Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

Oh for crying out loud. That's baby talk. Of course when they get to Washington they sell out.

That's a no brainer.

But they do sell out left or right. Get a grip.

Left or right politics is how they like to define it for the benefit of people like you.
Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

In 50 years, Pres. Obama will go into the history books as a very centrist Republican, based on his policies en toto.

By that time FOX News will have helped shift the political dynamic so far to the right that history books will be altered to show how Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan were actually liberals.

What part of this discussion did you miss?

As a conservative I can quote the Palestinian Chronicle.

You will fit in here little asshole. You might as well just run to the flame zone right now.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.

However, that is not true.

Jimmy Carter is the the only President to hammer out a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, a peace treaty that is STILL in effect today.

Oh that was to be. I guess I should give him some credit. I've been looking at the bigger picture all these years. I've seriously loved Clinton for engaging the bloody maniac. Arafat was insane and was continually selling his people out.

In this point, I agree with you. During the Clinton administration, the USA and Israel offered that sonofabitch Arafat 97% of what he wanted, and he still ditched it. I remember Clinton flipping out over Arafat, and deservedly so.

Back to the peace treaty with Egypt: in spite of the upheaval of the Arab-Spring of 2011, Egypt has held every stipulation in the treaty, to the letter. And Egypt has also helped to destroy pali-tunnels in the Gaza strip, to their credit.
Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

Oh for crying out loud. That's baby talk. Of course when they get to Washington they sell out.

That's a no brainer.

But they do sell out left or right. Get a grip.

Left or right politics is how they like to define it for the benefit of people like you.

It also has very much to do with Geography. In Europe, "Right" is "Center" at best.
He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Then you are a fool if you believe that. I'm not trying to be nasty here. I'm making a serious political judgement call that most politicos would agree with.

Obama's legacy will be that he will be the first President ever to only govern for his electorate.


Not for the people. Only for the people that elected him.

The First. And I pray to God the last.
Again, since you ignored it the first time:

Is that why he spent the first 6 years of his administration compromising and bending over backward to accommodate Republicans?
Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

Oh for crying out loud. That's baby talk. Of course when they get to Washington they sell out.

That's a no brainer.

But they do sell out left or right. Get a grip.

Left or right politics is how they like to define it for the benefit of people like you.

People like me? Too funny.

Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Then you are a fool if you believe that. I'm not trying to be nasty here. I'm making a serious political judgement call that most politicos would agree with.

Obama's legacy will be that he will be the first President ever to only govern for his electorate.


Not for the people. Only for the people that elected him.

The First. And I pray to God the last.
Again, since you ignored it the first time:

Is that why he spent the first 6 years of his administration compromising and bending over backward to accommodate Republicans?

Considering he had the House and the Senate all as D's in his first years.

Come on don't lie. Then he had Reid blocking in the Senate for the last couple of years?

And he hates conservatives. He let's it be known all the time.
Why do you think Clinton is so beloved?
When was Clinton ever beloved by the Right? When they were impeaching him?

He gave them no option. The House. It was strictly legal. But Clinton is loved to this day. Do a poll.

We love him.
He is loved today because he was a good steward of the country.

At the time, he was hated by ever Republican and Right-Winger. Despised. Called the Anti-Christ.

How do you think Ann Coulter got her career? And FOXNEWS? and Rich Lowry? And Hannity? And The Weekly Standard? And all the rest of them?

On Clinton-hatred. He is still hated on the Right. They just don't scream it so much anymore because history has proven them wrong.
Of course not, you love and trust government.

There is a huge difference between "loving and trusting" government and believing government is a net positive, there to improve our lives and society.

That's the Libertarian choice: either you hate government with a passion and want to totally strip it of all it's authority, or you "love and trust" it. One or the other. No gray, no middle ground.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved?
When was Clinton ever beloved by the Right? When they were impeaching him?

He gave them no option. The House. It was strictly legal. But Clinton is loved to this day. Do a poll.

