Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Obama needs to come out of the closet and admit he is Muslim, he has flip flopped on other things before. Admit it, Obama is just a poser. Shame on you people that voted for him.

Funny post on the day that the RWnuts around here are praising the Muslim King of Jordan as a superhero.

Like we are putting a cape on him or something..............what are you smoking.............

We are praising his reaction to his pilot being burned alive.............

We are praising a moderate Islam making a stand against EXTREMIST.

Most of the RWnuts on this forum don't believe there is any such thing as a moderate Muslim.

they are being slaughterered as we speak
bullshit, no one wants to make this Christianity vs islam. NO ONE. WTF is wrong with you?

the enemy is radical terrorist islam, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko harem, etc. Islam is not the enemy you dumb asshole, The king of Jordan is a muslim, do you think he considers this a war against islam?

once more----------------WTF is wrong with you?

I'm not a Fox News watching retard like you are.

You guys say you 'don't want to make this Christianity vs. Islam", but you never miss an oppurtunity to slander Mohammed, call them savages or praise their deaths.

The thing is, ISIS is a local problem. So is Boko Harem or Hezbollah or Hamas. these aren't OUR problems. Al Qaeda is. You can make that argument, but the rest- really, really not our problem.

So Al -Qaeda is NOT Islamic?

Get back to me when you master Reading Comprehension, Cleetus.

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

But our religion prophecised that this war would some day happen.so they seem to want to get it on.
There are, indeed, enough Christian Apocalyptic Nutters floating about to be cause for concern.

Nolo contendere.

But their size and influence within the domains of Christendom pale by comparison with that of their counterparts within the domains of Islam.
I use to watch Fox, till they
100% true.
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He's doing no such thing. He is trying to drive a wedge between Muslim terrorism and Muslim not-terrorism, not just for Muslims for everyone else, especially Americans.

The easiest bias/bigotry right now is to hate Islam. That is why so many Americans are falling into that bias.
We have very different opinions of what President Obama is doing.

For that matter, much of the country, formerly willing to give him his chance, have, by now, come to the realization that he is not a viable leader, and have abandoned him.

What he has done here is one of the most idiotic things that I have ever seen coming from a sitting American President.

Like a moth to a flame, he continues to manifest his nature, which is not in keeping with what much of America needs or wants.

Once again, your guy has shot himself in the foot.

It's gotten to be a familiar pattern by now.


You just want another war. The smartest thing I heard in the video you posted is:
"The Best way to people to unite is to give them a common enemy"

which is just what we got when they did 911, the Zionist and the neocons. The war in Iraq and doing our coups sure riled everything up didn't it. Now the PM of Israel wants war with Iran. That makes you real happy I bet.

Are you really that NAIVE to think Netanyahu wants a war with IRAN?????
Who do you think is building nuclear weapons? Israel? They already have them!
Do you think Israel hates Iran more then Iran hates Israel?
Why would the Iran’s Khamenei say this : No Cure for Barbaric Israel but Annihilation?
Iran rsquo s Khamenei Israel must be annihilated.

So if your neighbor is building nuclear weapons and the neighbor calls for your annihilation...hmmmm does that sound like "peaceful" characteristics?
Bibi has been after them since 1992, and no he wants America to go after Iran. If I were Iran I'd be very afraid of Israel with their nukes and trigger happy fingers and their nuke subs all around Iran. Why do you think Bibi is coming here, on a peace mission?
bullshit, no one wants to make this Christianity vs islam. NO ONE. WTF is wrong with you?

the enemy is radical terrorist islam, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko harem, etc. Islam is not the enemy you dumb asshole, The king of Jordan is a muslim, do you think he considers this a war against islam?

once more----------------WTF is wrong with you?

I'm not a Fox News watching retard like you are.

You guys say you 'don't want to make this Christianity vs. Islam", but you never miss an oppurtunity to slander Mohammed, call them savages or praise their deaths.

The thing is, ISIS is a local problem. So is Boko Harem or Hezbollah or Hamas. these aren't OUR problems. Al Qaeda is. You can make that argument, but the rest- really, really not our problem.

So Al -Qaeda is NOT Islamic?

Get back to me when you master Reading Comprehension, Cleetus.
Get back to me when you look at the history of Islam and the Death and Destruction it brought to the world.........................Get back to me when we stop praising JORDAN and EGYPT making a STAND against the RADICALS in their RELIGION.......................

Your LIES are old and boring.

