Obama: ISIS a Manageable Crisis

I heard the same info on NPR.
Do you have something that refutes it? No, of course not.
Obama is as clueless as you are.

I am the one found the link.

I don't have to play this game you schmuck.

It was Bush that screwed the pooch here. Obama pulled out the military as was planned.

The wonderful Maliki government couldn't handle it's own ass.

It's funny how you folks make a mess and blame everyone else.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
So our strategy is to threaten the terrorists with the long arm of justice....

Our own criminals don't care about the law but I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots.
Tell us more about how you think our threat of force means we wont actually use force.

You've really been grasping at straws JUST to hate lately man, you used to be way more level headed but your gripes are completely unfounded and ridiculous lately.
Bombing random trucks driving down a highway is NOT a deterrent to these insane motherfuckers.

I've been calling for us to rain hell on these crazies for near a year now. They likely are laughing at our pinprick attacks to this point.

As evidenced by what?

When these fucks started televising their brutal antics, they weren't wearing masks.

Now they are.

That's a huge change.
Yeah...smaller knives...taking their time...enjoying the moment..l

You think they weren't doing this stuff before? Even when Bush was in the office?

Of course they were. There has been a low grade civil war going on in Iraq that has never stopped. Bush totally and every openly screwed the pooch there.

Ask yourself. Did it take this long to build up Germany? Japan? Heck, after we left Vietnam it pretty much bounced back.

We have literally dumped cash on Iraq. Trillions of it. The Bush administration flew pallets of American dollars, on pallets via cargo plane to Iraq. With what we've spent on this one little nasty country in the middle of nowhere, we could have rebuilt our own cities and probably had enough left over to put up a moonbase.

Iraq isn't a cohesive country. It's like Poland without Tito and Turkey without Ataturk.

Unless they get something to unify under, they will probably have to split up.

And this was all brought on by the Bush administration and for no good reason.
We!re working with morons here...the japes and Germans have brains.

Well no.

Germany and Japan had histories of being actually countries that developed as a result of it's own people forming them.

Iraq was cobbled together by Europe. When Saddam Hussien assumed power, he brought the people together, much like Tito or Ataturk.

Germany and Japan were also aggressors and after they lost the war, their countries weren't dismantled. Quite the contrary, most of their governments and industries were left in place. Heck, even the military, for the most part, were repatriated. That didn't happen in Iraq.

Even with the invasion being such a clusterfuck, Bush had plenty of examples of how to make things work. And he ignored each and every one of them.
What kind of Arab cell phone do you use?
A 'fix' to the ISIS problem requires a major injection of ground troops and none of you support that. So shut up.
Yes..dear leader is in a "fix", isn't he?
The left don't want ground troops in and neither does the right.


Then people should stop with the deranged attacks on Obama.

You think circular logic will work on people reading this..or me?

These people obama chose to ignore for years have now cut off the heads of two american citizens..innocent journalists...essentially "on telelvision" while openly calling obama by name and mocking him and then they threaten to come do the same in america.
obama is the current president of the united states who campaigned on "not starting wars, but ending them."
The rest of the world has been watching his antics for the past 6 years and no one respects him because..hate it for you..humans are that way..and where weakness is displayed ESPECIALLY in foreign relations...other humans will exploit that weakness.

I know...it isn't pretty and it makes you feel bad....but that's how humans are and that's how the world has operated for the entire 20,000 years of human history.
ISIS is a bunch of ruthless terrorists

The US will hunt them down and kill them

That sounds manageable

Yes..we're doing such a good job of it they murder americans on television, mock the president by name and threaten to come do it in america.
I can see we have them on the run and are in complete control of the situation. We're doing great!

I like the chances of the US surviving much more than the chances of ISIS leadership surviving

You fuck with the US, we will get you. It may take a while, it may seem like we have given up the chase....but sooner or later, we will get you
I heard the same info on NPR.
Do you have something that refutes it? No, of course not.
Obama is as clueless as you are.

I am the one found the link.

I don't have to play this game you schmuck.

It was Bush that screwed the pooch here. Obama pulled out the military as was planned.

The wonderful Maliki government couldn't handle it's own ass.

It's funny how you folks make a mess and blame everyone else.
So you're saying Obama was just following orders from Bush?
on a side note

the number of troops going into Iraq now has climbed to 1213

Iraq war over, US troops coming home, Obama says

Obama, an opponent of the war since before he took office, nevertheless praised the efforts of U.S. troops in Iraq. He said American soldiers would leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success."

