Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.
GET A NEW LINE...............

FUCK ISIS and those who don't want to do a damned thing about them.
We all want to destroy Isis you ninny

Somehow I doubt you Leftwats are all that much opposed to ISIS.

I hate christians and they don't even force their religion on me. Why would we like Isis? If this is how you truly think maybe you need help.

Islam needs to die just like every other religion. The only one I don't mind is news because they dont recruit. But even they think they have the divine right to be assholes.

Is hatred of religion any different than religion that's hateful?

(rhetorical question)
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.
They take their cues from the same play-book as the more Radical and Militant of their co-religionists do.

The problem does not lie with the peaceful inclinations of the majority of adherents to Islam.

The problem lies within the Core Teachings of that belief system - rationalizing and calling for war and violence under various circumstances.

Even amongst the most passive of them, that rotten foundation or core is always in the background - lying dormant - ready to be resurrected by any street-corner mullah.

I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass
what's with the president of the US ---giving a sermon about
Jesus Christ and declaring people "sinful"------was that
breakfast or sunday morning in a Baptist church?

Even at an event that's all about God....

It's still really all about him.


Well, that's funny. Just a couple of years ago, it was all about Ben Carson abusing the national prayer breakfast to criticize the President of the USA. Of course, Righties had veritable orgasms about that one back then... Did you criticize Ben Carson back then as well? And you think that one picture of the president with his head raised, probably looking at something in the distance, is going to make people think that he's snooty? Really? Reality-check time for you, young man.


Did you forget that Ben Carson's comments followed the Lying African's attempt to turn the Prayer Breakfast into a referendum on Obamacare? Did you forget that he opened that door, not Ben Carson.

You forgot, didn't you?
I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

That's pretty funny since I have yet to see much relevant discussion about anything here.
I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

And maybe you just neglected to actually read my post. Try reading instead of just reacting, you'll learn more.
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.
No, that is not a distinctly un-American idea.

It would be a distinctly American idea if an American President allowed loyalty to Christianity to drive policy - foreign or domestic.

It is not a distinctly un-American idea to stand alongside one's fellow members of our secularized Christian society and culture.

It is not a distinctly un-American idea to stand with The West and America, against America's enemies (Radical, Militant Muslims).

Rather than giving aid and comfort to the enemy on the propaganda front, with inappropriate and faux equivalencies between Christian violence from the better part of a thousand years ago, versus Islamic violence run rampant in our present age.

No matter how your handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots try to spin-doctor this thing, you are defending the indefensible, and a large percentage of The People are now about the business of letting him know that they do not approve of the message he served up.
child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

That's pretty funny since I have yet to see much relevant discussion about anything here.

You can't provide the link.

Proved your simply a partisan hack.

Best part is, you did it yourself.

Secularization is the key. Christians aren't killing each other in religious wars anymore because of secularization. The Church can't burn you as a heretic anymore because the Church doesn't possess that authority.

Why "Christians aren't killing each other in religious wars anymore" isn't the key. That they aren't - and Muslims are - is the key.
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It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

That's pretty funny since I have yet to see much relevant discussion about anything here.

You can't provide the link.

Proved your simply a partisan hack.

Best part is, you did it yourself.


You are apparently quite stupid, nuance isn't really your thing is it. Does it appear to you like I was supporting the idea? Are you really this dense? Is your comprehension problem really this severe? If it's just a learning disability you could be taught to compensate better than this.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The weirdies are out today.

Both Christianity and Islam claim to religions of peace.

That is the comparison made.

Steve_M actions and words prove that he is closer to a militant Muslim then a peaceful Christian.

Admit it, you didn't listen to the clip, did you? Islam = Christianity, what Muslims are doing today is the same as Christians because they did it 800 years ago...

The clip is propaganda, nothing more.

Muslims and Christians 800 years ago were killing each other.

Muslims and Christians now are killing each other.
For one with a history degree (online?) you certainly lack historical perspective. I suspect you are blinded by your ideological prism.
Global sores fester when America "turtles." Mideast oil, while no longer critical to our well being, is a necessary evil for much of the world. Allowing others to determine the fate of that oil without our influence is a recipe for global disaster, one that will not only negatively impact us but will create a mess that we most likely will have to clean up.

well, how about the rest of the world actually paying for keeping that oil flowing. It seems to me that if Mideast Oil is so crucial to the economies of Europe, India, China and Japan, they need to be the ones ponying up to keep the straights of Hormuz open, not us.

Also, it's kind of fucking arrogant to say that we have a right to decide what happens to THEIR Oil.

We had not problem when the Shah built palaces with his oil money, but man, oh, man when the Ayatollahs threw his ass out and used it for weapons, then we got upset.
...You want him to pander to bigots like yourself and condemn Islam outright? Good luck. You're proving how demented you really are.

I want him to stand with the American People, and with The West (secularized Christendom), and with his own kind (Christians), rather than fueling the enemy's collection of rationalizations and justifications for their behaviors, with implicit "We used to do it, so we should not be overly condemnatory of them for doing it now." messages.

Oh, and, by the way... my summation of the differences in basic or Core Teachings, between Christianity and Islam, and pointing out the glaringly obvious negative nature of those as they pertain to Islam, and labeling Islam as a Threat Vector incompatible with our own culture and society, and to be watched closely, does not render me a bigot.

Rather, it renders me a Realist.

You know... Reality... something that your guy in the Oval Office has only a nodding acquaintance with.

You are defending the indefensible.

And it is not going well for you.

As it should not.

You want the President to stand for Christianity? That sounds like a distinctly un-American idea.
No, that is not a distinctly un-American idea.

It would be a distinctly American idea if an American President allowed loyalty to Christianity to drive policy - foreign or domestic.

It is not a distinctly un-American idea to stand alongside one's fellow members of our secularized Christian society and culture.

It is not a distinctly un-American idea to stand with The West and America, against America's enemies (Radical, Militant Muslims).

Rather than giving aid and comfort to the enemy on the propaganda front, with inappropriate and faux equivalencies between Christian violence from the better part of a thousand years ago, versus Islamic violence run rampant in our present age.

No matter how your handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots try to spin-doctor this thing, you are defending the indefensible, and a large percentage of The People are now about the business of letting him know that they do not approve of the message he served up.

America was founded on the principles of religious freedom, not religious zealotry.
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

That's pretty funny since I have yet to see much relevant discussion about anything here.

You can't provide the link.

Proved your simply a partisan hack.

Best part is, you did it yourself.


You are apparently quite stupid, nuance isn't really your thing is it. Does it appear to you like I was supporting the idea? Are you really this dense? Is your comprehension problem really this severe? If it's just a learning disability you could be taught to compensate better than this.

Oh my. My feeling just got hurt.

Oh wait, they didn't.

Dude, say what you mean. I'm not sitting across the table from you

If your comment was sarcasm, then sorry bout dat
"Why "Christians aren't killing each other in religious wars anymore" isn't the key. That they aren't - and Muslims are - is the key."

Christians in Germany and Eastern Europe were killing Jews seventy years ago. Christians are killing Muslims today in Africa and the ME.

Let's stay balanced.
Yes, we could, indeed, disengage from the Middle East altogether.

Only to have to fight a much bloodier and costlier series of wars against various Militant Islamic States within a couple of decades.

The character 'Peter Clemenza' in the 1972 film 'The Godfather' was right... at 1:35 to 1:43 on the clip...

Yes, Fat Clemenza's wisdom on foreign policy.

Soon to be followed by the Wisdom of Luca Braza on Environmental policy. No, wait, he sleeps with the fishes.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

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