Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Iran will not give the bomb to proxies, because it knows that it will die as a country if an atomic weapon is ever detonated in Israel.

You jihadists need to understand that the Americans and Israel are willing to outlast you for hundreds of years if necessary.

And if a nuclear weapon is exploded over Israel, the Muslim ME will die in a sea of molten radioactive glass.

You lefties just don't get it. It only takes about 19 raging Jihadists (and there are many) to pull off one of their deadly scams and in the Arab/Muslim World they will get plenty of cooperation. BTW, there will be no American (or Russian, or French, or Chinese, or Pakistani) nuclear response.

Our biggest worry is Russia will sell them a nuke
In this point, I agree with you. During the Clinton administration, the USA and Israel offered that sonofabitch Arafat 97% of what he wanted, and he still ditched it. I remember Clinton flipping out over Arafat, and deservedly so.
Just as the Republicans are ruled by a small subset of their base, so was Arafat. Which is why they're bad leaders.

Ditto dems. But what are you doing to change it?

Look when I first got out here I didn't want to be here. I was supposed to be in Louisiana and be breeding my Catahoulas living a southern gently life.

Katrina rolled in. My life changed.

I'm stuck in and blessedly so southern Manitoba. But I still find my causes.I still find purpose even politically out here.

You're about to see me lay down and act up to block a hydro line. You'll be able to go "I know that girl".

If you care Syn truly take the time away from this board and make a change.

When you see me pro Keystone I think you're going to have a freak out on what I am about to do up and coming.
What's a hydro line?

And are you saying you are Pro-Keystone?
Ditto dems.
Really? I don't see Obama caving to Liberal demands, do you?

If he did, we would have single-payer.

And we would have got bailed out not the banks. I remember if they would have given all that money to us we would have all paid off our homes. It would have fixed the economy and housing market. Instead they gave all the money to the bankers and they got rich. We got nothing.
Well, then, that's the definition of a strawman. Because I did not.

Besides that, it's a false statement. First, it's not Liberals, it's anyone making the argument that Christianity has their share of extremists. Second, the first example brought up is usually either the KKK, or the abortion nuts like Eric Rudolph.

I count 3 strikes.

No, it's not a strawman, I didn't say you said it, I said liberals do. To be a strawman, I would have had to say you said it. What you mean is I committed a "hasty generalization fallacy." Liberals need to stay away from logical fallacy claims because you have to understand logic to identify a logical fallacy.

Now that we know what you were trying to say, you seriously undermined your claim you don't think that when you came back with that he is a Christian when your own quote said he wasn't and you didn't address whether or not you view him as a Christian terrorist.

And you're wrong, McViegh comes up from liberals first. The KKK comes up quite a bit. Rudolph only once in a while.

Do you see why I don't bother with liberals half the time? I have to explain both sides of our conversation.
I'm a Liberal, so you included me in your strawman argument.

I've never claimed McVeigh was a Christian anything. He was an anti-government gun nut and militia member.

That's a far Rightwing thing, not a Liberal thing.
Yes, I believe that you think Chamberlain made the right call, but it was helpful to have you confirm that. Thank you. I had expected nothing less.

Neville Chamberlain's implicit surrender at Munich was the Allies' very last chance to stop Adolf Hitler before he grew too strong for the rest of Europe to handle.

This is recognized as a mistake by most analysts and students of modern history, but it does not surprise me that you disagree with them.

Not sure who "most analysts" are. There's the Cold War Propaganda that "Appeasement' was the problem, but the reality was, when Neville avoided War, his popularity shot up to Clinton-level percentages. No one wanted a war in 1938, certainly not over a fake country they couldn't get to.

So, the Germans had a right to the Sudatenland (part of Czechoslovakia), and, by way of extension, Austria, and the German-speaking areas of Switzerland, which were all mostly inhabited by Germans or German-speakers?

Not quite. You see, the Germans in Sudetenland were part of the ruling class under the Hapsburgs, and then found themselves a minority under "Czechoslovakia", a fake country drawn in Paris with the express purpose of screwing Germany. "Czechoslovakia" was a fiction. There weren't any "Czechoslovakians". There were Bohemians and Moravians and Slovaks and Hungarians and Germans who wanted nothing to do with this fake country.

