Obama: ISIS a Manageable Crisis

ok. so what's YOUR solution? it's easy to give glib answers that say nothing

I'm not qualified to propose a "solution" to ME problems...No world leader in the past couple of thousand years has been able to do anything about it. World history is my "source" for that.

I will tell you what I would have done back when the embassy was overrun and some staff and the ambassador were murdered.

I would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

Then make a statement to the world that the next time anyone overran an embassy they'd get the same thing...and mean it.

Adopting and maintaining that kind of attitude in our foreign policy tends to chill out people..and governments..that allow/support those kind of things.

In your (sure to be) forthcoming insults and name calling at least try to avoid using the name "Bush".

Save the "I didn't see you complain about xxxx when...... was pres.". ok? That is some weak shit and completely played out.

Focus on me and my stupid ideas.. :laugh2:

in other words you have a lot of opinion and a lot of noise, but nothing to say. :thup:

jillian, I answered your question about what I might hypothetically do to prevent attacks on americans in the M.E.
You asked me for my "solution" to the problems in the ME and I explained to you that there is no "solution" and 20,000 years of world history prove it.

I wrote 7 or 8 sentences listing several specific things that I would do ......and your response is that I have "nothing to say"?

You're just too clever for me...you really outwitted me that time...:rolleyes:
Your "solution" is idiotic and below the dignity of a great nation like the US

would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

I offered no "solution" to anything and in my first sentence in the first ten words I said that. Then in my second sentence I explained why.
After that my post specifically concerned the penalty I thought a nation that harbored terrorists that overrun an american embassy and kill the ambassador and some marine guards and how it would tend to act as a deterrent to others.

I'm not fooled by you trying to twist what I said around and I doubt you tricked anyone else who may read this either....clever as you may think you are...I don't think it worked here. :)
The idea of punishing innocent people to make a point is both obscene and evil. In addition it is stupid because it would strengthen the enemy, not weaken it.
ok. so what's YOUR solution? it's easy to give glib answers that say nothing

I'm not qualified to propose a "solution" to ME problems...No world leader in the past couple of thousand years has been able to do anything about it. World history is my "source" for that.

I will tell you what I would have done back when the embassy was overrun and some staff and the ambassador were murdered.

I would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

Then make a statement to the world that the next time anyone overran an embassy they'd get the same thing...and mean it.

Adopting and maintaining that kind of attitude in our foreign policy tends to chill out people..and governments..that allow/support those kind of things.

In your (sure to be) forthcoming insults and name calling at least try to avoid using the name "Bush".

Save the "I didn't see you complain about xxxx when...... was pres.". ok? That is some weak shit and completely played out.

Focus on me and my stupid ideas.. :laugh2:

in other words you have a lot of opinion and a lot of noise, but nothing to say. :thup:

jillian, I answered your question about what I might hypothetically do to prevent attacks on americans in the M.E.
You asked me for my "solution" to the problems in the ME and I explained to you that there is no "solution" and 20,000 years of world history prove it.

I wrote 7 or 8 sentences listing several specific things that I would do ......and your response is that I have "nothing to say"?

You're just too clever for me...you really outwitted me that time...:rolleyes:
Your "solution" is idiotic and below the dignity of a great nation like the US

would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

I offered no "solution" to anything and in my first sentence in the first ten words I said that. Then in my second sentence I explained why.
After that my post specifically concerned the penalty I thought a nation that harbored terrorists that overrun an american embassy and kill the ambassador and some marine guards and how it would tend to act as a deterrent to others.

I'm not fooled by you trying to twist what I said around and I doubt you tricked anyone else who may read this either....clever as you may think you are...I don't think it worked here. :)
The idea of punishing innocent people to make a point is both obscene and evil. In addition it is stupid because it would strengthen the enemy, not weaken it.

she needed to talk about benghaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiii

if course, not a word about the 13 benghazis on bush's watch or the 50 dead in those attacks.
ok. so what's YOUR solution? it's easy to give glib answers that say nothing

I'm not qualified to propose a "solution" to ME problems...No world leader in the past couple of thousand years has been able to do anything about it. World history is my "source" for that.

