Obama: ISIS a Manageable Crisis

But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.
Israel's been doing that with the Palestinians for what? 60 years now?

Hows that working out?

Oh..ok..you want to change the subject now...

So your suggestion is that israel stop fighting the palestinians because it isn't going well?
Great idea!..you're a genius.
Get on the phone and get them straightened out ASAP.
I'm sure netanyahu will be fascinated by your plan. It's all been so obvious all this time..and he didn't see it. You'll probably get a medal or something..Give him a call..

Don't like that example?

How about Vietnam?

The United States dropped more bombs in that little country then had been used in all previous wars in history.

Killed over 2 million folks.

How'd that work out?

I understand the example perfectly well.I think I understood the other one, too I don't know what point you're trying to make, though?
Why don't you just say whatever it is instead of jumping from subject to subject?

Your "kill them all" strategy never works. And in fact encourages the type of world we see today.

Most human beings are long on remembering and short on forgiveness.

In other words?

Pay backs are a bitch.
Plus you get to many troops coming home and killing themselves.
At his Estonian press conference this morning President Obama called ISIS a "manageable crisis."
Manageable crisis is when your basement floods. Why can't he take a stronger public stance on ISIS? Is there a strategy here or...I'm not getting it.

When Obama is off prompter he looks like the buffoon that he is:eusa_eh:
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.
Gaddafi deserved and needed to killed just because of Lockerbie alone. We should celebrate the way in which the evil fucker died begging for his life.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of hs own people his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more what is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh
Just sallow being shallow.
Not a word from most on the statement of Sotloff's family, is this just another "hate the President" slogan, or are many serious about ISIS? Senator Nelson, Florida, Rep. McCarthy, have both introduced legislation to allow air strikes in Syria; I contacted all my members of Congress, WHO ELSE HAS?
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh

You show me one strong arm guy that wasn't just like Saddam?

Go ahead.

Ataturk? Tito? The Shah of Iran? Marcos? Suharto? Pinochet?

Go for it.

We had a plethora of foreign leaders, we actually BACKED, that killed thousands.

Saddam was one them. Until he started wooing the Soviets.

It had nothing to do with him killing his own people and everything to do with controlling Iraqi oil fields.
No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh

You show me one strong arm guy that wasn't just like Saddam?

Go ahead.

Ataturk? Tito? The Shah of Iran? Marcos? Suharto? Pinochet?

Go for it.

We had a plethora of foreign leaders, we actually BACKED, that killed thousands.

Saddam was one them. Until he started wooing the Soviets.

It had nothing to do with him killing his own people and everything to do with controlling Iraqi oil fields.

You like Saddam so you must be proud...was he your favorite? "No war for for oil"... "Halliburton".....Liberals :cuckoo:
No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....

Because Obama hasn't laid out the case for anything..where's the leader of the country? That's the presidents job to explain to the American people his plan of action, and why destroying these barabians needs to be done. Congress is not the commander and Chief
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.

Too bad Obama allowed ISIS and Levant to become the most powerful and wealthiest terror army/government on the planet.

They are worth over 2 billion now. Drones aren't going to take them out. This monster now called IS will be Obama's legacy.

Oh that and his monumental failure in backing the bogus "Arab Spring". That's legacy material I'm sure historians are focusing on as I type.

Have you seen the pictures of the jihadist pool party at your Embassy in Tripoli?

How did it work out for the west to take out Gaddafi?

Jihadis party down!


ISIL isn't a product of anything Obama did. It's a product of what Bush did.

Removing Saddam was lunacy and Criminal.

By the way?

Gaddaffi was a real live terrorist in the same mold of Osama Bin Laden. He planned, financed and ordered Lockerbie. Gaddaffi was also going to massacre his people. Taking him out was the right thing to do.

You folks seem to think that creating a vacuum in the Middle East was a wonderful and great idea. You folks seem to think that backing Theocrats over Communists was a peach. The Middle East is the DIRECT result of conservative policies.

Like it?
Saddam good. Qaddafi bad. Opinions are like assholes.

Saddam wasn't financing and planning terrorist actions against America. He was pretty much contained when Bush invaded.

Gaddafi was completely behind one of the worst foreign attacks on US citizens and was financing terrorism. And he was about to start massacring large parts of the population when he was taken out.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh

You show me one strong arm guy that wasn't just like Saddam?

Go ahead.

