Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

I would guess you don't actually need any proof, you can always fall back on your opinions.
Opinions make for an excellent point of departure in most things of a political nature.

In this case a departure from reality.
Probably, but, still, there seems to be a kernel of truth embedded in that unreal perception; namely, that Obumble is far more forgiving and accommodating to Islam than man folks feel an American President should be.

What has he forgiven?
Strike that...

Good catch...

Make that '...far more accommodating and willing to make excuses for Islam..."


All fixed.

What excuses has he made? And for what?
More proof he is a Muslim.

I would guess you don't actually need any proof, you can always fall back on your opinions.
Opinions make for an excellent point of departure in most things of a political nature.

In this case a departure from reality.
Probably, but, still, there seems to be a kernel of truth embedded in that unreal perception; namely, that Obumble is far more forgiving and accommodating to Islam than man folks feel an American President should be.

And of course that contrived perception just naturally compels some people to say the most ridiculous things they can think of.
Oh, I dunno... there is oftentimes a kernel (or more) of truth in a given 'contrived perception'.
...What excuses has he made? And for what?
He gives cover to Radical Militant Islam and seeks to soften non-Muslim perceptions of same, by drawing faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity, and dredging-up thousand-year-old and half-thousand-year-old Christian behaviors similar to those unfolding on a macro scale within Islam in our present age.

Giving cover or smoke-screening on behalf of someone is sufficiently akin to Excuse-Making so as to withstand an initial sniff-test.

Besides... Excuse-Making sounds a little more friendly and less dramatic than "Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy".
...Once again your true self slips out.
What 'true self' would that be?

And what are the manifestations or symptoms that you're seeing, leading up to such an un-masking?

The fact that you are nothing more than a standard issue Islamophobe with a bit more than average rhetorical ornamentation.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... thank you for your feedback.

You and yours are unable to address the dangers inherent in Islam, attributable to its Warrior Religion standing, and the content of its dogma and the nature of its teachings and interpretations, as these relate to a high susceptibility to exploitation in order to foster or sustain religious warfare and religion-centric violence.

Therefore, you attempt to paint all adversaries and opponents of Islam - those who caution watchfulness and a growing collective awareness of the dangers inherent in its dogma and teachings - with the same simple-minded brush and labeling.

Your burden to bear, not mine.
...You are the one frothing at the mouth trying to get us into another war.
Incorrect. I am one person - among many - who understand the dogmatic and philosophical Poison Pill embedded within Islam - rendering it perpetually susceptible to the spawning of new Radicalisms and new Militancies - one who advocates for perpetual skepticism and vigilance and realism in dealing with this unreformed and barbaric religion.

I'm glad you got a laugh out of it... always happy to help.
It's hilarious watching the loons on the left try to defend the indefensible. There's no leap of fantasy too great to deflect accountability away from their secular messiah. Defending what is undoubtedly the worst president in U.S. history has taken on the credibility of the mentally ill.

Jihadis 14, Crusaders 2
The president perverts history (again)
by Ralph Peters

"In his ignorant and bigoted remarks to religious leaders this week, Obama parroted jihadi propaganda. Bored (when not annoyed) by facts, the president referred to the Crusades and the Inquisition as evidence of the horrors religion can wreak. That kind of talk emboldens the Islamist line that Christian bad behavior justifies the Middle East’s bad behavior even today.

The president knows as little about history as he does about warfare, and even less about religion. But he’s not alone. With the Left’s successful destruction of history instruction in our schools and universities, even “well-educated” creatures of Washington accept the Arab fantasy that the cultural incompetence, practical indolence, and spiritual decay of the entire Middle East stems from Richard Coeur de Lion’s twelfth-century swordplay.


...I have stood in two literally haunted spots: the compact gas chambers of Auschwitz and the vastness of Hagia Sophia. Even the huge Islamic medallions scarring the latter — a church more important to my faith than St. Peter’s in Rome — cannot put down the ghosts of 14 centuries of slaughtered, enslaved, raped, and oppressed Christians who endured Islam’s endless jihad.

And our president blames the Crusades."

National Review Online Print
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Turks refuse to do anything. The Arabs in Iraq where abandon by Obama. The Kurds needed heavy weapons and still have not gotten much from this pathetic president
More evidence of your ignorance regarding MidEast countries and relationships.

Türkiye is the second largest force in NATO, and has been a stalwart U.S. ally for decades, despite the occasional hiccup (early 1980s coup, Recep Erdoğan, Bob Dole's hatred). Türkiye has been fighting the Kurdish terrorists for decades (PPK). Türkiye does not want us sending arms to the Kurds that could be turned on them when ISIL is finally dispatched.

As for Türkiye "not doing anything", they are the country that is most in danger of attacks throughout their country from ISIL members and sympathizers. Just like how the United States won't "do anything" about drug cartels, and atrocities committed in Mexico. Too many Mexicans throughout the country who could launch retribution attacks.
They were an ally now, they are just another islamic shit hole with Erdogan as it's leader. Iam sure You love the way they slaughter the Kurds who are a real ally in the fight against isis

ISIS opens diplomatic consulate in Istanbul Turkey s President denies - Iraqi News
Hitler, keeping Stalin penned in? They both divided up Eastern Europe for themselves. Have you not heard of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact?

The West was right to fear Communism, the Iron Curtain that was formed after the war proved those suspicious of Stalin right.

I was speaking of what Western Goals were BEFORE the war started. I'm sorry reading comprehension is somehting you haven't gotten.
Only a goal in your mind. No leaders in the West supported Hitler because they thought he would contain Stalin.
All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?
I haven't really heard them shout slogans. I consider them Islamic because they proclaim themselves the Islamic State and enforce Sharia Law in the areas they conquer.

But perhaps you can enlighten me as to how the Islamic State isn't Islamic. Go ahead I am waiting.

How were the westboro church who protested at soldiers funerals not christian?
sure. How many people have they killed again?
Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists.

You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
Fox News' Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling.

During a segment Saturday on "Cashin’ In," Bolling accused President Barack Obama of lumping "Christians and murderous Islamic terrorists together" at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. In his speech, Obama warned Americans of forgetting the atrocities made in the name of Christianity when condemning Islam.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said during his speech. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Bolling claimed the president's "egregious" comments would "follow him for the rest of his presidency and legacy," and pushed back on the idea that people murder in the names of other religions.

More: Fox News Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Is Eric Bolling really that fucking stupid? It appears that he is...
...Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling...
Only Muslim fifth-columnists, jihadi apologists, and dumb-ass Muslim ass-kissers in The West, believe that it is relevant to point to Christian warfare of 800 years ago or an Inquisition of 500 years ago and to try (and fail) to equate that to Islamic religious violence and warfare plaguing the planet in our own times.
...Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling...
Only Muslim fifth-columnists, jihadi apologists, and dumb-ass Muslim ass-kissers in The West, believe that it is relevant to point to Christian warfare of 800 years ago or an Inquisition of 500 years ago and to try (and fail) to equate that to Islamic religious violence and warfare plaguing the planet in our own times.

I was alive during the Jim Crow era.
...Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling...
Only Muslim fifth-columnists, jihadi apologists, and dumb-ass Muslim ass-kissers in The West, believe that it is relevant to point to Christian warfare of 800 years ago or an Inquisition of 500 years ago and to try (and fail) to equate that to Islamic religious violence and warfare plaguing the planet in our own times.

800 years ago? Bush 43 said God told him to invade Iraq.

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