I will tell you what I would have done back when the embassy was overrun and some staff and the ambassador were murdered.

I would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

Then make a statement to the world that the next time anyone overran an embassy they'd get the same thing...and mean it.

Adopting and maintaining that kind of attitude in our foreign policy tends to chill out people..and governments..that allow/support those kind of things.

In your (sure to be) forthcoming insults and name calling at least try to avoid using the name "Bush".

Save the "I didn't see you complain about xxxx when...... was pres.". ok? That is some weak shit and completely played out.

Focus on me and my stupid ideas.. :laugh2:

in other words you have a lot of opinion and a lot of noise, but nothing to say. :thup:

jillian, I answered your question about what I might hypothetically do to prevent attacks on americans in the M.E.
You asked me for my "solution" to the problems in the ME and I explained to you that there is no "solution" and 20,000 years of world history prove it.

I wrote 7 or 8 sentences listing several specific things that I would do ......and your response is that I have "nothing to say"?

You're just too clever for me...you really outwitted me that time...:rolleyes:
Your "solution" is idiotic and below the dignity of a great nation like the US

would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

I offered no "solution" to anything and in my first sentence in the first ten words I said that. Then in my second sentence I explained why.
After that my post specifically concerned the penalty I thought a nation that harbored terrorists that overrun an american embassy and kill the ambassador and some marine guards and how it would tend to act as a deterrent to others.

I'm not fooled by you trying to twist what I said around and I doubt you tricked anyone else who may read this either....clever as you may think you are...I don't think it worked here. :)
The idea of punishing innocent people to make a point is both obscene and evil. In addition it is stupid because it would strengthen the enemy, not weaken it.

Tough.... They get 48 hours notice.... the nation that allowed their people to overrun the embassy and murder americans would then be wise to chill their people out.

The surest way to prevent violence is the threat of immediate and extreme retaliation.

Hate it for you, but that's how human beings have operated for 20,000 years.
she needed to talk about benghaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiii

if course, not a word about the 13 benghazis on bush's watch or the 50 dead in those attacks.
"not a word" from whom?

"Bush" :rolleyes:

Using poor performance by one president to justify poor performance by another one is the weakest excuses I've ever heard...That kind of "logic" is so adolescent that it's breathtaking.
ok. so what's YOUR solution? it's easy to give glib answers that say nothing

I'm not qualified to propose a "solution" to ME problems...No world leader in the past couple of thousand years has been able to do anything about it. World history is my "source" for that.

I will tell you what I would have done back when the embassy was overrun and some staff and the ambassador were murdered.

I would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

Then make a statement to the world that the next time anyone overran an embassy they'd get the same thing...and mean it.

Adopting and maintaining that kind of attitude in our foreign policy tends to chill out people..and governments..that allow/support those kind of things.

In your (sure to be) forthcoming insults and name calling at least try to avoid using the name "Bush".

Save the "I didn't see you complain about xxxx when...... was pres.". ok? That is some weak shit and completely played out.

Focus on me and my stupid ideas.. :laugh2:

in other words you have a lot of opinion and a lot of noise, but nothing to say. :thup:

jillian, I answered your question about what I might hypothetically do to prevent attacks on americans in the M.E.
You asked me for my "solution" to the problems in the ME and I explained to you that there is no "solution" and 20,000 years of world history prove it.

I wrote 7 or 8 sentences listing several specific things that I would do ......and your response is that I have "nothing to say"?

You're just too clever for me...you really outwitted me that time...:rolleyes:
Your "solution" is idiotic and below the dignity of a great nation like the US

would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

I offered no "solution" to anything and in my first sentence in the first ten words I said that. Then in my second sentence I explained why.
After that my post specifically concerned the penalty I thought a nation that harbored terrorists that overrun an american embassy and kill the ambassador and some marine guards and how it would tend to act as a deterrent to others.