We love him.
He is loved today because he was a good steward of the country.

At the time, he was hated by ever Republican and Right-Winger. Despised. Called the Anti-Christ.

How do you think Ann Coulter got her career? And FOXNEWS? and Rich Lowry? And Hannity? And The Weekly Standard? And all the rest of them?

On Clinton-hatred. He is still hated on the Right. They just don't scream it so much anymore because history has proven them wrong.

What drugs are you on baby? Seriously.

Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Like you all worked with the "country" under Obama? please get in the back of the line now. you aren't in control anymore

That made no sense at all. Put the bong down.
I have no idea who or what you are responding to, since whomever it is must be on my Ignore List.

That's the thing about Ignore Lists: I'm no longer aggravated by retards and morons, yet I no longer get to laugh at retards and morons. :(

Whatcha' gonna do?
Of course not, you love and trust government.

There is a huge difference between "loving and trusting" government and believing government is a net positive, there to improve our lives and society.

That's the Libertarian choice: either you hate government with a passion and want to totally strip it of all it's authority, or you "love and trust" it. One or the other. No gray, no middle ground.


Yepp. A big, fat strawman argument. You forgot to add the "fluffers to the kneepads" and "worship your Liberal God" stuff as well. It's always quite entertaining.
Why do you think Clinton is so beloved?
When was Clinton ever beloved by the Right? When they were impeaching him?

He gave them no option. The House. It was strictly legal. But Clinton is loved to this day. Do a poll.

We love him.
He is loved today because he was a good steward of the country.

At the time, he was hated by ever Republican and Right-Winger. Despised. Called the Anti-Christ.

How do you think Ann Coulter got her career? And FOXNEWS? and Rich Lowry? And Hannity? And The Weekly Standard? And all the rest of them?

On Clinton-hatred. He is still hated on the Right. They just don't scream it so much anymore because history has proven them wrong.

Are you kidding? Everybody loved Bill. It's the only reason Hillary might be elected is everybody including the right loved Bill in office.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.
It's obvious that you view Clinton through Canadian lenses, not American Right-Wing lenses.

Makes me believe that during Clinton's terms, you lived in Canada.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Like you all worked with the "country" under Obama? please get in the back of the line now. you aren't in control anymore

That made no sense at all. Put the bong down.
I have no idea who or what you are responding to, since whomever it is must be on my Ignore List.

That's the thing about Ignore Lists: I'm no longer aggravated by retards and morons, yet I no longer get to laugh at retards and morons. :(

Whatcha' gonna do?

Well, I do have a select few on ignore, I mean, the absolute dregs of the dregs of life. The less dreggier of the dregs I don't place on ignore; I see their putrid stuff, laugh a little and then go on. That really pisses them off, you know. One even got so pissed off, he actually PMd me and demanded that I respond to him. LOL. I deleted the convo and just went right on. Muchas Coolness!

But I'll give you a hint: the recipient of my answer likes to bake her own trailer court spinach pot okra chocolate wood shaving more spinach more pot a little more okra cigarette ash chocolate cookies!!!

By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.
It's obvious that you view Clinton through Canadian lenses, not American Right-Wing lenses.

Makes me believe that during Clinton's terms, you lived in Canada.

A draft dodger, perhaps???

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

Oh for crying out loud. That's baby talk. Of course when they get to Washington they sell out.

That's a no brainer.

But they do sell out left or right. Get a grip.

Left or right politics is how they like to define it for the benefit of people like you.

People like me? Too funny.


Yeah you know, thoughtless and superficial.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.
It's obvious that you view Clinton through Canadian lenses, not American Right-Wing lenses.

Makes me believe that during Clinton's terms, you lived in Canada.

I lived in Tennessee in those days. My husband was at Saturn. :)

Sorries to disappoint you. I remember vividly loving this guy telling Jesse Jackson and Bella Azbug to fuck off basically and that he was now President of America and that included all Americans.

And I believed him. And he lived up to his promises.

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