Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

Roughly zero, at least here that is. Here they are headed back to the theater to watch American Sniper, for the third time.

Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)
lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.

those muslim countries that you and obama love so much, execute homosexuals. WTF is wrong with you?

Then the right thing to do is ban Islam in the US?

no one is saying that. you are lying once again
Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)
And are they at war with Jordan? Oh, look at that, they aren't. I wonder then, why is Jordan bombing them?
lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.
You do not have to believe in God nor the Christian vision of the godhead, to answer this question, so long as you come from a family with a largely Christian heritage, or so long as you understand a little something about the nature of the Old and New Testaments, and the weights given to each...


If some old-time prophet in the Old Testament says "A", and Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament says "B", then...

Given the Divine or semi-divine nature attributed by Christians to Jesus of Nazareth...

As a practicing Christian...

In the case of such a conflict...

Does "A" control, or does "B: control?

Does the old-time prophet control, or does Jesus control?
Last edited:
Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)

You couldn't give a straight answer. That's why I asked.

If violent extremist criminal terrorist Muslims are not hijacking Islam, but are simply carrying out the teachings of Islam,

then the US would be justified in declaring Islam a terrorist organization and treating it accordingly.

Why won't you support that? Because you just enjoy spewing hate you don't really believe in?
what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)

You couldn't give a straight answer. That's why I asked.

If violent extremist criminal terrorist Muslims are not hijacking Islam, but are simply carrying out the teachings of Islam,

then the US would be justified in declaring Islam a terrorist organization and treating it accordingly.

Why won't you support that? Because you just enjoy spewing hate you don't really believe in?


...then the US would be justified in declaring Islam a terrorist organization and treating it accordingly...
It would be more accurate to label Islam as a hybrid Religion / Legal System / Political System / Cultural System, disguised purely as Religion, and treat it in a hybrid fashion, affording it some aspects of the protections afforded by our Constitution, while recognizing its dormant but inherit toxicity to Secular Democracy.
what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)

You couldn't give a straight answer. That's why I asked.

If violent extremist criminal terrorist Muslims are not hijacking Islam, but are simply carrying out the teachings of Islam,

then the US would be justified in declaring Islam a terrorist organization and treating it accordingly.

Why won't you support that? Because you just enjoy spewing hate you don't really believe in?

Because all muslims are not radical terrorists any more that all Christians are members of Westboro baptist church.

But you really need to ask the king of Jordan what you just asked me.
Bobby Jindal has the best response to Obama's finger wagging against Christianity in that "medieval Christians are under control" but modern day ISIS is not. Obama's plans to address ISIS have evolved from "no strategy" to "strategic patience"

Maybe Obama came up with a solution and did not realize it: take tactics from the Christian behavior from the past and use to fight ISIS.
You are truly full of shit. Not a word of that post is true. But since you hate this country why are you here? get the fuck out, move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea. We don't need assholes like you in this country. you are a fucking traitor and so is your kenyan messiah.

1) Please feel free to point out anything I got wrong. You have to actually present facts and not emotions, though.

2) I love my country and I served in her armed forces, unlike most of you. But you know what, even if you love something doesn't mean you excuse it when it's wrong.

Our policies towards the Middle East are just plain stupid. They are based on 1) Propping up Israel and 2) keeping the oil freely flowing and frankly, we don't think about the human effects of that on the people who live there.

We just act all surprised when SOME of them flip out and become extremists.

Shit, let's be blunt. Saddam and Bin Laden were both guys that the CIA told Ronald Reagan we could work with.

How'd that work out again?
Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)

Okay, but here's the problem. The King of Jordan as well as the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey enabled ISIS for a very long time because they were more afraid of the Shi'ite rulers or Iran and Syria.

Again, why are we getting in the middle of this? If all sides in this mess aren't good people, why are we getting involved?
You are truly full of shit. Not a word of that post is true. But since you hate this country why are you here? get the fuck out, move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea. We don't need assholes like you in this country. you are a fucking traitor and so is your kenyan messiah.

