Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast


In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.
Separation of Church and State is one of several logical and signifying outcomes of the Reformation.

Secularization is one of several logical and signifying outcomes of adaption of the principle of Separation of Church and State.

We are, in this narrow context, on the same page - we merely differ in how many "hops" it takes to get to Secularization, using the Reformation as the point of departure.

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

But our religion prophecised that this war would some day happen.so they seem to want to get it on.
That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

And what about the moderate, peaceful Muslims who've invented a less scary God ?
They take their cues from the same play-book as the more Radical and Militant of their co-religionists do.

The problem does not lie with the peaceful inclinations of the majority of adherents to Islam.

The problem lies within the Core Teachings of that belief system - rationalizing and calling for war and violence under various circumstances.

Even amongst the most passive of them, that rotten foundation or core is always in the background - lying dormant - ready to be resurrected by any street-corner mullah.

I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

And you are presumptuous!
What is YOUR expertise on Christianity and especially regarding "peace" when by agreeing obviously with the Chief-Dissension-Maker,
by "assuming" secularization is the cause?

The golden rule is very very simple and very efficient and I'm going to perform it right here for YOU!
"Please NYcarbineer... if you want to be insulted as you are doing to all Christians by advancing the premise the "secularization" generates "peace"...you are not
a Christian...but something other.
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.

great speech if you like lies. the crusades were to stop muslim agression in europe, not to attack the poor muslims in the name of Jesus. You and obama are historical ignorants.

That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

And what about the moderate, peaceful Muslims who've invented a less scary God ?
They take their cues from the same play-book as the more Radical and Militant of their co-religionists do.

The problem does not lie with the peaceful inclinations of the majority of adherents to Islam.

The problem lies within the Core Teachings of that belief system - rationalizing and calling for war and violence under various circumstances.

Even amongst the most passive of them, that rotten foundation or core is always in the background - lying dormant - ready to be resurrected by any street-corner mullah.

I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

that is why no Christians or Jews molest children. Got it.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

And what about the moderate, peaceful Muslims who've invented a less scary God ?
They take their cues from the same play-book as the more Radical and Militant of their co-religionists do.

The problem does not lie with the peaceful inclinations of the majority of adherents to Islam.

The problem lies within the Core Teachings of that belief system - rationalizing and calling for war and violence under various circumstances.

Even amongst the most passive of them, that rotten foundation or core is always in the background - lying dormant - ready to be resurrected by any street-corner mullah.

I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

And you are presumptuous!
What is YOUR expertise on Christianity and especially regarding "peace" when by agreeing obviously with the Chief-Dissension-Maker,
by "assuming" secularization is the cause?

The golden rule is very very simple and very efficient and I'm going to perform it right here for YOU!
"Please NYcarbineer... if you want to be insulted as you are doing to all Christians by advancing the premise the "secularization" generates "peace"...you are not
a Christian...but something other.
When is the last time the Catholics and Protestants had a war?

40 Maps That Explain The Middle East
It is funny to see the far left bring up separation of church and state and then they want the government involved in "Marriage"..
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He's doing no such thing. He is trying to drive a wedge between Muslim terrorism and Muslim not-terrorism, not just for Muslims for everyone else, especially Americans.

The easiest bias/bigotry right now is to hate Islam. That is why so many Americans are falling into that bias.
We have very different opinions of what President Obama is doing.

For that matter, much of the country, formerly willing to give him his chance, have, by now, come to the realization that he is not a viable leader, and have abandoned him.

What he has done here is one of the most idiotic things that I have ever seen coming from a sitting American President.

Like a moth to a flame, he continues to manifest his nature, which is not in keeping with what much of America needs or wants.

Once again, your guy has shot himself in the foot.

It's gotten to be a familiar pattern by now.


You just want another war. The smartest thing I heard in the video you posted is:
"The Best way to people to unite is to give them a common enemy"

which is just what we got when they did 911, the Zionist and the neocons. The war in Iraq and doing our coups sure riled everything up didn't it. Now the PM of Israel wants war with Iran. That makes you real happy I bet.

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

And you are presumptuous!
What is YOUR expertise on Christianity and especially regarding "peace" when by agreeing obviously with the Chief-Dissension-Maker,
by "assuming" secularization is the cause?

