Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

We did a decent job of Nation Building in the years following WWII.

We have been utter failures at it ever since.

In WWII, we had nations to rebuild. Germans and Japanese had distinct histories and national identities.

The problem with "Nation Building" in Iraq is that Iraq is a fiction. It was something the British carved out of the corpse of the Ottoman Empire and put a puppet in charge of.

The same could be said of Afghanistan. It's something that they drew up as a buffer zone between the British and Tsarist Empires that neither side really wanted because they didn't have anything.
...Ohhhh.. you studied something at a "university". No doubt one that taught you all about Talking Snakes...
I was not aware that the two classes on modern religious philosophy that I took at the University of Illinois Chicago (Circle, in the old days) counted as Talking Snake classwork.

...You coming to your racist conclusions by reading the Koran have about as much validity as Charles Manson predicting the end of hte world by listening to the White Album...
I was not aware that Islam was a 'race'.

...You mean when they won't hand over their oil and give up their holiest land to the Zionists...
Careful, Joe, your Jew-Hater pesona is showing under the hem of your skirt.

...Again- they aren't invading us, we're invading THEM. I'm sorry you don't fucking get this or don't want to get this...
Your inability to understand the concept of killing the viper in its own nest, before it matures enough to kill you, seems to be a barrier to further conversation on the subject.

...Seriously, you are like the rapist who blames his victim for wearing a short skirt.
Don't try to over-think your unprovoked and pointless insults, Joe... you aren't up to the challenge, and you may do yourself an injury.
Your inability to understand the concept of killing the viper in its own nest, before it matures enough to kill you, seems to be a barrier to further conversation on the subject.

Guy, their civilization is much older than ours. It's not a matter of the viper "maturing".

It's a matter of NOT GOING INTO THEIR NEST to start with.

Careful, Joe, your Jew-Hater Pesona is showing under the hem of your skirt.

Whatever, guy. Frankly, I get tired of listening to the Zionists play the Hitler card. Hitler died 70 years ago, they need to get the fuck over it.

Don't try to over-think your unprovoked and pointless insults, Joe... you aren't up to the challenge, and you may do yourself an injury.

You're right. You Neo-Cons don't do your own raping. You get some poor brown kid from Cleveland to do it, and then don't fund his medical care when he comes back with PTSD or a missing leg. Silly me.
Rachel Mad-Cow...
What do you get from that?...
From the inner recesses of my own tiny little brain.

...Do you think it makes you look clever?...
Nope. It makes me look insulting, of that partisan hack. I would have thought that much was obvious.

...Is it your attempt to be one of the Right-Wing herd?...
Whatever for? I dislike the Far Right Wing almost as much as I dislike the Far Left Wing.

...I see a lot of Right-Wingers denigrate Rachel Maddow but I have yet to see any of you successfully debunk a single thing she has ever said or written...
Who gives a rat's ass?

...Name-calling must be your consolation.
Awwwww... did I raise the hackles on your neck with that 'Rachel Mad-Cow' business? Oh, dearie-me, what to do? Just too funny.

As to 'consolation', I have no idea what you're talking about, but, in this context, then again, neither do you, so it's a wash.
Your inability to understand the concept of killing the viper in its own nest, before it matures enough to kill you, seems to be a barrier to further conversation on the subject.

Guy, their civilization is much older than ours. It's not a matter of the viper "maturing".

It's a matter of NOT GOING INTO THEIR NEST to start with.

Careful, Joe, your Jew-Hater Pesona is showing under the hem of your skirt.

Whatever, guy. Frankly, I get tired of listening to the Zionists play the Hitler card. Hitler died 70 years ago, they need to get the fuck over it.

Don't try to over-think your unprovoked and pointless insults, Joe... you aren't up to the challenge, and you may do yourself an injury.

You're right. You Neo-Cons don't do your own raping. You get some poor brown kid from Cleveland to do it, and then don't fund his medical care when he comes back with PTSD or a missing leg. Silly me.
Whose civilization is older than "ours"? You do understand "we" are not all from Chicago.
Your inability to understand the concept of killing the viper in its own nest, before it matures enough to kill you, seems to be a barrier to further conversation on the subject.

Guy, their civilization is much older than ours. It's not a matter of the viper "maturing".

It's a matter of NOT GOING INTO THEIR NEST to start with...
Correction: It is a matter of not going into their nest to start with, unless a substantive present-day or future threat exists, which it is in our best interests to squash.

It is not safe for us to slip away back into early 1900s "Isolationist" mode, as you would have us do. The world has changed, and become a much more dangerous place. It's far too late to fall back on old and discredited foreign policy methodologies.

Careful, Joe, your Jew-Hater Pesona is showing under the hem of your skirt.
...Whatever, guy. Frankly, I get tired of listening to the Zionists play the Hitler card. Hitler died 70 years ago, they need to get the fuck over it...
When 6,000,000 of your own People - men, women and children - have been slaughtered - you'll have a place at the table with such a position.

Don't try to over-think your unprovoked and pointless insults, Joe... you aren't up to the challenge, and you may do yourself an injury.
You're right. You Neo-Cons don't do your own raping. You get some poor brown kid from Cleveland to do it, and then don't fund his medical care when he comes back with PTSD or a missing leg. Silly me.
1. I am not a Neo-Con.

2. I send nobody off to war.

3. I support nobody who starts a war for no good reason.

4. I am a veteran (no trigger time, and in a different theater, during a war)

5. I am presently engaged at a large-scale VA healthcare facility, and, in the past, have also received healthcare there.

