Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Guy, I've got a history degree. Your racism would be laughed out of most major universities.

History degree??????????? LOL, from the University of community organizers in Chicago? or by mail from the university of daily kos?

if you have a history degree, you must have bought it because you certainly know nothing about history.

Oh, you must just know a ton of stuff!!!

clearly a whole lot more than you. You have been made a fool by almost everyone on this thread, but yet you persist with your lies and created history. Clearly the mark of mental illness.

Oh, yes, keep believing that little illusion, Cletus!

the defective liberal gene is a medical fact. You prove it every day. Maybe someday medical science will find a cure, until then incarceration may be the best solution.

For your further education on the defective liberal gene, its identified as DRD4. Google it.

Researchers Find the Liberal Gene Fox News

I also wonder if this can be included in studies on spiritual healing and CURING schizophrenia.
If people are TOO open they can be infected with negative impulses and influences.

But the same openness may also correlate with forgiveness and willingess to receive therapy to heal.

The issue I found that makes the difference in reception and healing is

So I wonder how this research might prove the patterns by which these factors correlate?
I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Liar. I don't hate innocent Muslims. You're just projecting again.

Technically you might be correct because as I posted yesterday, you don't believe any such Muslims exist.

Actually, you are wrong (a condition you must find quite familiar). I said I would believe it when I see it. I am happy to see King Abdullah take a stand against ISIS. I hope more Muslims follow his example.

lol it's always been there; you just got caught.

You are misquoting me; hardly a surprise that you can't accurately represent what I said.

I wonder if those who believe that islam is all the same and everyone who is muslim is violent is consistent and believes that all christians are the same and they're all like fred phelps and his westboro baptist church?

My point being that not everyone is the same. Not all sects of christianity or islam are the same.

^^^ Moral Relativistic Blather ^^^

Which sects of Christianity are engaged in a Holy War to wipe out non-christians in the 21st century? How many non-Christians have they beheaded. How many teenaged girls have they kidnapped and raped to force them to convert to Christianity?
Islamic extremist are a very small segment of Islam, yet they command nearly a 100% of the news media attention. The only way they can achieve their goal of a worldwide Holy War is to convince non-Muslims that they speak for all Muslims.

I believe that when I see massive uprisings of the Mythical Moderate Muslims against the Extremists.
Child molesting is a sin, but that doesn't stop the orgy with the Catholics....

Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Muslims who tolerate violence are not innocent.
[ I hope more Muslims follow his example.

No you don't.

You're in the crowd that will never be satisfied. You'll persecute Muslims ad infinitum no matter how much evidence you're buried in.
now WHY in the world, after boedicca AFFIRMS inclusion of Muslim
would you continue to accuse of exclusion and persecution?

I can see that boedicca is being fair and recognizing the peaceful Muslims.

Why can't you?

My, you sound like the people you are against, who keep negating the peaceful Muslims
and saying they are ALL supporting Jihadists indirectly or directly.

Here you are saying there is no way boedicca can be tolerant of Muslims but
HAS to be the type of person who is persecuting all of them.

You know that isn't fair to generalize and accuse all Muslims of not really being peaceful,
so why are you doing this very thing with boedicca?
[ I hope more Muslims follow his example.

No you don't.

You're in the crowd that will never be satisfied. You'll persecute Muslims ad infinitum no matter how much evidence you're buried in.
now WHY in the world, after boedicca AFFIRMS inclusion of Muslim
would you continue to accuse of exclusion and persecution?

I can see that boedicca is being fair and recognizing the peaceful Muslims.

Why can't you?

My, you sound like the people you are against, who keep negating the peaceful Muslims
and saying they are ALL supporting Jihadists indirectly or directly.

Here you are saying there is no way boedicca can be tolerant of Muslims but
HAS to be the type of person who is persecuting all of them.

You know that isn't fair to generalize and accuse all Muslims of not really being peaceful,
so why are you doing this very thing with boedicca?

Why? Because he's a hateful, bigoted moron.
[ I hope more Muslims follow his example.

No you don't.

You're in the crowd that will never be satisfied. You'll persecute Muslims ad infinitum no matter how much evidence you're buried in.
now WHY in the world, after boedicca AFFIRMS inclusion of Muslim
would you continue to accuse of exclusion and persecution?

I can see that boedicca is being fair and recognizing the peaceful Muslims.

Why can't you?

My, you sound like the people you are against, who keep negating the peaceful Muslims
and saying they are ALL supporting Jihadists indirectly or directly.

Here you are saying there is no way boedicca can be tolerant of Muslims but
HAS to be the type of person who is persecuting all of them.

You know that isn't fair to generalize and accuse all Muslims of not really being peaceful,
so why are you doing this very thing with boedicca?

It's a good point. They generalize us all the time but then throw a fit if they think we're generalizing Muslims. Sounds like a double standard.
Because Catholics love to fuck children. Yeah good point, almost as if you thought about it first.

