Obama is horrible

Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they
(1) discriminate on the basis of creed, by excluding and penalizing citizens who don't believe that govt has authority to regulate financial health care decisions without an Amendment to the Constitution specifically granting this authority
(2) regulate on the basis of religion, by granting exemptions only to certain religious groups meeting requirements approved by govt, and not counting the belief in paying for free market solutions as an equal choice. Instead, any other options besides govt-regulated insurance are penalized.
(3) violate the First Amendment by establishing the BELIEF in the "right to health care" while penalizing the belief in free market health care, instead of allowing citizens to practice and fund the policies and beliefs of their choice, such as through their own parties.

The President and members of Congress and the Supreme Court
who fail to recognize that political beliefs are at stake here should either be compelled
to correct the conflict over the mandates (such as by making them optional, tax deductible, or required only by parties that approve of the mandates for their members) or be removed from office if they are not competent enough to recognize that the ACA is biased by political beliefs not all citizens share.

Govt has no authority to impose any belief on citizens unless we consent to pass a faith based policy,
where even a majority rule vote does not give Govt authority to overrule dissenters' beliefs.

The First and Fourteenth Amendment stand, protecting the equal creeds and beliefs of all citizens.
If laws are truly Constitutional, they would not violate these other laws that are equally
part of Constitutional standards.

We have the right to separate and practice our own beliefs, that cannot be mandated by Govt.
This right to free exercise of religion, of equal protection of the laws from discrimination by Creed,
cannot be taken away simply by a vote of Congress or 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court. Any such drastic change to the powers of federal govt requires Amendments ratified by the States.

Anyone who seeks to bypass this step is the very taxpayers who have to pay for those policies.
If people really want to pay for the ACA and be under the mandates, they can choose freely by party.

The liberals who want singlepayer can set that up through the Greens and Democratic parties to cover all their members nationally under umbrella plans. The conservatives who want free market solutions can set up programs through the Libertarian and Republican party networks.

The same way Protestants and Catholics have their own programs they pay for that follow their beliefs, without imposing on or conflicting with each other. Why not with political parties and beliefs?

This is the point I would like to get across to leaders of both major parties. To separate political beliefs, quit imposing on the rest of the nation, and everyone gets their way equally.
Horrible in the eyes of the beholder.
Islamic terrorists love Obama.
No, they loved Bush and the GOP who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It happened. Nothing is ever going to change that.

What rdean I thought Obama used the intelligence gathered under Bush, including information gained from waterboarding, and used that to finish the job with Bin Laden. Oh well, that's the hype from the right anyway. Same with the standard line that the chemical weapons used in Syria show where Saddam Hussein moved the WMD.

If both left and right don't believe each other's hype, you might as well drop both because
they cancel out, and both sides say the other is lying and spreading false propaganda.

If nothing is going to change that, why not drop it.
And focus on what we can agree on.

Why not agree to go after corrupt war spending, and demand reimbursement to taxpayers.
Wouldn't that pay for health care and VA reforms? Why not pursue something we agree
is worth it. And demand either restitution or credits in the Federal Reserve to pay back taxpayers.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Someone posted this on another site, asking how can jobs be up
while the employment and participation is down.

I was warned not even to trust the unemployment numbers reported,
because a good % of people rolling off and no longer eligible for unemployment
benefits meant they weren't counted even though they remain unemployed.

Can anyone post a reference to the unemployment and job creation rate
that ISN'T biased politically either for or against Bush or Obama?
Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.
Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.
Every citizen has a right to defend what we BELIEVE from unconstitutional govt infringement.

If you don't believe in defending First and Fourteenth Amendment rights,
you have the right to give those up to govt. That means you AGREE with the law,
that it doesn't violate your beliefs. But what if it did? Wouldn't you argue as well?

Otherwise HOW could you complain about the "right to life" being imposed by govt
and overriding the BELIEF in free choice?

If it "doesn't matter" what people think or believe, then Govt can impose ANYTHING!
Can impose anything about God, creation, evolution, prayer in schools that happens
to pass by majority vote -- because "it doesn't matter what anyone thinks."

Be VERY careful -- if you don't care what other people think,
what happens when your opinion and belief gets overridden or threatened by Govt?

Don't you want YOUR beliefs about choice, about marriage, about immigration,
voting and health care to count when it comes to YOU paying taxes?

How can you not care? Doesn't this affect all of us?
Or do you like it when people threaten to use Govt
to impose THEIR beliefs and what THEY think should be law.

Wouldn't you be horrified if someone passed their beliefs about abortion as law,
"and didn't care what you thought"
Horrible in the eyes of the beholder.
Islamic terrorists love Obama.
No, they loved Bush and the GOP who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It happened. Nothing is ever going to change that.
Terrorism in the US after 9-11 was zip.
Then Imam Obama took over and started giving us distorted history lessons on the Crusades.
Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares.

Yes, people care. Are you stuck with your head in the clouds HappyJoy or under a rock?
The parties with the State of Texas suing over ACA as unconstitutional obviously care!
Three States Sue Federal Government Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Obamacare Tax

Even the liberals I know who want Singlepayer care.
The main contact I know with Universal health care can't afford her own health insurance
and neither can I. Neither can my friends suffering right now without health care.

Just because you don't know anyone who cares, doesn't mean nobody cares.
It means you don't know. Because you aren't paying attention.

You are like saying because you don't know any trafficking victims speaking out in public,
they must consent to being raped and trafficked. Because you don't hear from any of them?

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