Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Oh.........ok.............PC requires us not to say Radical Islamic terrorists................
It's not about PC.

Tell me: what has ISIL done in accordance with Islam? Is bombing mosques, raping women, burying children alive all part of Islam?

Wellllllllllllllllllllllll in the olden days.....

Hey we get this shit shoved down our throats over the freaking Crusades all the time. Do you know what those mother truckers did back then too?

Here's the difference. WE STOPPED DOING THAT SHIT.

Some of them haven't.
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
You do know that Byrd committed no crimes, don't you? And that he stopped being a member of the KKK over 70 years ago....right?

And there is no doubt that he was a hero in West Virginia. No doubt. Are you condemning that whole state full of Christians for voting for a "terrorist"?
...I voted for President Obama so HE could deal with out enemies and send whatever message HE believed to be appropriate.
I voted for President Obama so that HE could deal with our enemies and send messages that THE PEOPLE would believe to be appropriate.

In this instance, he has failed in that task.


"The People" do not formulate foreign policy. The Commander in Chief does.
On BEHALF of The People, and, ultimately, accountable to them.

Or do you not believe that the President of the United States is ultimately accountable to The People?

He is now learning another reinforcing lesson about that accountability, by way of the huge negative reaction to his 'Crusades' commentary.
Ahhh, the smell of low-information fed RWNJ butthurt in the middle of the day. Delightful.

Of course, it has nothing at all to do with the OP, which YOU created. So, you just derailed your own thread!!


Ahhh, Right-Wing intelligence is a thing to behold.

Now, back to the OP:

Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course, the OP title is a lie, as usual.
President Obama compared PAST actions of come Christians to the PRESENT actions of some Muslims. Thinkers and discerners get this. You don't.

Why am I not surprised?

There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?

That must be what all the settlements in the west bank are about, stemming the tide of Islamic extremism.
His speech are the words of a man who hates us and our country folks. don't think it isn't

White House Doubles Down On Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Remarks: “We Need To Be Honest With Ourselves” And “Hold Ourselves Accountable”

So Obama’s focus when talking about ISIS atrocities is on our “accountability”, apparently we’re responsible for ISIS beheading people and burning them alive.

Here’s press questioning of Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz. This is what he says AFTER he has time to think about it, knowing he will be questioned.

Via White House:

Q Can you talk about yesterday — the President got some criticism for his comments at the prayer breakfast. Was he surprised by that? And what is your response to that?

MR. SCHULTZ: I saw that commentary, Anita. I think that the President has spoken many times to his belief in American exceptionalism. And the President believes America is the greatest country on Earth not only because of our military might or economic prowess, or because we serve in a unique leadership role amongst the international community, but part and parcel to America’s standing in the world is our values, and those are values like equality, tolerance, fairness, civil rights, human rights, treating every human being with respect and decency — no matter their gender, their race, their faith, their sexual identity. Part and parcel to that and our values are holding ourselves up to our own values and our own standards.

So the President believes that when we fall short of that, we need to be honest with ourselves and look inward, and hold ourselves accountable. That’s what gives us the moral standing around the world — not just because we assert it, but because we hold ourselves accountable. So whether that’s our elected officials, whether that is a free and vibrant press, a judiciary system that’s independent — those are the values the President was talking about.

When has the Obama regime ever held themselves accountable, for anything? They run from responsibility like Brian Williams runs his mouth.

Note also why we are exceptional, according to the Obama regime. Not because of a unique ‘leadership role’ in the world, no, actually an outright denial of that. We’ve very clearly abdicated that. Nothing about rule of law because of a unique Constitution. We’re exceptional because of our amorphous “fairness”.

ALL of it here:
White House Doubles Down On Obama 8217 s Prayer Breakfast Remarks 8220 We Need To Be Honest With Ourselves 8221 And 8220 Hold Ourselves Accountable 8221 Weasel Zippers
Ahhh, the smell of low-information fed RWNJ butthurt in the middle of the day. Delightful.

Of course, it has nothing at all to do with the OP, which YOU created. So, you just derailed your own thread!!


Ahhh, Right-Wing intelligence is a thing to behold.

Now, back to the OP:

Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course, the OP title is a lie, as usual.
President Obama compared PAST actions of come Christians to the PRESENT actions of some Muslims. Thinkers and discerners get this. You don't.

Why am I not surprised?

There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?
No, they fight the people who they took land from, who - for some reason - resent it.
The comparison fails
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

But Timothy McVie who wasn't even a Christian did do it for religion, right?

You say that with such certainty:

McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[89] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[90] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[91] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[89] In McVeigh's 2002 biography American Terrorist, he stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[92][93] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic.[3] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.[94][95][96][97][98]

So in other words, yes. He's not a Christian but you still blame it on Christianity. So actual Muslims who call themselves an "Islamic State" have nothing to do with religion, but a non-Christian who did it for political reasons does represent Christianity. Even your own post showed he wasn't a Christian.

Your argument is like the old joke that I speak every language but one, Greek. Um...Maori? That's Greek to me! When Muslims are murdering people, they aren't being true Muslims, so you let Islam off the hook. But when a white guy who has a general belief in some kind of non religion deity, it's those damned Christians.
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
Yet Senator Thurmond could not, kept banging black women, and would not acknowledge his black daughter.

The Dixiecrat?
No, the Republican Senator from South Carolina.
Being bi and oh that does not sound good but I am bi. A dual citizen. US and Canuck.

If there is one thing I really really hate about the US side of me is that you guys continually make blanket judgements.

All this, all that all northerners, all southerners, all putin all germans.

You have to stop doing that. Especially when it comes to "all Muslims".

Holy toledo. Or all whites. Or all Christians.

It's freaking wrong and beyond that it is monumentally stupid.
Oh.........ok.............PC requires us not to say Radical Islamic terrorists................
It's not about PC.

Tell me: what has ISIL done in accordance with Islam? Is bombing mosques, raping women, burying children alive all part of Islam?
Read the KORAN........the history of Mohamed and get back to me.
You read the bible first, then get back to me.
Oh.........ok.............PC requires us not to say Radical Islamic terrorists................
It's not about PC.

Tell me: what has ISIL done in accordance with Islam? Is bombing mosques, raping women, burying children alive all part of Islam?
Read the KORAN........the history of Mohamed and get back to me.
You read the bible first, then get back to me.

I've read it many times.

Only the OT baby only the OT.
There is a battle within Islam between the radicals and the moderates. Obama speaking about Christians with his stupid Rev Wright style lecture was just that not relevant and not helpful

No. He made a comparison that is not only historically correct, it was also very smart. For by doing so, he gains support from islamic governments who are combatting ISIL, which is exactly what we need. You only have to be smart enough to understand this.

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?
No, they fight the people who they took land from, who - for some reason - resent it.

There you are wrong. Israel belongs to Israelis. It was British Mandate before becoming the state of Israel and was therefore not a "Palestine". So, on that point, you are very, very wrong. VERY.
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her
What should we call them............girl scouts.............they preach ISLAM as they slaughter..................
Call them terrorists and criminals. It's that simple.

The KKK preached Christianity while they hung Black men. Stormfront continues to preach Christianity as they inspire attacks on Jews.

Senator Byrd renounced his terrorist ways and became a hero to so many.
Yet Senator Thurmond could not, kept banging black women, and would not acknowledge his black daughter.

The Dixiecrat?
No, the Republican Senator from South Carolina.

The Dixiecrat?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her

Free stylin' it. Have you tried that with a beat?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her

And he even lied about his grandmother. She was in to inter racial. Totally cool old lady.

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