Obama is horrible

Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Blacks being property and Americans of Japanese ancestry being put in concentration camps were also ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS.

Doesn't make it right.
] I think Obama was effective politically in demonizing and scaring
the rightwing. Since liberals consider that positive leverage to bully, he has been effective
in dividing the nation along political, racial and hateful lines. If you like that tactic, you can applaud.

Obama has a group of nasty, wrinkled up, self serving assholes in the Congress whose only goal was to make his life miserable and make him look bad. These dicks only focus short term long term goal was to destroy his legacy. Obama was able to fight through adversity and get things done. Not always the best way but he is doing it.
He is the first president to acknowledge medical needs and the medical corruptions, again it is not perfect but it is a start.

Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares.

Yes, people care. Are you stuck with your head in the clouds HappyJoy or under a rock?
The parties with the State of Texas suing over ACA as unconstitutional obviously care!
Three States Sue Federal Government Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Obamacare Tax

Even the liberals I know who want Singlepayer care.
The main contact I know with Universal health care can't afford her own health insurance
and neither can I. Neither can my friends suffering right now without health care.

Just because you don't know anyone who cares, doesn't mean nobody cares.
It means you don't know. Because you aren't paying attention.

You are like saying because you don't know any trafficking victims speaking out in public,
they must consent to being raped and trafficked. Because you don't hear from any of them?

There are people convinced the earth is only 6,000 years old, 9/11 was an inside job and we faked the moon landing. Just like them, I'm not really interested in your views on the constitutionality of the ACA. We've been there, we've done that. Let's just disagree. You believe in cavemen riding on dinosaurs and I don't.
] I think Obama was effective politically in demonizing and scaring
the rightwing. Since liberals consider that positive leverage to bully, he has been effective
in dividing the nation along political, racial and hateful lines. If you like that tactic, you can applaud.

Obama has a group of nasty, wrinkled up, self serving assholes in the Congress whose only goal was to make his life miserable and make him look bad. These dicks only focus short term long term goal was to destroy his legacy. Obama was able to fight through adversity and get things done. Not always the best way but he is doing it.
He is the first president to acknowledge medical needs and the medical corruptions, again it is not perfect but it is a start.

For the record, what exactly is Obamas positive legacy?
Thank god you guys found some mindless clip art to quickly copy/paste rather than pretend you have a point.

Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Blacks being property and Americans of Japanese ancestry being put in concentration camps were also ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS.

Doesn't make it right.

Very true. I wish you guys luck in your endevours. In the meantime, the ACA has been ruled constitutional, to say otherwise is simply incorrect.
] I think Obama was effective politically in demonizing and scaring
the rightwing. Since liberals consider that positive leverage to bully, he has been effective
in dividing the nation along political, racial and hateful lines. If you like that tactic, you can applaud.

Obama has a group of nasty, wrinkled up, self serving assholes in the Congress whose only goal was to make his life miserable and make him look bad. These dicks only focus short term long term goal was to destroy his legacy. Obama was able to fight through adversity and get things done. Not always the best way but he is doing it.
He is the first president to acknowledge medical needs and the medical corruptions, again it is not perfect but it is a start.

For the record, what exactly is Obamas positive legacy?
I won't even waste my time telling you birdbrain~
Call me when Obama gets have the million jobs gained per month Reaganomics got.

California job growth continues five-year recovery

The number of nonfarm payroll jobs added in October makes for a total gain of 2,131,800 jobs since the recovery began in February 2010,

Using California as your role model, fantastic! One of the highest unemployment rates in the Union, major companies fleeing left and right, highest taxes, worst roads, etc etc.
] I think Obama was effective politically in demonizing and scaring
the rightwing. Since liberals consider that positive leverage to bully, he has been effective
in dividing the nation along political, racial and hateful lines. If you like that tactic, you can applaud.

Obama has a group of nasty, wrinkled up, self serving assholes in the Congress whose only goal was to make his life miserable and make him look bad. These dicks only focus short term long term goal was to destroy his legacy. Obama was able to fight through adversity and get things done. Not always the best way but he is doing it.
He is the first president to acknowledge medical needs and the medical corruptions, again it is not perfect but it is a start.

For the record, what exactly is Obamas positive legacy?
I won't even waste my time telling you birdbrain~
Yeah, I can't think of anything positive Obama has done either.
Dear HappyJoy
I have a point I'd like to bring up with President Obama, Congresswoman Pelosi, and also Justice Roberts.

The ACA mandates are unconstitutional because they.

Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Blacks being property and Americans of Japanese ancestry being put in concentration camps were also ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS.

Doesn't make it right.

Very true. I wish you guys luck in your endevours. In the meantime, the ACA has been ruled constitutional, to say otherwise is simply incorrect.

Dear HappyJoy Slavery was also endorsed by courts as legal under property laws at that time.
So what was considered legal by the "letter of the law" may still be violation by the "spirit" of the law.

You and I are talking about two different things.
You are talking about literally what the govt has passed or ruled on so far.

I am talking about the content and spirit of the law which the ACA CONTRADICTS.
IN SPIRIT it violates the First, Fourteenth and Tenth Amendments among other principles.

