Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Iran will not give the bomb to proxies, because it knows that it will die as a country if an atomic weapon is ever detonated in Israel.

You jihadists need to understand that the Americans and Israel are willing to outlast you for hundreds of years if necessary.

And if a nuclear weapon is exploded over Israel, the Muslim ME will die in a sea of molten radioactive glass.

You lefties just don't get it. It only takes about 19 raging Jihadists (and there are many) to pull off one of their deadly scams and in the Arab/Muslim World they will get plenty of cooperation. BTW, there will be no American (or Russian, or French, or Chinese, or Pakistani) nuclear response.
Keep telling yourself as Tehran melts to the ground. Tactical nukes have been released to Central Command for use in Iraq and Syria if deemed necessary.

You assume both that a nuclear response on Tehran is assured and that those raging Islamists give a flying camel chip about the price to be paid. Unfortunately neither is true. You also make the very loony liberal mistake of assuming they are like us ... that they see life and value it as we do. Unfortunately that too is not true.
What is true is that if Israel has indeed possessed nukes for decades she has already proven worthy of them and, conversely, that the moment the Muslim World can reach Israel with a nuke, they will.
Do you blame innocent Catholics for the priest scandal?

I blame the ones who tolerate it.

No you don't. That's just your excuse for hating innocent Muslims.

Muslims who tolerate violence are not innocent.

and likewise, if Americans tolerate violence committed in the name of US govt
we are not completely innocent either. Innocent lives have been destroyed using our tax dollars, too.
All humanity is complicit in what we allow to go on until we all do more to stop oppression abuse and violence.

America has a special calling to do more to bring lasting peace and justice
since we have foundations in both Christian and Constitutional laws to rebuke in peaceful ways to restore relations.
We make as many mistakes and fall short of our goals
as any other humans or nations, but we have a greater responsibility
to bring corrections and restitution for justice sake since we have greater ability and resources to do so.

By educating and empowering others, we can share this responsibility
but it is best taught by example how to do this.

The comparison is myopic. You're comparing violence done in the name of religion, which nearly everyone can agree is wrong, with foreign policy and the decision of how to deploy and engage our military forces, which is political and up for debate. For instance, if Jordan and Saudi Arabia decide to go to war against ISIS and put an end to their expansionist campaign of terror, that's not violence in the name of religion, it's war. The two just cannot be compared side by side. Apples and oranges.

There IS a difference if you are invoking authority of law for DEFENSE
or invoking for OFFENSE that is not justified.

Let's first establish agreement on laws that all nations unite to DEFEND
and then there won't be confusion over whether this is for DEFENSE.
There will be unified agreement it is for the common DEFENSE and is not for OFFENSE.
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.

Manchurian Republican, can you gather up a group of your supporters to back up any of your positions?
Jake's reasoning has been deteriorating for some weeks now, if not the past couple of months. My money is on a drinking problem or hitting the bong too hard.
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.

Manchurian Republican, can you gather up a group of your supporters to back up any of your positions?
Jake's reasoning has been deteriorating for some weeks now, if not the past couple of months. My money is on a drinking problem or hitting the bong too hard.
Read the last few weeks' threads, and Kondor is obviously attacking personality because he can't argue the points. He offers no workable solutions.

The fact is that Obama reminded the world of the realty of Christianity and Islam. The war is not between the religions, but against the insane Muslims and Christians that are killing each other out of hatred.

Vigilante and Kondor and the neo-cons want scores of thousands of American troops on the ground in the ME to do what Arab, Kurd, and Turk troops must do. We have proved that America cannot transform the ME. The ME'ers have to do it.
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.

Manchurian Republican, can you gather up a group of your supporters to back up any of your positions?
Jake's reasoning has been deteriorating for some weeks now, if not the past couple of months. My money is on a drinking problem or hitting the bong too hard.
Read the last few weeks' threads, and Kondor is obviously attacking personality because he can't argue the points. He offers no workable solutions.

The fact is that Obama reminded the world of the realty of Christianity and Islam. The war is not between the religions, but against the insane Muslims and Christians that are killing each other out of hatred.

Vigilante and Kondor and the neo-cons want scores of thousands of American troops on the ground in the ME to do what Arab, Kurd, and Turk troops must do. We have proved that America cannot transform the ME. The ME'ers have to do it.
Turks refuse to do anything. The Arabs in Iraq where abandon by Obama. The Kurds needed heavy weapons and still have not gotten much from this pathetic president
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.

Manchurian Republican, can you gather up a group of your supporters to back up any of your positions?
Jake's reasoning has been deteriorating for some weeks now, if not the past couple of months. My money is on a drinking problem or hitting the bong too hard.
Read the last few weeks' threads, and Kondor is obviously attacking personality because he can't argue the points. He offers no workable solutions.