Ataturk? Tito? The Shah of Iran? Marcos? Suharto? Pinochet?

Go for it.

We had a plethora of foreign leaders, we actually BACKED, that killed thousands.

Saddam was one them. Until he started wooing the Soviets.

It had nothing to do with him killing his own people and everything to do with controlling Iraqi oil fields.

You like Saddam so you must be proud...was he your favorite? "No war for for oil"... "Halliburton".....Liberals :cuckoo:

Real brilliant man.

You are one complex analyst, I tell you what..

You missed your calling man. You could be the new Kissinger.

No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....

Because Obama hasn't laid out the case for anything..where's the leader of the country? That's the presidents job to explain to the American people his plan of action, and why destroying these barabians needs to be done. Congress is not the commander and Chief

With Cameron prepping to ask NATO for action, see thread.
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No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....

Because Obama hasn't laid out the case for anything..where's the leader of the country? That's the presidents job to explain to the American people his plan of action, and why destroying these barabians needs to be done. Congress is not the commander and Chief

With Cameron prepping to ask NATO for action, see thread.

Oh thanks Cameron is the Commander and Chief ..thanks for clearing that up:thup:
No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....

Because Obama hasn't laid out the case for anything..where's the leader of the country? That's the presidents job to explain to the American people his plan of action, and why destroying these barabians needs to be done. Congress is not the commander and Chief

With Cameron prepping to ask NATO for action, see thread.

Oh thanks Cameron is the Commander and Chief ..thanks for clearing that up:thup:

You asked about Obama "laying something out". Two bills in Congress, one from Senator Nelson, one from Rep. McCarthy, Obama is WITH Cameron, asking NATO to get in, there is your response. Now keep fiddling while ISIS burns....................................

Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh

Bush had the support and power to do just about anything he wanted to after 9/11. Those who were not in sympathy with us were in great fear. Bush squandered this opportunity on Iraq. He could have salvaged his blunder if he had left Iraq after disposing of Saddam and finding no WMD's by leaving with a message to the Iraqi's not to do anything that would make us come back. He might have even gotten away with leaving a force behind situated in key positions to respond if there was a need. But he didn't. He turned victory into defeat.
There were lots of horrible and evil leaders in the world that posed a greater threat to us than Saddam. It was about national security or the fight against terrorism. Bush used 9/11 to promote an agenda he and his henchmen had before 9/11 occurred.
Sallow this isn't 2001, and Boehner doesn't know if Air Strikes in Syria are within Presidential powrs, he is adoting HIS policy of..........waiting:

Boehner said he believes Obama has authority to target ISIS in Iraq, but it is "questionable" whether that authority extends to airstrikes against the group in Syria.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) said he would introduce legislation to give Obama the option to launch strikes targeting ISIS in Syria. The Speaker did not answer directly when asked if the House would easily grant Obama authorization.

"But if he’s going after ISIS, he would have, I think he would have to provide a War Powers notification to the Congress," he said. "And then it would be up to the House to make a decision about whether we dealt with the issue or not."

Boehner Congress limited until Obama outlines ISIS strategy TheHill
At his Estonian press conference this morning President Obama called ISIS a "manageable crisis."
Manageable crisis is when your basement floods. Why can't he take a stronger public stance on ISIS? Is there a strategy here or...I'm not getting it.
Well for him it is manageable. He plans to do nothing so it doesn't interrupt his golf game.
The actual statements:

"They should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they arebrought to justice," he forcefully told an audience at an event on the New Hampshire-Maine border. "Because hell is where they will reside. Hell is where they will reside."

Biden opened his remarks in memory of Steven Sotloff, the journalist who was beheaded by ISIS militants Tuesday, two weeks after James Foley was executed in the same horrific manner on video. Foley was from New Hampshire, while Sotloff lived there for boarding school.

ISIS video shows beheading of American journalist

"We came back after 9/11. We dusted ourselves off and we made sure that Osama bin Laden would never, ever again threaten the American people," Biden said. "We came back Boston strong, blaming no one but resolve to be certain that this didn't happen again."

"As a nation, we're united, and when people harm Americans, we don't retreat," he later said. "We don't forget."

"Our objective is clear. That is to degrade and destroy (ISIS) so it's no longer a threat," he said. "We can accomplish that. It's going to take some time, it's going to take some effort."

The only time the word "managable" was used was in the statement "REDUCE it to a MANAGABLE problem".
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