Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

We are praising a moderate Islam making a stand against EXTREMIST.
So, now there ARE moderate Muslims?

Has this always been your stance? Because NYcarbineer has already pwned boedicca with evidence of her dishonesty.

You pathetic little liar. I said I would believe it when I saw evidence of moderate Muslims. Abdullah is a hopeful sign - and I hope his attitude spreads throughout the rest of the Muslim world.

There are a lot of moderate Muslims. I have a lot of Muslim friends, all of them are equivalent to moderate Christians. That doesn't mean I don't see that Islam has an extremism problem.
^^^ Boedicca, jroc and Eagle should take an honesty lesson from Kaz.

At least Kaz shows some balance and some introspection.
I don't agree with his flawed Libertarian ideology, but he obviously doesn't shy away from his beliefs when confronted with past remarks, like Boedicca and jroc.
  • Thanks
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I see all the usual dumbfucks are in this thread arguing about pointless bullshit.

Nazi this, Christian that, gop gop gop gop

Nuke the fucking sand creatures. They want to live by mid evil standards, send them there.

And yes, I said Nuke them. As a nation we USED to know how to win wars.
But how would Exxon get their oil in a radiated environment?

from the USA and Canada, dumbass.
You think Exxon and the other oil conglomerates would allow the United States to destroy a major source of their income?

Who do you think actually runs this country, anyway?

Naivete is only cute coming from a small child.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.
The 'high horse' aspect of his commentary sends the following message...

"We should not be overly critical if Islam in its present violence-prone configuration because we too were oftentimes violent in the name of God."

Yeah... centuries ago... and, in the case of the Crusades, the better part of a thousand years ago.

It was an inappropriate remark to come from the lips of an American President and Western Leader.

Much like in the past - Christianity is still fucking with Islam. Take George W. Bush, for example, who said God told him to invade Iraq. That is some really bizarre shit.

Is GWB Christianity?

"Greater"? Greater than what? I supposed Christians like their faith and Jews like theirs. Stupid question anyways i expect no less from a morn like you
Your response indicates that neither Christianity or Judaism is a greater religion than Islam. They are all
Judaism is for Jews, Christianity is Christians. I only worry about those who want me dead. Whats the point of your question?
Maybe the point of my question is to expose you as the dishonest person I have known you to be all along.

Because you deflect and dodge on questions that an honest person wouldn't think twice about answering directly.
I answered the question factually and honestly we Jews don't go around pushing our religion, saying It's the "greatest" and everyone should follow us. Other religions do that, as well as you cultist, leftist, ideologues:thup:

Yet another stupid statement lacking in fact or proof. Yes, we Jews do not proselytise. But neither leftist nor rightist ideology is a religion. This is where your argument runs straight off the tracks.

The question was what religion is the "greatest." It was a stupid question, from a stupid person.The secular, G-d less, left has replaced belief in G-d with secular, humanism. That way they make up their own morality as they go along
...Personal attack merely reveals you are smarting from being corrected.

I kicked your ass yesterday on the arguments and will do it again today.

You are not for a secularized Christianity, you are not for separation of Church and State; you are for an outright war between the two religions.
"There are a great many people around here who could quite probably kick my ass in a debate, 2 times out of 3, or 3 times out of 4, or better."

Self admission is good, buddy.

Until you start using real definitions and terms, recognize logic, and understanding words have specific meanings, your butt will keep getting kicked by others, including me, almost every post.

The president's grasp of history and his message were accurate.

Yours are not. Tis what it is.

Flaming and baseless self-aggrandizing are inappropriate for this thread.
Very good, Sayit. I think both you and Kondor should stop doing it.
Nowhere in the OP article did I see where President Obama "compared" Christianity with Islam! He was simply stating a fact about the history of Christianity.

Which was not relevent, thus the outrage.

Sure it was relevant. Christians need reminded of their brutal history. Our President can do that.

Absolutely not relevent. No human being alive today participated in the crusades

True story

Maybe Obama thinks so. But none do
Irrelevant and denied.

