Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Fox News' Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling.

During a segment Saturday on "Cashin’ In," Bolling accused President Barack Obama of lumping "Christians and murderous Islamic terrorists together" at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. In his speech, Obama warned Americans of forgetting the atrocities made in the name of Christianity when condemning Islam.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said during his speech. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Bolling claimed the president's "egregious" comments would "follow him for the rest of his presidency and legacy," and pushed back on the idea that people murder in the names of other religions.

More: Fox News Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Is Eric Bolling really that fucking stupid? It appears that he is...

When were the Crusades. shitting bull?

Were they yesterday?
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?
I haven't really heard them shout slogans. I consider them Islamic because they proclaim themselves the Islamic State and enforce Sharia Law in the areas they conquer.

Mitt Romney proclaimed himself 'severely conservative' - did you buy that as well?

But perhaps you can enlighten me as to how the Islamic State isn't Islamic. Go ahead I am waiting.
The simple fact that their actions - slaughtering innocents, raping Muslim women - are against the teachings of Islam.
Jihadist in Chief Obama thinks that events a thousand years ago justify actions by his ISIS buddies yesterday.

But then, Obama is a real pile of shit...
Who gives a rat's ass?
If you were ever capable of catching her in a lie, you would give a rat's ass, and be starting multiple threads about it - just look at the wingnut reaction to Brian Williams.

But since she only tells the truth, you're left with claiming you just don't care.

Too funny.
Your argument assumes that ISIL is a religious group, rather than a terrorist group that uses religion as a prop.

All groups that kill in the name of God are.

And so the point is?
Are...what? Terrorist groups?

I agree. That includes the 'death to abortion doctors' crowd.

I'm glad you agree that ISIL is a terrorist group, not a religious movement.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?
Jihadist in Chief Obama thinks that events a thousand years ago justify actions by his ISIS buddies yesterday.

But then, Obama is a real pile of shit...

Haha you must be huffing Obamagas. That shit makes you rabid rightwingers head spin so much that they often end up off 180 degrees.

He was justifying ISIS's actions,.......right!

Turks refuse to do anything. The Arabs in Iraq where abandon by Obama. The Kurds needed heavy weapons and still have not gotten much from this pathetic president
More evidence of your ignorance regarding MidEast countries and relationships.

Türkiye is the second largest force in NATO, and has been a stalwart U.S. ally for decades, despite the occasional hiccup (early 1980s coup, Recep Erdoğan, Bob Dole's hatred). Türkiye has been fighting the Kurdish terrorists for decades (PPK). Türkiye does not want us sending arms to the Kurds that could be turned on them when ISIL is finally dispatched.

As for Türkiye "not doing anything", they are the country that is most in danger of attacks throughout their country from ISIL members and sympathizers. Just like how the United States won't "do anything" about drug cartels, and atrocities committed in Mexico. Too many Mexicans throughout the country who could launch retribution attacks.
They were an ally now, they are just another islamic shit hole with Erdogan as it's leader. Iam sure You love the way they slaughter the Kurds who are a real ally in the fight against isis

ISIS opens diplomatic consulate in Istanbul Turkey s President denies - Iraqi News
Your ignorance is astounding if you are unaware of PPK atrocities throughout Türkiye.

Maybe you can explain why the Kurdish PPK is on the U.S. government's terrorist list, and has been for decades?

And the Kurds are not OUR ally against ISIL. They are fighting for their survival, not to make us happy. If anything, we are their ally. We are not in any danger.
Haha you must be huffing Obamagas. That shit makes you rabid rightwingers head spin so much that they often end up off 180 degrees.

He was justifying ISIS's actions,.......right!


Jihadist in Chief Obama is attempting to create a moral equivalent between acts a thousand years ago done by Christians and acts done yesterday by Muslims.

Now granted. Obama is a complete pile of shit, but still, why would he attempt to create a moral equivalence OTHER than as a way to claim that "see, Muslims are not so bad - cutting off heads is something everyone likes to do?"

Jihadist in Chief Obama is despicable scum.
Haha you must be huffing Obamagas. That shit makes you rabid rightwingers head spin so much that they often end up off 180 degrees.

