Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast


Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

I've been saying christians are murderous and you just confirmed it.
You are an antagonist..............atheist..............who complains about the Christian religion all the time............

You even complained to me that atheist don't even have a church............I said build one then and shut up.............but since you don't believe it would be a church of WHAT...............

You attack Christians at every turn.............and thus deserve no credibility.
How many of you realize that a conflict between Christianity and Islam is in all likelihood just a conflict between

two of man's inventions?
Then let the invention with the least objectionable Core Teachings dominate.
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.

One would think that an Israel-First fanatic like yourself would be fully aware that the Nazis were Christians.

Nope not the case
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons try to whitewash the bloody Crusades. President Obama was right.
No, but I'm not past maybe rounding them up like we did the Japs until we sort this out. lol

You idiots are too busy fighting Christians who no longer do such things to worry about the islamonazis, who have not went through the reformation. The problem with this country today is there are far too many people like you mucking up reality.
The problem is there are people like you in my country, and it's not a nation that was made for you, wants you, or needs you, so get the fuck out.

Where should i go? Israel?:eusa_wall:
Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?

Of course there are greater numbers of Christians:thup:
Not what I asked you, and you know it.

Try again:

Which is the greater religion, Judaism or Christianity?

"Greater"? Greater than what? I supposed Christians like their faith and Jews like theirs. Stupid question anyways i expect no less from a morn like you
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons try to whitewash the bloody Crusades. President Obama was right.
I'm witnessing a crusade now...............

A crusade of liberal Idiots................who have nothing better to do than mock the Christian faith for actions that were over 800 years ago..............

Yep that's right folks................we are back to swinging swords and shooting arrows................

These poster children for the LIBERALLY INSANE ARE NUTS.
That would be past tense. The Nazi's played god. they had no G-d

You know what the Nazis said at the concentration camps?

"Jews, you are being killed for killing Christ!"

The Nazis were Christians, they wore "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles, and the Pope supported them.


Inability to answer the point Duly noted.

Let's not forget, the reason why you guys had to steal Palestine from the Arabs was because the Christians of Europe made a pretty darn good effort to eradicate you. Every country Hitler invaded, he found Christians more than happy to "help".

Remember that? I mean, every time you guys get called on what a bunch of shitstains you are to the Palestinians, you guys play the Hitler Card.


Hitler was god. He didn't need any religion. You and he have something in common. 6 million dead Jews. He killed them, you are hoping and wishing for anther 6 million dead. He blamed Jews and you blame the Jews .You're kinda like bothers in that way

Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

I've been saying christians are murderous and you just confirmed it.
You are an antagonist..............atheist..............who complains about the Christian religion all the time............

You even complained to me that atheist don't even have a church............I said build one then and shut up.............but since you don't believe it would be a church of WHAT...............

You attack Christians at every turn.............and thus deserve no credibility.

I attack all religions. I just single out christians because its the leading lie in my country.

They use god gays guns and race to divide us. Their doing it right now with this war against islam.

I'm watching tct religious TV right now and they say we are at war with Islam. Fuck all theists.

Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

I've been saying christians are murderous and you just confirmed it.
You are an antagonist..............atheist..............who complains about the Christian religion all the time............

You even complained to me that atheist don't even have a church............I said build one then and shut up.............but since you don't believe it would be a church of WHAT...............

You attack Christians at every turn.............and thus deserve no credibility.

I attack all religions. I just single out christians because its the leading lie in my country.

They use god gays guns and race to divide us. Their doing it right now with this war against islam.

I'm watching tct religious TV right now and they say we are at war with Islam. Fuck all theists.
We are at WAR with RADICAL ISLAM.............unless you live under a dang rock.

Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

I've been saying christians are murderous and you just confirmed it.
All of which are avoidable if Muslims weren't such ass h*les to begin with, but I digress.
I would hope even most of the liberals on the board would be embarrassed by the lunatics from their side displaying their lunacy on this thread.
I would hope even most of the liberals on the board would be embarrassed by the lunatics from their side displaying their lunacy on this thread.