The golden rule is very very simple and very efficient and I'm going to perform it right here for YOU!
"Please NYcarbineer... if you want to be insulted as you are doing to all Christians by advancing the premise the "secularization" generates "peace"...you are not
a Christian...but something other.
When is the last time the Catholics and Protestants had a war?

When was LBJ president?
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

and you haven't seen it now.

Guy, I'm going to make this REALLY simple for you.

A war against a radical groups of Extremists- VERY WINNABLE.

A War against the world's second largest religions- NOT WINNABLE.

You dumbshits on Faux News want to make this Christianity vs. Islam. That's not a winnable war. Even George W. Bush, who was clinically retarded, was smart enough to realize that.
The size and nature of The Enemy has no bearing whatsoever upon whether or not The Enemy is, in fact, The Enemy.

However, you can take comfort in the idea that, if it ever did come to a Clash of Religions, The West (secularized Christendom) boasts 2.2 billion Christians, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims, so, the odds are on your side, in the unlikely event of such a catastrophic confrontation.

Meanwhile, it is not declaring all (or even most) practitioners of a belief system to be enemies, by merely stating the obvious: that that belief-system is alien to The West, intolerant, misogynistic, violence-prone, antagonistic, hostile to The West and Western values and traditions, and largely incompatible with democracy, in a Western or any other context.

You silly folk - blinkered, naive, well-intentioned but foolish Religious-Egalitarianism-at-Any-Price - regardless of the lack of reciprocity and facts staring you in the face and patterns manifest throughout the world in recent decades - tend to confuse accurate (albeit harsh) labeling of the dangers inherent in Islam, with a declaration of war upon The Beast.

Your problem, not mine.

Islam is not our enemy.

But Radical Militant Islam is.

Islam simply contains the embedded seeds of an endless serious of such Radicalizations and Militarizations.

Which does not make it an Enemy.

Merely a Threat Vector, not to be trusted, and to be watched closely.
Last edited:
It is funny to see the far left bring up separation of church and state and then they want the government involved in "Marriage"..
Religion can't give you a marriage license or a tax break for children...

In a religious context, Christians are now less 'savage' than Muslims because the Reformation allowed rank-and-file Christians to slowly re-align their practices more closely with the fundamental or basic or Core Teachings of their Founder, rather than continuing to allow misguided clerics to do their thinking for them in a religious context.

In the case of Christianity, when one re-aligns one's practices more closely in keeping with those of the Founder, one more closely approximates the ideals of "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek".


That is false. Christian dominated cultures have become more peaceful as they have increasingly secularized.

And you are presumptuous!
What is YOUR expertise on Christianity and especially regarding "peace" when by agreeing obviously with the Chief-Dissension-Maker,
by "assuming" secularization is the cause?

The golden rule is very very simple and very efficient and I'm going to perform it right here for YOU!
"Please NYcarbineer... if you want to be insulted as you are doing to all Christians by advancing the premise the "secularization" generates "peace"...you are not
a Christian...but something other.
When is the last time the Catholics and Protestants had a war?

When was LBJ president?
Before you were born...
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He's doing no such thing. He is trying to drive a wedge between Muslim terrorism and Muslim not-terrorism, not just for Muslims for everyone else, especially Americans.

The easiest bias/bigotry right now is to hate Islam. That is why so many Americans are falling into that bias.
We have very different opinions of what President Obama is doing.

For that matter, much of the country, formerly willing to give him his chance, have, by now, come to the realization that he is not a viable leader, and have abandoned him.

What he has done here is one of the most idiotic things that I have ever seen coming from a sitting American President.

Like a moth to a flame, he continues to manifest his nature, which is not in keeping with what much of America needs or wants.

Once again, your guy has shot himself in the foot.

It's gotten to be a familiar pattern by now.


You just want another war. The smartest thing I heard in the video you posted is:
"The Best way to people to unite is to give them a common enemy"

which is just what we got when they did 911, the Zionist and the neocons. The war in Iraq and doing our coups sure riled everything up didn't it. Now the PM of Israel wants war with Iran. That makes you real happy I bet.
You're an idiot who slings-about unfounded accusations the same way that a collection of maddened chimpanzees will throw shit all around their cage.

