Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

ISIS burns man alive................................

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS kills over 150 girls who refuse to marry..............

LIB response....................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..................

ISIS crucifies men in IRAQ..............

LIB response......................LOOK WHAT CHRISTIANS DID..........

BROKEN RECORD..........get a new line.

We know! Islam is a much worse religion. We just like pointing out the hypocrisy. Islam is a great example of what's wrong with religions. It highlights the extremes people will go for religions.

And you guys want us to go into a holy war. Doesn't your bible predict it? Sorry but you can't make your prophecy come true.
GET A NEW LINE...............

FUCK ISIS and those who don't want to do a damned thing about them.
We all want to destroy Isis you ninny

Somehow I doubt you Leftwats are all that much opposed to ISIS.

I hate christians and they don't even force their religion on me. Why would we like Isis? If this is how you truly think maybe you need help.

Islam needs to die just like every other religion. The only one I don't mind is news because they dont recruit. But even they think they have the divine right to be assholes.
So which is the real, legitimate Islam?

The extremism of ISIS, or the Islam of Jordan?
Obama needs to come out of the closet and admit he is Muslim, he has flip flopped on other things before. Admit it, Obama is just a poser. Shame on you people that voted for him.

Funny post on the day that the RWnuts around here are praising the Muslim King of Jordan as a superhero.

Like we are putting a cape on him or something..............what are you smoking.............

We are praising his reaction to his pilot being burned alive.............

We are praising a moderate Islam making a stand against EXTREMIST.

Most of the RWnuts on this forum don't believe there is any such thing as a moderate Muslim.

And I don't think there are any moderate christians. They all believe non christians will burn in hell for all eternity. How moderate is that?
Did you somehow miss the Crusades?
No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

Most of us are a little more civilized then these people over a 1,000 years ago!

We still have barbarians doing the burning but not the Christians. We've grown up.

One other point YOU ARE FORGETTING...
How did the Saracens occupy Jerusalem in the first place?
Did the occupants just give up peacefully to the petitions of the Saracens?
Did the Saracens BUY Jerusalem?
Is it possible the Saracens were the bad guys first?

Jerusalem was an important city of the Byzantine province of Palestina Prima. Just 23 years prior to the Muslim conquest, in 614, it fell to an invading Sassanid army under Shahrbaraz during the last of the Byzantine-Sassanid Wars.
The Persians looted the city, and are said to have massacred its 90,000 Christian inhabitants.[2] As part of the looting, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the True Cross captured and taken to Ctesiphon as a battle-captured holy relic.
The Cross was later returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heraclius after his final victory against the Persians in 628. It was believed that the Jews, who were persecuted in their Roman-controlled homeland, had aided the Persians.[3]
Over the next 400 years, the city's prominence diminished as Saracen powers in the region jockeyed for control. Jerusalem remained under Muslim rule until it was captured by Crusaders in 1099 during the First Crusade.
Siege of Jerusalem 637 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jews were persecuted by Christians during the Crusades, and fought on the side of the Muslims frequently.
How many of you realize that a conflict between Christianity and Islam is in all likelihood just a conflict between

two of man's inventions?
Then let the invention with the least objectionable Core Teachings dominate.

That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.
Last edited:
It's still really all about him.
you mean HIM ?????

:Boom2: ....................................................
No, did you somehow miss that I responded to, "beheadings", not war.
They killed people with swords, happily trowing infants into the air and slicing them to pieces, as well as bashing their heads in with rocks. Do you really think they didn't behead people?
And you will be referencing which book or will you simply dictate that you are right, of course you may simply draw a card from the deck of google, so.......
Enjoy: Crimes of Christianity The Crusades

"Such was the carnage in the Mosque of Omar, that the mutilated carcasses were hurried by the torrents of blood into the court; dissevered arms and hands floated into the current that carried them into contact with bodies to which they had not belonged. Ten thousand people were murdered in this sanctuary. It was not only the lacerated and headless trunks which shocked the sight, but the figures of the victors themselves reeking with the blood of their slaughtered enemies. No place of refuge remained to the vanquished, so indiscriminately did the insatiable fanaticism of the conquerors disregard alike supplication and resistance. Some were slain, others were thrown from the tops of the churches and of the citadel." [192:1]"

You'll especially like the beheading and setting afire parts.

And maybe this:

"Michaud remarks that the contemporary Christian historians describe these frightful scenes with perfect equanimity. Even amid recitals of the most disgusting details they "never allow a single expression of horror or pity to escape them." [193:8] Nor did the clergy feel any more compunction than the laymen. There is a letter written by Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, to the Pope, in which he says: "If you desire to know what became of the enemies we found in Jerusalem, know that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple, our soldiers had the vile blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses." [193:9]"

Most of us are a little more civilized then these people over a 1,000 years ago!