You enjoy looking sad. Got it
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
Your response indicates that neither Christianity or Judaism is a greater religion than Islam. They are all
Judaism is for Jews, Christianity is Christians. I only worry about those who want me dead. Whats the point of your question?
Maybe the point of my question is to expose you as the dishonest person I have known you to be all along.

Because you deflect and dodge on questions that an honest person wouldn't think twice about answering directly.
I answered the question factually and honestly we Jews don't go around pushing our religion, saying It's the "greatest" and everyone should follow us. Other religions do that, as well as you cultist, leftist, ideologues:thup:

Yet another stupid statement lacking in fact or proof. Yes, we Jews do not proselytise. But neither leftist nor rightist ideology is a religion. This is where your argument runs straight off the tracks.

The question was what religion is the "greatest." It was a stupid question, from a stupid person.The secular, G-d less, left has replaced belief in G-d with secular, humanism. That way they make up their own morality as they go along

The left is less Christian but more spiritual and moral moral than the right.
So, now there ARE moderate Muslims?

Has this always been your stance? Because NYcarbineer has already pwned boedicca with evidence of her dishonesty.

You pathetic little liar. I said I would believe it when I saw evidence of moderate Muslims. Abdullah is a hopeful sign - and I hope his attitude spreads throughout the rest of the Muslim world.

There are a lot of moderate Muslims. I have a lot of Muslim friends, all of them are equivalent to moderate Christians. That doesn't mean I don't see that Islam has an extremism problem.
^^^ Boedicca, jroc and Eagle should take an honesty lesson from Kaz.

At least Kaz shows some balance and some introspection.
I don't agree with his flawed Libertarian ideology, but he obviously doesn't shy away from his beliefs when confronted with past remarks, like Boedicca and jroc.

When did happen?:dunno:
Why are you reluctant to answer a direct question with a direct response?

The original idiot clown on the board wants and answer he likes. Sadly more clowns have joined his cult of clowns. I think their I.Q.s have been lowered because of it

Ahhh, the smell of low-information fed RWNJ butthurt in the middle of the day. Delightful.

Of course, it has nothing at all to do with the OP, which YOU created. So, you just derailed your own thread!!


Ahhh, Right-Wing intelligence is a thing to behold.

Now, back to the OP:

Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course, the OP title is a lie, as usual.
President Obama compared PAST actions of come Christians to the PRESENT actions of some Muslims. Thinkers and discerners get this. You don't.

Why am I not surprised?

There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
Yet Senator Thurmond could not, kept banging black women, and would not acknowledge his black daughter.
The original idiot clown on the board wants and answer he likes. Sadly more clowns have joined his cult of clowns. I think their I.Q.s have been lowered because of it

Ahhh, the smell of low-information fed RWNJ butthurt in the middle of the day. Delightful.

Of course, it has nothing at all to do with the OP, which YOU created. So, you just derailed your own thread!!


Ahhh, Right-Wing intelligence is a thing to behold.

Now, back to the OP:

Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course, the OP title is a lie, as usual.
President Obama compared PAST actions of come Christians to the PRESENT actions of some Muslims. Thinkers and discerners get this. You don't.

Why am I not surprised?

There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

If you don't know this answer by now you are a fool.
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.

How is it THEIR past of the people that are Christians today?
The same for Slavery. How is that the fault of the people LIVING today?

Obama is a hatful divider and this speech was suppose to be about UNITY not about chastising people he Represents.

but you love anything the man does so you don't care who he offends
The original idiot clown on the board wants and answer he likes. Sadly more clowns have joined his cult of clowns. I think their I.Q.s have been lowered because of it

Ahhh, the smell of low-information fed RWNJ butthurt in the middle of the day. Delightful.

Of course, it has nothing at all to do with the OP, which YOU created. So, you just derailed your own thread!!


Ahhh, Right-Wing intelligence is a thing to behold.

Now, back to the OP:

Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course, the OP title is a lie, as usual.
President Obama compared PAST actions of come Christians to the PRESENT actions of some Muslims. Thinkers and discerners get this. You don't.

Why am I not surprised?

There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
Yet Senator Thurmond could not, kept banging black women, and would not acknowledge his black daughter.

The Dixiecrat?

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