You too get the challenge since this is a discussion on relevent points.

Post a link to the Catholic Church using child molestation as a recruiting tool to obtain priests.

Go smartass

Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Muslims who tolerate violence are not innocent.

and likewise, if Americans tolerate violence committed in the name of US govt
we are not completely innocent either. Innocent lives have been destroyed using our tax dollars, too.
All humanity is complicit in what we allow to go on until we all do more to stop oppression abuse and violence.

America has a special calling to do more to bring lasting peace and justice
since we have foundations in both Christian and Constitutional laws to rebuke in peaceful ways to restore relations.
We make as many mistakes and fall short of our goals
as any other humans or nations, but we have a greater responsibility
to bring corrections and restitution for justice sake since we have greater ability and resources to do so.

By educating and empowering others, we can share this responsibility
but it is best taught by example how to do this.
Obama didn't compare Islam and Christianity, he compared people who used these religions to justify slaughter.

And yes, the foundational documents of each religion are filled with examples of violent punishment for wrong-doers. (Of course, the OP has likely never read the Old Testament, which means he has no fucking clue how violent it is).

The Old Testament never met a problem that didn't have a violent solution.

She shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

Only morons would use an Islamic or Christian text written 2000+ years ago to justify anything, much less violence.

And only morons would claim that the Christian Bible doesn't have its own fair share of violence.

We would do well to get rid of both books and reconstruct a new morality around the charitable life of Jesus Christ, a man who was far, far better than his opportunistic Christian followers realized.
now WHY in the world, after boedicca AFFIRMS inclusion of Muslim
would you continue to accuse of exclusion and persecution?

I can see that boedicca is being fair and recognizing the peaceful Muslims.

Why can't you?

My, you sound like the people you are against, who keep negating the peaceful Muslims
and saying they are ALL supporting Jihadists indirectly or directly.

Here you are saying there is no way boedicca can be tolerant of Muslims but
HAS to be the type of person who is persecuting all of them.

You know that isn't fair to generalize and accuse all Muslims of not really being peaceful,
so why are you doing this very thing with boedicca?

Why? Because he's a hateful, bigoted moron.

I'd say it is because there is Unforgiveness causing blinded bias against you
based on projected perceptions from other people.

those other people and groups would have to be forgiven
in order to see you are not like them.

Same with why I am accused of all kinds of things I do NOT mean and do NOT believe.

Take courage, though, that the more we forgive the more we can see these differences.
I can see that you forgive in order for you to see the difference between Jihadists and peaceful Muslims.

until NYcarbineer fully forgives, this distinction is missed and projection occurs.

Thank you boedicca for not being like this.
Please continue to FORGIVE and this will help distinguish the difference
so people quit "lumping everyone together" as the enemy they are against.

Forgiveness is catching, and it is the one thing that will bring down these barriers and biased
enforced by fear and unforgiveness of whole groups.

Please keep praying for full forgiveness to open up the doors and remove these blinders
so people can see and hear what each other is trying to say and share.
[ I hope more Muslims follow his example.

No you don't.

You're in the crowd that will never be satisfied. You'll persecute Muslims ad infinitum no matter how much evidence you're buried in.
now WHY in the world, after boedicca AFFIRMS inclusion of Muslim
would you continue to accuse of exclusion and persecution?

I can see that boedicca is being fair and recognizing the peaceful Muslims.

Why can't you?

My, you sound like the people you are against, who keep negating the peaceful Muslims
and saying they are ALL supporting Jihadists indirectly or directly.

Here you are saying there is no way boedicca can be tolerant of Muslims but
HAS to be the type of person who is persecuting all of them.

You know that isn't fair to generalize and accuse all Muslims of not really being peaceful,
so why are you doing this very thing with boedicca?

Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And you're worse because you never fail to cloak your odious idiocy in an overdose of self-righteousness.
Obama didn't compare Islam and Christianity, he compared people who used these religions to justify slaughter.

And yes, the foundational documents of each religion are filled with examples of violent punishment for wrong-doers. (Of course, the OP has likely never read the Old Testament, which means he has no fucking clue how violent it is).

The Old Testament never met a problem that didn't have a violent solution.
she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

Only morons would use an Islamic or Christian
text written 2000+ years ago to justify anything, much less violence.

And only morons would claim that the Christian Bible doesn't have its own fair share of violence.

We would do well to get rid of both books and
reconstruct a new morality around the charitable life of Jesus Christ, a man who was far, far better than his opportunistic Christian followers realized.

Dear Londoner
1. and the DIFFERENCE is that Christianity does emphasize Christ Jesus as
ending the suffering under retribution by corrupting the letter of the law
and bringing death and destruction as in th OT
2. I AGREE the point is to focus on the New Testament
where Christ Jesus brings RESTORATIVE JUSTICE

this can be taught using natural laws that even gentiles can follow
who believe in PEACE AND JUSTICE.

