Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Two questions:

1) I wonder how many of the dimocrap scumbags in here are under investigation by the FBI and Homeland Security for their sympathies toward ISIS

2) I wonder how many should be

Could you repeat your redundancy again?
So, the Christians, who are not allowed to go to war, can chop off heads in war but Muslims beheading people is barbaric? Is that your position?
Anyone following (what I style as) the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is prohibited from committing violence of any kind against his fellow Man.

And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
Roughly zero, at least here that is. Here they are headed back to the theater to watch American Sniper, for the third time.

Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.
I'm Obumble's speechwriter...

My challenge is to (a) try to soften the hostility directed at Islam while (b) not giving aid-and-comfort to the enemy and (c) not take sides against my own kind...

Revised text:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that many of the world's religions have had their violent moments in history. Even Christianity has caused its share of war and violence and oppression in times and centuries past. But we're living in a much more enlightened and tolerant modern age now in The West and much of the rest of the world, and we're dealing with a radicalized, militant branch of Islam, which still seems to be playing catch-up in to The West in some ways, after many years of being under colonial rule. So, let's try to be on our guard against the dangers imposed by this radicalized offshoot of Islam, while understanding that this isn't the Islamic mainstream, and that they, too, given a little time and understanding, may complete the task of adapting their faith and its philosophies to meet the challenges of a more open and tolerant and modern world."

Okay. Not seeing how that does any good. Hey, maybe, and just maybe, we can try to understand what the Muslims are upset about.

They are upset about the existence of a Zionist Entity dickslapping them on their holiest land.

They are upset that we've bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

They are upset about the fact that we've supported just truly nasty dictators and kings over there who have done horrible things to their own people, usually with weapons we've provided.

In short, if roles were reversed, we "Christians" would be just as upset if let's say, the Japanese turned Pearl Harbor into a water park, the Mexicans turned the Alamo into a Taco Resturant, and they were routinely bombing people in North Dakota.

Frankly, my problem with Obama is that he didn't go far enough accepting our level of blame.

ISIS ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE OF US! We are the ones who toppled Saddam and let the country fall into Chaos, and then we wonder why a lot of Sunni Iraqis after watching their children die for decades are willing to sign on to the first bunch of radicals who look like they can get something done?

Human history is FULL of monsters who came to power because they looked like they could get something done, and were enthusiastically supported by the people they didn't kill.
Two questions:

1) I wonder how many of the dimocrap scumbags in here are under investigation by the FBI and Homeland Security for their sympathies toward ISIS

2) I wonder how many should be


You mean because we ask the obvious question- why should we get into YET ANOTHER WAR over there?

Because, frankly, we've been at war with that region off and on since 1980. I'm not seeing a lot of progress.

How about this. INstead of sending over army troops full of poor brown kids who just wanted to get a college scholarship, why don't you and every other smack-talking Christian form your own legion like the Abraham Lincoln Brigade did in fighting the Spanish Civil War.

Bill Krystol can be your Colonel.
...Anyone following (what I style as) the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is prohibited from committing violence of any kind against his fellow Man.
And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
I have no idea.

It is terribly difficult to go through this life without committing violence of some kind or another against your fellow man.

That is the true challenge of Christianity.

It is, on the other hand, terribly easy to commit violence against your fellow Man, when you believe yourself justified, and when your God says it's OK.

That is the trap and the basis of the savagery and the violence inherent in Islam.

Christianity is more peaceful than it was in the past because it has been secularized. That is ongoing in Islam.
If, by that, you mean that it is more peaceful now, because their leadership have been universally removed from political power, then, I tend to agree.

But I continue to insist that the differences in the Core Teachings of Belief System A versus B, serve as the Elephant in the Room, and that these differences play a huge part in how prone and susceptible A or B is to promoting violence.

One of saving graces of Christianity is, whenever Christians stray too far from the baseline of the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - those teachings act as a self-correcting mechanism, that brings Believers back towards that Core.

One of the unfortunate aspects of Islam is, that it lacks such Core Teachings (no violence under any circumstances), and therefore lacks that same self-correcting mechanism...

And, when coupled with its inflexibility (the last word on the subject, not to be changed or re-interpreted)...

These unfortunate factors prevent Islam from experiencing a desperately needed Reformation of its own.
...Anyone following (what I style as) the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is prohibited from committing violence of any kind against his fellow Man.
And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
I have no idea.

It is terribly difficult to go through this life without committing violence of some kind or another against your fellow man.