Iraq war over US troops coming home Obama says - Yahoo News

"I just don't spend that much time on bin Laden"

"Truly not concerned about bin Laden"

Bush 2002

Of course he had a war to promote against a SECULAR Arab leader. Keep up the cr*p, I will remind those so doing of the FACTS.

Things were different. bin laden was completely marginalized and in hiding. We were focusing on the people actually out there shooting at us. I understand your need to constantly...(6 years now)...point at "bush".
this isn't a static situation and it's ridiculous to try to use standards and situations from over 6 years ago to justify the complete chaos and dysfunction in the ME.
"war" is a constantly changing, dynamic, fluid and non linear thing.

The bottom line is this;
These people weren't cutting off americans heads in front of the whole world..essentially on television.
Spin it however you think you need to but they feared american response if they openly and defiantly cut off americans heads on television.,Not to mention that they PURPOSELY, specifically mocked obama by name and then threatened to come do it in america.
LMAO.."bush" ...or almost any patriotic american president, would have bombed them back into the stone age...and rightly so.

You're funny!
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.
So our strategy is to threaten the terrorists with the long arm of justice....

Our own criminals don't care about the law but I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots.
Tell us more about how you think our threat of force means we wont actually use force.

You've really been grasping at straws JUST to hate lately man, you used to be way more level headed but your gripes are completely unfounded and ridiculous lately.
Bombing random trucks driving down a highway is NOT a deterrent to these insane motherfuckers.

I've been calling for us to rain hell on these crazies for near a year now. They likely are laughing at our pinprick attacks to this point.

It would help knowing exactly where there are, who they are amongst, where they're going next and which targets are of high value so as to gain information and hurt the entire group for a long time to come.

You guys have such an amateurish and simplistic view of things, I cant help but think you really haven't thought it through all the way but JUST need reasons to vent.
There are 10 more eager suckers waiting in line to take the place of the leaders we kill. We need to decimate them as a whole. Make them fear their decisions. Countless leaders of terrorist groups have been killed yet the terrorism continues.
Or do you think capturing the person doing the beheading in the video will change anything?

Fuck justice, get vengeance

That's not smart, rational or "the way to go."

Indiscriminately bombing makes more of them, also, it solves nothing, and it takes away far more innocents all over knee jerk.

In perspective - they haven't even dented us a little bit, this ISIS group. They captured journalists who subjected themselves to harm's way, which is a far cry from - say, 9/11. There's no need to go pants on fire nuke a whole section of the M.E.
Who said anything about indiscriminately bombing random targets? YOU

Our military has had targets for over a year now and are quite capable of delivering the pain with pinpoint accuracy.

And ISIS has billions of dollars, foreign fighters WITH western passports, weapons out the ass & last but not least ELEVEN jumbo jets stolen in Tripoli.
oh we've had the pinpointed targets for a year and they were indeed targets the whole time and we sat and did nothing huh?

don't think so.
You've made my point for me lol

Indeed we've sat on those targets and done nothing.
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.
on a side note

the number of troops going into Iraq now has climbed to 1213

Iraq war over, US troops coming home, Obama says

Obama, an opponent of the war since before he took office, nevertheless praised the efforts of U.S. troops in Iraq. He said American soldiers would leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success."

Iraq war over US troops coming home Obama says - Yahoo News

"I just don't spend that much time on bin Laden"

"Truly not concerned about bin Laden"

Bush 2002

Of course he had a war to promote against a SECULAR Arab leader. Keep up the cr*p, I will remind those so doing of the FACTS.

Things were different. bin laden was completely marginalized and in hiding. We were focusing on the people actually out there shooting at us. I understand your need to constantly...(6 years now)...point at "bush".
this isn't a static situation and it's ridiculous to try to use standards and situations from over 6 years ago to justify the complete chaos and dysfunction in the ME.
"war" is a constantly changing, dynamic, fluid and non linear thing.

The bottom line is this;
These people weren't cutting off americans heads in front of the whole world..essentially on television.
Spin it however you think you need to but they feared american response if they openly and defiantly cut off americans heads on television.,Not to mention that they PURPOSELY, specifically mocked obama by name and then threatened to come do it in america.
LMAO.."bush" ...or almost any patriotic american president, would have bombed them back into the stone age...and rightly so.