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

But our religion prophecised that this war would some day happen.so they seem to want to get it on.
There are, indeed, enough Christian Apocalyptic Nutters floating about to be cause for concern.

Nolo contendere.

But their size and influence within the domains of Christendom pale by comparison with that of their counterparts within the domains of Islam.

And they are not engaged in the vicious actions we see daily from the Islamists.
The size and nature of The Enemy has no bearing whatsoever upon whether or not The Enemy is, in fact, The Enemy.

However, you can take comfort in the idea that, if it ever did come to a Clash of Religions, The West (secularized Christendom) boasts 2.2 billion Christians, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims, so, the odds are on your side, in the unlikely event of such a catastrophic confrontation.

Yeah. not really. Because you know what, Most Christians aren't too keen to go out and die for the oil companies.

Your problem, not mine.

Islam is not our enemy.

But Radical Militant Islam is.

Islam simply contains the embedded seeds of an endless serious of such Radicalizations and Militarizations.

Which does not make it an Enemy.

Merely a Threat Vector, not to be trusted, and to be watched closely.

Or we could just try the incredibly sane idea of not getting involved over there.

Stop supporting the Zionists. Stop intervening in their politics. Take the 900 Billion a year we blow on expensive weapons and invest it in energy independence.
Barry Hussein must be desperate. I wonder if FDR excused the Holocaust for some convoluted reason related to the Middle ages? Barry isn't descended from slaves. As a matter of fact his Muslem ancestors probably captured Africans and sold them to the slave traders. There is no logical comparison of modern Christians to the monsters who killed 3,000 people while they were at work on a pretty September morning in 2001. There is no logical comparison of modern Christians to the monsters who burned a man alive in a cage and who capture young girls to sell into slavery. What the hell is this guy talking about?
Get back to me when you look at the history of Islam and the Death and Destruction it brought to the world.........................Get back to me when we stop praising JORDAN and EGYPT making a STAND against the RADICALS in their RELIGION.......................

Your LIES are old and boring.

Guy, I've got a history degree. Your racism would be laughed out of most major universities.
Bibi has been after them since 1992, and no he wants America to go after Iran. If I were Iran I'd be very afraid of Israel with their nukes and trigger happy fingers and their nuke subs all around Iran. Why do you think Bibi is coming here, on a peace mission?

Silliness. If Israel has had nukes since the 1970s as rumored, she has already proven to be rational and stable enough to have them. Does anyone here doubt that the day some Islamic state can deliver one to Israel they will hesitate?
Bibi has been after them since 1992, and no he wants America to go after Iran. If I were Iran I'd be very afraid of Israel with their nukes and trigger happy fingers and their nuke subs all around Iran. Why do you think Bibi is coming here, on a peace mission?
If it wasn't for the US Israel would have been wiped out long ago. They took out Osirak and probably will do the same in Iran. He needs us to have their backs and can't rely on the spineless organizer in chief.
I'll tell you what, the OT should of been destroyed. The Jews started this hatred in their history book, starting with Ishamael and Esau, and their racism. If the Jews followed their OT they'd be worst than the radical Islamist.
Barry Hussein must be desperate. I wonder if FDR excused the Holocaust for some convoluted reason related to the Middle ages? Barry isn't descended from slaves. As a matter of fact his Muslem ancestors probably captured Africans and sold them to the slave traders. There is no logical comparison of modern Christians to the monsters who killed 3,000 people while they were at work on a pretty September morning in 2001. There is no logical comparison of modern Christians to the monsters who burned a man alive in a cage and who capture young girls to sell into slavery. What the hell is this guy talking about?
Your right it was mainly Jews and Zionist.
Christianity has repeatedly and frequently been subverted, in order to wage war and to wreak violence upon the enemies of Faction A or B or C.

But whenever it has been thus subverted, it is because those doing the subverting have violated the basic or Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Horseshit. The problem is you are using the No True Scotsman Fallacy to excuse Christian bad behavior but repeatedly try to blame ALL Muslims or the Muslim faith for the actions of extremists.

Fact is, you can cherry pick verses from the Bible or the Koran to justify any nasty horseshit you want...
Within the confines of the recorded words and teachings of both Jesus of Nazareth and Muhammed...

1. give us an accurate count of the number of times that Jesus of Nazareth said that it was OK to wage war to advance The Faith or to defend The Faithful or oppress Unbelievers.