6. I see the heroes and the shattered lives and the price of both our freedom and our misadventures Monday thru Friday, on a regular basis.

Now, stop labeling me as something I'm not, and stop trying to put words into my mouth that I neither uttered nor reasonably implied.

And get the fuck off my back.
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Correction: It is a matter of not going into their nest to start with, unless a substantive present-day or future threat exists, which it is in our best interests to squash.

It is not safe for us to slip away back into early 1900s "Isolationist" mode, as you would have us do. The world has changed, and become a much more dangerous place. It's far too late to fall back on old and discredited foreign policy methodologie3s.

Actually, there's a big difference between being an isolationist and getting involved in someone else' civil war.

In 1900, we were trying to do the exact same thing you advocate today in the Philippines. We sent a huge army over there and fought a ten year war against the Filipinos who didn't want us there. President McKinley, who couldn't even find the Philippines on a globe said that we had to go over there to Christianize them. (Forgetting that 90% of Filipinos were Roman Catholics.) The end result of the thing was a war that killed 4000 Americans and 100,000 Filipinos.

Flash forward Sixty More years, and we were in Vietnam, trying to prop up a government of French Quislings over Nationalists heroes who happened to be Communists. after killing more than a million Vietnamese and losing 56,000 of our own, we finally got chased out.

Now, here we are, 50 years after that, 14 years after 9/11. Still trying to win civil wars that have nothing to do with us, a lot of which we caused.

When 6,000,000 of your own People - men, women and children - have been slaughtered - you'll have a place at the table with such a position.

They weren't killed by Palestinians or Arabs. They were killed by Good Christian Germans wearing buckles that said, "Gott Mit Uns". so, no, it isn't an excuse for what they are doing in Palestine.

Now, stop labeling me as something I'm not, and stop trying to put words into my mouth that I neither uttered nor reasonably implied, and get the fuck off my back.

You are the one frothing at the mouth trying to get us into another war.
...You are the one frothing at the mouth trying to get us into another war.
Incorrect. I am one person - among many - who understand the dogmatic and philosophical Poison Pill embedded within Islam - rendering it perpetually susceptible to the spawning of new Radicalisms and new Militancies - one who advocates for perpetual skepticism and vigilance and realism in dealing with this unreformed and barbaric religion.
Incorrect. I am one person - among many - who understand the dogmatic and philosophical Poison Pill embedded within Islam - rendering it perpetually susceptible to the spawning of new Radicalisms and new Militancies - one who advocates for perpetual skepticism and vigilance and realism in dealing with this unreformed and barbaric religion.

yeah, right, whatever.

You know what the real problem with Muslims is?

Just like everyone else, they don't like it when you steal their land and blow up their children.

Maybe we just need to stop doing that shit.
Whose civilization is older than "ours"? You do understand "we" are not all from Chicago.

Euro-Troll, no one is going to talk to you until you learn to act like an adult.
Come on Joey, you're the historian. Whose civilization is older than "ours"? Stop being such a coward ffs!

I was talking to a fellow American, not some EuroTrash coward hiding behind our skirts.
You're such a coward Joey! You can't own up to your lack of success much less anything else. Your pathological problems can't cover your failures that far.
Whose civilization is older than "ours"? You do understand "we" are not all from Chicago.

Euro-Troll, no one is going to talk to you until you learn to act like an adult.
Come on Joey, you're the historian. Whose civilization is older than "ours"? Stop being such a coward ffs!

I was talking to a fellow American, not some EuroTrash coward hiding behind our skirts.
You're such a coward Joey! You can't own up to your lack of success much less anything else. Your pathological problems can't cover your failures that far.

so as usual, you have nothing to add to a thread, then.

Some day, little euro-Troll, you'll add something to a thread that I will consider worth responding to.
Whose civilization is older than "ours"? You do understand "we" are not all from Chicago.

Euro-Troll, no one is going to talk to you until you learn to act like an adult.
Come on Joey, you're the historian. Whose civilization is older than "ours"? Stop being such a coward ffs!

I was talking to a fellow American, not some EuroTrash coward hiding behind our skirts.
You're such a coward Joey! You can't own up to your lack of success much less anything else. Your pathological problems can't cover your failures that far.

so as usual, you have nothing to add to a thread, then.

Some day, little euro-Troll, you'll add something to a thread that I will consider worth responding to.
Shit Joey, you can't even cover your ass on supid statements you make. You consistently blame others for your shortcomings which is why you are easily among the most ridiculed and disrespected posters on this site.
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?
I haven't really heard them shout slogans. I consider them Islamic because they proclaim themselves the Islamic State and enforce Sharia Law in the areas they conquer.

But perhaps you can enlighten me as to how the Islamic State isn't Islamic. Go ahead I am waiting.

How were the westboro church who protested at soldiers funerals not christian?
Incorrect. I am one person - among many - who understand the dogmatic and philosophical Poison Pill embedded within Islam - rendering it perpetually susceptible to the spawning of new Radicalisms and new Militancies - one who advocates for perpetual skepticism and vigilance and realism in dealing with this unreformed and barbaric religion.

yeah, right, whatever.

You know what the real problem with Muslims is?

Just like everyone else, they don't like it when you steal their land and blow up their children.

Maybe we just need to stop doing that shit.

radical islamists have been killing people in the name of islam for thousands of years, long before the USA existed. No, dipshit, the USA is not responsible for all the evil in the world.

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