I'm not fooled by you trying to twist what I said around and I doubt you tricked anyone else who may read this either....clever as you may think you are...I don't think it worked here. :)
The idea of punishing innocent people to make a point is both obscene and evil. In addition it is stupid because it would strengthen the enemy, not weaken it.

Tough.... They get 48 hours notice.... the nation that allowed their people to overrun the embassy and murder americans would then be wise to chill their people out.

The surest way to prevent violence is the threat of immediate and extreme retaliation.

Hate it for you, but that's how human beings have operated for 20,000 years.
20,000 years. You are not to well informed about human history. Aside from that, in actual history going back 2,000 or even 3,000 years, every empire or power that ever used the strategy you propose was defeated and destroyed. Increasing the size and motivation of your enemies is not conducive to defeating them.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.
Your support is laughable at this point
Your ODS surpassed laughable and is now just sad.
20,000 years. You are not to well informed about human history. Aside from that, in actual history going back 2,000 or even 3,000 years, every empire or power that ever used the strategy you propose was defeated and destroyed. Increasing the size and motivation of your enemies is not conducive to defeating them.

No. Actually I am very well informed about human history, not that your slight insult matters...
You string together some words and claims that sound nice but are figments of your imagination.

Every empire in the history of the world has been "defeated and destroyed". That's the natural progression.

No form of government is permanent, either.
democracies, dictatorships, republics, kingdoms, emirates....they all eventually collapse... People with the most basic understanding human history (should) know this.
They all eventually collapse/are defeated/or die in revolution due to human corruption/greed/oppression.

The united states was born in revolution against the oppression and corruption of the british.

Humans are imperfect..they are devious and corrupt. They always have been and they always will be.

But thanks for the entertainment.
The only people on the planet that doubt Obama is going to turn loose the dogs of war on ISIS and that the military and intelligence assets of America along with the allies of America are about to rain down a storm of death and destruction of the members of that group of terrorist are the hater dupes in America. Really. no one else doubts it.
Obama has only two years left in office so he'd better start planning for that. The way he procrastinates he'll run out of time before he gives the order. It's September 2014. He still hasn't punished all those guys in Benghazi for the attack on September 2012.
ok. so what's YOUR solution? it's easy to give glib answers that say nothing

I'm not qualified to propose a "solution" to ME problems...No world leader in the past couple of thousand years has been able to do anything about it. World history is my "source" for that.

I will tell you what I would have done back when the embassy was overrun and some staff and the ambassador were murdered.

I would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

Then make a statement to the world that the next time anyone overran an embassy they'd get the same thing...and mean it.

Adopting and maintaining that kind of attitude in our foreign policy tends to chill out people..and governments..that allow/support those kind of things.

In your (sure to be) forthcoming insults and name calling at least try to avoid using the name "Bush".

Save the "I didn't see you complain about xxxx when...... was pres.". ok? That is some weak shit and completely played out.

Focus on me and my stupid ideas.. :laugh2:

in other words you have a lot of opinion and a lot of noise, but nothing to say. :thup:

jillian, I answered your question about what I might hypothetically do to prevent attacks on americans in the M.E.
You asked me for my "solution" to the problems in the ME and I explained to you that there is no "solution" and 20,000 years of world history prove it.

I wrote 7 or 8 sentences listing several specific things that I would do ......and your response is that I have "nothing to say"?

You're just too clever for me...you really outwitted me that time...:rolleyes:
Your "solution" is idiotic and below the dignity of a great nation like the US

would have leafleted the city of benghazi and given them 48 hours to evacuate because we were going to bomb it until there was nothing left standing over a foot tall....and then do it.

