Obama Job Performance: Would John McCain Be Doing Better?...

Would John McCain Be Doing A Better Job Than Obama At This Point?

  • Better

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • Worse

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Same

    Votes: 14 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And i don't think McCain would have divided the Country as much either. He wouldn't have engaged in violent & hateful rhetoric like calling fellow Americans 'Racists' & 'Terrorists.' This current President has divided the Nation like no other i've seen before. It's very sad.

Agreed on this. McCain's natural inclination is to be a uniter and peacemaker while Obama was trained in the Alinsky school of divide and conquer.

So yes, we would have had some less destructive spending and we would not have had the rise of the militant extreme Left that we have seen. I'm am more ambivalent on the foreign policy question as McCain in not known to be unprincipled or to make rash, unconsidered decisions. I don't think our foreign policy could possibly have been any worse. I don't know if we would be entangled in the mini war in Lybia or not if McCain had been at the helm.

Another unknown is whether we would have had a Tea Party movement with McCain at the helm. As I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be using TARP as a petty cash fund for the President and wouldn't have implemented the destructive and harmful stimulus package and we wouldn't have Obamacare to deal with and McCain would have pushed to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, the Tea Party might not have organized. Or maybe they would have anyway to give McCain some support.

These are things we'll never know.

Excellent points. Thanks.
I don't think our credit rating would have been downgraded under McCain.
But, McCain was a weak candidate for the republicans....having said that, I doubt there would have been any candidate that could have beaten the rock star.

Oh absolutely.

There would be no debt or deficit crisis under McCain.

It simply wouldn't exist outside the Ron Paul crowd.
And i don't think McCain would have divided the Country as much either. He wouldn't have engaged in violent & hateful rhetoric like calling fellow Americans 'Racists' & 'Terrorists.' This current President has divided the Nation like no other i've seen before. It's very sad.

Agreed on this. McCain's natural inclination is to be a uniter and peacemaker while Obama was trained in the Alinsky school of divide and conquer.

So yes, we would have had some less destructive spending and we would not have had the rise of the militant extreme Left that we have seen. I'm am more ambivalent on the foreign policy question as McCain in not known to be unprincipled or to make rash, unconsidered decisions. I don't think our foreign policy could possibly have been any worse. I don't know if we would be entangled in the mini war in Lybia or not if McCain had been at the helm.

Another unknown is whether we would have had a Tea Party movement with McCain at the helm. As I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be using TARP as a petty cash fund for the President and wouldn't have implemented the destructive and harmful stimulus package and we wouldn't have Obamacare to deal with and McCain would have pushed to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, the Tea Party might not have organized. Or maybe they would have anyway to give McCain some support.

These are things we'll never know.

Holy shit.

You're kidding.

McCain didn't earn the "Maverick" title for nothing.

He likes to pick fights..and sometimes with people in his own party. :lol:
McCain ran pretty much with what Bush did and so does Obama so I say no real difference.

And btw there is no quick fix for our current problems.

I can't totally disagree with you. I saw no real differences between McCain & Obama. It became more of an American Idol-type Vote. I almost voted Same too but i still think McCain would have been a little better overall. It's a toss-up though.

I believe with McCain in the White House, small business would not be wondering what thier liabiliuty will be come the implementation of the crux of the healthcare plan; there would be no talk of cap and trade; and there would be less rhetoric about how bad "business owners" are.
That in itself would have assisted in the recovery of the recession and there would most certainly be a lower unemploymnent number.

I would agree with all of this except for maybe the Cap and Trade issue.

McCain Slams Obama Cap-and-Trade Climate Change Proposal - FoxNews.com

"The president's proposal of auctioning 100 percent of the carbon credits is bad economic policy that would cost businesses billions of dollars and allow for little-to-no transition into a low carbon system," he said. "I am a supporter of a strong cap-and-trade system, but I will not and cannot align myself with a giant government slush fund that will further burden our businesses and consumers," McCain said at a Reform Institute Forum on energy reform.

McCain, Obama's 2008 Republican presidential opponent who was an advocate for a cap-and-trade system during the campaign, said the proposal makes it more difficult to work in a bipartisan way on the issue.

Read more: McCain Slams Obama Cap-and-Trade Climate Change Proposal - FoxNews.com

It wasn't the idea of Cap and Trade that John McCain opposed. It was who's idea it was.

Daffy Duck could do a better job at this point.

I liked Obama when he played the role of Steve Urkle in Family Matters but his political policies have ruined all respect I had for him.
That's a tough question. I would have to say alittle better. I just can't imagine it being worse.
That's a tough question. I would have to say alittle better. I just can't imagine it being worse.

I think it could be worse, not saying Mccain would make it worse but I have a feeling things definently can/will get worse.
McCain is a progressive just like Obama. He still would have grown government just not as fast.

I agree, he would have. Every president since FDR has done so. But McCain is a mostly fiscal conservative on everything but social issues, so it is unlikely we would have had TARP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. etc. etc. We wouldn't have had that indefensible stimulous package. We wouldn't have Obamacare. We wouldn't have cap & trade hanging over the heads of American business. We would most likely still have our AAA credit rating. And we wouldn't have the threat of new taxes hanging over our heads and likely would have had more assurance that the Bush tax cuts would be left in place for awhile which would free up trillions in sidelined venture capital.

I do think we would be experiencing recovery instead of more and more recession with a McCain at the helm. That is IF the Tea Party had done their thing and started pushing more fiscal conservatives into Congress as they are doing. That's the unknown quantity that we don't know.
Yes, and oil would still be in operation in the gulf after the clean up. And we wouldn't be paying Venezuela to have oil exports shipped to us.
Does that make any sense to anybody?
Obama wants us off oil, but gets another country to drill for our use but not America.
I'm not so sure about our AAA rating because McCain would have wanted to still borrow, probably even more than Obama, because he would have wanted more for our Military.
Yes, and oil would still be in operation in the gulf after the clean up. And we wouldn't be paying Venezuela to have oil exports shipped to us.
Does that make any sense to anybody?
Obama wants us off oil, but gets another country to drill for our use but not America.
I'm not so sure about our AAA rating because McCain would have wanted to still borrow, probably even more than Obama, because he would have wanted more for our Military.

Good points re the oil. I gently disagree re overborrowing for the military. McCain wouldn't have tolerated cutting defense as an excuse to spend someplace else, but he is a fiscal conservative and I think he would have properly noted the unacceptable deficit and pushed for appropriate measures to rein that in. He is not the Keynesian that Obama is.
Few more minutes left to Vote. We'll see if the tie gets broken. Right now it's neck & neck between Better & Same.
Not much difference between the other than Obama being younger, better looking, not senile, and possessing the ability to life his arms over his head.
I disagree with those who voted same, but given McCain's checkered record on social issues and propensity for RINO-ism in some areas, I can understand those who have so little confidence in him that things wouldn't be much better with him at the helm.

But given his track record, and Obama's track record so far, it mystifies me that four people could be so unaware of the existing facts or so politically naive that they think things would be worse with McCain in the White House.
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Well he does listen more to the people than Obama does. And I don't think we would have been as worse, if he would have become President.
I do think that we would be getting more jobs back under him.
But he was for invasion of Libya and he would have done it quicker than Obama.
But under him I think it would have been over in about 2 or 3 weeks and Gadhafi would be out or dead by now.
If Mccain was Pres we could be alot more involved in Libya, and possibly other places like Syria.
Finished a tie between Better & Same. That's the result i would have predicted. Thanks all for your participation.

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