The fact is that Obama reminded the world of the realty of Christianity and Islam. The war is not between the religions, but against the insane Muslims and Christians that are killing each other out of hatred.

Vigilante and Kondor and the neo-cons want scores of thousands of American troops on the ground in the ME to do what Arab, Kurd, and Turk troops must do. We have proved that America cannot transform the ME. The ME'ers have to do it.

WTF does things that happened 1000 years ago, when Christians were taking back cities that had been attacked and taken over by muslims. have to do with TODAYS beheadings, rape, murder, stoning, gay killing, and burning people alive in a 22 minute professionally filmed video? What Christians are TODAY attacking and killing muslims, that weren't FIRST attacked?
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.
You suffer from a similar delusion to that which Joe is experiencing; namely, that folks who see - and warn of - the dangers inherent in the basic/core teachings of Islam - are, somehow, NeoCons, or brainwashed by Neocons, or Zionists. Your simple-minded child-like delusions are mildly amusing but otherwise unhelpful and a waste of time.
The funny thing is, I am not a neo-con at all and oppose nation building. This is why I opposed Obama's reckless policy of supporting these "moderate" islamist rebels in Syria in the first place. I knew that when you compounded that with American withdrawal from Iraq, it would destabilize an already sensitive situation and cost many innocent lives. And look what happened, these barbarous Islamists in the form of ISIS filled the vacuum. I think their pejoratives show a lack of substance to their arguments.
...Read the last few weeks' threads, and Kondor is obviously attacking personality because he can't argue the points. He offers no workable solutions...
I make it a point never to throw the first punch. You did that yesterday, and you've gotten back better than you've given. Then again, given your apparent decline in functionality around here - including your repeatedly resorting to automatic gainsay, name-calling, attempting (and failing) to denigrate your opponent, your disingenuous and ubiquitous practice of putting words into other people's mouths, and then whining like a crybaby when somebody stands up to your ridiculous attempts at browbeating... getting the better of you, repeatedly, on the subject of the differences between the Core Teachings of Islam and Christianity - and how those differences play-out in the Real World - was not difficult.

...The fact is that Obama reminded the world of the realty of Christianity and Islam. The war is not between the religions, but against the insane Muslims and Christians that are killing each other out of hatred...
The fact is that Obumble - your Failed Messiah - tried to foist his faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity upon the world - and he is drawing a vast amount of scorn and disdain and disgust upon his head - based upon his failure to stand with his own kind, and his giving of aid and comfort to the enemy - namely, Radical, Militant Islam.

...Vigilante and Kondor and the neo-cons want scores of thousands of American troops on the ground in the ME...
You lie.

...to do what Arab, Kurd, and Turk troops must do. We have proved that America cannot transform the ME.The ME'ers have to do it.
The Middle East will not be undergoing any kind of transformation in our lifetimes, nor that of our children, or grandchildren, nor their grandchildren.

Philosophically and spiritually, they are still stuck in the 7th Century Anno Domini, and are unlikely to emerge within the foreseeable future.

Neanderthals gonna Neanderthal.
There is certainly no doubt about it now, the obumanation IS A FUCKING MUSLIM!!!! It's the only logical conclusion after ALL the AID he's given them, and the PITIFUL penalties he's inflicted on them so he DOESN'T look like a muslim sympathizer.... Jordan does 60 air sorties in one day, the Manchurian muslim did 11 in 2 days and DID NOT HIT ANY HIGH VALUE TARGETS!!!
...Keep pissing yourself over the scary muslims. SOme of us have problems in the real world to worry about.
Fine. You're better off tending to them, rather than polluting the board with Surrender Monkey mentality.
:) You are getting scared again that the left of center to right of center are finding our just how powerless you neo-cons have become. Surrender Monkey? Sonny, what does that even mean, we are so far beyond that.
You suffer from a similar delusion to that which Joe is experiencing; namely, that folks who see - and warn of - the dangers inherent in the basic/core teachings of Islam - are, somehow, NeoCons, or brainwashed by Neocons, or Zionists. Your simple-minded child-like delusions are mildly amusing but otherwise unhelpful and a waste of time.
The funny thing is, I am not a neo-con at all and oppose nation building. This is why I opposed Obama's reckless policy of supporting these "moderate" islamist rebels in Syria in the first place. I knew that when you compounded that with American withdrawal from Iraq, it would destabilize an already sensitive situation and cost many innocent lives. And look what happened, these barbarous Islamists in the form of ISIS filled the vacuum. I think their pejoratives show a lack of substance to their arguments.
We did a decent job of Nation Building in the years following WWII.

We have been utter failures at it ever since.

I attribute the difference to the utter devastation and decimation visited upon both Germany and Japan; near-complete destruction that made the survivors passive by comparison.

