Obama is a Very Lucky POTUS


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
He is incredibly lucky to serve at a moment in history where the House of Representatives is led by the most gutless, craven shit-for-brains Speaker of the House to have ever held that office, AND he is a member of the opposition party, no less, letting his own party off the hook for all the shenanigans going on in DC because the silence and retreat of the GOP is is as damning of them as it is of the Demofascist party..
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House approves increase in debt ceiling with no strings attached, bill heads to Senate | Fox News

WASHINGTON – The House voted Tuesday to raise the government's borrowing limit, as GOP leaders backed down from a potential confrontation with Democrats by declining to seek any concessions in exchange for the increase.

The debt-ceiling bill passed on a 221-201 vote, and now goes to the Senate for final approval.

The vote comes after Republican leaders backed off their strategy of trying to use the debt limit to force spending cuts or other concessions. In 2011, President Obama yielded to similar demands but has since said he would not negotiate with Republicans over the matter.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, swiftly teed up the vote Tuesday after failing to get enough conservative support for a plan that would have tied the debt ceiling measure to one reversing cuts to military pensions. Another failed proposal had tied the debt cap hike to the Keystone pipeline.

The House, as part of a separate bill, nevertheless voted Tuesday to restore full cost of living increases to pension benefits for younger military retirees. The final vote was 326-90.

But Boehner's decision to move ahead on the debt-ceiling legislation without any concessions signals a potentially new approach on these so-called must-pass bills. His party was bruised last year after Republicans tried to extract changes to ObamaCare as part of a budget bill, resulting in a partial government shutdown that lasted until Boehner finally called a relatively clean budget bill to the floor -- which passed on mostly Democratic votes.
Obama isn't a President. As in, he's not Presidential material

Which begs the question... what IS his material worth?

Think about that one. Think long and deep.

Obama is neither long nor is he deep.

Are our memories really 5-years shallow?

I've lived in Illinois for 50 of my 58 years, and I can tell you for a fact that you have been royally fucked over by the best of our offerings.

Chicago has descended upon our nation. And may God have mercy on your souls.
Obama is just a good liar and he benefits from an ignorant and stupid electorate.
Liberals are losing the stupid war. They defied it, they initiated it, they have taken it to the extreme.

And they insist on tripping the light fucktastic.

And this.... is their protocol.
Liberals are losing the stupid war. They defied it, they initiated it, they have taken it to the extreme.

And they insist on tripping the light fucktastic.

And this.... is their protocol.

What war?

The insurgency against our Constitution and our Republic.

Their are turning into a Caesar like dictatorship; all the trappings of a Republic left intact but the real workings of a dictatorship.

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