I offered no "solution" to anything and in my first sentence in the first ten words I said that. Then in my second sentence I explained why.
After that my post specifically concerned the penalty I thought a nation that harbored terrorists that overrun an american embassy and kill the ambassador and some marine guards and how it would tend to act as a deterrent to others.

I'm not fooled by you trying to twist what I said around and I doubt you tricked anyone else who may read this either....clever as you may think you are...I don't think it worked here. :)
The idea of punishing innocent people to make a point is both obscene and evil. In addition it is stupid because it would strengthen the enemy, not weaken it.

she needed to talk about benghaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiii

if course, not a word about the 13 benghazis on bush's watch or the 50 dead in those attacks.
Apple's and oranges.
she needed to talk about benghaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiii

if course, not a word about the 13 benghazis on bush's watch or the 50 dead in those attacks.
"not a word" from whom?

"Bush" :rolleyes:

Using poor performance by one president to justify poor performance by another one is the weakest excuses I've ever heard...That kind of "logic" is so adolescent that it's breathtaking.

4000+ Americans died needlessly in Iraq because of Bush. There is no statute of limitations on that disaster, especially since people like you want to resume it.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!

4000+ Americans died needlessly in Iraq because of Bush. There is no statute of limitations on that disaster, especially since people like you want to resume it.

Last time;

Using poor performance by one president to justify poor performance by another one is the weakest excuses I've ever heard...That kind of "logic" is so adolescent that it's breathtaking.
The president finally announced a strategy for the ISIS threat. It ranged somewhere between "degrading and destroying " the terror group, to making it "a manageable problem". That could be interpreted as flexible. On the other hand it could mean we are led by a befuddled moron. We report. You decide.

TALLINN Estonia Obama says beheading videos won t intimidate US - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

Destroying Sunni ISIS will leave Iran's Shia unopposed in Iraq. Do you want Iran to also control Iraq? Degrading & managing Sunni ISIS to keep Iran's Shia in check is a far better option than destroying them. Destroying Sunni ISIS will require 10's of thousands US soldiers on the ground & they would have to stay there to oppose Iran.

Obama is replacing Bush's failed leader in Iraq & killing terrorist without causing another disastrous power vacuum & killing 4,500 & wounding 32,000 US soldiers like Bush did. Get out your wallet because those wounded soldiers are going to cost a lot of money.

"Don't Do Stupid Stuff"
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Israel's been doing that with the Palestinians for what? 60 years now?

Hows that working out?

Oh..ok..you want to change the subject now...

So your suggestion is that israel stop fighting the palestinians because it isn't going well?
Great idea!..you're a genius.
Get on the phone and get them straightened out ASAP.
I'm sure netanyahu will be fascinated by your plan. It's all been so obvious all this time..and he didn't see it. You'll probably get a medal or something..Give him a call..

Don't like that example?

How about Vietnam?

The United States dropped more bombs in that little country then had been used in all previous wars in history.

Killed over 2 million folks.

How'd that work out?
Israel's been doing that with the Palestinians for what? 60 years now?

Hows that working out?

Oh..ok..you want to change the subject now...

So your suggestion is that israel stop fighting the palestinians because it isn't going well?
Great idea!..you're a genius.
Get on the phone and get them straightened out ASAP.
I'm sure netanyahu will be fascinated by your plan. It's all been so obvious all this time..and he didn't see it. You'll probably get a medal or something..Give him a call..

Don't like that example?

How about Vietnam?

The United States dropped more bombs in that little country then had been used in all previous wars in history.

Killed over 2 million folks.

How'd that work out?

I understand the example perfectly well.I think I understood the other one, too I don't know what point you're trying to make, though?
Why don't you just say whatever it is instead of jumping from subject to subject?
Seems like Obama, the military and CIA are at loggerheads on strategy. This QB needs to make a call or tell us if he expects the Saudis and Jordanians and Europeans to do more. That needs to be the case. But just say it...get off your ass Europe and Arab world and carry your weight.

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