Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

No, Joe, my argument is that they woke-up from a centuries-long nap, shocked at their backwardness, and pissed at The West, and that no amount of appeasement or placating or withdrawal is going to satisfy the increasingly large numbers of radicals and militants among them - the ones likely to seize and hold onto power in the coming decades.

That's kind of a retarded argument, and I'm amazed you are saying it in public.

I kind of wonder if you actually KNOW any Muslims.
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.

Kondor does not believe in a secularized Christianity an oxymoron) but in an outright warfare between the two religions.

The Constitution would have to be changed to make this a Christian Nation.
Yes, we could, indeed, disengage from the Middle East altogether.

Only to have to fight a much bloodier and costlier series of wars against various Militant Islamic States within a couple of decades.

The character 'Peter Clemenza' in the 1972 film 'The Godfather' was right... at 1:35 to 1:43 on the clip...

Yes, Fat Clemenza's wisdom on foreign policy.

Soon to be followed by the Wisdom of Luca Braza on Environmental policy. No, wait, he sleeps with the fishes.
So, you do not believe that 'they' (the victorious Allies of WWI) should not have stood more firmly against Hitler in 1938 in Munich?

So, you do not believe that we should stand firm and watchful against any serious Threat Vector emanating from a large-scale, hostile, alien belief system?
For one with a history degree (online?) you certainly lack historical perspective. I suspect you are blinded by your ideological prism.
Global sores fester when America "turtles." Mideast oil, while no longer critical to our well being, is a necessary evil for much of the world. Allowing others to determine the fate of that oil without our influence is a recipe for global disaster, one that will not only negatively impact us but will create a mess that we most likely will have to clean up.

Also, it's kind of fucking arrogant to say that we have a right to decide what happens to THEIR Oil...

See if you can quote anything of mine in which I say "we have a right to decide what happens to THEIR Oil."
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.

Kondor does not believe in a secularized Christianity an oxymoron) but in an outright warfare between the two religions.

The Constitution would have to be changed to make this a Christian Nation.
Jake, you're full of shit clean up to your ears.

I believe in no such thing, and I am a huge fan of the Separation of Church and State.

Now, crawl back into your bottle, or take another toke of that bong, and leave serious conversation to the grownups.
Christians are no more "exceptional" human beings than Muslism. Both are fully capable of acting like beasts.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Maybe, but not at a breakfast where Islamist barbarism is the subject at hand.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.
Just because one CAN do a thing, does not mean that one SHOULD do a thing.

A lesson that your Failed Messiah never seems to have mastered.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.

Kondor does not believe in a secularized Christianity (an oxymoron) but in an outright warfare between the two religions.

The Constitution would have to be changed to make this a Christian Nation.
Jake, you're full of shit clean up to your ears. I believe in no such thing, and I am a huge fan of the Separation of Church and State. Now, crawl back into your bottle, or take another toke of that bong, and leave serious conversation to the grownups.
Personal attack merely reveals you are smarting from being corrected.

I kicked your ass yesterday on the arguments and will do it again today.

You are not for a secularized Christianity, you are not for separation of Church and State; you are for an outright war between the two religions.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
In a context that sent the wrong message to our enemies.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.
The difference being that The Nation and its People did not follow him into Iraq for the same reasons.
If you were not so fucking stupid you would have realized how correct he is in his statement.
I swear you right wingers are getting more stupid by the minute.

Being correct in a statement that has nothing to do with the current situation is still absurd.

Go to the Vatican today and tell the pope you do not believe in his God. You will walk out of the meeting being prayed for.

Go to Syria and tell ISIS leadership you don't believe in theirs. Things will turn out a bit different.
that wasnt his point. naturally you people would just not get the over all point, because if the point isnt beaten over your head you dont get it.

No, I get it. Progressives must deflect from the current situation because you know how damn weak this POTUS is.
nothing to deflect from

Except he did
no he didnt. like i said, this is what happens when you are too stupid for the internet.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
In a context that sent the wrong message to our enemies.

I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
Yes, we could, indeed, disengage from the Middle East altogether.

Only to have to fight a much bloodier and costlier series of wars against various Militant Islamic States within a couple of decades.

The character 'Peter Clemenza' in the 1972 film 'The Godfather' was right... at 1:35 to 1:43 on the clip...

Yes, Fat Clemenza's wisdom on foreign policy.

Soon to be followed by the Wisdom of Luca Braza on Environmental policy. No, wait, he sleeps with the fishes.
So, you do not believe that 'they' (the victorious Allies of WWI) should not have stood more firmly against Hitler in 1938 in Munich? So, you do not believe that we should stand firm and watchful against any serious Threat Vector emanating from a large-scale, hostile, alien belief system?
Those are your words, no one else.
...Personal attack merely reveals you are smarting from being corrected.

I kicked your ass yesterday on the arguments and will do it again today.

You are not for a secularized Christianity, you are not for separation of Church and State; you are for an outright war between the two religions.
You have never kicked my ass 'on the arguments' and it seems unlikely that you ever will, given the quality of the drivel that you've been serving up.

There are a great many people around here who could quite probably kick my ass in a debate, 2 times out of 3, or 3 times out of 4, or better.

You, however, are not one of them.

You will also not be permitted to put words into my mouth, without being called on such juvenile behaviors.

Now, back to the Kiddie Table with you.

You're botherin' the grownups.
...I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
I voted for President Obama so that HE could deal with our enemies and send messages that THE PEOPLE would believe to be appropriate.

In this instance, he has failed in that task.

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