Obama Is Never Going To Be "Our" President

President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
Yup....Obama offers a small but highly influential segment of the electorate a warm fuzzy feeling....and offers nothing but false promises to the people that make this country work.

No jobs.
No security.
Nothing but deception and lies.
And a promise that your most wildest dreams will come true if he gives you one thing you've always wanted, and that is supposed to solve everything.
Mr. Mudwhistle, Those of us with skills have jobs, and good ones. Security, ok, I understand a government employee concentrating on that. But most of us do not have PFT's , and depend on our performance for the continuation of our employment.

Really sorry to hear how much life sucks for you that no one is gauranteeing your job and security.
It's spelled guaranteeing, and I didn't say a word about there being any guarantees.

The deal here is Obama's priorities are out of whack from those of most of America.
Once again for those who didn't see it when I posted it......this is Obama's position on Gay marriage before he felt it was the right time to show his true beliefs. He was such a coward when this video was made that he felt he couldn't be honest. Once the political winds changed....he evolved. So keep it in mind when you hear him taking credit for this latest SCOTUS decision.

Once again for those who didn't see it when I posted it......this is Obama's position on Gay marriage before he felt it was the right time to show his true beliefs. He was such a coward when this video was made that he felt he couldn't be honest. Once the political winds changed....he evolved. So keep it in mind when you hear him taking credit for this latest SCOTUS decision.

Obama came around....why can't Republicans?

Why are they always so far behind?
I love the conservative butthurt these last two days. Really fun/amazing/amusing/dusgusting display
He's got a few months to go. Barring act of God or intervention by a compassionate foreign leader like Vladimir Putin he will finish out his term and, hopefully overdose on drugs.
Who has demonized half the country on race? Obama? Really? Who knew?

The fact is this: the far right racialists are no longer in charge and will never be again. That's over. Forever.
He's got a few months to go. Barring act of God or intervention by a compassionate foreign leader like Vladimir Putin he will finish out his term and, hopefully overdose on drugs.
18 more months to drive Republicans batshit crazy

Then Hillary gets to take over for another 96 months
I love the conservative butthurt these last two days. Really fun/amazing/amusing/dusgusting display
Obama has done so much damage to this country and you think we're butthurt over same-sex marriage.....Obamacare?

The only thing I personally am feeling is these two issues are off the table now.

Obama gets the credit for it.....but what is really important to the rest of the country is being shitcanned.....because Obama is incapable of being a president. Sure, he's a great Community Organizer...but he refuses to defend this country from it's enemies both foreign and domestic. Our personal information is an open book because Obama refuses to do anything about Internet hackers stealing millions of government employee's personal information. Nobody can name one jobs program that he has signed that worked. The only foreign policy decision that has turned out well for us that he was involved in was killing Bin Laden. This guy has opened our borders and allowed any criminal that wants to in to this country. He has turned loose thousands of criminals into our streets. He has shipped thousands of immigrants into this country...and was told by a federal judge to stop but refuses to do so. Our friends don't trust us and our enemies think we're pathetically weak. And this is a fact.....he has been behind the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. He has held meetings to encourage demonstrators to stay the course. He is pushing racism down this country's throat. Maybe he thinks he can make us believe it some day. But in the meantime...all he's doing is dividing this country. He only represents those who believe all of this happy horseshit.
I love the conservative butthurt these last two days. Really fun/amazing/amusing/dusgusting display
Obama has done so much damage to this country and you think we're butthurt over same-sex marriage.....Obamacare?

The only thing I personally am feeling is these two issues are off the table now.

Obama gets the credit for it.....but what is really important to the rest of the country is being shitcanned.....because Obama is incapable of being a president. Sure, he's a great Community Organizer...but he refuses to defend this country from it's enemies both foreign and domestic. Our personal information is an open book because Obama refuses to do anything about Internet hackers stealing millions of government employee's personal information. Nobody can name one jobs program that he has signed that worked. The only foreign policy decision that has turned out well for us that he was involved in was killing Bin Laden. This guy has opened our borders and allowed any criminal that wants to in to this country. He has turned loose thousands of criminals into our streets. He has shipped thousands of immigrants into this country...and was told by a federal judge to stop but refuses to do so. Our friends don't trust us and our enemies think we're pathetically weak. And this is a fact.....he has been behind the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. He has held meetings to encourage demonstrators to stay the course. He is pushing racism down this country's throat. Maybe he thinks he can make us believe it some day. But in the meantime...all he's doing is dividing this country. He only represents those who believe all of this happy horseshit.
So much butthurt ...so little time
Now that the gay marriageites have won, in the next 18 months the polygamists, the incestuous and zoophiles should have all their arguments for legalization well under way.
He's got a few months to go. Barring act of God or intervention by a compassionate foreign leader like Vladimir Putin he will finish out his term and, hopefully overdose on drugs.
18 more months to drive Republicans batshit crazy

Then Hillary gets to take over for another 96 months
Hillary is never going to make it. Even democrats know it.

Have you seen the GOP clown car?

Hillary will pull 400 electoral votes

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