You're funny!
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.
But then if Obama had done the right thing in the first place we wouldn't have to go back in. We'd already be there.
on a side note

the number of troops going into Iraq now has climbed to 1213

Iraq war over, US troops coming home, Obama says

Obama, an opponent of the war since before he took office, nevertheless praised the efforts of U.S. troops in Iraq. He said American soldiers would leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success."

Iraq war over US troops coming home Obama says - Yahoo News

"I just don't spend that much time on bin Laden"

"Truly not concerned about bin Laden"

Bush 2002

Of course he had a war to promote against a SECULAR Arab leader. Keep up the cr*p, I will remind those so doing of the FACTS.

Things were different. bin laden was completely marginalized and in hiding. We were focusing on the people actually out there shooting at us. I understand your need to constantly...(6 years now)...point at "bush".
this isn't a static situation and it's ridiculous to try to use standards and situations from over 6 years ago to justify the complete chaos and dysfunction in the ME.
"war" is a constantly changing, dynamic, fluid and non linear thing.

The bottom line is this;
These people weren't cutting off americans heads in front of the whole world..essentially on television.

Spin it however you think you need to but they feared american response if they openly and defiantly cut off americans heads on television.,Not to mention that they PURPOSELY, specifically mocked obama by name and then threatened to come do it in america.
LMAO.."bush" ...or almost any patriotic american president, would have bombed them back into the stone age...and rightly so.

You're funny!

That's bullshit.

Daniel Pearl
Nick Berg
Jack Hensley
Eugene Armstrong
Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr

The exception was you folks were blaming victims back then.
So our strategy is to threaten the terrorists with the long arm of justice....

Our own criminals don't care about the law but I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots.
Tell us more about how you think our threat of force means we wont actually use force.

You've really been grasping at straws JUST to hate lately man, you used to be way more level headed but your gripes are completely unfounded and ridiculous lately.
Bombing random trucks driving down a highway is NOT a deterrent to these insane motherfuckers.

I've been calling for us to rain hell on these crazies for near a year now. They likely are laughing at our pinprick attacks to this point.

It would help knowing exactly where there are, who they are amongst, where they're going next and which targets are of high value so as to gain information and hurt the entire group for a long time to come.

You guys have such an amateurish and simplistic view of things, I cant help but think you really haven't thought it through all the way but JUST need reasons to vent.
There are 10 more eager suckers waiting in line to take the place of the leaders we kill. We need to decimate them as a whole. Make them fear their decisions. Countless leaders of terrorist groups have been killed yet the terrorism continues.
Or do you think capturing the person doing the beheading in the video will change anything?

Fuck justice, get vengeance

That's not smart, rational or "the way to go."

Indiscriminately bombing makes more of them, also, it solves nothing, and it takes away far more innocents all over knee jerk.

In perspective - they haven't even dented us a little bit, this ISIS group. They captured journalists who subjected themselves to harm's way, which is a far cry from - say, 9/11. There's no need to go pants on fire nuke a whole section of the M.E.
Who said anything about indiscriminately bombing random targets? YOU

Our military has had targets for over a year now and are quite capable of delivering the pain with pinpoint accuracy.

And ISIS has billions of dollars, foreign fighters WITH western passports, weapons out the ass & last but not least ELEVEN jumbo jets stolen in Tripoli.
oh we've had the pinpointed targets for a year and they were indeed targets the whole time and we sat and did nothing huh?

don't think so.
You've made my point for me lol

Indeed we've sat on those targets and done nothing.
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.

We could stop worrying about superficial images and just do what's right for our country.
on a side note

the number of troops going into Iraq now has climbed to 1213

Iraq war over, US troops coming home, Obama says

Obama, an opponent of the war since before he took office, nevertheless praised the efforts of U.S. troops in Iraq. He said American soldiers would leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success."

Iraq war over US troops coming home Obama says - Yahoo News

"I just don't spend that much time on bin Laden"

"Truly not concerned about bin Laden"

Bush 2002

Of course he had a war to promote against a SECULAR Arab leader. Keep up the cr*p, I will remind those so doing of the FACTS.

Things were different. bin laden was completely marginalized and in hiding. We were focusing on the people actually out there shooting at us. I understand your need to constantly...(6 years now)...point at "bush".
this isn't a static situation and it's ridiculous to try to use standards and situations from over 6 years ago to justify the complete chaos and dysfunction in the ME.
"war" is a constantly changing, dynamic, fluid and non linear thing.

