the uncles could not keep his mouth shut and was kept away from them until their majorities.

He lost out, and they gained by his exclusion.

My family---now in their 80s--freely expressed themselves.

Not at all what I heard at church/school. I had to make up my own mind.

Too difficult to hate--all that I learned.

If you are making a speech--and particularly this person in this setting--what else could be said.

Stretching as far as I can--'monitor' --monitor yourself? Maybe all you can do?
So, if the family in question is Black, and the talk among the teen boys is about going out to play the Knock Out Game or Polar Bear Hunting....

What if the discussion around the Black Teens Boredom ridden play of Grand Theft Auto is about going out to shoot an innocent white jogger in the back?

What if the meal is a University Staff Meeting having their company Thanksgiving meal, and the more radical staff members are sniggering about how they publicly humiliated and then unjustly failed a white male student from their class, to achieve "Social Justice".

Should these events be "Reported to Michelle"?

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