That is the true challenge of Christianity.

It is, on the other hand, terribly easy to commit violence against your fellow Man, when you believe yourself justified, and when your God says it's OK.

That is the trap and the basis of the savagery and the violence inherent in Islam.

Christianity is more peaceful than it was in the past because it has been secularized. That is ongoing in Islam.
If, by that, you mean that it is more peaceful now, because their leadership have been universally removed from political power, then, I tend to agree.

But I continue to insist that the differences in the Core Teachings of Belief System A versus B, serve as the Elephant in the Room, and that these differences play a huge part in how prone and susceptible A or B is to promoting violence.

One of saving graces of Christianity is, whenever Christians stray too far from the baseline of the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - those teachings act as a self-correcting mechanism, that brings Believers back towards that Core.

One of the unfortunate aspects of Islam is, that it lacks such Core Teachings (no violence under any circumstances), and therefore lacks that same self-correcting mechanism, and, when coupled with its inflexibility (the last word on the subject, not to be changed or re-interpreted), prohibits Islam from experiencing a desperately needed Reformation of its own.
We absolutely should ask the Muslims to reform, just as soon as the Christians and Jews do...
Anyone following (what I style as) the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is prohibited from committing violence of any kind against his fellow Man.

And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
Roughly zero, at least here that is. Here they are headed back to the theater to watch American Sniper, for the third time.

Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.
...Anyone following (what I style as) the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is prohibited from committing violence of any kind against his fellow Man.
And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
I have no idea.

It is terribly difficult to go through this life without committing violence of some kind or another against your fellow man.

That is the true challenge of Christianity.

It is, on the other hand, terribly easy to commit violence against your fellow Man, when you believe yourself justified, and when your God says it's OK.

That is the trap and the basis of the savagery and the violence inherent in Islam.

Christianity is more peaceful than it was in the past because it has been secularized. That is ongoing in Islam.
If, by that, you mean that it is more peaceful now, because their leadership have been universally removed from political power, then, I tend to agree.

But I continue to insist that the differences in the Core Teachings of Belief System A versus B, serve as the Elephant in the Room, and that these differences play a huge part in how prone and susceptible A or B is to promoting violence.

One of saving graces of Christianity is, whenever Christians stray too far from the baseline of the Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - those teachings act as a self-correcting mechanism, that brings Believers back towards that Core.

One of the unfortunate aspects of Islam is, that it lacks such Core Teachings (no violence under any circumstances), and therefore lacks that same self-correcting mechanism, and, when coupled with its inflexibility (the last word on the subject, not to be changed or re-interpreted), prohibits Islam from experiencing a desperately needed Reformation of its own.
We absolutely should ask the Muslims to reform, just as soon as the Christians and Jews do...
Christians and Jews already have.

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lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.
I'm Obumble's speechwriter...

My challenge is to (a) try to soften the hostility directed at Islam while (b) not giving aid-and-comfort to the enemy and (c) not take sides against my own kind...

Revised text:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that many of the world's religions have had their violent moments in history. Even Christianity has caused its share of war and violence and oppression in times and centuries past. But we're living in a much more enlightened and tolerant modern age now in The West and much of the rest of the world, and we're dealing with a radicalized, militant branch of Islam, which still seems to be playing catch-up in to The West in some ways, after many years of being under colonial rule. So, let's try to be on our guard against the dangers imposed by this radicalized offshoot of Islam, while understanding that this isn't the Islamic mainstream, and that they, too, given a little time and understanding, may complete the task of adapting their faith and its philosophies to meet the challenges of a more open and tolerant and modern world."

Okay. Not seeing how that does any good. Hey, maybe, and just maybe, we can try to understand what the Muslims are upset about.

They are upset about the existence of a Zionist Entity dickslapping them on their holiest land.

They are upset that we've bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

They are upset about the fact that we've supported just truly nasty dictators and kings over there who have done horrible things to their own people, usually with weapons we've provided.

In short, if roles were reversed, we "Christians" would be just as upset if let's say, the Japanese turned Pearl Harbor into a water park, the Mexicans turned the Alamo into a Taco Resturant, and they were routinely bombing people in North Dakota.

Frankly, my problem with Obama is that he didn't go far enough accepting our level of blame.

ISIS ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE OF US! We are the ones who toppled Saddam and let the country fall into Chaos, and then we wonder why a lot of Sunni Iraqis after watching their children die for decades are willing to sign on to the first bunch of radicals who look like they can get something done?