2. give us an accurate count of the number of times that Muhammed said that it was OK to wage war to advance The Faith or to defend The Faithful or oppress Unbelievers.

Then compare the two.

We can then objectively judge whether my observation is 'horseshit' or not.

...But again- why is this OUR problem again? Why do we have this compulsion to keep sticking our dick in the hornet's nest?
1. because we are a Global Power and have Global Interests to be protected.

2. because high-speed travel, instantaneous communications, and nuclear weaponry all serve to prevent us from hiding any longer in our cave beyond the seas

3. because Islam has been under the heel of colonial EuroTrash for centuries, and is now re-awakening and re-militarizing, after coming to the realization of just how far behind the rest of the world it had fallen while under the EuroTrash jackboot, and it's pissed at all The West - including us - long before we began intervening against them.

4. because if we don't do it now, our children and grandchildren are going to pay a far higher price than that which we - and they - will pay for our present course of action

5. better to be killed as a bull than as a sheep
Bibi has been after them since 1992, and no he wants America to go after Iran. If I were Iran I'd be very afraid of Israel with their nukes and trigger happy fingers and their nuke subs all around Iran. Why do you think Bibi is coming here, on a peace mission?
If it wasn't for the US Israel would have been wiped out long ago. They took out Osirak and probably will do the same in Iran. He needs us to have their backs and can't rely on the spineless organizer in chief.

It has been proven the Osirak has no way of making nukes, it was a power reactor.
At no point during the speech does the President make comparisons between Christianity and Islam. So my question is: Why does the author of the OP need to lie?
I'll tell you what, the OT should of been destroyed. The Jews started this hatred in their history book, starting with Ishamael and Esau, and their racism. If the Jews followed their OT they'd be worst than the radical Islamist.
Wow. You really are out there.
The size and nature of The Enemy has no bearing whatsoever upon whether or not The Enemy is, in fact, The Enemy.

However, you can take comfort in the idea that, if it ever did come to a Clash of Religions, The West (secularized Christendom) boasts 2.2 billion Christians, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims, so, the odds are on your side, in the unlikely event of such a catastrophic confrontation.

Yeah. not really. Because you know what, Most Christians aren't too keen to go out and die for the oil companies.

Your problem, not mine.

Islam is not our enemy.

But Radical Militant Islam is.

Islam simply contains the embedded seeds of an endless serious of such Radicalizations and Militarizations.

Which does not make it an Enemy.

Merely a Threat Vector, not to be trusted, and to be watched closely.

Or we could just try the incredibly sane idea of not getting involved over there.

Stop supporting the Zionists. Stop intervening in their politics. Take the 900 Billion a year we blow on expensive weapons and invest it in energy independence.
Yes, we could, indeed, disengage from the Middle East altogether.

Only to have to fight a much bloodier and costlier series of wars against various Militant Islamic States within a couple of decades.

The character 'Peter Clemenza' in the 1972 film 'The Godfather' was right... at 1:35 to 1:43 on the clip...

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The size and nature of The Enemy has no bearing whatsoever upon whether or not The Enemy is, in fact, The Enemy.

However, you can take comfort in the idea that, if it ever did come to a Clash of Religions, The West (secularized Christendom) boasts 2.2 billion Christians, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims, so, the odds are on your side, in the unlikely event of such a catastrophic confrontation.

Yeah. not really. Because you know what, Most Christians aren't too keen to go out and die for the oil companies.

Your problem, not mine.

Islam is not our enemy.

But Radical Militant Islam is.

Islam simply contains the embedded seeds of an endless serious of such Radicalizations and Militarizations.

Which does not make it an Enemy.

Merely a Threat Vector, not to be trusted, and to be watched closely.

Or we could just try the incredibly sane idea of not getting involved over there.

Stop supporting the Zionists. Stop intervening in their politics. Take the 900 Billion a year we blow on expensive weapons and invest it in energy independence.

For one with a history degree (online?) you certainly lack historical perspective. I suspect you are blinded by your ideological prism.
Global sores fester when America "turtles." Mideast oil, while no longer critical to our well being, is a necessary evil for much of the world. Allowing others to determine the fate of that oil without our influence is a recipe for global disaster, one that will not only negatively impact us but will create a mess that we most likely will have to clean up.
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At no point during the speech does the President make comparisons between Christianity and Islam. So my question is: Why does the author of the OP need to lie?
The comparison was glaringly obvious to anyone with a lick of sense.

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