The bottom line is this;
These people weren't cutting off americans heads in front of the whole world..essentially on television.

Spin it however you think you need to but they feared american response if they openly and defiantly cut off americans heads on television.,Not to mention that they PURPOSELY, specifically mocked obama by name and then threatened to come do it in america.
LMAO.."bush" ...or almost any patriotic american president, would have bombed them back into the stone age...and rightly so.

You're funny!

That's bullshit.

Daniel Pearl
Nick Berg
Jack Hensley
Eugene Armstrong
Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr

The exception was you folks were blaming victims back then.

Yes, but ISIS remains a true threat TODAY. Congress must address this, Boehner is fundraising, a FOUR week trip, and Reid is also not demanding action. I have emailed and called, has anyone ELSE?
A 'fix' to the ISIS problem requires a major injection of ground troops and none of you support that. So shut up.

ISIS is "manageable" without another invasion

There are bad people in this world. ISIS is among them. We can invade Syria, take out ISIS and someone else will take their place

The US and the world has them on our radar. We will find out who they are and hunt them down

Yes, but ISIS remains a true threat TODAY. Congress must address this, Boehner is fundraising, a FOUR week trip, and Reid is also not demanding action. I have emailed and called, has anyone ELSE?
Is Boehner the commander in chief? Is Reid the commander in chief?
No. Obama is Commander in Chief. He needs to start acting like one.
on a side note

the number of troops going into Iraq now has climbed to 1213

Iraq war over, US troops coming home, Obama says

Obama, an opponent of the war since before he took office, nevertheless praised the efforts of U.S. troops in Iraq. He said American soldiers would leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success."

Iraq war over US troops coming home Obama says - Yahoo News

"I just don't spend that much time on bin Laden"

"Truly not concerned about bin Laden"

Bush 2002

Of course he had a war to promote against a SECULAR Arab leader. Keep up the cr*p, I will remind those so doing of the FACTS.

Things were different. bin laden was completely marginalized and in hiding. We were focusing on the people actually out there shooting at us. I understand your need to constantly...(6 years now)...point at "bush".
this isn't a static situation and it's ridiculous to try to use standards and situations from over 6 years ago to justify the complete chaos and dysfunction in the ME.
"war" is a constantly changing, dynamic, fluid and non linear thing.

The bottom line is this;
These people weren't cutting off americans heads in front of the whole world..essentially on television.
Spin it however you think you need to but they feared american response if they openly and defiantly cut off americans heads on television.,Not to mention that they PURPOSELY, specifically mocked obama by name and then threatened to come do it in america.
LMAO.."bush" ...or almost any patriotic american president, would have bombed them back into the stone age...and rightly so.

You're funny!
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.
But then if Obama had done the right thing in the first place we wouldn't have to go back in. We'd already be there.

For the thousandth time, we couldn't stay. Nor should we have. We have to make up our mind. Stop meddling, or keep meddling.
ISIS is a bunch of ruthless terrorists

The US will hunt them down and kill them

That sounds manageable

Yes..we're doing such a good job of it they murder americans on television, mock the president by name and threaten to come do it in america.
I can see we have them on the run and are in complete control of the situation. We're doing great!

I like the chances of the US surviving much more than the chances of ISIS leadership surviving

You fuck with the US, we will get you. It may take a while, it may seem like we have given up the chase....but sooner or later, we will get you

Ok fair enough..good theory....but the "climate" that caused this kind of barbarism..openly calling obama by name, mocking him and america as they commit bloody murder "on televison" and broadcast it world wide, is the problem.
Obviously they don't have any fear of the u.s. or obama, do they?..and this isn't some little jv team, is it?
They have been in existence and a small offshoot of al qaeda, but the vacuum the u.s has left by withdrawing has caused them to grow. They've been advancing for months now and have a bigger army and better funding than some legitimate countries.

idle chatter about "we're going to get them" is simplistic and useless at this point.

You don't win wars by "declaring victory" and then abandoning the battlefield.
Take vietnam for instance....we "won" there...except the north took over the entire country the day we left.

Never mind..the urge to defend just ANYTHING this president does is too strong.
Somehow I know you'll circle back to blaming bush or reagan...or ANYBODY ....except the person in charge when the event occurred.

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