Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Of course not, you love and trust government.

There is a huge difference between "loving and trusting" government and believing government is a net positive, there to improve our lives and society.

When your arguments sound like you think government is a "net positive" rather than that you're "loving and trusting" government then I'll change my view on that
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.
It's obvious that you view Clinton through Canadian lenses, not American Right-Wing lenses.

Makes me believe that during Clinton's terms, you lived in Canada.

I lived in Tennessee in those days. My husband was at Saturn. :)

Sorries to disappoint you. I remember vividly loving this guy telling Jesse Jackson and Bella Azbug to fuck off basically and that he was now President of America and that included all Americans.

And I believed him. And he lived up to his promises.

Funny thing about the Saturn plant in springhill Tenn, i was there for the new model launch and a couple of times a month as a supply base engineer. All the workers there came down from Michigan, no local yokels were full time employees, just solid union members of the UAW from mich
Well, then, that's the definition of a strawman. Because I did not.

Besides that, it's a false statement. First, it's not Liberals, it's anyone making the argument that Christianity has their share of extremists. Second, the first example brought up is usually either the KKK, or the abortion nuts like Eric Rudolph.

I count 3 strikes.

No, it's not a strawman, I didn't say you said it, I said liberals do. To be a strawman, I would have had to say you said it. What you mean is I committed a "hasty generalization fallacy." Liberals need to stay away from logical fallacy claims because you have to understand logic to identify a logical fallacy.

Now that we know what you were trying to say, you seriously undermined your claim you don't think that when you came back with that he is a Christian when your own quote said he wasn't and you didn't address whether or not you view him as a Christian terrorist.

And you're wrong, McViegh comes up from liberals first. The KKK comes up quite a bit. Rudolph only once in a while.

Do you see why I don't bother with liberals half the time? I have to explain both sides of our conversation.

52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Like you all worked with the "country" under Obama? please get in the back of the line now. you aren't in control anymore

That made no sense at all. Put the bong down.
I have no idea who or what you are responding to, since whomever it is must be on my Ignore List.

That's the thing about Ignore Lists: I'm no longer aggravated by retards and morons, yet I no longer get to laugh at retards and morons. :(

Whatcha' gonna do?

Well, I do have a select few on ignore, I mean, the absolute dregs of the dregs of life. The less dreggier of the dregs I don't place on ignore; I see their putrid stuff, laugh a little and then go on. That really pisses them off, you know. One even got so pissed off, he actually PMd me and demanded that I respond to him. LOL. I deleted the convo and just went right on. Muchas Coolness!

But I'll give you a hint: the recipient of my answer likes to bake her own trailer court spinach pot okra chocolate wood shaving more spinach more pot a little more okra cigarette ash chocolate cookies!!!

But I'll give you a hint: the recipient of my answer likes to bake her own trailer court spinach pot okra chocolate wood shaving more spinach more pot a little more okra cigarette ash chocolate cookies!!!

our trailer park queen who is ready to Roll!!
Synthaholic said:
That's the Libertarian choice: either you hate government with a passion and want to totally strip it of all it's authority, or you "love and trust" it. One or the other. No gray, no middle ground.


In post after post, you exemplify love and trust of government, not net positive. To be "net" positive there has to be negative,and you have none.

And again, a strawman is saying you said something you didn't say. I said my view is that you love and trust government. That by definition fails to meet what a strawman is. A strawman is when I say you said something then attack it as if you said that. My disagreeing in my assessment of your view with what you think your view is just isn't a strawman. My opinion isn't even a logical deduction, it's my opinion. So there isn't any fallacy involved, what you said makes no sense. Again, give it up. Liberals are not logical enough to correctly identify fallacies.
I guess then by that logic child molesting is the rotten foundation in the background of every Catholic.

child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?
This is where Emily's premise fails: "where is his ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that his health care bill passed "in the name of the law" violates the law, and by the party of choice and inclusion, instead "excludes free choice."

The law passed by the guidance of how we make laws under the Constitution.

That you dislike the law does not make it illegitimate.

IMPORTANT JakeStarkey and rightwinger
Since Jake and I were trying to come to an agreement that this above
is NOT what I am saying at all, Can you please correct this misstatement
so that it is NOT "bearing false witness against a neighbor"

1. It is NOT that I just "don't like" a law but that it violates BELIEFS that people have a right not to be discriminated
against by govt. Not just an expendable opinion but an INHERENT BELIEF.
2. and NOT that I don't respect the Constitutional process in making laws,
but that I recognize that a step was skipped at the front of this process,
where it is NEVER Constitutional to preclude and discriminate against a person's beliefs or creed in making laws.

this mistake was also made with passing defense of marriage laws that BANNED gay marriage
which was unconstitutional from the start. Even Clinton admitted AFTERWARDS that this law should not have been passed.

So there is something wrong if parties cannot admit these things
until after they leave office. there is a political conflict of interests with BELIEFS,
so this is discriminatory.

where I thought Jake and I agreed on was that I was using the interactive process
to form a CONSENSUS or AGREEMENT on points that DON'T violate the beliefs of either side.

And THEN implementing these through the legislative or legal processes
AFTER an agreement is reached. NOT pushing conflicts through the system and imposing one political belief over the other.

Can we agree on what I am saying and what I am NOT SAYING as
what was grossly misstated above as a misunderstanding of my intent and beliefs.

