Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Sure, you can find quotes of beheading in the bible, you just can't find any examples of Christians beheading people in the name of Christianity for the last 2015 years.
Did you somehow miss the Crusades?
No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
Sure, you can find quotes of beheading in the bible, you just can't find any examples of Christians beheading people in the name of Christianity for the last 2015 years.

Well, that's true. Usually they burned religious offenders at the stake.

It should be pointed out that Christians considered beheading a "humane" form of punishment compared to burning at a stake or drawing and quartering- usually to be reserved for those of wealth and status. and this was the case all the way up until the 19th century, when they decided to be all "egalitarian" and have guillotining for all!
But the thing is, Christians were beheading people all the way up until the last century. Nazi Germany - and sorry, when you have Gott Mit Uns on your belt buckles, you are a christian country - beheaded 16,000 people.

(Waiting for Crazy Elektra to flip out and start showing us pictures of her personal library again...)

That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d
You are an idiot. You have no knowledge of history, no knowledge of religion, and very little knowledge of international relations.

I don't know why I waste my time trying to debate with fools. You are the next candidate for my ignore list. Congratulations.

Yes, i know that the butthurt is strong in you.

But here's the thing. After we went from having most of the world feeling sorry for us after 9/11 to most of the world hating us by the time Bush left office, do you guys really think you have any business talking about "international relations". International relations means- "don't piss everyone off".

Bush managed to piss off just about everyone by the time he left.

wrong, interantional relations means keeping this country strong, even if it pisses other countries off.

Bush may have pissed them off, but obama has made them laugh at us.
Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

Did you somehow miss the Crusades?
No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.
OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.
Do you feel better now troll.........................

Do you have those negative vibrations......................

Oh my god...............GET OUT.................I think there was a movie about that in Amity..........................

GOOD GOD MAN...............oops GOOD MAN..............did you see the Christians slaughtering our fellow man............as we talk about ISIS..................Your trolling view is ISIS EQUALS CHRISTIANITY....................

Stand by as we watch the Christians cut the heads off Muslims.................OOPS..........NOT HAPPENING.
OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?
Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?
He supports Israel by living in America, paying American taxes.

He feels that actually living in Israel is for suckers.
Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?

Is that before or after Israel is "driven into the sea"?
So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?

Is that before or after Israel is "driven into the sea"?
Israel today, Palestine tomorrow. Hurry, you're missing the big Jew tent show in the Middle East. Or is there maybe a reason why living with 5 million Jews surrounded by 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians sounds like a shit plan to you? That's what it is by the way, a shit plan.
So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?
He supports Israel by living in America, paying American taxes.

He feels that actually living in Israel is for suckers.
If true I'd have to give him a couple of points for working that out.
Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?

Of course there are greater numbers of Christians:thup:
No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
You? Absolutely, that's the Home Of The Jews right? I can't believe you aren't already there.

That's the only place any Jew should live. Israelis didn't kill other Jews in Iraq because they didn't believe that eh?

Is that before or after Israel is "driven into the sea"?
Israel today, Palestine tomorrow. Hurry, you're missing the big Jew tent show in the Middle East. Or is there maybe a reason why living with 5 million Jews surrounded by 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians sounds like a shit plan to you? That's what it is by the way, a shit plan.
Yeah might as well kill all the Jews...Jew hate much?
Obama to ISIS....
Don't worry guys ....
I got your back....
I made sure the world remembers that Christians are just as fucked up as youse guys....
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An absolutely perfect example of how the American Left deflects for Jihadism. Instead of addressing the point, they equate modern-day Jihadism with Christianity and Judaism.

Not only is this intellectually dishonest in the extreme, it also serves to defend and enable Jihadism further.

I can only imagine how thankful the Jihadists are for behavior like this. Being provided cover by the very people you loathe.

I think the dishonest thing is saying shit like "Jihadism" to describe the political and ethnic conflicts in the Middle East, a lot of which we've stirred up with our ham-fisted foreign policy.
Most of us are a little more civilized then these people over a 1,000 years ago!

We still have barbarians doing the burning but not the Christians. We've grown up.

One other point YOU ARE FORGETTING...
How did the Saracens occupy Jerusalem in the first place?
Did the occupants just give up peacefully to the petitions of the Saracens?
Did the Saracens BUY Jerusalem?
Is it possible the Saracens were the bad guys first?

Jerusalem was an important city of the Byzantine province of Palestina Prima. Just 23 years prior to the Muslim conquest, in 614, it fell to an invading Sassanid army under Shahrbaraz during the last of the Byzantine-Sassanid Wars.

I think you are a little confused here, guy. The Sassanids were not "Muslims", they were Zoroastrians.

And yes, the century of war between the Sassanids and Byzantines made it pretty easy for the Muslims to roll up the whole thing.

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