Obama Is Never Going To Be "Our" President

No Democrat is going to be "your president", so why do we care? It's democracy, completely corrupt democracy, but none the less the people have the choice to vote stupidly for either democrat or republican. They even have the choice not to vote either and vote someone else, but most people choose to vote for big money.

you are an obama deranged loon.... nothing has changed in six years. he could walk on water, turn that water into wine and feed thousands with a single loaf of bread and you'd insanely hate him.

it's boring... you're all messed up in the head.
If he did all of that I wouldn't think he was a fraud.

The SCOTUS just took two big issues off of the Democrat's table. As long as Republicans live with them it's like taking two bullets out of their gun. What other issues need being solved. But then there's the problem with stagnant wages and increasing the cost of living. The only thing Obama has that he can deal with is racism and immigration. He doesn't want to do his job....so dividing the country along racial lines and flooding it with thousand upon thousands of poor from other countries is all he can do well.

Back when the Democrats controlled the Senate--2014--the Senate passed with GOP help, an immigration bill that your President supported. It has sat on John Boehner's desk since then. Remember back when we used to call Harry Reid a scumbag for stalling legislation in the same way?

Anyway, your President is doing his job and then some.

As for divisiveness, again I challenge you; tell us whom you were aligned with prior to Obama becoming President that now, because of your President, you now are not aligned with and what specifically did he do to turn you against them?

My guess is that you'll pussy out of this challenge like you do every other one. It is the one area where you are batting 1.0000%
When you have folks saying Obama is an enemy not president of the people, when you have idiots saying he is trying to destroy the country == that's more than just expressing opinion, it is antiAmericanism and I will call it out.
The butthurt of the far right is growing to epic proportions.

The flag, fair housing, ACA, marriage equality - the far right looks stupid. Simply can't learn, won't learn.
marriage equality?....why was it defeated in my pretty liberal Democratic controlled State not once but twice?....
63% for it today and growing. Things change, including this.


Let me see...are we playing "one of these things doesn't belong here"? You know, like Sesame Street ...

So you folks keep saying.

Go do some research on this board for posts made in 2008. Your mob was saying there was no way Obama would win. He did. Fast forward four years. Same story. Some folk have a record of getting it wrong. I ain't one of 'em...

All of which has nothing to do with my opinion, he is as anti American as he can be.
Who has demonized half the country on race? Obama? Really? Who knew?

The fact is this: the far right racialists are no longer in charge and will never be again. That's over. Forever.

Far Right = Anyone who disagrees with you?
January 20, 2017...

The long National Nightmare will be over...

no. the long national nightmare ended when baby bush left office.

but do tell us what things have personally been bad for you over the past six years.... i'm pretty sure they have nothing to do with the president.[/QUOTE]
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Who has demonized half the country on race? Obama? Really? Who knew?

The fact is this: the far right racialists are no longer in charge and will never be again. That's over. Forever.

Far Right = Anyone who disagrees with you?
Far Right = those on the far right who refuse to accept how our republican government constitutionally operates. I could disagree with Citizens, be neutral on Hobby Lobby, and endorse Marriage Equality, ACA, and Far Housing. That's how it works.
Who has demonized half the country on race? Obama? Really? Who knew?

The fact is this: the far right racialists are no longer in charge and will never be again. That's over. Forever.

Far Right = Anyone who disagrees with you?
Far Right = those on the far right who refuse to accept how our republican government constitutionally operates. I could disagree with Citizens, be neutral on Hobby Lobby, and endorse Marriage Equality, ACA, and Far Housing. That's how it works.

LOL, I am new but your progressive proclivities are not hard to spot, nor s your intolerance and hatred of all who disagree with you.

"Fools"..."Stupidity of American voter"... this is the opinion of Obama of people like you and others that Obama has fooled.
Remember these are HIS words... NOT MINE!!!

Obama told us in his book..."Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

Obama also hired as the chief consultant to Obamacare this guy..
Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist who once said passing President Obama’s health law depended on “the stupidity of the American voter,”

So you tell me...
Why should anyone believe anything Obama says if he TELLS everyone he is fooling them with tricks and tactics?
What does he really believe if he wants fools to think Obama is not "angry all the time"?
Tell me why would he hire someone who has the opinion that American voters are stupid if he didn't agree with that?
Explain to me....
Do you and your ilk really not understand how foolish you appear defending someone who has clearly stated
he has to FOOL people like you?
Who has demonized half the country on race? Obama? Really? Who knew?

The fact is this: the far right racialists are no longer in charge and will never be again. That's over. Forever.

Far Right = Anyone who disagrees with you?

no ... far right equals obama deranged loons.