Personally, I saw Afghanistan as a 'righteous shoot', but despised Bush's performance in letting the Bad Guys slip away from Tora Bora and into Pakistan, and, of course, we should have been out of Afghanistan within six months of going in there.

Personally, I saw Iraq as an 'un-righteous shoot', based upon a faulty and manufactured Casus Belli, and a frightful waste of American blood and treasure.

Personally, I think that we should have shot-up the Bad Guys, then walked away, without trying to do any Nation Building, and let 'em live or die by their own hands.

Both the Bush and Obama administrations have made huge mistakes with regard to these military adventures, but the situation is what it is, and there's no going back.
Kondor's above statement clearly indicates he does not get why we can't nation build now as we did sixty years ago.

Kondor, old buddy, tell us how to do it.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

How insulting to islam
U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

"Just two days after the controversial visit, the Brotherhood called for a war against their fellow Egyptians." — Linda S. Heard, Middle East Expert, Gulf News.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is seeking to return to the political arena through the American door and terrorist attacks. The U.S. policy appears to be devious and unreliable." — Ezzat Ibrahim, columnist, Al Ahram.

"[Ousted Egyptian President] Mohamed Morsi, before his election, described these Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. In English, the Muslim Brotherhood says one thing and in Arabic something completely different." — Mohamed Salmawi, Egyptian columnist

While the Egyptian government has been waging war on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups, the U.S. Administration and some Europeans are continuing to hamper efforts to combat terrorism.

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

The State Department's hosting of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders has outraged Egypt's President Abdel Fattah Sisi, who has been waging a relentless war against the organization over the past year.


U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
Kondor's above statement clearly indicates he does not get why we can't nation build now as we did sixty years ago.

Kondor, old buddy, tell us how to do it.
The real problem is the current administration doesn't have a sound policy, they have a destructive and irresponsible one. They believe in this naive idea of intervention and "bringing democracy" to the Middle East by aiding so called "moderate" islamist rebels. The collapse of Libya into a dysfunctional terrorist state, and Syria and Iraq in civil war are the result of this destructive policy.
This is a lie (U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists) and Steinlight is describing neo-con policies, which are failures.
Kondor's above statement clearly indicates he does not get why we can't nation build now as we did sixty years ago.

Kondor, old buddy, tell us how to do it.
The real problem is the current administration doesn't have a sound policy, they have a destructive and irresponsible one. They believe in this naive idea of intervention and "bringing democracy" to the Middle East by aiding so called "moderate" islamist rebels. The collapse of Libya into a dysfunctional terrorist state, and Syria and Iraq in civil war are the result of this destructive policy.

Bush made a deal with look tada el sadr because we couldn't fight the Sunnis Shiites and am queda all at the same time.

Stop being stupid
Kondor's above statement clearly indicates he does not get why we can't nation build now as we did sixty years ago.

Kondor, old buddy, tell us how to do it.
The real problem is the current administration doesn't have a sound policy, they have a destructive and irresponsible one. They believe in this naive idea of intervention and "bringing democracy" to the Middle East by aiding so called "moderate" islamist rebels. The collapse of Libya into a dysfunctional terrorist state, and Syria and Iraq in civil war are the result of this destructive policy.

Bush made a deal with look tada el sadr because we couldn't fight the Sunnis Shiites and am queda all at the same time.

Stop being stupid
What are you even saying? Put together a coherent thought. From what I gather, you are trying to suggest it was Bush's fault that Obama overthrew Gadaffi and armed the "moderate" rebels in Libya and Syria who later turned over their arms to ISIS?

How do you figure?
Kondor's above statement clearly indicates he does not get why we can't nation build now as we did sixty years ago.

Kondor, old buddy, tell us how to do it.
The real problem is the current administration doesn't have a sound policy, they have a destructive and irresponsible one. They believe in this naive idea of intervention and "bringing democracy" to the Middle East by aiding so called "moderate" islamist rebels. The collapse of Libya into a dysfunctional terrorist state, and Syria and Iraq in civil war are the result of this destructive policy.

Bush made a deal with look tada el sadr because we couldn't fight the Sunnis Shiites and am queda all at the same time.

Stop being stupid
What are you even saying? Put together a coherent thought. From what I gather, you are trying to suggest it was Bush's fault that Obama overthrew Gadaffi and armed the "moderate" rebels in Libya and Syria who later turned over their arms to ISIS?

How do you figure?
Just pointing out the ignorant hypocricy of the right
This is a lie (U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists) and Steinlight is describing neo-con policies, which are failures.
What I am saying is a lie?

So Obama is implementing neo-conservative policies? I don't necessarily disagree. I am glad you admit his foreign policy is a failure though.

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