Jake and rightwinger, if your beliefs are so engrained that you cannot see
what I mean by a consensus in advance, that includes and protects all views equally,
I understand this is due to YOUR political beliefs, and is not my beliefs which you cannot even see for your own.

You remind me of atheists who because THEY cannot see or hear God as others do,
they assume such beliefs are invalid and false and don't deserve equal protection of the laws.

I believe in a consensus on laws, and just because other people don't believe in this standard,
then the "majority rule" keeps precluding this belief and even mandating laws biased against consensus.

So I am saying to form an agreement first, and then laws can be written that avoid imposing
bias against people's beliefs.

Jake there is a DIFFERENCE between inherent beliefs and just opinion.
If it was merely a Christian's or atheist's opinions if there was a God or not, then yes
govt can be used to agree on majority rule to pass laws that affect such an opinion that is expendable for expedience.

But since these are people's inherent BELIEFS then they will be compelled by conscience to defend
their beliefs against infringement by govt, so this causes infractions and discrimination if a bias is imposed by laws.

And same with prochoice arguments defending the choice of abortion without penalties overregulated by govt
and the proliberty arguments defending choice of health care without penalties overregulated by govt.

There are inherent beliefs involved, and until these are recognized equally, how can we provide equal protections by law?
child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.
So, now there ARE moderate Muslims?

Has this always been your stance? Because NYcarbineer has already pwned boedicca with evidence of her dishonesty.

There are moderate muslims when their existence fits Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrightie holy canon!
As the President mocks Christians by comparing Christians with ISIS in almost the same breath.

Get off your HIGH HORSES............right after condemning ISIS..................

He plans speeches and practices them. This was a DELIBERATE shot at Christians as he preached.

You don't find historical events from eight hundred years ago convincing that Christians are the same as Muslims today? Hmm...me either...

Here's how it works.

Back then you risked your life by denying that either groups God existed. Today, you risk your life by denying that the God of ISIS exists. The Christians would simply pray for you.

The comparison fails
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.
Of course not, you love and trust government.

There is a huge difference between "loving and trusting" government and believing government is a net positive, there to improve our lives and society.

That's the Libertarian choice: either you hate government with a passion and want to totally strip it of all it's authority, or you "love and trust" it. One or the other. No gray, no middle ground.


FALSE Synthaholic
Let's start here where YOU are pushing either/or and not giving middle ground either.

The Libertarians I know preach about CHECKING govt by enforcing Constitutional limits,
check and balances, and separation of powers.

this IS the middle ground by working WITH govt structures and process to correct and check it.

If you want people to quit rejecting YOU instead of meeting half way
and agreeing on points of agreement,
then YOU need to meet in the middle and not rejecting as all black or white "all or nothing."

If you can DISCERN the difference, then you can prove the assertion
WRONG that liberals can't see the difference.

I am a progressive liberal and I can see the difference.
So I am sure you can also. Please try harder to make the distinctions
you are asking others to make. If you complain people only see "black/white either/or"
but you do the same, then who are you to complain or correct this if you are no different from them?
child molesting is a sin to Christians, but is allowed in islam. Get it?

It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

No questions until the link requested is posted. That is how we do fair comparisons.
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Liar. I don't hate innocent Muslims. You're just projecting again.
So, now there ARE moderate Muslims?

Has this always been your stance? Because NYcarbineer has already pwned boedicca with evidence of her dishonesty.

There are moderate muslims when their existence fits Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrightie holy canon!
As the President mocks Christians by comparing Christians with ISIS in almost the same breath.

Get off your HIGH HORSES............right after condemning ISIS..................

He plans speeches and practices them. This was a DELIBERATE shot at Christians as he preached.

You don't find historical events from eight hundred years ago convincing that Christians are the same as Muslims today? Hmm...me either...

Here's how it works.

Back then you risked your life by denying that either groups God existed. Today, you risk your life by denying that the God of ISIS exists. The Christians would simply pray for you.

The comparison fails
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

Hmmmm you mean like how Democrats assume their political beliefs are secular and not a political religion,
and won't admit they are using Party as a prop for pushing "political BELIEFS" through govt?
  • Thanks
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Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Liar. I don't hate innocent Muslims. You're just projecting again.

Technically you might be correct because as I posted yesterday, you don't believe any such Muslims exist.
It is indeed repulsive and ISIS uses it as a tool to recruit membership.

I've heard this mentioned zero times by the progressives

So outraged by child molestation they seem to ignore this.

Why so shy folks? Will you stoop to even this to defend you inept leaders?
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

No questions until the link requested is posted. That is how we do fair comparisons.

The idea of not blaming innocents for the wrongdoing of others is some sort of a trick question to you?

lol, classic.
You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Liar. I don't hate innocent Muslims. You're just projecting again.

Technically you might be correct because as I posted yesterday, you don't believe any such Muslims exist.

Actually, you are wrong (a condition you must find quite familiar). I said I would believe it when I see it. I am happy to see King Abdullah take a stand against ISIS. I hope more Muslims follow his example.
Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Liar. I don't hate innocent Muslims. You're just projecting again.

Technically you might be correct because as I posted yesterday, you don't believe any such Muslims exist.

Actually, you are wrong (a condition you must find quite familiar). I said I would believe it when I see it. I am happy to see King Abdullah take a stand against ISIS. I hope more Muslims follow his example.

lol it's always been there; you just got caught.

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