I am quite sure you cheered W and hung on his every word (rolling my eyes)

the country tried to stand by bush after 911 even if he did get appointed to the presidency by his buddies on the court.... in a decision that they specifically found has "no value as precedent". it's not our fault he started two unnecessary wars, destroyed our economy and let the religious loons take over. *shrug*

those things actually affected us.

i'm still waiting to hear what upsets you so terribly... other than the need to rant.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.

I see no more hate towards Obama than I saw towards Bush. Check your race card at the door and acknowledge that we are a sharply divided country. In my lifetime (since Lyndon Johnson), the most unifying President we had was Bill Clinton; and this is coming from a guy who voted against him twice but also supported him on many issues. Back to Obama and Bush, 16 years combined between them, I am hopeful the next President has more unified support.......if it is Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, then we are in for at least another 4 years of hate and division.
You see more hate toward Obama because you want to ignore all of the movies about Bush getting assassinate, or Sitcoms based around Bush bashing, or Bush's head placed on a lance in Game Of Thrones.

What did Bush do?

Try to stop terrorist attacks like 911.

He was accused of mistreating the troops because of peeling paint and mold in showers.

Obama has killed almost as many soldiers in Afghanistan yet nobody knows it thanks to the media. Afghanistan troops were shooting our soldiers left and right and Obama's response was just to tell them to turn their desks to toward the door so they'll see it coming next time. His Rules Of Engagement ties their hands in a fight and puts them in grave danger. Any soldier caught pissing on the body of a dead enemy gets worse treatment than a terrorist who murders our Ambassador. He has let the Veteran's Administration become a mess. Veterans are literally dying waiting to be treated. Yet Bush mistreated the troops.

Nope, Bush was hammered for everything under that Sun and Obama skates. Obama falsely announces an agreement with Iran, the greatest sponsor of terrorism on the planet, which is not verifiable, and you guys forget the fact that our status in the world has been severely harmed by Obama's lack of trustworthiness or accountability. He has been caught several times spying on our allies and giving our enemies a heads up to their plans.

As long as he makes the blacks, liberals, illegals, and the Gays happy you guys could care less what else he's guilty of.

You say I should check my race-card at the door yet your throw one down from the get-go.
"all the movies about Bush getting assassinate" ? You mean the ONE movie made outside the U.S. that was unilaterally condemned here?
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
Yup....Obama offers a small but highly influential segment of the electorate a warm fuzzy feeling....and offers nothing but false promises to the people that make this country work.

No jobs.
No security.
Nothing but deception and lies.
And a promise that your most wildest dreams will come true if he gives you one thing you've always wanted, and that is supposed to solve everything.

I have a job.
OBL is dead, GM is alive.
Deception and lies is your department.

I guess you're forgetting these lies pushed by the Obama Administration:

"If you like your doctor.....you can keep your doctor....period."
The ACA won't increase the deficit a dime.
The ACA will lower health care premiums $2500.
The ACA fee is not a tax.
The ACA will pay for itself.
Illegals will not be covered under the ACA.
"You didn't build that."
Benghazi was the result of an impromptu protest over a disgusting video.
"I said Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the beginning."
America is a racist country.
"There is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS."
“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”
“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration”
My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.
American oil production is the highest that it’s been in eight years.
I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever.
I'm the closest thing to a Jew that's ever been POTUS.
This is the worst economy since the Great Depression.
I didn't know how bad the economy was until I became president.

The rich don't pay their fair share.
No boots on the ground in Libya.
No boots on the ground in Iraq.
Keeping your tires inflated will save you $8000 in gas.
My plan will create millions of shovel-ready jobs.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

And there is this whopper that later was changed because he claimed to evolved.

ACA is working very nicely for us and all we know.
January 20, 2017...

The long National Nightmare will be over...

no. the long national nightmare ended when baby bush left office.

but do tell us what things have personally been bad for you over the past six years.... i'm pretty sure they have nothing to do with the president.
The reign of the Nation's hyper-Liberals will be over...

They have done enough damage for a while...

Time to begin setting things straight again...

Which is what is going to happen...

America has had enough of your shit to last it for quite some time to come, thank you very much.

You've already lost the House in 2010 - reaffirmed in 2012 and 2014.

You've already lost the Senate in 2014.

The Republicans are going to keep both the House and Senate in 2016.

You're going to lose the White House as well, in 2016.

And, the Republicans are going to start pushing Conservatives onto the Supreme Court, as the opportunity arises.

In order to revisit some of the Liberal poison-pills that the Nation and its People have been forced to ingest in recent years (and days).

Enjoy the phyrric victories while you can.

The fun begins shortly after January 20, 2017.
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