What has this to do with whether or not Chamberlain (the Allies - the British and French, specifically) should have firmly denied Hitler his next Anschluss?

The Czechs were safe for weeks - or months - behind their border fortifications - among the most formidable in Europe - until the Allies could join them on the ground.

How? How were the allies going to join them on the ground? The problem is, the French had invested all their military money into the Maginot line. They didn't have the tanks or mobile Artillery pieces or aircraft to drive into German territory. This is something that Chamberlain's General told him pretty clearly.

Had you been The Deciderer in Europe in 1938-1939, you would have given Hitler all the lands in which Germans or German-speakers were a majority, and you would have gone back on your earlier pledged word to defend your Eastern ally (Poland), and you would have surrendered Danzig, to prove your weakness to the Wolf at your door.

You and Neville Chamberlain would have made good bedfellows and fellow travelers.

It was dumb idea to make a pledge to the Polish Colonels. Even with another year to prepare, the British STILL weren't ready for a war.
My, my, my... just a wee bit testy today, aren't we, Princess?

I watch BBC World News and France 24 and the English language editions of Der Spiegel and RT and CBS and ABC and NBC and Fox and CNN and others.

I listen to both Liberal and Conservative talk-radio in roughly equal measure.

I'm not scared... I merely add my voice to the large and loud and necessary chorus who sound the warning klaxon about Radical Militant Islam.

By virtue of your affinity with Neville Chamberlain, and your obvious candidacy for the role of Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey, it seems safe to ignore your unprovoked and insulting remarks, but, I understand that you have to mask your Chamberlain-esque position with a show of bravado of some kind or another, so, have a field day with it.

How can you listen to "liberal talk radio" when there is no such thing anymore/ Oh, never mind.

Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
And again, a strawman is saying you said something you didn't say.
No, that's called lying.

Funny how that escapes you.
There are moderate muslims when their existence fits Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrightie holy canon!
As the President mocks Christians by comparing Christians with ISIS in almost the same breath.

Get off your HIGH HORSES............right after condemning ISIS..................

He plans speeches and practices them. This was a DELIBERATE shot at Christians as he preached.

You don't find historical events from eight hundred years ago convincing that Christians are the same as Muslims today? Hmm...me either...

Here's how it works.

Back then you risked your life by denying that either groups God existed. Today, you risk your life by denying that the God of ISIS exists. The Christians would simply pray for you.

The comparison fails
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.

Sadly, as long as the Zionists and Neo-Cons scaring little chickenshits like you into wanting wars, my work of mocking the chicken littles is never done.
My, my, my... just a wee bit testy today, aren't we, Princess?

I watch BBC World News and France 24 and the English language editions of Der Spiegel and RT and CBS and ABC and NBC and Fox and CNN and others.

I listen to both Liberal and Conservative talk-radio in roughly equal measure.

I'm not scared... I merely add my voice to the large and loud and necessary chorus who sound the warning klaxon about Radical Militant Islam.

By virtue of your affinity with Neville Chamberlain, and your obvious candidacy for the role of Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey, it seems safe to ignore your unprovoked and insulting remarks, but, I understand that you have to mask your Chamberlain-esque position with a show of bravado of some kind or another, so, have a field day with it.

How can you listen to "liberal talk radio" when there is no such thing anymore/ Oh, never mind.

Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.

I use to love air america with tom Hartman Randi Rhodes ed Schultz the young turks and that lesbian on MSNBC I forgot her name.

Now I can only find black liberal am radio. Pretty good but its all about how blacks are getting screwed. They don't realize to the GOP we are all n#$%&#s. Even the people who vote with them are house n@#$%#s.

And herman Cain is not a n@#$%#r because he has money.
As the President mocks Christians by comparing Christians with ISIS in almost the same breath.

Get off your HIGH HORSES............right after condemning ISIS..................

He plans speeches and practices them. This was a DELIBERATE shot at Christians as he preached.

You don't find historical events from eight hundred years ago convincing that Christians are the same as Muslims today? Hmm...me either...

Here's how it works.

Back then you risked your life by denying that either groups God existed. Today, you risk your life by denying that the God of ISIS exists. The Christians would simply pray for you.

The comparison fails
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

You're both wrong. They can be terrorists, but not necessarily. That isn't what the term terrorist means.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.

Strawman. So you are a liar? You just said you are...

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