Obama Isn't The First U.S. President Accused Of Being Secretly Muslim


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
In a Republican primary season that has stoked fears of the undesirables and the undocumented in our midst, it now seems to be the Muslims’ turn.

Last week, Donald Trump let slide the comments of a man at a New Hampshire town hall meeting who called President Obama a Muslim, described Muslims as “a problem in this country,” and suggested it was time to “get rid of them.” On Sunday on Meet the Press, Ben Carson described Islam as inconsistent with the Constitution and said he “absolutely would not agree” with putting a Muslim in the White House.

When questioned about these controversies, neither man backed down. Trump tweeted that he was not “morally obligated to defend the president.” Carson told The Hill that the next president should be “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Quran.” Repeatedly, Carson raised the specter of Muslims lying about their own faith in order to achieve their political aims — a notion many “birthers” have used to explain how a president who repeatedly calls himself a Christian could somehow be a secret Muslim.

Unfortunately, none of this is new. Americans like to think of our country as a nation of immigrants and a nation of religions, but repeatedly we have failed to live up to our ideals, banishing fellow citizens from the American family because of their ethnicities or religious commitments.

Throughout U.S. history, Protestants have denounced Catholics as fake Christians, amoral villains and traitors to the nation. In an argument that anticipated today’s critiques of Islam, inventor Samuel Morse argued in 1835 that the ideal of religious liberty served as a Trojan horse secreting enemies of the nation “into every nook and corner of the land.” This “infallibly intolerant” Roman Catholic tradition, he argued, wasn’t even a religion; it was a nefarious political scheme masquerading as one.

But anti-Catholicism was not the only culture war prosecuted by conservative defenders of faith and flag. Mormons, too, were targeted as slaves of a religious despot whose liberty was incompatible with our own. Before this culture war was over, Mormon leaders would be sued, jailed, beaten, stripped naked, tarred and feathered, and murdered. And rank-and-file Mormons would be chased from New York to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois to the Utah territory.

Today, it is easy to imagine that Barack Obama is the first U.S. president to be accused of being a Muslim. But that honor actually belongs to Thomas Jefferson.

More: Obama Isn't The First U.S. President Accused Of Being Secretly Muslim

Thomas Jefferson’s Iftar | IIP Digital

Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an, By Denise A Spellberg, Reviewed | The New Republic

Our Founding Fathers included Islam - Salon.com

Remember when Thomas Jefferson was called a secret Muslim?

Looks like President Obama is in good company.
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You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
Lakhota's not very bright.
But anti-Catholicism was not the only culture war prosecuted by conservative defenders of faith and flag. Mormons, too, were targeted as slaves of a religious despot whose liberty was incompatible with our own.

Yeah, I've posted this nativist anti-Catholic/anti-Mormon editorial cartoon on here before to demonstrate the current anti-Muslim bigotry is nothing new.

But anti-Catholicism was not the only culture war prosecuted by conservative defenders of faith and flag. Mormons, too, were targeted as slaves of a religious despot whose liberty was incompatible with our own.

Yeah, I've posted this nativist anti-Catholic/anti-Mormon editorial cartoon on here before to demonstrate the current anti-Muslim bigotry is nothing new.


If we could only have gotten rid of the Baptists, Romney would've won.........
You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?

Lakoturd proves with every post that she is weapons grade stupid, and a danger to the gene pool.

The moonbat messiah is not a muzbot in any case. He simply supports the cause to destroy Israel and the US. He is most likely an atheist. The criminally insane narcissistic totalitarian sociopaths that represent every leftist despot as far as I know loathed religion, but used it when it suited their purposes. This is manifest as the obozo pretends to honor the pinko pope, after shoving faggotry down the military's collective throat and emboldening the gay thugs as they trample all over religious liberty.

Once the muzbots are no longer useful, they will be purged from the planet and there won't be anyone around to save them.

You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
So the Muslims were blowing up buildings in the early 19th century in the USA?
You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
So the Muslims were blowing up buildings in the early 19th century in the USA?

No. The Muslims we are talking about were into piracy and extortion
You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
So the Muslims were blowing up buildings in the early 19th century in the USA?

No. The Muslims we are talking about were into piracy and extortion
Which is not terrorism,,,,Since Britannia was doing it also..
There's never been any Secret about Obama being a Muslim. my gawd after watching him for seven anyone still doubting it.................of course it would be Lakooka
You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?

You're seriously trying to claim that Thomas Jefferson, the man who had them publish the Quran in English to show in his own words "how ridiculous it was" and who was president during our original war on Islamic terror was seriously accused of being a secret Muslim?
So the Muslims were blowing up buildings in the early 19th century in the USA?

No. The Muslims we are talking about were into piracy and extortion

They didn't claim that he was a pirate or an extortionist.

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