Well, hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.
Hitler was god. He didn't need any religion. You and he have something in common. 6 million dead Jews. He killed them, you are hoping and wishing for anther 6 million dead. He blamed Jews and you blame the Jews .You're kinda like bothers in that way

No, I just don't wish for them to be dead. I'm just not seeing a need for America to particpate in their mass suicide.

But Hitler was totally a Christian. And the Pope endorsed him.

Obama drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition did.

At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals.

Of the total killed since Obama took his oath of office on January 20 2009, at least 314 have been civilians, while the number of confirmed strikes under his administration now stands at 456.

Research by the Bureau also shows there have now been nearly nine times more strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than there were under his predecessor, George W Bush.

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.

The figures have been compiled as part of the Bureau’s monthly report into covert US drone attacks, which are run in two separate missions – one by the CIA and one for the Pentagon by its secretive special forces outfit, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

The research centers on countries outside the US’s declared war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So how does that number of 2,464 killed in Obama’s drone program — not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan — compare to, say, the Spanish Inquisition?

A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” [...]

But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.

So Barack Obama has killed at least 2,500 in drone strikes during the six years of his presidency, not including those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Spanish Inquisition reportedly killed 2,250 over 350 years. For comparative purposes, I would note, as I reported here at PJ Media last month, that Boko Haram reportedly killed 2,000 over several days in a massacre in Northern Nigeria....

Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler

I've been saying christians are murderous and you just confirmed it.
All of which are avoidable if Muslims weren't such ass h*les to begin with, but I digress.

I agree. Wouldnt hurt if christians werent such huge assholes too.
Hitler was god. He didn't need any religion. You and he have something in common. 6 million dead Jews. He killed them, you are hoping and wishing for anther 6 million dead. He blamed Jews and you blame the Jews .You're kinda like bothers in that way

No, I just don't wish for them to be dead. I'm just not seeing a need for America to particpate in their mass suicide.

But Hitler was totally a Christian. And the Pope endorsed him.
Nah.... the pope was as afraid as the rest of the pacifist. You want Israel "driven into the sea". You blame our problems on the Jews.....Little Hitler:thup:
Nah.... the pope was as afraid as the rest of the pacifist. You want Israel "driven into the sea". You blame our problems on the Jews.....Little Hitler

I blame the ZIONISTS for what they actually do. Why don't you? I mean, if you think getting us into wars for 15 years over there is a great idea, you need to totally own that.

But the Pope wasn't a "Pacifist". The Church was really hoping for an Axis victory. They wanted the Communists defeated. Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Petain were all good Catholic Boys.
Obama might as well compare feces with caviar. Islam was created after Judaism or Christianity, and Islam contradicts or opposes the belief in Jesus resurrection and sees itself as the real true religion. Which to me is like someone saying no, Santa claus is false, the Easter bunny is more realer! Obama is a closet muslim, I think . (By the way, we should take page from what Jordan did. We have Nazis muslims in Guantanamo, when IS beheads one of OURS we do the same thing to the maggots being held, tit FOR tat.) But most politicians are gutless wonders. Obama. What can I say?
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Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

If you were not so fucking stupid you would have realized how correct he is in his statement.
I swear you right wingers are getting more stupid by the minute.

Being correct in a statement that has nothing to do with the current situation is still absurd.

Go to the Vatican today and tell the pope you do not believe in his God. You will walk out of the meeting being prayed for.

Go to Syria and tell ISIS leadership you don't believe in theirs. Things will turn out a bit different.

that wasnt his point. naturally you people would just not get the over all point, because if the point isnt beaten over your head you dont get it.
Islam is still evolving. They haven't learned to be as sneaky and political as Christianity.
Obama might as well compare feces with caviar. Islam was created after Judaism or Christianity, and Islam contradicts or opposes the belief in Jesus resurrection and sees itself as the real true religion. Which to me is like someone saying no, Santa claus is false, the Easter bunny is more realer! Obama is a closet muslim, I think . (By the way, we should take page from what Jordan did. We have Nazis muslims in Guantanamo, when IS beheads one of OURS we do the same thing to the maggots being held, tit FOR tat.) But most politicians are gutless wonders. Obama. What can I say?
So we should execute without trial.....when has the US done this in the last 50 years?

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