Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

wrong, interantional relations means keeping this country strong, even if it pisses other countries off.

Bush may have pissed them off, but obama has made them laugh at us.

Bush pissed away two trillion dollars attacking a country that wasn't our enemy.

How does that make us strong?
Bush was doing what Clinton started you dummy!!!
Here once again the FACTS that you are so stupidly ignoring!
These Democrats wanted Saddam removed as you can READ (If you are capable of reading!!!)

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an
oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction
.... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real
...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interest of our nation. A vote for it is
not a vote to rush to war. It is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president
Hillary Clinton on October 2, 2002

Clinton signed this ACT and proceeded to bomb Iraq!
Saddam continued to defy UN, USA the rest of the world.

The 1998 Liberation of Iraq, SIGNED by CLINTON, and the Congress passed Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502)
"Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
Then in 2001 with 9/11 and anthrax attacks!

So again FACTS trump your speculations and ignorance!!!

Yea and he signed NAFTA.

Maybe we wouldn't be bitching had bush won the Iraq war.

it was won until obama pulled out, now ISIS is in control-----------
Sure it was won. Same thing you say about Viet nam. Idiots.

We were fighting the war. Time for Arabs to fight for their own countries. Here about how terrorists join the afgan army then shoot the US soldiers when we are teaching them how to shoot? I think you need to go fight in the middle east the rest of your life. Do it for us. Then send your kid and his kid after him. We need to go to war with Iran next too right?
Iraq crisis What is a caliphate - Middle East - World - The Independent

In June the Isis militant group declared its occupied territories as a new state, removing “Iraq and the Levant” from its name and announcing the “restoration of the caliphate”.

This is significant. Apart from within the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam, there has not been a caliphate since the days of the Ottoman Empire.

Declaring a “caliphate” is a move that has huge ideological and theological importance. Defined as meaning “the government under a caliph”, it means Isis, now simply The Islamic State (IS), has declared its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the spiritual leader of all Islam.

The word “caliph” comes from the Arabic khalifa, meaning “successor”. Its use means the IS claims Baghdadi as the only legitimate successor to the Prophet Mohammed.
Former Revolution Muslim Imam Encourages Support for ISIS ADL Blogs

Imam Abdullah Al-Faisal, former spiritual leader of the now-defunct Revolution Muslim (RM)organization, continues to actively preach hatred and extremism online in English and now actively encourages his followers to support the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Ad for the Authentic Tauheed conference supporting ISIS

In an online conference this weekend, Al-Faisal and three other extremist, English-speaking clerics spoke for a collective 200 minutes on the theme of support for ISIS and its self-proclaimed Caliphate.

emarks during the conference ranged from endorsement of ISIS to anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT statements, including:

  • “Who are those that reject the Dawla (ISIS)?…The people that claim that the sharia is not important, don’t think about the sharia, think about themselves.” (Al-Faisal)
  • “When you see that the Dawla cut off the heads of Shi’as you will think that’s extreme, these people are crazy…first of all, the classical scholars did not consider Shi’as as Muslims…you don’t know what the Shi’as believe and you don’t know why the Dawla is so harsh against the Shi’as.” (Al-Faisal)
  • “All the other groups especially in Iraq don’t have as strong a commitment to implementing Sharia as the Dawla and…Dawla is conquering town after town.” (Abu Ruqayyah)
  • “What about ourselves sitting on our backsides eating cakes and biscuits at home while they’re [ISIS fighters] struggling to bring honor to the community of Islam?”
  • “All you Muslims that vote, you have the blood of Muslims that are killed by the West on your hands… by giving your allegiance to kuffar (apostates) and the man-made laws…” (Abu Abdullah)
  • “Did you know that they say Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is a Jew? When they accuse Abu bakr al Baghdadi of being a Jew, what are they? They are nothing but the barking dogs of jahhanam (hell).” (Al-Faisal)
  • “If you say something against the Zionist Jews or the Jews that died in the wars at the hands of Hitler and you don’t accept it, they could put you into prison. This is the freedom that the Muslims are voting for.” (Abu Abdullah)
  • “So by these they [homosexuals] are preying on our children in schools. They say the integration, the acceptance of democracy is brainwashing our children into accepting homosexuality. They’re trying to make our children like them [gay]. As you see if they’re pumping it day and night on the news on these shows all full of homosexuals and lesbians.” (Abu Abdullah)
While most are denouncing ISIS.........imams that is........radical IMAMS are for it...........and have said so in public.

So a RADICAL imam ISN'T A imam or THESE IMAMS don't exist, or ISLAM in this version doesn't exist in the LEFT'S FEEBLE MINDS.
While most are denouncing ISIS.........imams that is........radical IMAMS are for it...........and have said so in public.

So a RADICAL imam ISN'T A imam or THESE IMAMS don't exist, or ISLAM in this version doesn't exist in the LEFT'S FEEBLE MINDS.
Do radical christians speak for you?
While most are denouncing ISIS.........imams that is........radical IMAMS are for it...........and have said so in public.

So a RADICAL imam ISN'T A imam or THESE IMAMS don't exist, or ISLAM in this version doesn't exist in the LEFT'S FEEBLE MINDS.

I can't believe you picketed soldiers funerals.

Oh that was a different sect of your christian religion? Now you're getting it.
While most are denouncing ISIS.........imams that is........radical IMAMS are for it...........and have said so in public.

So a RADICAL imam ISN'T A imam or THESE IMAMS don't exist, or ISLAM in this version doesn't exist in the LEFT'S FEEBLE MINDS.

