Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the chalk age since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

That's pretty funny since I have yet to see much relevant discussion about anything here.

You can't provide the link.

Proved your simply a partisan hack.

Best part is, you did it yourself.


You are apparently quite stupid, nuance isn't really your thing is it. Does it appear to you like I was supporting the idea? Are you really this dense? Is your comprehension problem really this severe? If it's just a learning disability you could be taught to compensate better than this.

Oh my. My feeling just got hurt.

Oh wait, they didn't.

Dude, say what you mean. I'm not sitting across the table from you

If your comment was sarcasm, then sorry bout dat

I'll clarify further then. I grew up Catholic, so I'll say whatever I please about Catholicism. Meanwhile I pray for people like moonglow, hoping God will be merciful and not cast him into the fiery pit for being so shallow and witless, cardinal sins as far as I'm concerned.
...I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
I voted for President Obama so that HE could deal with our enemies and send messages that THE PEOPLE would believe to be appropriate.

I assume by THE PEOPLE you mean NaziCons! You deranged NaziCons lost the election - so shut up until 2016. President Obama is in charge until then.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do
...Personal attack merely reveals you are smarting from being corrected.

I kicked your ass yesterday on the arguments and will do it again today.

You are not for a secularized Christianity, you are not for separation of Church and State; you are for an outright war between the two religions.
"There are a great many people around here who could quite probably kick my ass in a debate, 2 times out of 3, or 3 times out of 4, or better."

Self admission is good, buddy.

Until you start using real definitions and terms, recognize logic, and understanding words have specific meanings, your butt will keep getting kicked by others, including me, almost every post.

The president's grasp of history and his message were accurate.

Yours are not. Tis what it is.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do
Irrelevant and denied.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do

I suspect that many who voted for President Obama consider it relevant. I certainly do! Religion is worse than the plague.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?
I'll tell you what, the OT should of been destroyed. The Jews started this hatred in their history book, starting with Ishamael and Esau, and their racism. If the Jews followed their OT they'd be worst than the radical Islamist.
Wow. You really are out there.

You know what else, Judah and Reuben both married Canaanite women.
Bibi has been after them since 1992, and no he wants America to go after Iran. If I were Iran I'd be very afraid of Israel with their nukes and trigger happy fingers and their nuke subs all around Iran. Why do you think Bibi is coming here, on a peace mission?
If it wasn't for the US Israel would have been wiped out long ago. They took out Osirak and probably will do the same in Iran. He needs us to have their backs and can't rely on the spineless organizer in chief.

I also want to bust this myth:

In 2005, Wilson further commented in The Atlantic:

the Osirak reactor that was bombed by Israel in June 1981 was explicitly designed by the French engineer Yves Girard to be unsuitable for making bombs. That was obvious to me on my 1982 visit.[35]

Elsewhere Wilson has stated that

Many claim that the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak reactor delayed Iraq's nuclear bomb program. But the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 was peaceful, and the Osirak reactor was not only unsuited to making bombs but was under intensive safeguards.[36]

In an interview in 2012, Wilson again emphasised: "The Iraqis couldn't have been developing a nuclear weapon at Osirak. I challenge any scientist in the world to show me how they could have done so."[

Operation Opera - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
...Personal attack merely reveals you are smarting from being corrected.

I kicked your ass yesterday on the arguments and will do it again today.

You are not for a secularized Christianity, you are not for separation of Church and State; you are for an outright war between the two religions.
"There are a great many people around here who could quite probably kick my ass in a debate, 2 times out of 3, or 3 times out of 4, or better."

Self admission is good, buddy.

Until you start using real definitions and terms, recognize logic, and understanding words have specific meanings, your butt will keep getting kicked by others, including me, almost every post.

The president's grasp of history and his message were accurate.

Yours are not. Tis what it is.

Flaming and baseless self-aggrandizing are inappropriate for this thread.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?

Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do

I suspect that many who voted for President Obama consider it relevant. I certainly do! Religion is worse than the plague.

Oh, got it. Your a hater.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?


Wrong again

But that's stating the obvious
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do
Irrelevant and denied.

You enjoy looking sad. Got it
...I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
I voted for President Obama so that HE could deal with our enemies and send messages that THE PEOPLE would believe to be appropriate.

I assume by THE PEOPLE you mean NaziCons! You deranged NaziCons lost the election - so shut up until 2016. President Obama is in charge until then.
What is a NaziCon?

And, as to "The People", your assumption is incorrect.

I am, by that, referring to a majority of the American People - regardless of party - as evidenced by a continuing and growing discontent and withdrawal of support for him.

Personally, I am a Cafeteria Centrist... I support some political and economic ideas that lean a bit to the Left, and I support some that lean a bit to the Right, as well as a lot that run pretty much down the Center... I am neither Democrat nor Republican, neither Liberal nor Conservative... I am not a party hack... I am an Independent.

But, as to 'elections'... well....

"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, but to lose both chambers of Congress?"

Fortunately, Congress controls the purse strings, and now both chambers are positioned to isolate and marginalize your boy - minimalizing the damage that he can do in the remaining 23 months until his Lame Duck term expires.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?


Wrong again

But that's stating the obvious

I feel like I'm swimming in the Special Olympics pool.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?


Wrong again

But that's stating the obvious

I feel like I'm swimming in the Special Olympics pool.

You are what you are loonkohta

And what you are

Ain't much
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?

Oh, horseshit.
...I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
I voted for President Obama so that HE could deal with our enemies and send messages that THE PEOPLE would believe to be appropriate.

I assume by THE PEOPLE you mean NaziCons! You deranged NaziCons lost the election - so shut up until 2016. President Obama is in charge until then.
What is a NaziCon?

And, as to "The People", your assumption is incorrect.

I am, by that, referring to a majority of the American People - regardless of party - as evidenced by a continuing and growing discontent and withdrawal of support for him.

Personally, I am a Cafeteria Centrist... I support some political and economic ideas that lean a bit to the Left, and I support some that lean a bit to the Right, as well as a lot that run pretty much down the Center... I am neither Democrat nor Republican, neither Liberal nor Conservative... I am not a party hack... I am an Independent.

But, as to 'elections'... well....

"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, but to lose both chambers of Congress?"

Fortunately, Congress controls the purse strings, and now both chambers are positioned to isolate and marginalize your boy - minimalizing the damage that he can do in the remaining 23 months until his Lame Duck term expires.

We'll see. President Obama is still the President until 2016. How NaziCons in Congress govern in the next two years will have great influence on the 2016 elections.

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