Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?
No, they fight the people who they took land from, who - for some reason - resent it.

There you are wrong. Israel belongs to Israelis. It was British Mandate before becoming the state of Israel and was therefore not a "Palestine". So, on that point, you are very, very wrong. VERY.
Do Palestinians feel that their land was taken? Do they resent it?

It was not "their" land to begin with. That is the point. There has never been a palestinian government or kingdom, there has never been a palestinian currency, there has never been a palestinian military, etc. They were nomads who lived there. And as of 1967-1968, Jordan set more than 100,000 of it's own citizens over the border and called them "palestinians". No one is falling for that ruse.
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there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.

See this? See what you posted? When a man becomes a President he is to become the President of all of his peoples.

Not just those that elected him.

The way you look at his Presidency is wrong.
How did you totally misread his post?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.

See this? See what you posted? When a man becomes a President he is to become the President of all of his peoples.

Not just those that elected him.

The way you look at his Presidency is wrong.

He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.
I don't know how you can read that Wiki entry and come away saying he wasn't a Christian. Unless you don't consider Catholics Christians.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Raymond. The key to being a Christian is believing in Christ. Your quote said he had a general belief in a deity of some kind. That makes him as much a Muslim as a Christian since he has no specific Christian belief. Seriously, you didn't know that? You seriously think that means Christian? Conversations with liberals sure aren't intellectually stimulating...

McViegh also did it for political reasons. The proximate cause was where government murdered American citizens at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was right, but how he went about that was wrong, killing more innocent people isn't justified in any way. But whether you agree or disagree with him, he was a non-Christian who did it for clearly political reasons.

But he was white, so that means it's on Christians...
I'll ask again: Why did you interject McVeigh into this thread?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her

Free stylin' it. Have you tried that with a beat?

You should talk. worry about your own ugly mess

Not quite as poetic. It would probably work better if you made it rhyme.
I don't know how you can read that Wiki entry and come away saying he wasn't a Christian. Unless you don't consider Catholics Christians.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Raymond. The key to being a Christian is believing in Christ. Your quote said he had a general belief in a deity of some kind. That makes him as much a Muslim as a Christian since he has no specific Christian belief. Seriously, you didn't know that? You seriously think that means Christian? Conversations with liberals sure aren't intellectually stimulating...

McViegh also did it for political reasons. The proximate cause was where government murdered American citizens at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was right, but how he went about that was wrong, killing more innocent people isn't justified in any way. But whether you agree or disagree with him, he was a non-Christian who did it for clearly political reasons.

But he was white, so that means it's on Christians...

I wish he hadn't done it. But I understand his passion. I understand his fury. I understand his hate.

But dammit I wish he hadn't done it. He killed so many babies. So many innocents. He turned into the monster he was angry with.

Well, that is just fucking scary that you can "understand his hate". I cannot.

Of course not, you love and trust government. We are both saying that what he did was wrong, period. Why is that "fucking scary" exactly? If someone kills a bunch of innocent people in the twisted belief they are getting revenge against pro-lifers who want to ban abortions, would you become pro-life?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her

Free stylin' it. Have you tried that with a beat?

You should talk. worry about your own ugly mess

Not quite as poetic. It would probably work better if you made it rhyme.

go diddle yourself. bye

Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.

See this? See what you posted? When a man becomes a President he is to become the President of all of his peoples.

Not just those that elected him.

The way you look at his Presidency is wrong.

He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.
It was not "their" land to begin with. That is the point. There has never been a palestinian government or kingdom, there has never been a palestinian currency, there has never been a palestinian military, etc. They were nomads who lived there. And as of 1967-1968, Jordanian set more than 100,000 of it's own citizens over the border and called them "palestinians". No one is falling for that ruse.

But it's not my point.

I'm asking if the Palestinians believe that their land was taken from them, and they resent it.

There are all sorts of things that people believe that aren't actually true - doesn't mean they don't believe it.

How many wingnuts still believe Obama was born in Kenya and is a Communist, and is a Muslim?

(We can discuss early 20th century Palestine maps some other time... )
Really so which ones might those be? Egypt? Which does have a president who is doing that, while not being supported by Obama? who? Libya? The islamonazi regime of Iran? who?

I wonder where Israel is in all this? I haven't heard about any Israeli Air Force missions being flown against ISIS. I wonder why? Seems like we could count on military support from Israel in a situation like this. But of course if that happened we would loose the political, diplomatic, and military support of Arab nations. Which brings me to something I've been wondering about. We are told Israel is our close ally. How does this relationship benefit us? How are they actually an ally?