1) Please feel free to point out anything I got wrong. You have to actually present facts and not emotions, though.

2) I love my country and I served in her armed forces, unlike most of you. But you know what, even if you love something doesn't mean you excuse it when it's wrong.

Our policies towards the Middle East are just plain stupid. They are based on 1) Propping up Israel and 2) keeping the oil freely flowing and frankly, we don't think about the human effects of that on the people who live there.

We just act all surprised when SOME of them flip out and become extremists.

Shit, let's be blunt. Saddam and Bin Laden were both guys that the CIA told Ronald Reagan we could work with.

How'd that work out again?

I agree that much of our foreign policy has sucked for many years under both parties. But to claim that we created radical islam is just foolish. Radical islam existed over 1000 years ago, before the USA existed, in case you have trouble with the math.
Islam is a religion, parts of that religion advocate violence against non-believers. The radicals have taken that to an extreme level.

The King of Jordan is a muslim. He is doing what needs to be done to radical muslims (the people that obama will not admit even exist)

Okay, but here's the problem. The King of Jordan as well as the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey enabled ISIS for a very long time because they were more afraid of the Shi'ite rulers or Iran and Syria.

Again, why are we getting in the middle of this? If all sides in this mess aren't good people, why are we getting involved?

why are we involved? 9/11, Boston Marathon, our embassies in africa, marine barracks in Lebanon, London bombing, Australia bombing. We are involved because those assholes want to kill US, they have declared war on US.
I agree that much of our foreign policy has sucked for many years under both parties. But to claim that we created radical islam is just foolish. Radical islam existed over 1000 years ago, before the USA existed, in case you have trouble with the math.

Wooo. Radical Islam. Wow. That sounds scary.

It's also total bullshit. Those people aren't angry because of their religion. they are angry because we've slaughtered their children.
why are we involved? 9/11, Boston Marathon, our embassies in africa, marine barracks in Lebanon, London bombing, Australia bombing. We are involved because those assholes want to kill US, they have declared war on US.

True enough. But our meddling in their affairs long preceeded those events.

Hey, here's the thing. Before he was knocking down the WTC, Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians with weapons we provided him. Ronnie Ray-gun called him a "Freedom Fighter" and everything.
I agree that much of our foreign policy has sucked for many years under both parties. But to claim that we created radical islam is just foolish. Radical islam existed over 1000 years ago, before the USA existed, in case you have trouble with the math.

Wooo. Radical Islam. Wow. That sounds scary.

It's also total bullshit. Those people aren't angry because of their religion. they are angry because we've slaughtered their children.
We were attacked first, and then we exacted a terrible and hundred-fold revenge.

Who cares if those bastards are angry? Phukk 'em.
I agree that much of our foreign policy has sucked for many years under both parties. But to claim that we created radical islam is just foolish. Radical islam existed over 1000 years ago, before the USA existed, in case you have trouble with the math.

Wooo. Radical Islam. Wow. That sounds scary.

It's also total bullshit. Those people aren't angry because of their religion. they are angry because we've slaughtered their children.

You are an idiot. You have no knowledge of history, no knowledge of religion, and very little knowledge of international relations.

I don't know why I waste my time trying to debate with fools. You are the next candidate for my ignore list. Congratulations.
You are an idiot. You have no knowledge of history, no knowledge of religion, and very little knowledge of international relations.

I don't know why I waste my time trying to debate with fools. You are the next candidate for my ignore list. Congratulations.

Yes, i know that the butthurt is strong in you.

But here's the thing. After we went from having most of the world feeling sorry for us after 9/11 to most of the world hating us by the time Bush left office, do you guys really think you have any business talking about "international relations". International relations means- "don't piss everyone off".

Bush managed to piss off just about everyone by the time he left.

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