We still have barbarians doing the burning but not the Christians. We've grown up.

One other point YOU ARE FORGETTING...
How did the Saracens occupy Jerusalem in the first place?
Did the occupants just give up peacefully to the petitions of the Saracens?
Did the Saracens BUY Jerusalem?
Is it possible the Saracens were the bad guys first?

Jerusalem was an important city of the Byzantine province of Palestina Prima. Just 23 years prior to the Muslim conquest, in 614, it fell to an invading Sassanid army under Shahrbaraz during the last of the Byzantine-Sassanid Wars.
The Persians looted the city, and are said to have massacred its 90,000 Christian inhabitants.[2] As part of the looting, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the True Cross captured and taken to Ctesiphon as a battle-captured holy relic.
The Cross was later returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heraclius after his final victory against the Persians in 628. It was believed that the Jews, who were persecuted in their Roman-controlled homeland, had aided the Persians.[3]
Over the next 400 years, the city's prominence diminished as Saracen powers in the region jockeyed for control. Jerusalem remained under Muslim rule until it was captured by Crusaders in 1099 during the First Crusade.
Siege of Jerusalem 637 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jews were persecuted by Christians during the Crusades, and fought on the side of the Muslims frequently.
Stop watching shows on the history of religion. God would not approve. And don't question the authority of your church. They are infallable. This is exactly was Muslims believe. Now you see the problem with religion? Teaches us not to question authority. Cult thinking.
How many of you realize that a conflict between Christianity and Islam is in all likelihood just a conflict between

two of man's inventions?
Then let the invention with the least objectionable Core Teachings dominate.

That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving of Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.
As an atheist I agree. I don't care if christians think I'm going to hell as long as they don't go back to killing non believers
I don't favor one lie over another. Actually I prefer christianity to Islam but I prefer Hindus and buddhists to you and the best ism is atheism.

The Bible is probably..... No, DEFINITELY more reliable than today's average History Book that you're stupid enough to believe.

I'm not especially fond of Man's religions, you will find me firmly planted in the Purple part of this simple diagram --


But I'll tell you this..... I have more, MUCH more respect for Bible Thumpers than I do for IDIOTS who claim to be Atheists.

Explain the Big Bang, stupid.

Go ahead, explain it. By the bye..... String Theory is the pile of shit I always said it was, so don't bother with that horseshit

And before you give us your Unified Field Theory that excludes God :laugh: consider that Einstein himself believed in God. Consider that some of the smartest people the world has ever know were devoutly religious.

Like this guy --


Georges Lema tre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Monseigneur Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, (French: [ʒɔʁʒə ləmɛtʁ] ( listen); 17 July 1894 – 20 June 1966) was a Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the French section of the Catholic University of Leuven.[1] He was the first known academic to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe, widely misattributed to Edwin Hubble.[2][3] He was also the first to derive what is now known as Hubble's law and made the first estimation of what is now called the Hubble constant, which he published in 1927, two years before Hubble's article.[4][5][6][7] Lemaître also proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his "hypothesis of the primeval atom" or the "Cosmic Egg".[8]

Faux intellectuals crack me up. Not only are you NOT intellectual in any way, you're even stupider than those who KNOW they're stupid.

Which makes you dumber than them. At least they know they're stupid..... You don't

I'm not going to bother waiting for another idiot to explain his Theory of Everything that probably involves the Great Pumpkin
wrong, interantional relations means keeping this country strong, even if it pisses other countries off.

Bush may have pissed them off, but obama has made them laugh at us.

Bush pissed away two trillion dollars attacking a country that wasn't our enemy.

How does that make us strong?
Bush was doing what Clinton started you dummy!!!
Here once again the FACTS that you are so stupidly ignoring!
These Democrats wanted Saddam removed as you can READ (If you are capable of reading!!!)

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an
oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction
.... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real
...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interest of our nation. A vote for it is
not a vote to rush to war. It is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president
Hillary Clinton on October 2, 2002

Clinton signed this ACT and proceeded to bomb Iraq!
Saddam continued to defy UN, USA the rest of the world.

The 1998 Liberation of Iraq, SIGNED by CLINTON, and the Congress passed Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502)
"Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
Then in 2001 with 9/11 and anthrax attacks!

So again FACTS trump your speculations and ignorance!!!

Yea and he signed NAFTA.

Maybe we wouldn't be bitching had bush won the Iraq war.

it was won until obama pulled out, now ISIS is in control-----------
Constantinople was threatened by the Turks of that time that led to the 1st Crusade......Seijuk Turks controlled the land from Mongolia to near Constantinople. The Gateway of Europe.

Christians had repulsed the Caliphates of Islam in the Centuries leading up to the Crusades...........All of Spain was under control of ISLAM...........

In the middle of France they were stopped and began the process to drive them out of Southern Europe and eventually Africa.........