Israel fights the islamonazis everyday where you been?
No, they fight the people who they took land from, who - for some reason - resent it.

There you are wrong. Israel belongs to Israelis. It was British Mandate before becoming the state of Israel and was therefore not a "Palestine". So, on that point, you are very, very wrong. VERY.
Do Palestinians feel that their land was taken? Do they resent it?

Of course they do. But do you honestly ever hear from a real Palestinian? Ever?

Be honest with me. I read JP every morning. Do you? I'm not a Jew. But I read as many international media outlets as I can every morning. Ditto Palestine.

Hey I'm in Canada. I have 10 months of winter and two months of bad skating.

I read a lot when it's minus freaking 50.

Do you read Palestinian media? I do. We're a freaking joke.
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.

How is it THEIR past of the people that are Christians today?
The same for Slavery. How is that the fault of the people LIVING today?

Obama is a hatful divider and this speech was suppose to be about UNITY not about chastising people he Represents.

but you love anything the man does so you don't care who he offends

You must have been listening to some other prayer breakfast.
I don't know how you can read that Wiki entry and come away saying he wasn't a Christian. Unless you don't consider Catholics Christians.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Raymond. The key to being a Christian is believing in Christ. Your quote said he had a general belief in a deity of some kind. That makes him as much a Muslim as a Christian since he has no specific Christian belief. Seriously, you didn't know that? You seriously think that means Christian? Conversations with liberals sure aren't intellectually stimulating...

McViegh also did it for political reasons. The proximate cause was where government murdered American citizens at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was right, but how he went about that was wrong, killing more innocent people isn't justified in any way. But whether you agree or disagree with him, he was a non-Christian who did it for clearly political reasons.

But he was white, so that means it's on Christians...
I'll ask again: Why did you interject McVeigh into this thread?

I doubt I can explain the blatantly obvious clearly enough for a liberal to comprehend it, but I'll give it one more go. You argued that the "Islamic State" isn't reflective of Muslim. Liberals are always bringing up McViegh as your first example of Christian terrorism. Seriously, you don't see the connection? Seriously?
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.
So, you do not believe that 'they' (the victorious Allies of WWI) should not have stood more firmly against Hitler in 1938 in Munich?

So, you do not believe that we should stand firm and watchful against any serious Threat Vector emanating from a large-scale, hostile, alien belief system?

No, I think Chamberlain made the entirely right call at Munich.

The Germans had a right to the Sudetenland, which was mostly inhabited by Germans. The Slovaks didn't want to be in the same country as the Czechs and Germany already had the Czechs surrounded on three sides.

What Chamberlain did that was stupid was to give a blank check to the Polish Colonels that he had their back in case of a war with Germany, instead of twisting their arm to return the Danzig Corridor.

Now, here's the thing. ISIL is really, really scary and I know you are wetting yourself every time you watch Fox News because you're weally, weally scared, little Kondor.

But they arent' an existential threat to the United States. If the people over there can't get it together to fight them, I'm really not going to get worked up over.
Why do you think Clinton is so beloved?
When was Clinton ever beloved by the Right? When they were impeaching him?
See this? See what you posted? When a man becomes a President he is to become the President of all of his peoples.

Not just those that elected him.

The way you look at his Presidency is wrong.

He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Then you are a fool if you believe that. I'm not trying to be nasty here. I'm making a serious political judgement call that most politicos would agree with.

Obama's legacy will be that he will be the first President ever to only govern for his electorate.


Not for the people. Only for the people that elected him.

The First. And I pray to God the last.
For one with a history degree (online?) you certainly lack historical perspective. I suspect you are blinded by your ideological prism.
Global sores fester when America "turtles." Mideast oil, while no longer critical to our well being, is a necessary evil for much of the world. Allowing others to determine the fate of that oil without our influence is a recipe for global disaster, one that will not only negatively impact us but will create a mess that we most likely will have to clean up.

Also, it's kind of fucking arrogant to say that we have a right to decide what happens to THEIR Oil...

See if you can quote anything of mine in which I say "we have a right to decide what happens to THEIR Oil."

The part where you said...

Mideast oil, while no longer critical to our well being, is a necessary evil for much of the world. Allowing others to determine the fate of that oil without our influence is a recipe for global disaster, one that will not only negatively impact us but will create a mess that we most likely will have to clean up.
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her

Free stylin' it. Have you tried that with a beat?

You should talk. worry about your own ugly mess

Not quite as poetic. It would probably work better if you made it rhyme.

go diddle yourself. bye

Ahhhhh.....the pause that refreshes. Thanks for the suggestion.

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