3. by teaching that Christ Jesus fulfills BOTH the scriptural laws
and the natural laws in the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
this will automatically preclude any retributive justice in the old ways that bring death and destruction.

God's laws are that if you live by
* Retributive Justice and judge punish and reject others
then you will receive the same in return
* Restorative Justice by forgiving grace and healing
to bring correction and restitution voluntarily to renew and restore good faith relations
then as you forgive so shall you be forgiven

so either way Justice is served
and more people will choose the path of Restorative Justice
whether Jew or Gentile, in order to avoid retribution and destruction.
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And you're worse because you never fail to cloak your odious idiocy in an overdose of self-righteousness.

And if I come across this way to you, when it is the OPPOSITE of my intent and way of being,
how do you think you come across to others?
Don't you think you look self-righteous when this is not your intent either?

Clearly your intent is to defend truth and justice,
but that's not how you come across.

And same with boedicca and now you're saying with me, too.
How is this going to be resolved if we cannot forgive
that we come across wrong to each other?
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.

Yes, you can see and forgive past faults all people have when getting this frustrated and entangled.

Until NYcarbineer can forgive the damages on both sides this has caused,
it is hard to see past it as you try to do.

Love is patient, love is kind, forgives and believes all things.
Love never fails.

Perfect love casts out fear.

Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated. -- Dr. King, Jr.

Whatever hatred anger and unforgiveness we have from the injustices we see in the world,
our love of truth and justice must always be greater than the fear that separates us.
Obama didn't compare Islam and Christianity, he compared people who used these religions to justify slaughter.
Since there are no longer any Medieval Crusaders running around or slave owners, he was talking about contemporary Christians when he said not to get on a high horse. The left's attempt to polish this turd is embarrassing.
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.

Your attempts to pretend you're not a garden variety anti-Muslim would be somewhat more effective if the forum wasn't a written record of it.

Consider the following:

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...and many more by this bigot on that subject.
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.

Your attempts to pretend you're not a garden variety anti-Muslim would be somewhat more effective if the forum wasn't a written record of it.

Consider the following:

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...and many more by this bigot on that subject.

Hahahahaha! You are getting desperate. But I am flattered that you are spending so much time rereading my posts, which (at the risk of sounding immodest) I must admit are chock-full-o discerning perception and impeccable good taste. It's just a shame that you aren't able to grok them.
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.

Your attempts to pretend you're not a garden variety anti-Muslim would be somewhat more effective if the forum wasn't a written record of it.

Consider the following:

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...and many more by this bigot on that subject.

Hi NYcarbineer
and as many people condemn "all Muslims" for denying Jesus as God
and only teaching Jesus as a prophet and teacher by example as some do.

Okay if your point is to rebuke Boedicca to bring about correction
and agreement not to condemn all Muslims, let's agree to stop this generalized condemnation.

I agree with you NYcarbineer that is a good goal.

I agree to stop all generalized condemnations of Muslims which isn't fair to those who
do seek to follow the same God and laws that Christians do.

I can only speak for myself.
What do you commit to do and we'll ask boedicca also, until we all agree
to stop generalized condemnations that we find offensive and unfair.

Each of us can only speak for ourselves.
so NYcarbineer what you do you agree to do to stop generalized condemnations that aren't fair?
Because she's a lying fuck, got caught at it, and is now trying to cover her sorry ass.

And how do you expect to correct the conflict?
By accusing someone of the very thing you despise.
How is this approach going to correct anything?

NYC is spinning out of control because he got caught misrepresenting what I said, so he has to keep attacking and attacking.

It's a rather unattractive personality defect, but I suppose he can't help it.

Your attempts to pretend you're not a garden variety anti-Muslim would be somewhat more effective if the forum wasn't a written record of it.

Consider the following:

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...and many more by this bigot on that subject.

Hahahahaha! You are getting desperate. But I am flattered that you are spending so much time rereading my posts, which (at the risk of sounding immodest) I must admit are chock-full-o discerning perception and impeccable good taste. It's just a shame that you aren't able to grok them.

Hi boedicca
knowing that NYC is not able to distinguish self-righteous attitudes,
can you please be more careful not to give any such appearance which is too confusing to others.

NY is truly fearful that you and I may abuse our positions to turn around and punish and reject
people after we just finished saying that we don't do this. So laughing in such person's faces is not helping
but reinforces this fear of being abusive and not truly compassionate for all people with REAL grievances.

Can you reply to the point of each of us committing
not to support "generalized condemnations" such as of Muslims and to agree this is injurious and wrongful.

For some reason NYC believes you and/or I would still do so out of "self-righteousness"
Can you please clarify this point.
If all of us agree it has been established, we can move forward from there.
somehow NYC is not yet convinced so I am trying to confirm among all of us here.
And maybe NY will feel more confidence that this commitment is SHARED.

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