Sooner or later the CONFLICTS between the spirit of the law and the letter need to be reconciled. I am saying the spirit comes first, and the letter will follow. We aren't done yet,
deciding what is Constitutional or not, there are still lawsuits pending. And my argument
still stands that has not been brought up in court yet.

In some states, people could get away with rape within marriage.
By the SPIRIT of the act, it was rape and unlawful.

You are like saying if the courts don't recognized the charges, then it isn't rape.

Just ask the woman who was raped if its was illegal or not.
Just because the courts or cops don't pursue and convict on the charges
doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed.
Stop. The ACA is constitutional, you might not agree but who cares what you think? It quite literally doesn't matter.

Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Blacks being property and Americans of Japanese ancestry being put in concentration camps were also ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS.

Doesn't make it right.

Very true. I wish you guys luck in your endevours. In the meantime, the ACA has been ruled constitutional, to say otherwise is simply incorrect.

Dear HappyJoy Slavery was also endorsed by courts as legal under property laws at that time.
So what was considered legal by the "letter of the law" may still be violation by the "spirit" of the law.

You and I are talking about two different things.
You are talking about literally what the govt has passed or ruled on so far.

I am talking about the content and spirit of the law which the ACA CONTRADICTS.

Yes, I am talking about specifically what is constitutional and what is not. You're speaking simply of what you wish were...in this case unconstitutional. I can't tell you how much it doesn't matter. Why are you talking to me about this? Why did you quote my post that had nothing to do with the ACA? I'm not really concerned with your misguided theories.
Hi HappyJoy Not just what I think but BELIEVE.

Actually, you're just speaking for yourself. It's been ruled constitutional. I know, I know, you don't agree. Guess what? Nobody cares about your impotent opinion.
Blacks being property and Americans of Japanese ancestry being put in concentration camps were also ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS.

Doesn't make it right.

Very true. I wish you guys luck in your endevours. In the meantime, the ACA has been ruled constitutional, to say otherwise is simply incorrect.

Dear HappyJoy Slavery was also endorsed by courts as legal under property laws at that time.
So what was considered legal by the "letter of the law" may still be violation by the "spirit" of the law.

You and I are talking about two different things.
You are talking about literally what the govt has passed or ruled on so far.

I am talking about the content and spirit of the law which the ACA CONTRADICTS.

Yes, I am talking about specifically what is constitutional and what is not. You're speaking simply of what you wish were...in this case unconstitutional. I can't tell you how much it doesn't matter. Why are you talking to me about this? Why did you quote my post that had nothing to do with the ACA? I'm not really concerned with your misguided theories.

1. You act like I'm the only one challenging the ACA as unconstitutional?
Last I checked half the nation contested it if not more.
At least the majority of Republican, Tea Party, Constitutionalists.
Half of Congress who voted against it.

2. You act like it's a done deal? There are still lawsuits.
There is still a need to push more legislation, so things will change.
This isn't finished yet.

3. Even the Universal Care and Singlepayer advocates are against the
ACA mandates giving money to corporate insurance.

Where have you been?

4. And lastly, I'm not saying your position doesn't matter you were saying mine doesn't.
But mine is shared with over half the nation, We just don't agree what to replace ACA with.
So it still stands because both left and right want to replace it with different things!

5. Your opinion that it's constitutional period is why things aren't getting corrected.
You don't see it as a problem that
HALF THE NATION has a different belief about health care and govt
that is being OVERRIDDEN BY GOVT -- excluded and penalized even.

You don't even see that as a constitutional issue.
So that is part of the problem, you don't even recognize the beliefs of other people matter.

that's like not recognizing if your actions at work constitute sexual harassment to someone else. As long as YOU don't think it matters, then "who care what the other person thinks." Really?

I recognize yours, I never said it didn't count. You acted like other beliefs don't count.
that was my concern.

You have the right to your beliefs, but not to abuse govt to impose it on others.
And same with my beliefs and other Constitutionalists ALL ARGUING
that ACA mandates are unconstitutional. That's why consensus is needed, because
there are Equal Beliefs at stake on BOTH SIDES.

In fact, I can't find anyone who is willing to pay for the cost of this bill.
Everyone I know, left and right, is complaining including Singlepayer/Universal care lobbyists.

I have to go online to find anyone who argues in support of it. Usually people who
don't feel it affects them, so they don't care. they let other people worry about fixing it.

Maybe I'm from Texas. So you are saying nobody from Texas matters?
Nobody has a say in whether to change the ACA, only people like you who are fine with it?

I disagree. Sorry. There will be lawsuit after lawsuit, and legislative and lobbying
to change the problems with this bill. I'm sorry you can't see that from your viewpoint.

I saw that it was problematic from the start.
From the very premise it was proven to be biased by creed,
when the half of Congress voting for it were all Democrats and the
half of Congress voting against it were Republicans. So this showed
the bias by belief, and the conflicts should have been resolved BEFORE passing it
through Congress and Courts which just added to the "side taking" and reinforced
imposing a bill against the beliefs of dissenters.

Sorry you don't see any of this. That's part of the problem with the country,
if we cannot even step outside our own beliefs to see those of others.

Very disturbing. And will likely require a Constitutional conference to address
the issue of "political beliefs and creeds" openly instead of denying this conflict is going on!
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