Go away.
bullshit, no one wants to make this Christianity vs islam. NO ONE. WTF is wrong with you?

the enemy is radical terrorist islam, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko harem, etc. Islam is not the enemy you dumb asshole, The king of Jordan is a muslim, do you think he considers this a war against islam?

once more----------------WTF is wrong with you?

I'm not a Fox News watching retard like you are.

You guys say you 'don't want to make this Christianity vs. Islam", but you never miss an oppurtunity to slander Mohammed, call them savages or praise their deaths.

The thing is, ISIS is a local problem. So is Boko Harem or Hezbollah or Hamas. these aren't OUR problems. Al Qaeda is. You can make that argument, but the rest- really, really not our problem.
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He's doing no such thing. He is trying to drive a wedge between Muslim terrorism and Muslim not-terrorism, not just for Muslims for everyone else, especially Americans.

The easiest bias/bigotry right now is to hate Islam. That is why so many Americans are falling into that bias.
We have very different opinions of what President Obama is doing.

For that matter, much of the country, formerly willing to give him his chance, have, by now, come to the realization that he is not a viable leader, and have abandoned him.

What he has done here is one of the most idiotic things that I have ever seen coming from a sitting American President.

Like a moth to a flame, he continues to manifest his nature, which is not in keeping with what much of America needs or wants.

Once again, your guy has shot himself in the foot.

It's gotten to be a familiar pattern by now.


You just want another war. The smartest thing I heard in the video you posted is:
"The Best way to people to unite is to give them a common enemy"

which is just what we got when they did 911, the Zionist and the neocons. The war in Iraq and doing our coups sure riled everything up didn't it. Now the PM of Israel wants war with Iran. That makes you real happy I bet.

Are you really that NAIVE to think Netanyahu wants a war with IRAN?????
Who do you think is building nuclear weapons? Israel? They already have them!
Do you think Israel hates Iran more then Iran hates Israel?
Why would the Iran’s Khamenei say this : No Cure for Barbaric Israel but Annihilation?
Iran rsquo s Khamenei Israel must be annihilated.

So if your neighbor is building nuclear weapons and the neighbor calls for your annihilation...hmmmm does that sound like "peaceful" characteristics?
bullshit, no one wants to make this Christianity vs islam. NO ONE. WTF is wrong with you?

the enemy is radical terrorist islam, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko harem, etc. Islam is not the enemy you dumb asshole, The king of Jordan is a muslim, do you think he considers this a war against islam?

once more----------------WTF is wrong with you?

I'm not a Fox News watching retard like you are.

You guys say you 'don't want to make this Christianity vs. Islam", but you never miss an oppurtunity to slander Mohammed, call them savages or praise their deaths.

The thing is, ISIS is a local problem. So is Boko Harem or Hezbollah or Hamas. these aren't OUR problems. Al Qaeda is. You can make that argument, but the rest- really, really not our problem.

So Al -Qaeda is NOT Islamic?
...So now you're flip flopping into another comical angle on how to justify your hatred of all Muslims, not to mention the religion itself.
Glad you're enjoying the comedy.

I make no alterations nor flip-flops concerning Islam nor Muslims.

I do not hate Muslims.

I do, indeed, hate and despise those deeply-rooted and embedded aspects of their dogma which encourage and justify religious war and violence against Unbelievers.

And I label those aspect as such, and call them dangerous - not to be trusted, and to be watched closely.

Next slide, please.
Christianity has repeatedly and frequently been subverted, in order to wage war and to wreak violence upon the enemies of Faction A or B or C.

But whenever it has been thus subverted, it is because those doing the subverting have violated the basic or Core Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Horseshit. The problem is you are using the No True Scotsman Fallacy to excuse Christian bad behavior but repeatedly try to blame ALL Muslims or the Muslim faith for the actions of extremists.

Fact is, you can cherry pick verses from the Bible or the Koran to justify any nasty horseshit you want.

But again- why is this OUR problem again? Why do we have this compulsion to keep sticking our dick in the hornet's nest?

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