I can't believe you picketed soldiers funerals.

Oh that was a different sect of your christian religion? Now you're getting it.
That church is a very small example in comparison to ISIS...........when the lunatics of Westburro or whatever the idiots are displace over 10 MILLION PEOPLE get back to me...........IDIOT.

If you were not so fucking stupid you would have realized how correct he is in his statement.
I swear you right wingers are getting more stupid by the minute.

Being correct in a statement that has nothing to do with the current situation is still absurd.

Go to the Vatican today and tell the pope you do not believe in his God. You will walk out of the meeting being prayed for.

Go to Syria and tell ISIS leadership you don't believe in theirs. Things will turn out a bit different.

that wasnt his point. naturally you people would just not get the over all point, because if the point isnt beaten over your head you dont get it.

No, I get it. Progressives must deflect from the current situation because you know how damn weak this POTUS is.

nothing to deflect from

Except he did
ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.
GET A NEW LINE...............

FUCK ISIS and those who don't want to do a damned thing about them.
We all want to destroy Isis you ninny

Somehow I doubt you Leftwats are all that much opposed to ISIS.

I hate christians and they don't even force their religion on me. Why would we like Isis? If this is how you truly think maybe you need help.

Islam needs to die just like every other religion. The only one I don't mind is news because they dont recruit. But even they think they have the divine right to be assholes.

you hate everyone who doesn't think like you do. that's plain to see on here
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

what a jackass

100% true.
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He speaks the truth, and your upset.
Obama to ISIS....
Don't worry guys ....
I got your back....
I made sure the world remembers that Christians are just as fucked up as youse guys....

And hey bros, keep up the good fight. I just justified it for you. Don't forget, I have a little less than two years here, so hurry up and bring it to our soil. I can promise you we will have no strategy to stop you. :woohoo: :woohoo:
How many of you realize that a conflict between Christianity and Islam is in all likelihood just a conflict between

two of man's inventions?
Then let the invention with the least objectionable Core Teachings dominate.

That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

And what about the moderate, peaceful Muslims who've invented a less scary God ?
They take their cues from the same play-book as the more Radical and Militant of their co-religionists do.

The problem does not lie with the peaceful inclinations of the majority of adherents to Islam.

The problem lies within the Core Teachings of that belief system - rationalizing and calling for war and violence under various circumstances.

Even amongst the most passive of them, that rotten foundation or core is always in the background - lying dormant - ready to be resurrected by any street-corner mullah.
If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

But you miss the point. If one truly believes in a Flying Spaghetti Monster, then you are doing its will by smiting the unbeliever.

the only reason why Christians aren't as "savage" as Muslims is we are all living fat, comfortable lives where we don't even go to church if we don't have to.

If you lived in some war-torn country, you'd probably not be so "civilized">
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He speaks the truth, and your upset.
He speaks the truth alright.

About things that happened many centuries ago.

Most of it pre-Reformation.

Very little of it even marginally relevant today.

And, in doing so, he feeds and reinforces the rationalizations and justifications utilized by Radical Militant Islamists.

An American President should not give aid and comfort to the enemy.

It is beginning to look like he is not on our side, after all.

Another reason why the American People have taken control of Congress away from him, and empowered the Congress to begin to marginalize the President.

Marginalizing and isolating him so as to minimize the damage and mischief that he can wreak prior to the expiration of his Lame Duck term in office.

January 20, 2017, cannot get here quickly enough, now, for most Americans.
wrong, interantional relations means keeping this country strong, even if it pisses other countries off.

Bush may have pissed them off, but obama has made them laugh at us.

Bush pissed away two trillion dollars attacking a country that wasn't our enemy.

How does that make us strong?
Bush was doing what Clinton started you dummy!!!
Here once again the FACTS that you are so stupidly ignoring!
These Democrats wanted Saddam removed as you can READ (If you are capable of reading!!!)

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an
oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction
.... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real
...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interest of our nation. A vote for it is
not a vote to rush to war. It is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president
Hillary Clinton on October 2, 2002

Clinton signed this ACT and proceeded to bomb Iraq!
Saddam continued to defy UN, USA the rest of the world.

The 1998 Liberation of Iraq, SIGNED by CLINTON, and the Congress passed Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502)
"Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
Then in 2001 with 9/11 and anthrax attacks!

So again FACTS trump your speculations and ignorance!!!

Yea and he signed NAFTA.

Maybe we wouldn't be bitching had bush won the Iraq war.

it was won until obama pulled out, now ISIS is in control-----------
Sure it was won. Same thing you say about Viet nam. Idiots.

We were fighting the war. Time for Arabs to fight for their own countries. Here about how terrorists join the afgan army then shoot the US soldiers when we are teaching them how to shoot? I think you need to go fight in the middle east the rest of your life. Do it for us. Then send your kid and his kid after him. We need to go to war with Iran next too right?

You sound like the British in the 1930s when talking about the nazis. "oh, they will never come here" "none of our business". Are you a decendent of Nevile Chamberlin?
ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.

No YOU need to deflect from reality so YOU can make this a holy war.
This is deflection

ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.

No YOU need to deflect from reality so YOU can make this a holy war.
This is deflection


And you are the king of such
ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.

No YOU need to deflect from reality so YOU can make this a holy war.
This is deflection

ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.

No YOU need to deflect from reality so YOU can make this a holy war.
This is deflection


And you are the king of such
oui mon ami, oui...
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.

great speech if you like lies. the crusades were to stop muslim agression in europe, not to attack the poor muslims in the name of Jesus. You and obama are historical ignorants.

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