Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.
Right. And who got rid of the Nazis? More civilized Christians obviously!

If you consider Communist Russians to be "Christians", I guess so. the USSR did all the heavy lifting in World War II.

Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

^^ Cherrypicking the smallest possible estimate. Color me surprised.

>> García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, it is likely that the toll was much higher, keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.[92]


The archives of the Suprema only provide information surrounding the processes prior to 1560. To study the processes themselves, it is necessary to examine the archives of the local tribunals; however, the majority have been lost to the devastation of war, the ravages of time or other events. Jean-Pierre Dedieu has studied those of Toledo, where 12,000 were judged for offences related to heresy.[95] Ricardo García Cárcel has analyzed those of the tribunal of Valencia.[96] These authors' investigations find that the Inquisition was most active in the period between 1480 and 1530, and that during this period the percentage condemned to death was much more significant than in the years studied by Henningsen and Contreras. Henry Kamen gives the number of about 2,000 executions in persona in the whole of Spain up to 1530.[97]

And this of course is all limited to Spain and only for this particular chapter of the Madness....

>> The 16th and 17th centuries saw a which-hunt such as the world had never seen. Rumors spread like wildfire of people participating in wild witches' Sabbats, the adoption of animal forms, and ritual cannibalism. Superstitious fear flung accusations everywhere, and the population lived in terror. As many as 200,000 people were burned at the stake for witchcraft during this time. Burning was believed to cleanse the soul, tantamount for those accused of witchcraft or heresy.

Henry the VIII's daughter, Mary Tudor ("Bloody Mary") gave birth to England's most famous burnings at the stake. One of her victims was the sometime Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, in 1556. During the course of Bloody Mary's five year reign, she was responsible for 274 burnings. Her victims were condemned of heresy--being Protestant.

In the 17th century, during the Spanish Inquisition, burning at the stake was a popular choice for punishment since it did not spill the victim's blood (the Roman Catholic Church forbade this). The burning meant the victim would have no body to take into the afterlife. << -- Burning At the Stake

On the other hand -- cherries are delicious. So there's that.
I bet they really make a Bloody Mary uh..... come alive. :eusa_doh:

I have to say, considering the witch burnings were quite literally a war on women, it's kind of disturbing to see a woman minimizing it. :(
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That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.


Inability to answer the point Duly noted.

Let's not forget, the reason why you guys had to steal Palestine from the Arabs was because the Christians of Europe made a pretty darn good effort to eradicate you. Every country Hitler invaded, he found Christians more than happy to "help".

Remember that? I mean, every time you guys get called on what a bunch of shitstains you are to the Palestinians, you guys play the Hitler Card.


But now christians and Jews are buddies because they have a mutual enemy Islam. Now were a jewdao christian country with judao christians values.

I want no part of the old testament. Don't put that shit on.me. same for christianity.
And neither Islamic terrorist or IRA Catholic/Protestant terrorists are right to their actions.
The problem is Der Führer is NOT representing me a Christian when he lumps my civilized Christianity with what happened 1,000 years ago.
All of us have become a little more grown up it seems then Der Führer as he is still living in the Middle Ages where Christians are doing inquisitions or the 1800s with the KKK.

I agree, we ARE more civilized now. Because we IGNORE all the bloodthirsty shit in the bible about an eye for an eye and burning witches. But the point is, Christians still did Crusades and Witch burning and the Slave Trade and the Inquisition. So playing, "My Imaginary Sky Pixie is better than YOUR Imaginary Sky Pixie" is a bit silly.

Führer also forgets HE is President of the USA. NOt of the world yet. He represents the USA and as such it is NOT his place to denigrate me or my fellow Christians by equating us with the current day barbarians. Obama's efforts are pure stupidity and help foment more justification for burnings,bombing,beheadings and burials!
Poor Obama just hasn't grown up yet!

Actually, Obama is doing the SAME thing Dubya Bush did. Drawing a distinction between the extremists and terrorists and regular Muslims, who are probably just as horrified by what Al Qaeda/ISIL/Boko Harem is doing as we are.

Which I know that doesn't play well with the Bubba Redneck in JesusLand who only knows about Islam what he's done heard on Fox News.
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.
Right. And who got rid of the Nazis? More civilized Christians obviously!

If you consider Communist Russians to be "Christians", I guess so. the USSR did all the heavy lifting in World War II.

Because they're communists they can't be christians? You americans are so brainwashed.

They are Russian orthodox. Christians. And Nazis were catholics.
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.


Inability to answer the point Duly noted.

Let's not forget, the reason why you guys had to steal Palestine from the Arabs was because the Christians of Europe made a pretty darn good effort to eradicate you. Every country Hitler invaded, he found Christians more than happy to "help".

Remember that? I mean, every time you guys get called on what a bunch of shitstains you are to the Palestinians, you guys play the Hitler Card.


But now christians and Jews are buddies because they have a mutual enemy Islam. Now were a jewdao christian country with judao christians values.

I want no part of the old testament. Don't put that shit on.me. same for christianity.

Christians and Jews have been working on the buddy system
since the 1950s ----I remember it well. There were "conventions of Christians and Jews and ----all kinds of
little social events ------between churches and synagogues.
It had nothing to do with muslims -----I think it was galvanized
by World War II. The literature of the bible is sublime-----
beats the Odyssey------and the Iliad-------and-----something
of no value-------read Beowulf. The Gita is good-----sublime
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.
Right. And who got rid of the Nazis? More civilized Christians obviously!

If you consider Communist Russians to be "Christians", I guess so. the USSR did all the heavy lifting in World War II.

Because they're communists they can't be christians? You americans are so brainwashed.

