Obama just Blinked


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Score one for the good guys in the House. As per CNN, Obama calls meeting at 5:30'with House leaders.

Score one for the good guys in the House. As per CNN, Obama calls meeting at 5:30'with House leaders.

Calling for a meeting between the leaders in Congress IS NOT blinking. For your information, blinking would be moving the start of the ACA back a year OR agreeing to defund ACA.
Score one for the good guys in the House. As per CNN, Obama calls meeting at 5:30'with House leaders.

Calling for a meeting between the leaders in Congress IS NOT blinking. For your information, blinking would be moving the start of the ACA back a year OR agreeing to defund ACA.

But he is starting to do what he said he wouldn't do. Negotiate.

He blinked, and soon should cave which is what you described

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Score one for the good guys in the House. As per CNN, Obama calls meeting at 5:30'with House leaders.

Calling for a meeting between the leaders in Congress IS NOT blinking. For your information, blinking would be moving the start of the ACA back a year OR agreeing to defund ACA.

But he is starting to do what he said he wouldn't do. Negotiate.

He blinked, and soon should cave which is what you described

In legal terms he is doing what is called "bringing the principals together." It is a common procedure used to try to get around an impasse. HE HAS AGREED TO NOTHING! Now I know you are giddy from the thought of Obama negoiating but try to hold your water. You can let those tears of joy flow down your leg IF he does concede but I doubt it will happen.
Score one for the good guys in the House. As per CNN, Obama calls meeting at 5:30'with House leaders.


Boehner has at least forced Obama into attempting to portray a willingness to negotiate.

The other day on the floor of the House Boehner actually mocked his phone call with the President by imitating Obama.

"I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate...."

The Republicans aren't fooled. They know this is just a photo op for Obama. He's just such a transparent asshole these days.

Republicans also indicated that they did not expect a substantive negotiation, suggesting the meeting could be little more than a photo-op.

"Just yesterday, the president reaffirmed that he would not negotiate with Congress, and Senate Democrats actually voted not to negotiate," McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said in an email.

"So frankly, we’re a little confused as to the purpose of this meeting," he said.

"If the president wants to sit on the sidelines during this critical debate and is serious about Congress finding a solution, then he will urge Senate Democrats to agree to the request by the House of Representatives to convene a conference committee."

Obama to meet House, Senate leaders for shutdown talks - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
The Republicans aren't fooled. They know this is just a photo op for Obama. He's just such a transparent asshole these days.

Republicans also indicated that they did not expect a substantive negotiation, suggesting the meeting could be little more than a photo-op.

"Just yesterday, the president reaffirmed that he would not negotiate with Congress, and Senate Democrats actually voted not to negotiate," McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said in an email.

"So frankly, we’re a little confused as to the purpose of this meeting," he said.

"If the president wants to sit on the sidelines during this critical debate and is serious about Congress finding a solution, then he will urge Senate Democrats to agree to the request by the House of Representatives to convene a conference committee."

Obama to meet House, Senate leaders for shutdown talks - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
The minority of the GOP in the House is holding the govt. hostage.
As one of the GOP house member said, "They're lemmings".
The minority of the GOP in the House is holding the govt. hostage.
As one of the GOP house member said, "They're lemmings".

Oh the anti American rhetoric. from the entitled left--"Hostage", "Extortion", "Gun to the head"


He is doing no such thing.
A "blink" would be to be Presidential and seek a deal rather than to just meet and tell Republicans they should do what he wants.
Nope. This is a media play. The media tomorrow night will talk about how he is "reaching out to Republicans in an effort to end the stalemate, but the Republicans still refuse...meanwhile the suffering continues in the shutdown, now let's turn to Carl who has lined up 3-4 anecdotal examples of suffering minorities...Carl..."
We won't know until it's over, but Harry "The Weasel" Reid is sending notes that perhaps point a direction:

Reid offers to talk tax reform if GOP ends shutdown (Video) - The Hill's On The Money

Reid offers to talk tax reform if GOP ends shutdown (Video)
By Alexander Bolton - 10/02/13 01:32 PM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) offered to open negotiations on tax reform Wednesday if Republicans agree to a clean resolution to reopen the government.

Reid sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) pledging to appoint negotiators to a budget conference if House Republicans relent on a six-week funding stopgap.

The budget conference is something Democrats have long sought, however, and the proposal was quickly shot down by Boehner’s office.

Reid offered to include tax reform, which has bogged down in partisan politics this year, on the agenda. The letter suggested that Democrats would be willing to negotiate changes to ObamaCare as part of budget talks as well.

“I commit to name conferees to a budget conference, as soon as the government reopens,” Reid wrote. “This conference would be an appropriate place to have those discussions, where participants could raise whatever proposals — such as tax reform, health care, agriculture, and certainly discretionary spending like veterans, National Parks and NIH — they felt appropriate.”

Boehner’s office said Reid’s terms would give Democrats exactly what they want. “The entire government is shut down right now because Washington Democrats refuse to even talk about fairness for all Americans under ObamaCare,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said. “Offering to negotiate only after Democrats get everything they want is not much of an offer.”

Senate Democrats have repeatedly called for a budget conference, yet Reid’s letter framed it as a concession to end the government shutdown.

Senate Republican conservatives blocked 18 motions by Senate Democratic leaders to begin budget conference talks with the House earlier this year.

The House is expected to vote Wednesday on bills to fund specific parts of the government, including veterans benefits and the national parks. The White House has threatened to veto those measures.

Reid said he spoke with Boehner by telephone after he sent the letter. He declined to characterize Boehner’s reaction.
My sources tell me some good news may come out of the House tonight. Then again, my source could be completely wrong.

He Blinked! Did the weeping angels get Obama? Please tell me they got him and he's back in 1920 somewhere!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFKa9tQqzrs]Doctor Who - ANGEL SCENE! - YouTube[/ame]

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