He was justifying ISIS's actions,.......right!


Jihadist in Chief Obama is attempting to create a moral equivalent between acts a thousand years ago done by Christians and acts done yesterday by Muslims.

Now granted. Obama is a complete pile of shit, but still, why would he attempt to create a moral equivalence OTHER than as a way to claim that "see, Muslims are not so bad - cutting off heads is something everyone likes to do?"

Jihadist in Chief Obama is despicable scum.

In reality the President was condemning the despicable executions and actions of ISIS. Only a reprobate would accuse him the way you did. But that is par for your course, so.......

Turks refuse to do anything. The Arabs in Iraq where abandon by Obama. The Kurds needed heavy weapons and still have not gotten much from this pathetic president
More evidence of your ignorance regarding MidEast countries and relationships.

Türkiye is the second largest force in NATO, and has been a stalwart U.S. ally for decades, despite the occasional hiccup (early 1980s coup, Recep Erdoğan, Bob Dole's hatred). Türkiye has been fighting the Kurdish terrorists for decades (PPK). Türkiye does not want us sending arms to the Kurds that could be turned on them when ISIL is finally dispatched.

As for Türkiye "not doing anything", they are the country that is most in danger of attacks throughout their country from ISIL members and sympathizers. Just like how the United States won't "do anything" about drug cartels, and atrocities committed in Mexico. Too many Mexicans throughout the country who could launch retribution attacks.
They were an ally now, they are just another islamic shit hole with Erdogan as it's leader. Iam sure You love the way they slaughter the Kurds who are a real ally in the fight against isis

ISIS opens diplomatic consulate in Istanbul Turkey s President denies - Iraqi News
Your ignorance is astounding if you are unaware of PPK atrocities throughout Türkiye.

Maybe you can explain why the Kurdish PPK is on the U.S. government's terrorist list, and has been for decades?

And the Kurds are not OUR ally against ISIL. They are fighting for their survival, not to make us happy. If anything, we are their ally. We are not in any danger.
The Kurds were our Allies in Iraq, and they are fighting ISIS on the ground today. Turkey isn't doing, shit but courting ISIS. Erdogan is a piece of shit islamonazi who should be kicked out of NATO
Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists.

You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
I the name of no god?

Russians are orthodox christians and Nazis were catholics. Show me when they switched from atheists to christians.

And even if the leaders didn't believe they were able to manipulate citizens who did. Why I say they use religion to con people.
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

Actually, no, he didn't say he's a christian anywhere in your quote. I doubt you are lying, you just don't comprehend or process simple information. Here is the quote:

"McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[

A Christian believes in ... wait for it ... Christ. I realize that's very complicated, but try to focus on the green. "Christ" "Christian."

Is that cool or what? The word Christ is actually in the word Christian? That means a Christian follows Christ. I realize this is all very complicated, fortunately I have two masters degrees and I was able to follow it. I realize it wouldn't be obvious to someone such as yourself.

But McVeigh believed in core Christian values, but he did not believe in Christ. Ergo, he was not a Christian. I was a math major, that's the short version. The full logical analysis goes far deeper than that and involved a lot of theorems and corollaries and you have to speak fluent Latin to truly understand it.[/sarcasm]

Jesus Christ, liberals are such simpletons.

On the other hand, you don't think the "Islamic State" is related to Islam. Wow, liberals...
Fox News' Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling.

During a segment Saturday on "Cashin’ In," Bolling accused President Barack Obama of lumping "Christians and murderous Islamic terrorists together" at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. In his speech, Obama warned Americans of forgetting the atrocities made in the name of Christianity when condemning Islam.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said during his speech. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Bolling claimed the president's "egregious" comments would "follow him for the rest of his presidency and legacy," and pushed back on the idea that people murder in the names of other religions.

More: Fox News Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Is Eric Bolling really that fucking stupid? It appears that he is...

When were the Crusades. shitting bull?

Were they yesterday?

George W. Bush's Crusade in Iraq was just a few short years ago.

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