Human history is FULL of monsters who came to power because they looked like they could get something done, and were enthusiastically supported by the people they didn't kill.

You are truly full of shit. Not a word of that post is true. But since you hate this country why are you here? get the fuck out, move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea. We don't need assholes like you in this country. you are a fucking traitor and so is your kenyan messiah.
lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.

those muslim countries that you and obama love so much, execute homosexuals. WTF is wrong with you?
I'm Obumble's speechwriter...

My challenge is to (a) try to soften the hostility directed at Islam while (b) not giving aid-and-comfort to the enemy and (c) not take sides against my own kind...

Revised text:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that many of the world's religions have had their violent moments in history. Even Christianity has caused its share of war and violence and oppression in times and centuries past. But we're living in a much more enlightened and tolerant modern age now in The West and much of the rest of the world, and we're dealing with a radicalized, militant branch of Islam, which still seems to be playing catch-up in to The West in some ways, after many years of being under colonial rule. So, let's try to be on our guard against the dangers imposed by this radicalized offshoot of Islam, while understanding that this isn't the Islamic mainstream, and that they, too, given a little time and understanding, may complete the task of adapting their faith and its philosophies to meet the challenges of a more open and tolerant and modern world."

Okay. Not seeing how that does any good. Hey, maybe, and just maybe, we can try to understand what the Muslims are upset about.

They are upset about the existence of a Zionist Entity dickslapping them on their holiest land.

They are upset that we've bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

They are upset about the fact that we've supported just truly nasty dictators and kings over there who have done horrible things to their own people, usually with weapons we've provided.

In short, if roles were reversed, we "Christians" would be just as upset if let's say, the Japanese turned Pearl Harbor into a water park, the Mexicans turned the Alamo into a Taco Resturant, and they were routinely bombing people in North Dakota.

Frankly, my problem with Obama is that he didn't go far enough accepting our level of blame.

ISIS ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE OF US! We are the ones who toppled Saddam and let the country fall into Chaos, and then we wonder why a lot of Sunni Iraqis after watching their children die for decades are willing to sign on to the first bunch of radicals who look like they can get something done?

Human history is FULL of monsters who came to power because they looked like they could get something done, and were enthusiastically supported by the people they didn't kill.

You are truly full of shit. Not a word of that post is true. But since you hate this country why are you here? get the fuck out, move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea. We don't need assholes like you in this country. you are a fucking traitor and so is your kenyan messiah.
Redfish = ISIS for Christ.
And what percent of Christians adhere to that teaching?
Roughly zero, at least here that is. Here they are headed back to the theater to watch American Sniper, for the third time.

Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.
lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.

those muslim countries that you and obama love so much, execute homosexuals. WTF is wrong with you?

As opposed to what? Persecution Lite in the American Conservative tradition?
Roughly zero, at least here that is. Here they are headed back to the theater to watch American Sniper, for the third time.

Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.

those muslim countries that you and obama love so much, execute homosexuals. WTF is wrong with you?

Then the right thing to do is ban Islam in the US?
lol, one day they're quoting Leviticus to use Christianity to justify bigotry against homosexuals,

the next - as in today - they're telling us to ignore the Old Testament because it was superseded by the New Testament!

Well, hell, maybe Testament 3.0 will reject the idiocy of the RWnuts altogether. Stay tuned.

those muslim countries that you and obama love so much, execute homosexuals. WTF is wrong with you?
And that's very rude, only the Jews were told to do the very same thing, by God no less. And that's true of many other religions, so now what, ban religion? Works for me...
Count the number of conscientious objectors in WWII, versus the number of American Christians who fought in or otherwise supported the war

and you 'll have fair measure of how little Christians really follow Christ.

what a stupid statement :cuckoo:

Coming from you who can't get anything right, that would be a compliment.

OK, dingleberry moosehead

give us some statistics

1. number of Christian suicide bombers
2. number of Christian terrorist bombers who scream "praise Jesus" as the bombs go off
3. number or Christians or Jews who behead members of other religions
4. number of Christians or Jews who mutiliate young girls
5. number of Christians or Jews who cover their women in black sheets

Yes, Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, buddhists, shintos, wickens, hindus, and every other religion have served in the US military and fought for this country.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Start counting.

oh btw, when are you people going to step up, be honest, and admit that what you'd really like to do is designate Islam as a terrorist organization,

and treat all Muslims accordingly?

A good start would be to ban the practice of Islam outright in the US.

Meh- We need to keep them here. You know, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer


So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

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