They are Russian orthodox. Christians. And Nazis were catholics.

And you a fool

Exactly what ISIS banks on
Bush was doing what Clinton started you dummy!!!
Here once again the FACTS that you are so stupidly ignoring!
These Democrats wanted Saddam removed as you can READ (If you are capable of reading!!!)

Democrats talked smack.

Bush actually made the decision to invade the country.

He's like the kid who just took out the picture window with a baseball pointing at his little friends and saying, "But they were playing, too!"

Your Boy Bush was the one who made the decision that we had to take out Saddam because of weapons that didn't exist. He ignored all other diplomatic options and the opinion of the rest of the world.

Which is why you don't see the rest of the world rushing out to help us with ISIL.
Bush was doing what Clinton started you dummy!!!
Here once again the FACTS that you are so stupidly ignoring!
These Democrats wanted Saddam removed as you can READ (If you are capable of reading!!!)

Democrats talked smack.

Bush actually made the decision to invade the country.

He's like the kid who just took out the picture window with a baseball pointing at his little friends and saying, "But they were playing, too!"

Your Boy Bush was the one who made the decision that we had to take out Saddam because of weapons that didn't exist. He ignored all other diplomatic options and the opinion of the rest of the world.

Which is why you don't see the rest of the world rushing out to help us with ISIL.

They will, most assuredly once we get strong leadership.

Obama is not it
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.
Right. And who got rid of the Nazis? More civilized Christians obviously!

If you consider Communist Russians to be "Christians", I guess so. the USSR did all the heavy lifting in World War II.

Because they're communists they can't be christians? You americans are so brainwashed.

They are Russian orthodox. Christians. And Nazis were catholics.

The point the poster was making was that "more civilized Christians" beat the Nazis. The USSR was hardly "More civilized". They were just willing to throw lots of people at the problem and not be terribly concerned how many died.

And under Stalin, religion was officially surpressed, although he lightened up on that during the war and actually enlisted churchmen to help fight the war.
They will, most assuredly once we get strong leadership.

Obama is not it

Why should they? Obama's not the problem. The problem is that they know that Bush lied, and if ISIL isn't an immediate threat to them, they aren't going to make an effort.

Here's the real problem. There is a Force that is capable of taking out ISIL for us. The Syriians and Iranians. We just don't want to help them because the Zionists would throw a shit-fit.
Why are so-called Christians throwing a tissy fit over President Obama speaking the truth about the crusades?
Why are so-called Christians throwing a tissy fit over President Obama speaking the truth about the crusades?

The Crusades were a defensive war, doncha know.

No, really, the Crusaders were defending Europe being invaded 400 years earlier by invading Palestine.
Why are so-called Christians throwing a tissy fit over President Obama speaking the truth about the crusades?

Oh dear lord loonkohta, the point is that Odummies comments were not relevant with the current situation.

Let's run a test for you

Go to Rome, tell the pope you don't believe in his god and see what happens.

Go to Syria and tell the leader of ISIS you don't believe in his.

Report back

Just a little clue. Before heading to Syria, make sure you have your life insurance paid up.
Why are so-called Christians throwing a tissy fit over President Obama speaking the truth about the crusades?

The Crusades were a defensive war, doncha know.

No, really, the Crusaders were defending Europe being invaded 400 years earlier by invading Palestine.

How did Jews perceive the noble Crusaders?

In May, 1096, in a period of four weeks frenzied bands of Crusaders struck the Jewish communities of Speyer, Worms, Mainz, and Cologne. The Jews were offered the option of conversion to Christianity or death; the vast majority chose the path of Kiddush HaShem, sanctification of G‑d's name. Rather than submit to forced conversion, in many cases Jews killed their wives and children, and then themselves. In the words of one of the Kinnos recited on Tisha B'Av: "Who can see it and not cry/As the child is slaughtered, the father recites the Shema/Has such been seen or heard before?" Estimates of the toll taken on the Jewish communities range from 3,000 to 10,000 deaths.

These heroic martyrs have been immortalized in Jewish history as saintly people who reached the highest spiritual levels. In the Selichos service for the eve ofRosh HaShanah, Jews implore G‑d to remember those who sacrificed their lives: "The bloods of fathers and sons touched, the bloods of merciful women and their children touched, the bloods of brothers and sisters mixed, the bloods of grooms and brides, wise men and wise women, pious men and pious women, elderly men and women, young men and women, all mingled. O land, do not conceal their blood!"

Undaunted, unstoppable, the Crusaders conquered Eretz Israel,reaching Jerusalem in 1099. Once there, they gathered all the Jews of Jerusalem into the central synagogue and set it afire. Other Jews, who had climbed to the roof of Al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount, were caught and beheaded. The Crusader leader, Godfrey of Bouillon, wrote to the Pope, “If you want to know what has been done with the enemy found in Jerusalem...our people had their vile blood up to the knees of their horses.” After this victory, the Crusaders retained control of Jerusalem for close to 100 years.

More: The Bloody Crusades - Jewish History

Crusades - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Crimes of Christianity - The Crusades
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So you believe all Muslims are a threat, but you don't really want to treat them as a threat.

lol, you just need someone to hate.

No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?

Of course there are greater numbers of Christians:thup:
Not what I asked you, and you know it.

Try again:

Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.

One would think that an Israel-First fanatic like yourself would be fully aware that the Nazis were Christians.
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.
Right. And who got rid of the Nazis? More civilized Christians obviously!
And who is now fighting ISIS? The more civilized Muslim Jordanians.
At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago
Against how many U.S. military deaths?

We know Bush was responsible for over 5,000.

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