Obama Is Never Going To Be "Our" President

Now that the gay marriageites have won, in the next 18 months the polygamists, the incestuous and zoophiles should have all their arguments for legalization well under way.
What would one possibly have to do with the other?

you are an obama deranged loon.... nothing has changed in six years. he could walk on water, turn that water into wine and feed thousands with a single loaf of bread and you'd insanely hate him.

it's boring... you're all messed up in the head.
If he did all of that I wouldn't think he was a fraud.

The SCOTUS just took two big issues off of the Democrat's table. As long as Republicans live with them it's like taking two bullets out of their gun. What other issues need being solved. But then there's the problem with stagnant wages and increasing the cost of living. The only thing Obama has that he can deal with is racism and immigration. He doesn't want to do his job....so dividing the country along racial lines and flooding it with thousand upon thousands of poor from other countries is all he can do well.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.

I see no more hate towards Obama than I saw towards Bush. Check your race card at the door and acknowledge that we are a sharply divided country. In my lifetime (since Lyndon Johnson), the most unifying President we had was Bill Clinton; and this is coming from a guy who voted against him twice but also supported him on many issues. Back to Obama and Bush, 16 years combined between them, I am hopeful the next President has more unified support.......if it is Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, then we are in for at least another 4 years of hate and division.
...coming from brainwashed hater dupes like you....

Boosh EARNED the disgust....

Your Kool Aid stains are showing. Drink up.
Grizz, if you can't accept him as president, then you are an enemy of America.
thats bullshit Jake....if you dont like the President that makes you an enemy of the Country?...then there are a lot of Democrats who were this Countries enemy during this Centuries first 8 years...
The butthurt of the far right is growing to epic proportions.

The flag, fair housing, ACA, marriage equality - the far right looks stupid. Simply can't learn, won't learn.
marriage equality?....why was it defeated in my pretty liberal Democratic controlled State not once but twice?....
The fact that conservatives would never accept Obama as their president was evident from the moment he was elected

May be because he is black
May be because he is a liberal Democrat
May be because he was able to accomplish things they opposed

But they never accepted Carter as their President, didn't accept Clinton and won't accept Hillary

It is the world they live in
didn't accept Clinton
thats bullshit i knew many righties who thought Clinton was ok enough to give him the benefit of the doubt with many of his policies.... but then he had leadership qualities....
He's got a few months to go. Barring act of God or intervention by a compassionate foreign leader like Vladimir Putin he will finish out his term and, hopefully overdose on drugs.
putin is compassionate?.....katz stay were you are,i am going to call your care giver to come and get you,your meds are wearing off....
I didn't vote for Obama either. In fact of the last 11 presidential elections, I voted for the winner only 3 times. Not bad considering 6 of those 11 times I picked none-of-the-above by voting 3rd party. Nevertheless, Nixon through Obama have all been my presidents.

you are an obama deranged loon.... nothing has changed in six years. he could walk on water, turn that water into wine and feed thousands with a single loaf of bread and you'd insanely hate him.

it's boring... you're all messed up in the head.
If he did all of that I wouldn't think he was a fraud.

The SCOTUS just took two big issues off of the Democrat's table. As long as Republicans live with them it's like taking two bullets out of their gun. What other issues need being solved. But then there's the problem with stagnant wages and increasing the cost of living. The only thing Obama has that he can deal with is racism and immigration. He doesn't want to do his job....so dividing the country along racial lines and flooding it with thousand upon thousands of poor from other countries is all he can do well.

Muddy....Of course Obama is NOT your president. Didn't you tell me yesterday you RENOUNCED your US citizenship? Because of your tax problems...That's okay. Since you are no longer a citizen you can say whatever you want to our president. I suggest North Korea. When you are in your country see how much you missed this country. Why are you still here?

Because of Obama's ideology he's never going to represent the interests of all Americans. His tactics are designed specifically to help what is popularly called the oppressed classes in this country. He does not represent or support the desires or the needs of all of us. He never will. He will never be a good president concerned with jobs or national security. He's only concerned with hot-button topics that help small segments of the demographic population.

According to his ideology, Obama's only goal is to become a champion for the downtrodden minority. This is why he supports same-sex marriage and racial equality. Both issues that weren't even considered a problem. Right now the media, which is under the control of the WhiteHouse, is blasting to the world that America is a racist country. Anyone who's been to any other country in the world knows this is total hogwash. We are one of if not the least racist countries in the world. The fact that we have such a diverse racial mix in this country is proof of this. Try living in just about any other country and if you aren't the same race as the majority of people that live there, you draw stares. For example, Mexico by law doesn't allow more than a specific percentage of non-Mexicans to live in any region for fear that they may take over their local governments. Their immigration laws are draconian by comparison to Americas', yet they dare to lecture us about ours.