It was touted as a HOLY WAR as the Religion of the time knew it was a sure fire way to get the numbers to protect Constantinople.

The Crusades failed and in the 4th they basically destroyed all faiths which eventually led to the demise of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire...or old ROME..............After it's fall THE OTTOMANS invaded Europe and took control of the entire region. All in the name of ISLAM.

The Ottomans were direct decendents of the Seijuk TURKS...........

The Ottomans were finally defeated in WWI when they allied themselves with GERMANY.

Where is these conquests spelled out in the speech or with current liberal posters...............The Crusades were an answer to the Invasion by Sunni Muslims.....

Saracen was a KURD...........oh my gosh......he retook Jerusalem........later to be conquered by the Sunni's and so forth..........

Spilling each others blood for their version of Islam in Medieval times while trying to spread their religion via the Conquest of Europe.
How many of you realize that a conflict between Christianity and Islam is in all likelihood just a conflict between

two of man's inventions?
Then let the invention with the least objectionable Core Teachings dominate.

That's an atheist point of view. You resort to atheism to defend your version of God. That's some heady stuff.

If there is a God, he is no more likely to be a kind and merciful God than a violent, vengeful, merciless God.

If there is a God, it's only mankind's various guesses as to what he really is.
Indeed, it is an Atheist point of view.

Utilized as a convenience, to sweep away the clutter and background noise, and to get to the gist of the matter.

Namely: which 'flavor' of vision of a godhead is least objectionable and most likely to promote peace and tolerance.

From that perspective, it doesn't matter a damn, whether a Deity (if He/She/It exists) is Loving or Vengeful.

From that perspective, what matters is which vision of the Deity is going to be the least destructive and most likely to promote peace.

And, of course, a vision that promotes 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek' is far more likely to achieve such objectives, than one saturated with enjoinders and rationalizations to wage war against and commit violence upon those who do not think and act in the same manner as its adherents.

If one has to have a Flying Spaghetti Monster at all, then...

I'll take folks worshiping and obeying a LOVING Flying Spaghetti Monster over a BLOODTHIRSTY AND VENGEFUL Flying Spaghetti Monster any day.

As would most sane folk who are interested in peace.

And what about the moderate, peaceful Muslims who've invented a less scary God ?
Mr. Obama.............now tell us the history of the CALIPHATES in Medieval TIMES..................You and your liberal horde have no problem calling out the Crusades and Christians................NOW CALL OUT the SAME BS performed under the Banner of ISLAM..............

Tell how the Caliphates took all of the lands in North Africa.........took all of SICILY and SPAIN............

Tell us about the conquests of the OTTAMON EMPIRE. The conquests of the KURDS or SALIDINE,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Why choose only the Christians to call out..............during a time were SUNNI'S want to control the world and performing unspeakable acts of barbarism.

While you do call out their acts, you in the same breath relate it to CHRISTIANS................

For what purpose.............to say all Religions suck as is common place in these boards............

ISIS is on a CALIPHATE, CONDONED by their IMAMS............and they fight under the banner of ISLAM............their version of it as they cut the heads off anyone who gets in their way........Spouting the verses of the KORAN as they go..............

As Mohamed did in the 7th Century.
As they did in trying to conquer all of EUROPE.


ISIS IS SIMPLY RELIVING HISTORY without the FULL ability to back it up............

Moderate Muslim countries even oppose them. As they realize that the 7th Century tactics are pure stupidity yet again...........just as Christians aren't reliving the Crusades today.

ISIS has forced a call to arms to stop their BS......and the CRUSADES don't have a thing to do with it.
I have never before seen an American President intentionally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This is not good.

With any luck, Congress will be able to marginalize and isolate him to an extent that prevents him from doing much more mischief between now and January 20, 2017.

He's doing no such thing. He is trying to drive a wedge between Muslim terrorism and Muslim not-terrorism, not just for Muslims for everyone else, especially Americans.

The easiest bias/bigotry right now is to hate Islam. That is why so many Americans are falling into that bias.
ISIS is on a CALIPHATE, CONDONED by their IMAMS............and they fight under the banner of ISLAM............their version of it as they cut the heads off anyone who gets in their way........Spouting the verses of the KORAN as they go..............


No it is not condoned by the Imans:

To counter rise of Islamic State, Jordan imposes rules on Muslim clerics

ZARQA, Jordan — Several hundred robed Muslim clerics recently packed themselves into an auditorium to hear the minister of Islamic affairs issue their new marching orders. The meeting was mandatory.

“You clerics are our ground forces against the extremists,” Hayel Dawood told them.

Then he made himself clear: Preach moderate Islam — or else.

“Once you cross the red line,” Dawood intoned, “you will not be let back in.”

To counter rise of Islamic State Jordan imposes rules on Muslim clerics - The Washington Post

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