Obama is perpetrating several frauds. This constant barrage of racial accusations is by design. It's called pushing a negative till it becomes a positive. Until it becomes more popular to be saying that America is a racist country than it is to say it is not, race-baiters will continue to push this down our throats. If you're not down for the struggle you're a racist. Attempting to meld into society instead of becoming a major pain in the ass means you're an Uncle Tom or a sellout. So essentially, being non-racial means you become a target. The best thing that can happen to the race-baiters is for some Dylan Roof type to murder 9 blacks in a church. This allows them sympathy and thus a major leap in accomplishing their goals. And one of their goals is to prove that America is racist.

The same goes for those who don't believe in same-sex marriage. If you're not happy about gays getting married you're a homophobe. There is no difference to the LBGHT radical left between someone who doesn't believe in people of the same sex getting married and someone who would like to walk into a Gay pride parade and open up with an assault weapon. This is pushing a negative till it becomes a positive. The problem is enough minds have to be changed for it for it to work. So train our kids how to be more conscious of sexuality and teach them to be more accepting of transgenders. The same exact tactic has been used against Global Warming deniers. The EPA Administrator said the other day that anyone who doesn't believe in man-made Global Warming is not normal. EPA Chief Climate Deniers Aren t Normal Human Beings The Daily Caller

Obama doesn't focus on what really matters in America. He hasn't the time. He's too busy establishing his bonafides with his target groups to be concerned with issues that effect everyone. That's why jobs and national security are barely mentioned in this administration. It doesn't matter that your future and your family's future is in doubt. For the first time in American history our children feel that there is little hope of living a better life than their parents. The hopes or promise of a better life has been replaced with a depressive thought that the best they can expect is living off of entitlements. This is the hope and change that Obama promised. No hope.....and that is the change. He says that the greatest threat to the world and thus America is Global Warming, not terrorism.

Obama means to become the new MLK and the father of the Gay movement in America. His future is guaranteed. Once he's finally gone from the WhiteHouse he wants to be highly thought of by small segments of the population, but what the rest feels doesn't matter to him. Anyone who tries to punish him for his various acts of fraud and deception will come under all-out assault by his followers. Obama needed this Supreme Court decision to solidify his base with the LBGHT community. He also needs a major victory with respect to race. That is why we haven't heard the last of all of the racism accusations. This is only the beginning of all of the riots that are planned in the future.

Lots of words of a loser. Obama wins!
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.

I see no more hate towards Obama than I saw towards Bush. Check your race card at the door and acknowledge that we are a sharply divided country. In my lifetime (since Lyndon Johnson), the most unifying President we had was Bill Clinton; and this is coming from a guy who voted against him twice but also supported him on many issues. Back to Obama and Bush, 16 years combined between them, I am hopeful the next President has more unified support.......if it is Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, then we are in for at least another 4 years of hate and division.

Hillary will work more and better with Congress. She won't get bowled over, but she will be willing to accept tradeoffs if the give and take is even.
"Right now the media, which is under the control of the White House"...

That is one of those red flags that screams 'Alex Jones, Michail Sewage'.

You don't have to like how elections go but you do have to accept the results. The rest of us knew Bush Jr. was a train wreck waiting to happen, but conservatives put him and his leper colony in charge of the government. Twice.

- 9/11 happened, 3,000 dead on U.S. soil
- veterans hospitals were a shambles
- 5,000 U.S. servicemen died in Iraq. 4 trillion spent. No oil, and it opened the door to the middle east lunatic asylum that the entire world has to deal with now
- took the yearly budget from a 300 billion dollar surplus to a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit-
- presided over the worst recession since the Great Depression
- did nothing for 8 years about Iran, and now his lepers are trying to blame his successor for the Iran nuke problem
- increased the national debt from 5 trillion dollars to 11 trillion dollars

Conservatives voted for him TWICE. Yet this guy WAS 'your' president? It is the height of self-delusion that you would now think YOU know what makes a good president.

And all the current Republican candidates have pretty much all the same ideas as Bush Jr.

You aren't interested in quality for the sake of the nation, all you are interested in is your team. And your team SUCKS.

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